Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 714 Entering Shanhai Pass

The first pass in the east of Youji, with the sea and the green hills.

The Great Wall and Yuanxiu are divided into upper and lower parts, and the cold wave of the bright moon goes back and forth together.

Shanhaiguan is the first pass at the eastern starting point of the Great Wall. It is surrounded by mountains and seas, and is a majestic pass that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The circumference of the pass city is about eight miles, and its size is no less than some big cities in the pass.

Looking at this Xiongguan, Wu Shigong first felt like a female hostess of a modern gourmet show, stuffed with delicious food, but at the same time couldn't tell the difference between sweet, sour, bitter and spicy, and only knew to say: "Delicious! Delicious!".But now Wu Shigong feels that Shanhaiguan is "so big! So big!", and it is difficult to describe his feeling in words.

The Zhenyuan Building at the east gate of Guancheng, which faces Wu Shigong, is also known as the world's No. [-] Guancheng Tower.On this city tower, there is a large plaque with black characters on a white background, with five large characters written on it - the first pass in the world.Around Zhenyuan Tower, there are Jingbian Tower, Linlu Tower, Wengcheng, Dongluo City and other overlapping military buildings. Moreover, Guancheng is located on Yanshan Mountain in the north and Bohai Sea in the east. The defense system is quite complete.

At this time, Wu Shigong was completely immersed in the mentality of traveling.Came to a tourist attraction, and it is a tourist attraction that has not been destroyed by later generations, which made Wu Shigong feel excited about visiting ancient times.In addition, the scenery of Shanhaiguan is really good. The Yanshan Mountains in the north are lush and green, and the Bohai Sea in the east is rippling with blue waves. Even Wu Shigong felt a sense of comfort in embracing nature, and made Wu Shigong feel that he saved a lot of money for travel tickets.

Seeing the adults in his family not moving for a long time, and watching Guanlou constantly applauding, Yu Ji, who thought he understood Wu Shigong's thoughts, immediately approached Fu Er and said, "My lord! From what I can see, although this Guancheng looks It is true that a frontal attack will cost a lot of lives, but as long as we attack the peaks on Yanshan Mountain, and then pull up the artillery of our Runing Army, and bombard for a long time, the fighting spirit of the army will be destroyed. Shanhaiguan can be taken down. It is not difficult to tackle key problems, but it will take some energy and time."

Wu Shigong was dumbfounded as he listened to Yu Ji burning the piano and cooking the crane, feeling like he had swallowed a fly.He was admiring the beautiful scenery, but he wanted to destroy it.After suffering internal injuries for quite a while, Wu Shigong finally uttered two words: "Rough goods!" Then he walked towards the city gate without looking back.

Yu Ji was dumbfounded by the scolding, but he also knew that he was slapped on the horse's leg by flattery.In order to make amends, he immediately grabbed Chi Ming, who was about to follow Wu Shigong into the pass, and asked in a low voice with an apologetic smile: "Brother Chi! Did brother say something wrong? You must teach me, thank you in advance .”[

Chi Ming gave Yu Ji a contemptuous look, and taught him a lesson: "Brother Yu! What do you think your lord is doing? Your lord is both civil and military. He is a scholar. If he hadn't been forced out of Beijing by the court, he might have won the first prize and married Princess. Just now, my lord was about to write a poem, but I was interrupted by you just after thinking a few words, do you think my lord will be angry?"

Chi Ming's extreme personality worship for Wu Shigong was combined with folk rumors, the influence of drama, and his imagination.That's the logical result.

When Yu Ji heard it, he felt that Chi Ming's statement was quite reasonable.So I immediately patted my thigh to repent, and then immediately acted instead of heartfelt.

Seeing that Wu Shigong was about to go far away, Yu Ji immediately shouted: "My lord! The little ones are ready to write and write immediately. My lord, wait for the little one..."


After passing through the city gate road that was more than ten zhang long, and then passed the Wengcheng, Wu Shigong and the others finally entered the city of Shanhaiguan.A counselor of Hong Chengchou's shogunate, a local sixth-rank civil servant in Liaodong, and a local general who was stationed in Shanhaiguan.Accompanying Wu Shigong into Guancheng.

This reception standard is still considered equal, and there is no place to neglect Wu Shigong.But Wu Shigong always felt that he was too equal. He came to support Liaodong as a guest army, and he was ordered by Hong Chengchou, governor of Jiliao, so the officials of Liaodong should be more enthusiastic.But now this kind of fairly routine reception always makes people feel a little indifferent to Liaodong civil and military.

In fact, Wu Shigong didn't know why Hong Chengchou sent such a reception lineup.It is also painstaking.Of course, Hong Chengchou welcomed the help of the strong army of the Runing Army, and with Wu Shigong joining in, he was sure that the Qing army would win the battle.Not to mention that Hong Chengchou himself admired Wu Shigong quite a lot.

But now Hong Chengchou is the governor of Jiliao.He already has nine general soldiers under his command, so he can't favor one general soldier over another.In addition, the relationship between the local Guanning iron cavalry generals and Wu Shigong was already at odds. Therefore, Hong Chengchou could not make an over-standard reception, for fear of causing discord in the army.

"Mr. Wu! Your subordinates will arrange for someone to take your army to the military camp in the north of the city. The barracks, ditches and water supply there have been properly arranged for you. Today's hot food and hot water are also prepared for your army. Mr. Wu The soldiers should go with the officials to your residence in the city first, wash up, and the supervisor will arrange a reception banquet for you tonight." Zhang Shen, the governor's shogunate, cupped his hands.

It is certainly impossible for so many Runing soldiers and horses to be arranged in Guancheng.So the brigade will pass through the Guancheng and arrive at the big camp arranged by Hong Chengchou two miles north of the Guancheng.This is not to treat the Runing army differently, all the general soldiers transferred are like this, they will not be stationed in the city.Otherwise, even if there are not so many places to settle, it may cause conflicts between different armies, so Wu Shigong has no objection to this arrangement.

As for the commander of an army like Wu Shigong, their treatment is very good.Although it is impossible to set up a temporary general army office for them in the Shanhaiguan customs city, there is absolutely no problem in "encouraging" wealthy businessmen in the city to donate their houses and arrange for general soldiers like Wu Shigong to live in them.And as long as Wu Shigong and other generals are in Liaodong for one day, these houses will always be theirs to use.

But after Wu Shigong heard this, he immediately frowned, he didn't want to trap himself in Guancheng.Wu Shigong himself had been assassinated before, and was also threatened by Shang Fang's sword in the military discussion, and now his relationship with the court is not good, so at this time, he is absolutely unwilling to break away from the protection of his own army.

So Wu Shigong bowed his hands and saluted with a smile, and said, "Thank you for your trouble, my lord! But I am here to fight in Liaodong, and I want to share the joys and sorrows with my sons and daughters, so I will live in the barracks all the time and give my house to me, so forget it." !"

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