After hearing Wu Shigong's words, those officials looked at each other. They knew the court's attitude towards Wu Shigong, and also understood Wu Shigong's worries, but at this time, they also wanted to explain something to Wu Shigong.

It was the same Senator Zhang who said: "General Wu! It's still comfortable in the city, and there is always some discomfort in the barracks. Moreover, all the generals have their own residences in the city, so it is very convenient for the supervisors to gather. And tomorrow is when all the generals will arrive. On that day, Lord Superintendent raised his tent for the first time, but the city gate was closed at night, so if he was outside the city, he would definitely not be able to catch up. This is a violation of military law, so why bother Wu Zongbing? Besides, the governor Master Shi also promised that the commander-in-chiefs can bring a hundred personal guards in the city, and there is a large army guarding the city, so everyone's safety must be worried. Otherwise, why did the master supervisor summon Wu Zongbing all the way? After tomorrow, when the army is dispatched, General Wu will decide on his own accord. You can live inside or outside the city."

Wu Shigong thought for a while, and felt that his nerves were indeed a little sensitive.If the imperial court really wants to be unfavorable to itself, it is absolutely impossible to transfer itself to the key theater-Liaodong.Otherwise, if you can't control yourself and cause the mutiny of the Runing Army, the battle situation in Liaodong will collapse, and the most elite army of 10,000+ in the Ming Army will be lost. It is simply an act of "suicide" , his threat to the imperial court will certainly not be so great.

Therefore, as long as the safety of the main force of the Runing Army is guaranteed, he is also safe in Shanhaiguan.So Wu Shigong immediately ordered Yu Ji: "You take the army and set up camp quickly, and you will choose 100 people to follow me later. Mr. Si De will live in the city with me!"

For the Runing Army's expedition this time, Wu Shigong always needed an aide who could write and come up with ideas, so he brought Zhou Junwu with him.After the public confession, Wu Shigong then called Yu Ji to his side, and he quietly ordered: "Be careful! Our camp must be independent, and we cannot get too close to other officers and soldiers. Also, food and drinking water must be taken in turns. To prevent poisoning, more light and dark whistles should be placed at night."


No matter how he judged safety, Wu Shigong still wanted the Runing Army to be careful.This is not to be defensive!

Wu Shigong followed the councilor to a house in the city.The house was bought by a shopkeeper named Chang in the city.Although it is not big, it is still elegant with mountains and water.Wu Shigong settled down under the leadership of the shopkeeper Chang.The servants were already prepared in the house, hot water was boiled, and they were waiting for Wu Shigong to wash.

After saying goodbye to Zhang Shenshi, Wu Shigong's personal guards drove the servants to the side room, and prepared to let the shopkeeper take them away later.Still for safety reasons, no outsiders will be kept by Wu Shigong's side. [

Tired from the long journey, Wu Shigong felt refreshed after taking a hot bath.Wait until you have changed into clean clothes.Wu Shigong waited for his messy wet hair to dry naturally, then took out the list of Liaodong officials collected by the Military Intelligence Bureau, and studied it carefully.

Because of limited funds and manpower, and it is not necessary for the time being.The Mountains and Rivers Division and the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Runing Army did not send spies to Liaodong at all.Even the Sihai Commercial Bank is also doing business in cooperation with commercial firms and caravans in Liaodong through Zhang Chunyu in Tongzhou and the semicolon in Beijing.Therefore, Liaodong's intelligence is simply blank.

Therefore, the information that Wu Shigong obtained now was collected by Zheng Ling through the residence newspaper.So very incomplete.

According to information, there are three top officials in Liaodong, namely: Hong Chengchou, governor of Jiliao, Fang Yizao, governor of Liaodong, and Gao Qiqian, governor of Guanning and the eunuch.

Wu Shigong analyzed this: the governor of Jiliao, Hong Chengchou, is the boss, and that must be the most important; and the governor of Liaodong, Fang Yizao, Wu Shigong had never dealt with before.It is estimated that they will rarely deal with each other in the future, so it can be ignored, as long as they don't offend him; as for Gao Qiqian, the governor of Guanning and the eunuch of the horse and eunuch, Wu Shigong also fought with him during the Pingdenglai Rebellion. After acquaintance, the eunuch was quite upright, and he had no major conflicts with Wu Shigong, so he would not do any detrimental actions to Wu Shigong.

But seeing Gao Qiqian, Wu Shigong also sighed a bit, he didn't expect him to be reactivated by Emperor Chongzhen so soon.It seems that Gao Qiqian really has the trust of Emperor Chongzhen, and his foundation in the general system of Liaodong Army is quite deep-rooted.

Then Wu Shigong got acquainted with his colleagues this time - the Eighth Commander-in-Chief.He first set his sights on Wu Sangui, the most famous general soldier of Ningyuan in later generations.

Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan, is only 27 years old. He is the youngest among all the commanders, and is three years younger than Wu Shigong.What is rare is that he is capable of both literature and martial arts, and he passed the martial arts examination before he was 20 years old. Especially when he was 16 years old, his act of bravely rescuing his besieged father with more than a dozen riders was known and praised by Emperor Chongzhen , is a member of the new generation of Guanning cavalry.

From guerrilla, general to deputy general, and then to general, Wu Sangui was promoted very quickly, which was beyond the norm.First, it has something to do with his understanding of literature and martial arts, and his eloquence. It is also related to his father Wu Xiang and his uncle Zu Dashou being the commander in chief.

Hong Chengchou, governor of Jiliao, was transferred to Liaodong at the beginning of the year. He found that the Liao army lacked training, which affected its combat effectiveness.Therefore, Wu Sangui's ability to train troops and fight wars is beyond doubt.Moreover, the main force of the Liao army this time is basically trained by Wu Sangui, so his influence in the army should be the greatest.

Of course, Wu Shigong will not forget the teasing feet he gave Wu Sangui back then, and it is estimated that Wu Sangui will not forget Wu Shigong either.So it is definitely impossible to get rid of the past.

But Wu Shigong was not worried either.Under the suppression of Governor Hong Chengchou and others, he went to rescue Jinzhou, and Wu Sangui's uncle Zu Dashou lived in Jinzhou City. As long as Wu Sangui didn't get dizzy, he would definitely not openly break with Wu Shigong.Of course, Wu Shigong will also guard against Wu Sangui's non-cooperation and secret hands.

Yang Guozhu, the general of Xuanfu.The world is the commander of Yizhou Guard.In the second year of Tianqi, Hedong fell, and his wife hanged himself on the way back.Yang Guozhu and his two sons traveled by night and day, crossed the Yalu River and entered Phi Island. "Mao" Wenlong knew the talents of his father and son, and assigned him a military post.After Wenlong died, Yang Guozhu went to seek refuge with Yuan Chonghuan.

In the second entrance battle in the 11th year of Chongzhen, Yang Guozhu entered Weijifu and followed Governor Lu Xiangsheng to fight Jiazhuang.If Xiangsheng is defeated, Guozhu should be convicted.Afterwards, Liu Yuliang, a scholar of the University, and Sun Chuanting, the servant, said that they were surrounded by heavy siege, not those who retreated from the enemy.Naichong is an official, trying to make meritorious deeds.Among them, Hong Chengchou also contributed to Yang Guozhu's exoneration.

Cao Bianjiao, the commander-in-chief of Yutian, nephew of Cao Wenzhao, accumulated military merits from Cao Wenzhao to guerrilla warfare when he was young.After that, he followed Cao Wenzhao and made many military exploits in the battle to encircle and suppress the peasant army, and became Cao Wenzhao's right-hand man. [

Later, after Cao Wenzhao's death in battle, Cao Bianjiao independently won meritorious service in the battle with the peasant army, and became a powerful general under Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides at that time.

After the second entrance battle, martial law was imposed in the capital, and Hong Chengchou was called to join the guard. Cao Bianjiao and Zuo Guang followed him first.Then they followed Hong Chengchou to Liaodong, and even used troops in Shaanxi.Governor Zheng Chongjian begged Cao Bianjiao to return west, but Emperor Chongzhen refused.

Bai Guangen, the commander-in-chief of Jizhou.He was originally the leader of a peasant army, and he initially rebelled with Huntian Monkey.Later, he surrendered to the Ming court, made many military exploits, and his official position rose all the way.Therefore, Bai Guangen's combat effectiveness and combat experience are quite high.

And Yang Guozhu, general of Xuanfu, Cao Bianjiao, general of Yutian, and Bai Guangen, general of Jizhou, all followed Hong Chengchou for a long time, or Hong Chengchou had kindness to him, so they were also Hong Chengchou's confidant generals.

In addition, Datong General Soldier Wang Pu.His father, Wang Wei, was the governor of the left.Wang Pu was promoted to the commander-in-chief with his father's shade.There is nothing to say about Wang Pu's personal bravery. He once hacked and killed more than a dozen Qing soldiers, but his command ability and situational judgment were quite poor. Back then, when the peasant army feigned surrender and crossed the Yellow River and entered Henan, it was Wang Pu who opened the gap. .

However, Wang Puqi has another characteristic: he was paid by Shanxi merchants to take the position of chief military officer.Therefore, he ignored the Shanxi merchants who went out of the customs, and used this to collect a lot of money.As a result, the material supply and intelligence collection of the Qing Dynasty outside the customs have been greatly improved.In this regard, Wang Pu is also "indispensible".

Miyun commander Tang Tong.He was the general of Xuanhua first, and then the general of Miyun. He has been guarding the capital all the time. He is a well-known general trusted by Emperor Chongzhen.And his relationship with China is quite deep.

Ma Ke, the general soldier of Shanhaiguan, and Wang Tingchen, the former chief soldier of the Tunwei.They are all generals of the Liao army.As local generals, they naturally formed a group with Wu Sangui.But because they are not direct descendants of the generals of the ancestral family, they cooperated with Wu Sangui and had some minor differences.

In addition to these eight generals, there are also independent generals in Liaodong, such as Zuo Guangxian, the general who aided and suppressed the army, and Liu Zhaoji, the general who helped the Liaodong army.Together with Wu Shigong's Runing Army, it formed the main combat force of the Ming Army.

Because the content is very small, Wu Shigong read it quickly.Hearing that the owner of the house, Chang Treasurer, was still waiting outside the door, Wu Shigong ordered him to be called in.He wanted to take advantage of the free time before the dinner to find a local to learn about the situation in Liaodong.

"Marshal Wu! You are able to come to the humble house, which really makes the little one shine. Here, I would like to congratulate you on your victory, and confer the title of duke." , And said a series of congratulatory words.

"Get up!" Everyone loves to hear such good words, so Wu Shigong smiled and said, "Sit down! I have a few words for Mr. Chang."

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