The wall of the inner courtyard is not high, that is, just over one foot.Wu Shigong's left foot touched the wall, he stood up and grasped the top of the wall, exerted strength on his waist and abdomen, and flipped over the wall with a sideways flip. The whole movement was clean and neat.Thanks to Wu Shigong who has been working hard on the parallel bars and horizontal bars in Daying.

After climbing over the wall, Wu Shigong fell straight down, and when he heard an "Alas", Wu Shigong stepped on the shoulder of a person outside the wall, and both of them fell to the ground immediately, and Wu Shigong also rolled forward.At this time, someone shouted: "Quickly hold him down! Hurry up and grab him!"

Hu Kan arranged more than [-] Jinyi guards around the inner court, among which Hu Kan personally led [-] people to ambush behind, waiting for Xu Mengqi to issue the command.

The reason why so many people ambushed in the inner court is also the name of the person and the shadow of the tree. Xu Mengqi and Hu Kan were afraid of Wu Shigong's superior force value, so they planned to use the crowd tactics to capture Wu Shigong.

But no one expected that Wu Shigong would leave the table suddenly and flee to the outside.Unprepared, Hu Kan had no time to catch up, not even the [-] Jinyi guards who had just circled around the corner to block the inner courtyard door, had no time to stop them, seeing Wu Shigong climbed over the inner courtyard wall.

But Hu Kan's arrangements are quite strict.The gate of the inner courtyard was indeed closed, and the remaining [-] Jinyiwei were also lying in ambush on both sides of the gate of the inner courtyard.

But no one expected that Wu Shigong would fall from the sky. He stepped on the shoulder of a Jin Yiwei who was ambushing by the gate of the inner courtyard, and they both fell to the ground at the same time.This sudden situation stunned the ambushing Jin Yiwei.Still, the hundred households of Jin Yiwei commanded by the gate of the inner courtyard reacted quickly, and he immediately commanded the Jin Yiwei around him to go forward and capture Wu Shigong.

Wu Shigong rolled twice, adjusted his body, and stood up with a forward roll.Taking advantage of the power of rushing forward.Wu Shigong tried his best to run again, but he felt that his left foot was firmly grasped by two hands. It turned out that Jin Yiwei on the ground was holding Wu Shigong to prevent him from escaping.

Wu Shigong charged forward with great force, so he dragged the Jin Yiwei for two steps, but after all, he was dragging a person, Wu Shigong absolutely couldn't speed up, so he stopped, turned around and kicked the Jin Yiwei in the head .

This was definitely an angry kick, using all of Wu Shigong's strength, the Jin Yiwei couldn't dodge at all.The head really took the kick.His neck was bent at an exaggerated angle immediately, his seven orifices were bleeding, and he was dying in sight.

But this entanglement made Wu Shigong stop completely, when he finally broke free from the hands of the Jin Yiwei on the ground.He saw two guards in Jinyi rush forward with Xiuchun knives.Wu Shigong, who was unarmed, suddenly felt a little desperate.

"Ah!" Suddenly there was a roar from behind Wu Shigong, and Wu Shigong only felt a black shadow rushing up beside him.That's when Han Shi arrived.He holds his fork sideways.Pushing the two people down with a fork, he took out a samurai sword and threw it in Wu Shigong's direction, and shouted: "My lord! You go first!"

Seeing another Jin Yiwei rushing forward, Han Shi straightened up his fork and stabbed straight, stabbing the fork hard into the abdomen of that Jin Yiwei.But before Han Shi took back his fork, two other Jin Yiwei came up.One person swung a knife and chopped off Han Shi's fork.Another person chopped off at Han Shi.

Fortunately, Han Shi's fork was cut off, allowing him to quickly raise the remaining fork to block the knife that fell down. There was a "click".The rest of the fork was cut off again, but the knife also ran out of strength, so Han Shi escaped the catastrophe.

At this moment, the Jin Yiwei who cut off the fork's head made a horizontal chop, and chopped at Han Shi's neck.Seeing the shiny blade getting closer, Han Shi couldn't help closing his eyes.Suddenly, he felt a strong pull behind him. It was Wu Shigong who arrived in time. Seeing that Han Shi was in danger, he immediately grabbed his back and dragged him out of the range of the blade.

With a sound of "whoosh", the sharp knife swept across Han Shi's face, making the exposed skin on Han Shi's neck ache.Wu Shigong had drawn out his samurai sword a long time ago, seeing that the guard in Jin Yi was too active, he stepped forward and changed positions with Han Shi, stabbed with the straight knife, and knocked the guard in Jin Yi to the ground first.

Wu Shigong's movements were not sloppy, and then he withdrew his hand and made a horizontal chop, cutting off the arm of another Jin Yiwei.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Shigong stabbed down a few more times, and then stabbed the two Jin Yiwei lying on the ground to death.Rabbit Falling Falcon got up, and immediately dealt with the four Jin Yiwei who rushed up first.

But the matter was not over yet, the commanding Jinyiwei Baihu also came up, and when he saw Wu Shigong's knife pointing down, he took the Xiuchun knife and stabbed it straight.As soon as Wu Shigong saw that it was too late to block, he immediately raised his knife and stabbed it straight, looking as if both sides were hurt.

That Baihu was indeed desperate, and he was fighting for his life, so he wanted Wu Shigong to withdraw his sword first.In the end, it was that Baihu who drew the knife first, and the tip of his knife stabbed Wu Shigong's chest first.The hundred households were overjoyed, but when they exerted their strength, the knife couldn't penetrate it no matter what.

"This turtle has inner armor!" This was the last thought of that Baihu, and then he felt a chill in his stomach, and Wu Shigong's samurai sword also pierced his lower abdomen.

The inner armor given by his father-in-law Xue Lian has saved Wu Shigong's life for the second time, but the impact of the knife point still made Wu Shigong take half a step back, and the samurai sword was dragged smoothly, and with a "crash", the intestines of the hundred households fell down. up.

Wu Shigong felt a sharp pain in his chest, his viciousness suddenly came up, he yelled, and instead of retreating, he swung the knife horizontally with both hands, and the heads of the hundred households flew into the air with a "swish".

Those royal guards are all accustomed to fine clothes and fine food in the capital. They can fight in groups, but they don't have the courage to fight to the death. The most brave ones are also the ones who rushed to the front. At this time, they were all brought down by Wu Shigong up.So although the remaining Jinyiwei had many people, none of them dared to step forward timidly.

But Wu Shigong didn't hesitate at all. His years of watermelon knife slashing people let him know that he must not escape at this time, otherwise, his back would be sold to those Jin Yiwei.So he rushed straight to the group of Jinyiwei.

It was really like a tiger running into a flock of sheep. Unexpectedly, two more guards in Jinyi were cut down by Wu Shigong. After a loud cry, the rest of the guards in Jinyi immediately scattered and fled in all directions.

Wu Shigong took the opportunity to cut down two Jin Yiwei who were facing away from him, and then he immediately stopped, turned and fled towards the gate of Lingering Garden.Seeing Han Shi picking up the knife, Wu Shigong yelled: "Hurry up!" Han Shi also immediately picked up the Xiuchun knife on the ground, and ran after Wu Shigong.

But after running a few steps, Wu Shigong stopped, and the gate of Lingering Garden was also closed. "Grass!" Wu Shigong cursed again, and then leaned against the gate of Lingering Garden with Han Shi, preparing for the arrival of Jin Yiwei.

While preparing, Han Shi yelled, "Come in quickly! Save the adults!"

Hu Kan led the rest of Jin Yiwei to "hula la" and just ran out of the inner courtyard when he saw the corpses of Jin Yiwei lying on the ground at the door.He was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw Wu Shigong and Han Shi leaning against the gate of Lingering Garden.Hu Kan immediately pointed at the knife and shouted: "Kill those two rebels!" Then he surrounded him with Jin Yiwei.

The eight or nine Jinyiwei running in the front are all the most powerful in martial arts, and they dare not take it lightly.When these Jin Yiwei ran to a distance of about ten steps away from Wu Shigong, they were half surrounded and approached Wu Shigong with small steps in coordination with each other.And the other Jinyiwei followed behind them.

At this time, Wu Shigong was shaking all over, trying to move the joints of his limbs, while shaking, he was humming a little song.It seemed that he was driven to a dead end, so he was ready to fight to the death!

After that, Wu Shigong moved his neck a few more times, seeing that the Jin Yiwei in front was only seven or eight steps away, he raised his samurai sword, roared, and rushed towards the Jin Yiwei in front of him.

There are nearly ten steps at the gate of Lingering Garden, so now Wu Shigong is condescending, and he rushed down very fast.Therefore, as soon as the Jin Yiwei on the opposite side raised his knife, Wu Shigong swiped his body and wiped his neck.

Before the person following that Jin Yiwei could react, he was kicked away by Wu Shigong again.At this time, the two guards protecting Jin Yiwei realized that they immediately raised their knives to attack Wu Shigong.

Wu Shigong first blocked to the left to block the Jin Yiwei on the left, and then took advantage of the situation to strike right.Jin Yiwei on the right also blocked it with the Xiuchun knife in a hurry, but Wu Shigong flipped his wrist, and immediately flipped the Xiuchun knife away with pure wrist strength, and then made a bow and arrow step, like a straight thrust in modern fencing , the tip of the knife pierced straight into the right chest of that Jin Yiwei.

But at this moment, Wu Shigong's back hurt again, and the Jin Yiwei behind him slashed at Wu Shigong's body with a knife. The severe pain made Wu Shigong's throat feel raw, and he swallowed the blood forcefully, taking advantage of the situation. He rushed forward and stabbed down another Jin Yiwei in front of him.

The Jin Yiwei who slashed at Wu Shigong's back was also taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, Han Shi also rushed down the steps, and he took off the shoulder of the Jin Yiwei with a single knife. Howling of the ground.

But after a short period of panic, those Jinyiwei gradually took hold.Jin Yiwei, who arrived in a steady stream, gradually filled every gap, and some people even shouted: "The traitor has armor, cut off his head."

And Hu Kan also hurriedly ordered: "Bow and arrow come up quickly! Shoot these two rebels to death!"

Wu Shigong and Han Shi slowly retreated to the steps, with their backs leaning against the gate, which always had less area to be attacked.At this moment, the gate of Lingering Garden also slammed into the ground, seeing Wu Shigong's personal soldiers about to enter the gate, all the guards in Jin Yi rushed forward at the same time. (to be continued..)

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