Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 589 Small Ammunition

What was Emperor Chongzhen's attitude towards Qian Yiqian's self-identification?I didn't even look at it.Therefore, it can be seen how deeply Emperor Chongzhen hated the Donglin party members and Qian Yiqian himself.

This news spread to Qian Yiqian in the imperial prison.It seems that the Imperial Prison is like a sieve, high walls or something, nothing can be concealed.

But at this moment, Qian Yiqian was in a hurry. It was useless for his teammate Zhu to help, and it was useless even for self-defense. Seeing that the ghost knife was about to be placed on his neck.If there is no other way, the organization is useless, so find a teacher.

When Qian Yiqian was a Jinshi, the teacher who admitted him was Sun Chengzong, a senior of the Donglin Party.

Sun Chengzong is a veteran of the three dynasties, an all-round talent in civil and military affairs, as an emperor's teacher, and has a good relationship inside and outside. What's even more rare is that he can still stick to his principles.Even Wei Zhongxian, who was so powerful at the time, couldn't do anything about him.Therefore, Sun Chengzong can definitely be regarded as a model minister!

But now Sun Chengzong has returned to his hometown to retire for several years, and Emperor Chongzhen has a heart problem with him, so it may not be easy to speak, and it may even have a counterproductive effect in front of Emperor Chongzhen.

Of course, Qian Yiqian also knew this, he didn't imagine that Sun Chengzong would help directly, he just wanted another person to sell Sun Chengzong face and let him come forward to save him.And that person is the confidant of Emperor Chongzhen, the eunuch of Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies-Cao Huachun.

Why are you looking for Cao Huachun?What is the relationship between Qian Yiqian and Cao Huachun?What I can barely say is that Qian Yiqian once wrote an article, and this article has no direct relationship with Cao Huachun, because that article is Wang An's "Epitaph".

Because of the fight with Wei Zhongxian at that time, Wang An was established as a good eunuch, and after defeating Wei Zhongxian, eunuchs like Cao Huachun regarded themselves as Wang An's successors.This is first and foremost political correctness.

And Cao Huachun is the real confidant of Wang An.Let's take a closer look at this relationship: because Qian Yiqian once helped Wang An write "Epitaph", and Cao Huachun was Wang An's confidant, so for the sake of the dead, he should help a little.In addition, his teacher, Sun Chengzong, has a lot of face. If he is asked to come forward, he still has a little face of a living person. If the dead and the living work together, success must be achieved.

It can be seen that the relationship network in the officialdom is everywhere!There is no way to drill a seam out of the seam!

Originally, Cao Huachun had the mentality of watching a movie.Appreciate the dog-eat-dog among civil servants, because it doesn't matter what the eunuchs do.But when Qian Yiqian came over through Sun Chengzong, he still agreed and was ready to help.In addition to the fact that Cao Huachun's identity as eunuch Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, can compete with the chief assistant Wen Tiren, there are three main reasons for Cao Huachun's help:

The first is to have sympathy.The eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty all studied in the inner study.The mastery and belief in the teachings of saints is also relatively deep-rooted.Therefore, Cao Huachun is more sympathetic to the gentlemen of the Donglin Party;

The second is to have a conscience.Out of feelings for Wang An.In addition, I felt that Wen Tiren's extermination was a little too much.So Cao Huachun's conscience was aroused;

The third is not paying attention.Cao Huachun believes that killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads.Stay a line for others, see you in the future.It's meaningless to fight political struggles to the death.

Besides, Cao Huachun thought it was a trivial matter, not to reinstate Qian Yiqian, but to save Qian Yiqian's life. With his own face, the chief assistant Wen Tiren would definitely give in.

So Cao Huachun started to move.Don't say it either.His energy was indeed quite great, and after a few days of activities, he sent someone to deliver Qian Yiqian an accurate message: "You can rest assured."

Now Qian Yiqian finally feels relieved.He started packing to get out of prison, thinking it was over.And Cao Huachun also thought that he had taken care of all this.But things happened again.

Wen Tiren is a master who can't rub the sand in his eyes.He originally thought that Qian Qianyi would die, but he didn't expect that after a few days, even Cao Huachun would get involved. If this continues, the matter will become a mess. Now that he has done it, he will go all the way to the dark side!So Wen Tiren decided: together with Cao Huachun.

This is also due to the fact that the great eunuchs in the Chongzhen Dynasty were too low-key.Like Wang Cheng'en, he was obsessed with flattering Emperor Chongzhen and didn't care much about foreign court affairs.As for Cao Huachun, no matter when he was in charge of Dongchang or as the eunuch who was in charge of the East Factory, he followed the principle of governing by doing nothing, so he didn't even inquire about the conversation after Yuan Chonghuan's platform summoned at that time.In other words, even after inquiring, he didn't go to tell the truth in front of Emperor Chongzhen.It was even better to dive high, so he simply went out to fight.So this gave Wen Tiren the illusion that those eunuchs were vulnerable.

In addition, Wen Tiren and Cao Huachun, the internal and external ministers, would definitely have a dispute over power, so Wen Tiren decided to simply pull Cao Huachun from his horse and expand his power again.But I don't know what words to use to describe this behavior, I can only say that Wen Tiren is quite stupid!

Anyway, Wen Tiren is full of self-confidence now, and he has started the action of defeating Cao.First of all, Wen Tiren spread the news that Qian Qianyi was in partnership with Cao Huachun, and then found a witness to testify that Qian Qianyi had bribed Cao Huachun. Finally, to be sure, he asked for leave.That means: during my leave, I neither knew nor was present for anything that happened.

From Wen Tiren's point of view, Qian Qianyi was already a commoner, while Cao Huachun, who was protecting Qian Qianyi, was just a ceremonial eunuch. As the chief assistant of the cabinet, it was very easy to get rid of these two people.

If it's just like this, Cao Huachun may not try to show up.Because his act of rescuing Qian Yiqian was mainly out of morality, and the gift he received was also in the category of bad rules, not bribery, and he made it clear in front of Emperor Chongzhen.But at this moment, Wen Tiren's pig teammate appeared.

Zhang Hanru and Chen Luqian, who first sued Qian Yiqian and Qu Shixu, were small people in the first place, and what they wanted was to vent their anger and make money. Seeing that the situation was beneficial to them, they immediately made progress and developed some delusions.

So Zhang Hanru and Chen Lvqian kept on doing nothing, and took the opportunity to start spreading some rumors, saying that the Jiangnan Donglin party members had political premeditation, and the policy was to "be gentle with Cao Cao."Rumors say that Qian and Qu sent people to bribe Cao Huachun with huge sums of money to seek self-help, while Donglin party members wanted to bridge the gap with Wen Tiren in order to relieve Qian Qianyi.

Afterwards, relying on these rumors, Zhang Hanru and Chen Luqian directly came out to blackmail the family members of Qian Qianyi and Qu Shixu, and they were determined not to give up until their pockets were full.

But when the news reached the court, Cao Huachun was shocked immediately.I didn't expect that I was saving people out of moral and kindness, but I was in a dangerous situation.So Cao Huachun immediately started the general mobilization of eunuchs.

Cao Huachun is not a good stubble at all, and his experience is quite complicated.Cao Huachun used to be the admiral of the East Factory before, but after he arrived at the Supervisor of Rites, he and Wang Zhixin, the current admiral of the East Factory, were close buddies. Except that they never went to whoring together, they did everything together.

So Cao Huachun immediately ran to Dongchang, and found his best friend Wang Zhixin to discuss countermeasures. After all, Wen Tiren was cunning and invulnerable. If he wanted to completely bring him down, he had to find a way.After discussing for a long time, a solution was finally found. It is still necessary to make use of the eunuch's convenience and the specialty of fanning the flames in front of the emperor!So the two took the initiative to ask to see Emperor Chongzhen.

First of all, Cao Huachun confessed what he had done, and Emperor Chongzhen understood this quite well.Ordinary people can understand Cao Huachun's act of saving people out of affection.Besides, Emperor Chongzhen only had a bad feeling for Qian Yiqian, he didn't necessarily want Qian Yiqian's life.

Then Cao Huachun began to describe the abnormal situation of the court.He said: I am only saving people, if the chief assistant Wen Tiren is unwilling, at most he will not give himself face, and still have to convict Qian Yiqian.But looking at the current situation, it seems that Cao Huachun is also going to be sent to the [-]th floor of hell.So this question made Cao Huachun puzzled.

So Cao Huachun made an analysis: the chief assistant Wen Tiren is now absolutely prospering who follows me and perishes who goes against me.Trying to cover the sky with one hand in the court.What's even more frightening is that Wen Tiren has formed a huge force in the court.why?Because Wen Tiren is currently on leave at home, if he has no influence, then who will punish Cao Huachun to death?So Cao Huachun came to a conclusion: Wen Tiren was forming a party for personal gain.

Finally, Cao Huachun guessed Wen Tiren's intention again.He said: Now Wen Tiren has formed an influence among civil servants.The attack on Cao Huachun this time was not only a personal matter for Cao Huachun, but also proved that Wen Tiren wanted to extend his tentacles to the inner court.For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen must pay enough attention. The power of the chief assistant is too great, so the throne of Emperor Chongzhen will be unstable!

So, anyone can offend, just don't offend the eunuch.They are too familiar with the emperor's mind, as long as they tell the truth, it will definitely touch the emperor's heart.

So did Emperor Chongzhen.He was also moved by Cao Huachun's words.However, Emperor Chongzhen would not listen to one-sided remarks, so he ordered a strict investigation to find out the truth of the matter.

And Cao Huachun's action will of course attract Wen Tiren's attention.As a political master, Wen Tiren immediately confronted him.So he expanded the chessboard again to prove to Emperor Chongzhen that the Donglin Party had formed a political group including civil servants, eunuchs, and military officials.

Therefore, as a key part of it, Wu Shigong unfortunately got on this chessboard.And when the two giants compete, every round of ammunition is extremely precious.So Wen Tiren wrote an urgent letter to Xu Meng, asking him to get Wu Shigong to the capital at all costs, and then drown Wu Shigong with a large number of impeachment memorials.

It should be said that in this battle, the power of Wu Shigong's ammunition was almost negligible.But no one expected that the round of ammunition exploded suddenly. (To be continued..)

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