"300 taels!" Under Wu Shigong's watchful eyes, Hardan Bateer finally said an "astronomical figure" through gritted teeth. Afterwards, he carefully looked at Wu Shigong's face, for fear of irritating the big client away.But looking at Wu Shigong's unpredictable expression, Hadanbaatar felt more and more guilty. At the end, he finally couldn't help but add a sentence: "It's okay, my lord, just watch it!"

"Hahaha—!" Wu Shigong finally couldn't help laughing.The change in his face just now was not because Hardan Battelle asked for a lot of money, but because he felt that his asking price was too cheap.

Wu Shigong couldn't help contemptuously in his heart: Then Hadan Battelle is still a fourth-rank military officer, how could he talk about a mere 300 taels?If the officials do this, how about losing their share?

And Wu Shigong didn't care about the 300 taels of silver at all.In the Runing Army, tens of thousands of dollars are spent on the Mountains and Rivers Division and the Military Intelligence Bureau in a year, and it can even reach [-] if special expenses are added. How can this hundreds of figures be taken into account?

Looking at Hadan Battelle, who was made even more guilty by his own laughter, Wu Shigong smiled and said: "Master Ha! I only offer 500 taels, so don't hesitate to speak up. You can answer whatever I ask, so that How are you?"

"That's the best! That's the best!" Hadanbaatar was immediately overjoyed, "Thank you for your kindness, my lord, I will thank you for my subordinates. My lord, please!"

"Alright then, how many Tartars are there in Jinzhou?"


Wu Shigong asked Hadan Battelle more than a dozen questions successively, but Hadan Battelle did not know what to say, and he even guessed.In addition, Wu Shigong didn't know the situation in Liaodong at all, so Hardan Battelle also said that he looked good. [

It wasn't until Wu Shigong thought he understood everything that he served tea to the guests. Seeing Hadanbaatar's eager expression, Wu Shigong smiled and ordered to the soldiers: "Bring 500 taels to Mr. Ha."

Seeing Hadan Battelle rubbing his hands with a smile on his face, fidgeting and waiting for the money to arrive, Wu Shigong asked casually: "Master Ha, do you know the situation in this city? Which general does the owner of this house, Mr. Chang, have good friends with?" ?”

Because the mood is very happy.Hardan Battelle doesn't mind giving away a piece of news either.He leaned over and said in a low voice: "The Chang family got the line from the ancestor's family. His family can be ranked first in the Liaodong business."

Wu Shigong was taken aback when he heard the news, he didn't expect that Chang Qiu's relationship with Man Qing was deeper than he imagined.You know, the ancestral general is the top local general in Liaodong, and he has done such a big business.The collusion with the Qing Dynasty must have been particularly deep.Then what Chang Qiu said just now does not know how much moisture there is.

After seeing off Hadan Battelle with a thousand thanks, he took the money and left, and Chang Qiu, who had been avoiding him before, passed him shoulder to shoulder.Seeing that it was Hadan Battelle who visited Wu Shigong, Chang Qiu was obviously puzzled.So when he saw Wu Shigong, he first asked, "Marshal Wu, why did Lai Piha seek you just now?"

"Laipiha?" Wu Shigong was baffled by this title.

"It's the Mongolian Qingpi who was looking for you just now. He behaves like a mangy dog, so the people in the city gave him this nickname." Chang Qiu explained.

"What? Isn't he a military officer? How did he turn into green skin?" Wu Shigong asked in disbelief.He simply did not believe that a Lai Gan was walking openly on the street in an official robe.You know, impersonating an official is a serious crime of beheading.

"Lai Piha is also an official, but he can only do things on the street and likes to be deceived..." Speaking of this, Chang Qiu immediately remembered something, and asked Wu Shigong quickly, "Marshal Wu! Just now Did you give Lai Piha money?"

Wu Shigong already knew something was wrong after hearing Chang Qiu's question, he nodded and asked back: "I gave him 500 taels. Is there anything wrong?"

"Ah! What he often does is to sell fake news to the military military attache who doesn't know. Commander, you have been fooled."

"Fuck!" Wu Shigong immediately cursed angrily, and he immediately ordered to Chi Ming behind him, "Hurry up and take some people out, catch up with this Lai Piha, and bring him back. Damn! How dare you lie to me. "

Seeing Chi Ming rushing out with his people, Wu Shigong was extremely annoyed.This Chang Qiu colluded too deeply with Man Qing, and this Hadan Battelle was a liar, so he played it for a long time.The information I got was unreliable.

Seeing Chi Ming's departure, Chang Qiu also found an opportunity to continue the topic just now, he bowed and asked, "The villain will send his daughter here first?"

How could Wu Shigong be in such a mood at this moment?He absently made a casual gesture to Chang Qiu, and then carefully judged the accuracy of the information Hadan Battelle said just now. [

at this moment.A personal soldier came in and reported: "My lord! The envoy of the supervisor to welcome your lord to the banquet has arrived. He asked your lord when to leave!"

Wu Shigong immediately put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, stood up and ordered: "Let him wait a moment, I will leave immediately!"

"Chang Jing! This person is Wang Pu, the commander-in-chief of Datong."

"Long-awaited! Long-awaited!"

"This is Yang Guozhu, the chief soldier of the Xuan Mansion."

"Long-awaited! Long-awaited!"


With Hong Chengchou's continuous introductions, Wu Shigong only matched the names and faces of the main civil and military personnel in Liaodong, while those small fish and shrimps could only choose to watch.But even so, Wu Shigong also found that the muscles on his face were stiff from laughing, and there were too many officials who came to the banquet today.

"Chang Jing, this is Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan, you two are young heroes, you should get close to each other in the future!" Hong Chengchou finally introduced Wu Sangui.

Wu Shigong sat behind his desk with a smile and clasped his fists to salute. Facing Wu Sangui, he had a psychological advantage, so he could maintain a very peaceful state of mind.

And seeing Wu Shigong's high-spirited appearance, Wu Sangui's face suddenly darkened, and he clasped his fists together and said: "Long admiration! Long admiration! I have heard for a long time that Ru Ning Wu Changjing has profound martial arts skills, especially his insidious fists and feet. I will wait another day." I must ask for a lesson or two, I hope you will not hesitate to teach me!"

After Wu Shigong heard this, his face was full of indifference.He laughed and said: "My temperament has always been to accept as soon as it is good, and not to give others a chance to come back. It's good if I win once—!" Make fun of Wu Sangui's appearance.

And these people here are all good people, even those who don't understand their relationship can see that they have personal grievances.And Wu Sangui's eyes were about to burst into flames, if it wasn't for the public, he might have turned the table right away.

"Nonsense!" Seeing that the scene was a little out of control, Gao Qiqian, who was sitting in the second seat, immediately scolded, "We are in the same army, and we should help each other in the same boat. How can we be brave? Come on! Apologize to Zongbing Wu!"

After hearing Gao Qiqian's words, Wu Sangui reluctantly cupped his hands again and said, "Mr. Wu! I'm being reckless."

Wu Shigong also returned the gift with a smile, and then said something very unconventional: "It's okay! As a brother, I never took you seriously." After saying this, Wu Shigong secretly added another sentence in his heart: "Except for your family Chen Yuanyuan!" After secretly completing this sentence, Wu Shigong smiled even more joyfully facing Wu Sangui.

Wu Shigong's words also caused a chuckle in the hall.Many civil and military officials who were not familiar with Wu Shigong looked at him curiously.They had all heard of Wu Shigong's rebellious nature more or less, and today they witnessed Wu Shigong's daring to fight with the local snake - Wu Sangui, and they couldn't help sighing in their hearts: "Then Wu Runing really lives up to his reputation!"

At this time, Hong Chengchou spoke in a timely manner: "The whole army is finally gathered today, and everyone can work together sincerely. The governor is very pleased. Seeing the two young heroes are full of vigor, just like the fortune of my Ming Dynasty. It’s a good omen. Come on! Raise your glasses and drink together, let’s finish this one first!”


Wu Shigong also raised his head and drank the glass of wine. When he put down the glass, he took the opportunity to look around secretly, and found that the expressions of the officials were different.Wu Shigong thought about it carefully, then Hong Chengchou must have known that he and Wu Sangui were on the same expedition to Denglai, and he knew that the possibility of conflict between himself and Wu Sangui in Denglai was also greater than [-] to [-]%.

And no matter how young Wu Sangui is, he has already become the chief soldier. Could it be that he doesn't have some city government, and he will openly conflict with himself in the public?

And Gao Qiqian was in the army that conquered Kong Youde at that time, and he knew very well about the conflict between himself and Wu Sangui, so how could he wait until after the incident to stop drinking?

It seems that these people have their own ulterior motives, and none of them is a fuel-efficient lamp.

But no matter what their intentions are, Wu Shigong just needs to cover them with water and earth.So at this time, he also sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, let go of his heart and started to eat and drink.

Although this banquet was held in the name of welcoming Wu Shigong, it was obvious that Wu Shigong would not be the protagonist.So after a while, those civil and military people became lively around Hong Chengchou, governor of Jiliao, and Gao Qiqian, the supervising army.

Songs and dances, drinking with prostitutes..., one program after another was presented continuously. It was not until after the second watch that Hong Chengchou put down his wine glass and said: "Let's stop here today! There is still time to order tomorrow morning, everyone, don't miss it." It's time." After speaking, Hong Chengchou left the hall first.

"Respectfully send off Master Supervisor!" Everyone respectfully sent Hong Chengchou away, and then those who were interested brought the prostitutes who accompanied them, and those who were not interested were single, and they all went back to their own mansions.

As soon as he entered his house, a tall and slender girl of sixteen or seventeen greeted him.Wu Shigong was confused for a moment by the girl who suddenly appeared, and then immediately remembered that it was Chang Qiu's arrangement to serve his goddaughter.After knowing the girl's identity, before she could speak, Wu Shigong waved to her and said, "Go inside and wait! Get ready to sleep!"

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