"You! I don't know how to make people worry. You bullied other horses yesterday! Others don't care about the face of adults, but those horses don't know! How many times have you spoken? You can't kick and beat. It must be better than other horses." Seeing that all the guests had entered the inner court, Han Shi began to pack up and went crazy.

Han Shi took out a big wooden comb to straighten the crazy hair, and kept scolding it.But Ren Laikuang looked intoxicated, enjoying Han Shi's service comfortably.

All of a sudden, the whole body of Human Lying Crazy tensed up, and every piece of muscle stood out. It snorted heavily, kicking its legs continuously, as if it wanted to fight.

Han Shi was shocked all over, he was too familiar with the appearance of being crazy, he was about to go to the battlefield!So Han Shi immediately looked out of the stable, only to see that the people in the courtyard seemed to have disappeared at once, but faintly saw the shadows of a group of people running towards the gate of the inner courtyard through the bushes.Humans are crazy horses, and sometimes their sensitivity to battle is indeed greater than that of humans.

"There's an ambush!" Han Shi's cold sweat broke out immediately, "Someone wants to harm the Lord."

Han Shi secretly picked up Wu Shigong's samurai sword that had been put aside.After thinking for a while, he inserted the samurai sword into his waist again, and then found a fork for copying horse fodder in the stable and held it in his hand.

Han Shi quietly came to Renlaikuang's side, and said in a low voice: "Be quiet, don't make any noise. I'll save you!" After speaking, Han Shi was about to rush out of the stable.

That Raider immediately bit Han Shi's clothes, Han Shinna turned around, patted Raider's head, and said, "Good boy! I'll come as soon as I go." Thinking for a while, Han Shi untied Raider's rein again.The terrain here is narrow, and there is no room for anyone to go crazy.Later, if people come insane, they can escape smoothly, and maybe they can bring reinforcements in time.

After finishing all this, Han Shi rushed out of the stable with a fork in hand without hesitation, and ran towards the inner courtyard under the cover of the bushes. [

"Mr. Wu! Although the imperial envoy here is a little bit reluctant to leave, but the sage is calling urgently, and he can't delay it for a long time. When is Mr. Wu going to leave?" After drinking for three rounds, Xu Mengqi made his last effort.If Wu Shigong agreed to leave immediately, Xu Mengqi still didn't want to use the last resort.

"I was sick a few days ago! My legs are old and I can't move. It's an old problem from the battle." Wu Shigong explained with a smile, "However, it has indeed improved recently. The doctor told me that I need to rest for a month, and I will definitely be with adults at that time. Going to Beijing. Thank you for your trouble." After finishing speaking.Wu Shigong raised his glass to toast Xu Mengqi.

This time Wu Shigong did not deceive Xu Mengqi.Wu Shigong has received the news from Liu Guoneng that he has integrated the peasant army in the Dabie Mountains.Immediately, the east will commit the crime of southern Zhili.As long as Liu Guo can send troops.The Runing Army will act according to the original plan, even if Wu Shigong is not there, it will be fine.So Wu Shigong just waited for Liu Guoneng to settle down.

But Xu Mengqi let out a long sigh in his heart.Wu Shigong has said this reason several times, Xu Mengqi will no longer believe in Wu Shigong no matter what, he can't afford to wait anymore.But Xu Mengqi still hid it well, and raised his glass to drink with Wu Shigong.

As soon as he finished drinking, Xu Mengqi wanted to throw the glass as a sign.He heard Wu Shigong say again: "Borrowing flowers to present Buddha, I will pay respects to the prefect here at the end." Seeing that Gu Zhengqing was relatively silent in today's banquet, Wu Shigong didn't want to neglect him, so he raised his glass to Gu Zhengqing again.

Xu Mengqi put the empty wine glass on the table.He kept pinching the empty wine glass in his hand, waiting for Wu Shigong to finish the glass.He still thought in his heart: "I'll let you have another drink!"

Hearing Wu Shigong's roll call suddenly, Gu Zhengqing trembled all over.When Xu Mengqi discussed with Gu Zhengqing a few days ago, Gu Zhengqing dared not refuse.However, he only promised to stabilize the situation in Runing Mansion afterwards, but he could do nothing about the specific arrest.

But when Gu Zhengqing discussed with his master afterwards, he found that he was in a dangerous situation.Gu Zhengqing originally wanted to drive Wu Shigong out of the Runing Mansion, and never thought of harming him.But now if the incident happened, then Wu Shigong and Gu Zhengqing would definitely stay together forever. Gu Zhengqing definitely didn't want to see such a situation where the net was broken.

Moreover, Gu Zhengqing understood the power of the Runing Army in the Runing Mansion after all, could he really hold back this rebellious army?Gu Zhengqing had no idea at all.But he didn't dare to contradict the imperial envoy Xu Meng, so he could only bury himself in the sand like an ostrich.Therefore, in today's banquet, he was hazy, and his whole performance was like a walking dead.

But when he heard Wu Shigong's toast, Gu Zhengqing didn't dare to meet Wu Shigong's gaze, he raised his glass while avoiding Wu Shigong's gaze, and said: "Be the first to serve!" Then he drank the glass with his head raised.

But Gu Zhengqing's performance made Wu Shigong a little strange.Because of his expression, Wu Shigong seemed to know each other.But for a moment, Wu Shigong couldn't remember where he was, and he had seen this expression before.So Wu Shigong also raised his wine glass and put it to his lips.

"I must have seen this expression before!" Wu Shigong was still thinking about Gu Zhengqing's expression.And this expression also made Wu Shigong quite uncomfortable, especially with a kind of creepy feeling.

Thinking of "creepy", Wu Shigong immediately broke into a cold sweat, and he remembered where he had seen it before.This expression is exactly the same as the expression on Wu Shigong's face when Wu Shigong was betrayed by his own people and tricked into the ambush circle in the previous life.

"There is an ambush here!" Wu Shigong immediately understood this point.He stood up without hesitation and ran out of the inner court.This sudden movement immediately stunned everyone present at the banquet.

Just as a servant carrying a tray came in at the gate of the inner court, Wu Shigong turned to one side, and without slowing down at all, hit him hard with his elbow and shoulder. [

"Kang Dang!", with the sound of a piece of porcelain falling to the ground, the servant was knocked out by Wu Shigong.Wu Shigong jumped out of the door, and looked at both sides of the door out of the corner of his eyes, only to see the two teams of Jin Yiwei had already appeared from the corner of the room.

"Grass!" Wu Shigong cursed inwardly, unexpectedly, without paying attention, he stepped on the hand of the servant who fell on the ground, and he fell, causing Wu Shigong to almost fall to the ground.Wu Shigong crawled a few steps on the ground with both hands and feet, managed to balance his body, and then fled outside.

Because of the screen wall, Wu Shigong couldn't see the situation at the gate of the inner courtyard at all. If there was an ambush there, or as long as the courtyard gate was closed, Wu Shigong would be blinded.So he deviated from the road, passed through the flowers and plants planted in the inner courtyard, and ran towards the fence next to the door. (to be continued...)

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