Chang Qiu first borrowed the house for a long time, then confessed to each other frankly, and now he is sending off the woman. This level of enthusiasm has far exceeded the usual attitude of a businessman towards the commander-in-chief who went to fight in Liaodong, so Wu Shigong immediately became suspicious. .

It was also because of the huge disparity in status between the two that Wu Shigong immediately tore off all the masks and asked bluntly: "Mr. Chang! I have a straightforward personality. Tell me! What do you want me to do when you treat me so well? "

Chang Qiu was taken aback by Wu Shigong's straightforwardness, and after thinking about it, he laughed again: "Haha——!"

Chang Qiu is a collateral descendant of the Chang family among the Eight Great Shanxi Merchants. Through his own efforts, he became the treasurer of the Chang family in Liaodong.He has traveled inside and outside the pass for many years, and has a very good relationship with officials and generals in Liaodong, not to mention his relationship with the Manchus and Mongolia outside the pass.In his eyes, all the righteousness of the nation and the calamity of the barbarians are imaginary. To him, there is only one thing he cares about, and that is to make money, to make more money for his Chang family.

And when Chang Qiu learned that Wu Shigong had come to Liaodong, he took the initiative to lend his house to Wu Shigong through connections.Not for anything else, just because he wanted to earn more money from Wu Shigong.

There is a situation that even Wu Shigong himself is not very clear about. Unlike Wu Shigong's reputation in the official circles of the Ming Dynasty and among scholars, his reputation in the business world has long been known.

The well-capitalized Ru Ning financial industry, the complete range of Ru Ning manufacturing industry, the profiteering Yangzhou salt industry, and the commercial network in several provinces, all of these have long been wanted by the profit-seeking Shanxi merchants.However, Wu Shigong is cooperating with local officials and gentry groups in Henan, Yangzhou salt merchants group, and Jiangnan consortium. The activities of these business groups have already threatened the status of Shanxi merchants group.

What makes Shanxi merchants even more painful is that they have no chance to establish a relationship with Wu Shigong, even if they want to join, they can't find a chance, which makes Shanxi merchants feel like they are sitting on pins and needles.And shopping malls are like battlefields.The enemy advances and retreats, and Shanxi merchants also feel that their living space is constantly being squeezed by the consortium headed by the Runing Army, so this time Chang Qiu will not let go of such an opportunity.

So Chang Qiu tried every means to please Wu Shigong, and wanted to establish a business cooperation with the Runing Army, so as to increase new sources of income for the Chang family. [

So after being surprised for a short time, Chang Qiu quickly apologized and said with a smile: "I have heard for a long time that there are many business opportunities in Runing, and my Chang family has business routes in the northeast and northwest. The goods are sold to the Northeast and Northwest. I wonder if the commander-in-chief will allow it?"

Hearing Chang Qiu's answer.Most of Wu Shigong's doubts were eliminated.It's good to ask for others, but I'm afraid of being courteous.Besides, it can increase business cooperation and increase financial resources for the Runing Army.So he said with a smile: "That's good! I will write a letter and let you change your family to Runing. Discuss in detail with Shopkeeper Yuan of Sihai Trading Company. For specific matters, please refer to Shopkeeper Yuan!"

Of course, Wu Shigong has already passed the Shanchuan Division, the Military Intelligence Bureau and the Sihai Trading Company.I learned about the "deeds" of the Manchu Qing Dynasty outside the customs clearance of Shanxi merchants.But now it is impossible to eliminate this kind of collusion with the enemy, so Wu Shigong decided to be false first.Of course, it would be even better if one or two Shanxi merchants could be brought over.A split attack will always receive much less resistance than a complete annihilation.

"That's good! That's good!" Of course, Chang Qiu didn't know that Wu Shigong had already regarded Shanxi merchants as fat sheep, and he was still happy that things went smoothly, so he lost his temper with excitement.He hurriedly said: "The little one immediately reported to my family, and the young one's daughter was also sent here immediately."

Hearing Chang Qiu say "daughter" and "daughter" again, Wu Shigong felt very familiar, Chang Qiu's tone was very similar to that of a bustard in a flower building.Although the Ming Dynasty had the habit of local gentry giving officials their own daughters or concubines to sleep in.But after all, Chang Qiu was born in the Eight Great Families of Shanxi Merchants, and he has become a shopkeeper with a high status in the Chang family, so his status is not much lower than some low-level officials, so Wu Shigong suddenly became interested in Chang Qiu's daughter .

"Mr. Chang! Is your daughter your own?" Wu Shigong asked half-truthfully.

But this question made Chang Qiu embarrassed, but he quickly returned to normal, and replied seriously: "It's an orphan girl I met in Datong, who was adopted at home and became a goddaughter. But please don't worry, Commander." , this goddaughter was brought up from a young age, and has been teaching the rules of the big family, and she will never humiliate the handsome."

Wu Shigong fully understood Chang Qiu's words, and Chang Qiu's "daughter" was a famous prostitute he bought in Datong, Shanxi, similar to the role of Yangzhou Shouma.At this time, Wu Shigong didn't care whether Chang Qiu's daughter was dry or wet, he couldn't help but move his index finger, just wanting to see the beauty of that famous prostitute in Datong.

You know, under Datong, Yangzhou and Datong are the two fashion capitals for famous prostitutes, and Wu Shigong has long wanted to have a taste of the scenery of girls in Datong.So he couldn't wait to say: "Then I have the audacity to accept Mr. Chang's daughter!"

Chang Qiu was overjoyed to see Wu Shigong accepting the gift, but just as he was about to speak, he heard Chi Ming behind Wu Shigong cough deliberately, which seemed very unpleasant.

Wu Shigong was also a little upset by Chi Ming's cough, he turned around with a tiger face and said, "Chi Ming! Did you catch a cold?"

Chi Ming looked at Wu Shigong in a panic, immediately lowered his head, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Deng told me not to let strange women approach adults. Small ones are also responsible."

Wu Shigong almost spat out a mouthful of blood.Damn, my private life is being controlled by others.This rule must have been inspired by Deng Qifan's civil and military personnel and his inner house.And Deng Qifan, civil and military, are concerned about their own safety, but what about their inner house?Do you have to guess the intentions of those ladies?

Just at this embarrassing time, a soldier outside the door sent a greeting card.Wu Shigong opened the greeting card and saw that it was written: "Worship Hadan Bateer, Commander of the Gannuwei of the Ming Dynasty!"

Wu Shigong was surprised again when he read the greeting post.The name of the visiting Ming commander was obviously a Mongol.Because there was a famous Mongolian center who played basketball in his previous life named Battelle. [

The current Wu Shigong is no longer a novice in the officialdom. He understands that such a Ming official is basically a Mongolian defector who has no real power or power. Insignificant people.But Wu Shigong thought about it again, and realized that this was just a good opportunity to eliminate the embarrassment in front of him, so he immediately ordered: "Call Mr. Ha in."

Wu Shigong didn't know at all that Hadan Battelle was a "famous person" in Liaodong, or in Shanhaiguan, and his "legendary deeds" brought a lot of joy to Ming officials and common people after dinner.

Hadanbaatar was originally the leader of a small tribe in Mongolia, attached to a middle tribe.Then there are the big tribes, and a few more floors until we reach Lin Dan Khan, the nominal Khan of Mongolia at that time.

When Nurhachi conquered Mongolia, Hadanbaatar took his small tribe to join the Mongolian army resisting Houjin.After Lin Dan Khan was defeated again and again, many Mongolian tribes switched to Houjin, and Hardanbaatar took his own tribe to defect to Daming.

At that time, Daming didn't pay attention to small characters like Hadan Battelle at all, because Daming was very strong at this time, and there were still many large Mongolian tribes that were inclined to Daming, so Hadan Battelle's status was not important.

However, in the following times, Nurhachi used Mongolian traitors in the Ming army's city to break through the city of Liaodong from the inside and outside, and the status of many Mongols here in the Ming Dynasty plummeted.

But Hardan Battelle took advantage of this opportunity to gain the trust of Ming officials.Every time the Mongolian traitor offered the city, Hadanbaatar always happened to be in the city, and every time he didn't surrender Houjin, he escaped like shit luck.In this way, Hadan Battelle proved his loyalty to the officials of Ming Dynasty.

Of course, after several escapes, there were only a few dozen herdsmen left with Hadanbaatar, but this did not prevent Hadanbaatar from being promoted. In order to commend his loyalty, Hadanbaatar's official position also rose.

Then, as the status of the Ming Dynasty and the Houjin in Liaodong were reversed, more and more Mongolian tribes took refuge in the Houjin, and there were fewer and fewer Mongolians who were pro-Ming.But the Ming army always needs to inquire about information about Houjin and Mongolia, and some greedy generals of the Ming army also need someone to contact the Mongolian tribes to do business, so Hadanbaatar used his relationship to indeed inquire about some information about Houjin and Mongolia for the Ming army. intelligence.

That's it, because Hou Jin didn't pay much attention to the small role of Hadan Battelle, and later also needed Hadan Battelle's channel to maintain contact with the customs, so he didn't move Hadan Battelle much.

Although Daming used Hardan Battelle, he didn't pay much attention to him at all.He should be made to work hard without hesitation, and the rewards that should be given should be discounted. Even the money earned by opening up business channels through Hadan Battelle is not left.

But Hardanbaatar still has some conscience, he is unwilling to abandon those people in the tribe who follow him, so he earns less and less money, barely maintaining the livelihood of the tribe.

But in this way, Hadanbaatar had no money to maintain Mongolian relations, and his relationship with Mongolian tribes became less and less. Under such a vicious circle, he gradually lost his use value in the Ming army.So he was completely ashamed, he should be cheating and begging for some money from the government, and he should be cheating and using false information to defraud the Ming army of money.And the people in his tribe even worked hard, and some pimped, and they became a group of green-skinned rascals in the Shanhaiguan customs city. (to be continued...)

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