Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 594 Difficult Escape

"Bastard! Hurry up!" Quan Dashan was sweating profusely outside the gate of Lingering Garden.

After hearing Han Shi's cry for help, Quan Dashan's personal guards immediately wanted to rush in through the gate of Lingering Garden.But at this time, they found that the gate of Lingering Garden had been closed.

At this moment, Quan Dashan and the others couldn't find the wood, so they could only hit the gate with their bodies, and some guards even hacked desperately with axes and spears.But this gate is indeed quite strong. Although the gate was smashed with pits and hollows, it still didn't move at all when it hit it, which made the whole Dashan's heart hang.

"Bump the corner door!" A guard suddenly shouted.

One word awakened the dreamer, and all the guards rushed to the corner door and slammed it hard.I didn't expect the corner door to be very strong, but every impact made the corner door shake, so the hope was much higher.

The sweat of the whole Dashan was left from his eyebrows, covering his eyes, but he didn't care to wipe it off at all, he just shouted: "Strength! Hard!"

None of the guards noticed that a companion hadn't stepped forward.It was a new soldier who had just been admitted to the soldier team——Zhao Gan.Holding the firecracker, trying not to shake his hands, he kept reciting the steps of loading: "Load the gunpowder!", "Compact!", "Load the ammunition!", "Compress!", "Take out the cleaning rod! "..., while reciting, he was loading in an orderly manner.

After the filling was completed, Zhao Gan lit the matchlock, and then shouted: "Get out of the way!" The guards turned around and saw Zhao Gan holding the firecracker, and immediately "hurrahed" out of the way.

Zhao Gan came to the corner door and shot at the place where the door latch was installed. With a loud noise, the corner door was immediately punched a hole.The other guards immediately rushed forward, and after another violent bump, there was a "cha-cha".The door latch was finally broken, and the leading guards immediately rushed into the Lingering Garden holding axes and spears.

When Jin Yiwei rushed forward, this time it was Han Shi who rushed down first.Jin Yiwei, who was already prepared, immediately attacked with random knives. If it wasn't for the protection of Wu Shigong behind Han Shi, he might have been hacked to death by random knives.But just like that, Han Shi was also covered in bruises, but luckily no vitals were injured, and Han Shi was still able to support himself and brandish the knife.

That Han Shi seemed to be insane, he slashed and killed without any rules, this desperate effort.It made Jin Yiwei not dare to get too close, but after all, when he was exhausted, he waved wildly for a while, and saw Jin Yiwei pressing forward again, wanting to chop down both Wu Shigong and Han Shi with their knives.

at this time.Suddenly a long hiss was heard, and Ren LaiFang rushed over from behind the Jin Yiwei crowd.The few Jinyiwei who couldn't dodge were immediately knocked away by it.Jin Yiwei was in chaos again.

Once on the battlefield, Human Lai Crazy is indeed human Lai Crazy. It jumps around, kicks its feet constantly, and kicks over the Jin Yiwei around it, and a few of them get close.He was also bitten by someone who opened his mouth madly.

Renlaikuang's back attack caused the formation of Jinyiwei to be scattered, and several Jinyiwei saw that the situation was not good, they first approached from behind Renlaikuang, and wanted to kill the horse first.

"Fire the arrow!" Hu Kan, who was commanding behind, was also anxious.Because taking advantage of the chaos and relying on his inner armor, Wu Shigong cut down a few more people.

"I can't aim correctly!" Hu Kan was surrounded by a dozen archers, because Wu Shigong and Han Shi were mixed in the crowd of Jin Yiwei, so those archers were afraid of accidental injury.

"Hiss—!" Renlaikuan let out a long cry, and finally its ass was cut deeply, causing it to jump around in pain.Seeing an opportunity to take advantage of, a Jin Yiwei swung a knife and slashed at the hind legs of the mad horse.

Han Shi seemed to wake up suddenly. Seeing that Jin Yiwei was slashing at someone crazy, he immediately rushed forward, and it was too late to block it with a knife, so Han Shi grabbed the knife with his left hand, no surprises. , Han Shi's left hand was chopped off to the ground.This injury caused Han Shi to lie down on the ground all of a sudden, rolling around in pain.

At this moment, there was a loud noise at the corner door, and then the corner door was knocked open, and the guards rushed in holding axes and guns.Jin Yiwei's morale seemed to melt all of a sudden, they shouted: "Run away!", then turned around and fled to the backyard.

Wu Shigong didn't flee to the corner gate at the first moment, seeing that there were no Jin Yiwei nearby, he came to Han Shi, grabbed Han Shi hard with one hand, and held Han Shi on his shoulder, then turned around and fled to the oncoming guard.

"Fire the arrow!" Hu Kan ordered again. "Whoosh, whoosh," more than a dozen arrows shot at Wu Shigong immediately.

But those arrows seemed to have no effect, and Wu Shigong was immediately covered by the guards who rushed over.Then, he exited the corner gate with his personal guards.And Renlailun also came out with a limp.

"Leave quickly!" Quan Dashan shouted.

Wu Shigong put Han Shi on his shoulders on a horse of his personal guard, and immediately saw that Han Shi's eyes had dimmed.Wu Shigong looked carefully and saw several arrows stuck in Han Shi's back. It turned out that those arrows had all hit Han Shi's body just now.

Wu Shigong felt his nose sore, but this was not the time to be in a daze, several guards immediately put Wu Shigong on the horse, and then escorted Wu Shigong and ran towards the gate of the city.

Xu Mengqi's banquet was held at noon, so it was almost dusk at this time, and the city gate of Fucheng was closed.Quan Dashan first sent a personal guard to go to the city gate and ordered: "Open the gate!"

The person guarding the city gate was also a member of the Runing Army and Militia Corps, the company commander immediately opened the city gate, and then ordered all the soldiers of the company to escort Wu Shigong back to the camp.

But when Wu Shigong arrived, he gritted his teeth and gave an order: "Dashan! You stay here to preside over it first, keep a close watch on the gates of the four cities, and don't let anyone out of the city." Then he took the rest of the guards and flew to Entered the Runing army camp.

Until this time, the imperial envoy Xu Mengqi who was sitting in the inner courtyard still had an ugly expression, playing with the wine glass in his hand.

On the evening of March [-], Wu Shigong, who returned from the assassination, ordered the general mobilization of the whole army.After that, three regiments were sent into Dasuo, Fucheng, and a cavalry regiment surrounded the city to prevent anyone from climbing out of the city wall to escape.

The imperial envoy Xu Mengqi and Hu Kan's Jinyiwei were all arrested except for the resisters who were shot dead.Even the family of the owner of Lingering Garden was arrested.All the Runing officials and family members of the gentry who attended the banquet were also placed under house arrest.Even King Chong's Mansion was surrounded by the Runing Army.The entire Runing Mansion fell into the hands of Wu Shigong.

On the one hand, Wu Shigong, who was furious, wanted to take revenge on his assassin, and on the other hand, he was going to settle accounts with the imperial court. (To be continued..)

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