Chief military officer, second rank, has reached the pinnacle of Ming Dynasty martial arts.You know, across the entire Ming Dynasty, the total number of soldiers is only a little over a thousand.

Although Wu Shigong is a local general soldier, he can't compare with the highest military officer in a province like the Henan general army, and the general army of the Chongzhen Dynasty was also a little overwhelmed, but after all he became the general soldier in charge of the first army.

Of course, there are also general titles and titles on it, general titles have miscellaneous general titles and regular title generals, titles also include public, marquis, and uncle, and there are two types of hereditary and non-hereditary, but they are used to improve rank , the meaning of honor is greater than the practical significance.

So now, on some unofficial occasions, Wu Shigong can be called "Marshal".It is strange that in the common names of people in the Ming Dynasty, Marshal is lower than General, and the highest is of course General.However, the title of "Great General" has been occupied by Emperor Zhengde, who likes to appoint himself an official, so no one dares to obtain this official position again.

So when Wu Shigong got the official position of Runing Commander-in-Chief, the entire Runing Army immediately boiled over.On the one hand, this is the imperial court's affirmation of the achievements of the Runing Army, and on the other hand, the ranks of the officers can be promoted again.

Although the Runing Army system has its own independent officer system, but with the official rank of the imperial court, it is quite cool to go outside to shake the prestige!

First of all, of course, was a banquet. After the imperial envoy read out the imperial decree, Wu Shigong hosted a grand banquet for the imperial envoy and the civil and military officials of Runing Mansion.Afterwards, let Zhang Xuebin accompany him, let the imperial envoy and his team eat well, play well, sleep well, and take well in Runing!

Then the officials from Runing and Guide came to congratulate them.As long as they are dignified officials and gentry in these two places.They all rushed to the Wu Mansion with heavy gifts, and Wu Shigong also treated them with hospitality, and once again strengthened the relationship between the two parties.

Even the smaller gentry have places to go.The officers of the Runing Army also threw a feast to celebrate their promotion.Those little gentry couldn't see Wu Shigong's face, so they were able to get the flattery of those officers, which was considered to have achieved their goal. [

But none of them found out.Wu Shigong's promotion this time is somewhat unusual.

Logically speaking.The commander-in-chief is great in the local area, but he is a sesame mung bean official in the court, so generally the appointment of the commander-in-chief only needs to be issued by the Ministry of War, and there is no need to send a special imperial envoy to announce the decree.

Also, the entourage of the imperial envoy this time is a bit huge, reaching more than 150 people.Among them, there were more than a hundred guards in Jinyiwei.You must know that the imperial envoys of the imperial court are escorted by local officials along the way. Generally, three to fifty people are enough, and there is no need for such a huge escort.

However, the Runing Army did not notice these abnormalities at all.There is no way, this is the first time Wu Shigong has received an imperial edict, he has no experience at all, and he has lost his basic vigilance while being happy.

But then again.No one would think of a military officer who has won many battles.When the court still needs him to fight, he will be arrested by the court.Therefore, Wu Shigong's treatment is comparable only to Yue Fei's thirteen gold medals in history!

"My lord! We have been in Runing for more than a month. Then Wu Runing still won't leave, and now he can't get sick. My lord! You need to get a charter!" Hu Kan, deputy of Jinyiwei Qianhu, told the imperial envoy—Hanlin Xu Mengqi Said.

Jinyiwei's Deputy Qianhu Hu Kan is well-known in the Jinyiwei system. He is an expert in seizing officials and raiding homes.therefore.Most of the intractable and miscellaneous lock-up officials and house raids in Jinyiwei basically fell on him.

Needless to say, this man is evil and merciless, the key point is that he has a better understanding of the situation in the court and the disputes among officials.That is to say, more politically minded.Otherwise, Hu Kan wouldn't be alive at all.

You must know that although seizing officials and ransacking homes is a highly profitable industry, it is also a highly risky industry.Although the seizure of officials and the ransacking of their homes are all based on imperial edicts, who knows whether the officials who are now unlucky will turn around?

In case the official was reinstated or even promoted, he really didn't dare to complain about the Holy Majesty, but he always had to find a place to vent his anger. Therefore, the Jinyi Guard who was in charge of locking up and ransacking his home would be unlucky, and his life and death depended entirely on that between officials' discourse.The Commander of Jin Yiwei is unwilling to offend a high official of the imperial court for the sake of a young man.

So, which official can be cruel?Which official needs to be in the middle of the law?Which official wants to confess like a grandfather?That's a technical job.Hu Kan has been able to live up to now, and he has lived a very nourishing life, so his eyelids must be quite active.

The Hanlin Xu Meng who was being asked stroked his long beard, frowned and said: "Master has sent a letter asking me to go to Beijing as soon as possible. Now, there is no need to wait. Urge Wu Runing to go to Beijing as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be many dreams in the night!" "

Xu Mengqi was a member of the Imperial Academy that Wen Tiren presided over the scientific examination.Because most of the candidates in that class kept a distance from Wen Tiren, only Xu Mengqi was obsessed with fame and wealth and often walked around the prime minister's mansion, so Wen Tiren attracted him as his confidant.So this time, Wen Tiren appointed Xu Mengqi as an imperial envoy.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a good job. It is to announce the imperial decree of promotion. There is no risk. It's a great thing to fight for.

But Xu Mengqi knew the secret mission of this edict, and among the entire edict team, only Xu Mengqi and Hu Kan knew the purpose of their trip. [

But after they arrived at Runing Mansion, although they received hospitality, Wu Shigong still refused to leave.Even now, Xu Mengqi and Hu Kan are a little restless to say goodbye to the guests again and not even show their faces.

In fact, it wasn't that Wu Shigong had seen through Xu Mengqi's intentions, but that Wu Shigong had been waiting for Liu Guoneng's action.Only when Liu Guoneng's Ministry integrated the peasant army in the Taihang Mountains and invaded Nanzhili, could Wu Shigong be completely relieved, and accompanied Xu Mengqi and the others to Beijing to face the saint.

But Xu Mengqi and Hu Kan don't know!They became a little suspicious.Besides, now the chief assistant Wen Tiren has written an urgent letter to Xu Mengqi: let him force Wu Shigong to go to Beijing by all means.

The reason Wen Tiren was in such a hurry was because his battle with the Donglin Party members had reached a fever pitch.

Although Qian Qianyi is in the Imperial Prison, his news is still quite well-informed.This also shows how powerful the Donglin party members are.

When Qian Yiqian found out that his situation was getting more and more dangerous, and his Donglin Dangzhu teammates were getting more and more unhelpful, Qian Yiqian finally couldn't help himself.He personally wrote several letters, and entrusted them to submit to Emperor Chongzhen to defend himself.

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