However, a Mongolian green-skinned rogue like Hadanbaatar is not as good as a Han Chinese green-skinned rogue, he doesn't dare to offend the Han people at all, and often a soldier of the Ming army dares to play tricks on the commander of the Ming Dynasty for fun.And Hardan Battelle is just constantly breaking through his shameless lower limit.So now, his reputation in the Ming army is completely rotten.

But there is another point. Hadanbaatar is also very concerned about the Mongols living in Guancheng.Most of the money he got was used on these poor Mongolians, so those Mongolians also regarded him as their leader.

And today, Hadan Bateer heard that another guest army commander came to Shanhaiguan, so he thought of Wu Shigong to try his luck.If Wu Shigong believed him and asked him to sell a few fabricated false information, then Hadan Battelle could live in a precarious life again.

But Wu Shigong didn't know Hadan Battelle's dirty mind.In his opinion, a visit from a colleague in the army must always have a basic courtesy.So Chang Qiu wisely evaded first, and Wu Shigong also tidied up his clothes, stood up from the chair, and waited for Hadan Battelle to come in.

But Wu Shigong's eyes widened when he saw Hadan Battelle entering the door.It's not that Hardan Battelle is disheveled, although his fourth-rank military officer's robe is worn out, it is also quite clean; it's not that Hardan Battelle's appearance is sloppy, except for his big beard, his whole body is also clean , without the heavy body odor of Mongolians.But the way he came in was very petty, and he looked very wretched when he was ghostly, and he didn't have the image of an official at all.

But people should not be judged by their appearance, and Wu Shigong could not show contempt, so he bowed his hands politely and said: "My lord! I just arrived in Liaodong, and I still need the help of my colleagues. Today I can see you. It is really lucky for three lives! "

Unexpectedly, Hardan Battelle did not return the salute at all, or in other words, he did not return a normal salute according to his identity at all. He immediately knelt down on the ground, and while Wu Shigong was stunned, he kowtowed three times, and then Speaking fluent official dialect with a Liaodong accent, he said in a loud voice: "I pay my respects to your lord, and I wish you all the best and success!"

"Get up quickly! Get up quickly!" Wu Shigong was a little caught off guard by Hadan Battelle's unconventional etiquette.He hurriedly greeted all around and said: "Show Master Ha quickly and serve tea!"

Having gained the respect of Hardan Battelle, regardless of whether he was sincere or not, Wu Shigong always felt a little relieved, so his attitude towards Hardan Battelle became more amiable.

After the two started talking.Wu Shigong suddenly discovered that Hadan Battelle is very talkative.After a little familiarity, Hadanbaatar spoke eloquently and without pause for nearly half an hour.Don't say it either.Wu Shigong liked what he said.Because Hardan Battelle just talked about the customs outside the customs.

In fact, Hardan Battelle is familiar with these words, he relies on his words to make a living, how can he deceive the generals of the guest army who are not familiar with his details?And his remarks also focused on three aspects:

First of all, of course, it is to brag about Hardan Battelle's "personal experience". Anyway, he participates in every battle, and in the battle, he is often an important role.They are all the right-hand men of the Ming army coaches, and those war scenes, Hardan Battelle also said that they are turbulent and exciting, just to show Wu Shigong that Hardan Battelle is loyal to Daming.And a very important general's illusion.

The next thing is to talk about his lofty status in the Mongolian tribe.Why did the people support it? They followed desperately. Anyway, those who don’t know the details of Hadanbaatar, after hearing these words, will think that Hadanbaatar has high prestige, great influence, and a huge network of connections in the Mongolian tribe.

In fact, these words are not completely nonsense, but Hadanbaatar's prestige and influence are only limited to the hundreds of old and weak Mongolian women and children in the Shanhaiguan Pass City, other than that, he has no influence at all.

In the end, of course, it deepened the impression on Wu Shigong.So Hardanbaatar began to talk about gossip about Manchu and Mongolia outside the pass.A certain prince in the Qing Dynasty robbed a Hanchen's concubine; a certain Mongolian tribe started a war over water and grass land; a certain Mongolian tribe leader was willing to give as many cattle and sheep as he wanted to marry a beautiful girl.Anyway, this performance showed Hardan Battelle's quality as a qualified paparazzi player.

Hardan Battelle just wanted to hint to Wu Shigong: How well do I know the situation of Manchu and Mongolia outside the customs!If you want to know, get your money's worth quicker.

But Wu Shigong listened with great interest at first, but after listening for a while, he found that he didn't hear any useful news.Wu Shigong wanted to listen to political and military news, but Hadan Battelle opened an entertainment channel, which made Wu Shigong feel like he pressed the wrong remote control.

Therefore, after listening for a while, Wu Shigong interrupted Hadanbaatar's frothing, and asked, "Master Ha! Do you know how many Tartars surround Jinzhou?"

In fact, while Hardan Battelle was talking, he was also looking at Wu Shigong's face. He had long hoped that Wu Shigong would interrupt the topic and ask about the situation in Liaodong.So upon hearing this, Hardan Bateer was really relieved.

"My lord! This time around Jinzhou, I heard that Jiannu was dispatched by the whole army, and even some Mongolian thieves who had defected to Jiannu with no conscience went to help. There was a man named Zac in the Xiaguan tribe who disguised himself as a groom and sneaked into the siege. Among the Mongolian bandits in Jinzhou. But the family he stayed with Xiaguan is suffering..." After opening the beginning, Hardan Battelle began to babble about the life of the family member named Zac Miserable life comes.

"How many are there?" Wu Shigong finally couldn't stand Hardan Battelle's nagging, and interrupted him again.

"Every time I send people out to investigate, some of them fall into the hands of Jiannu, and their pensions are always borne by the lower officials, and I can't leave those people's families alone. It's hard to be an official..." As if Didn't hear Wu Shigong's question, Hadanbaatar still talked to himself and sighed his suffering.

Wu Shigong immediately understood what Hardan Battelle meant, didn't he just want to spend money to buy information?Wu Shigong was not disgusted with this, and if he could buy some useful information, it would be quite worth it.

"How much?" So Wu Shigong asked directly.

But these words made Hadan Battelle's eyes light up, and then his eyelids twitched again.He didn't expect things to develop so smoothly, so that some tricks were used to achieve their goals.Moreover, Wu Shigong obviously looked like a rich man, so Hardan Battelle thought about his words, trying to deceive him a little more. (To be continued..)

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