Now Wu Shigong is not in the mood for romance, he needs to hurry up and digest what he observed at the banquet.

At the banquet, those general soldiers who were close to Hong Chengchou, such as Yang Guozhu, the general soldier of Zhengxuan Mansion, talked with Wu Shigong frequently and put on a very affectionate look.As for the other civil and military personnel, they maintained basic politeness with Wu Shigong, and their attitudes were neither cold nor hot.

As for those who maintain a hostile attitude like Wu Sangui, there are not many of them. They are basically generals who are very close to Wu Sangui, while the attitude of other Liaodong generals is still neither far nor close, that is, they do not appear to be affectionate, nor are they close. It seemed to be divided, and he put on an appearance that the two didn't want to help.

Wu Shigong analyzed it: This shows that the Liaodong army is basically divided into three factions, one is pro-Hong Chengchou; the other is more neutral; the other is the generals of Guan Ning cavalry.The supervising army Gao Qiqian is personally attached to Guan Ning's iron cavalry.

However, judging from today's performance, these three factions are still able to coexist harmoniously and still obey Hong Chengchou's orders.Only because of the sensitivity of factional struggles within the political group, those who are close to Hong Chengchou will win over Wu Shigong, and the Guan Ning cavalry will suppress Wu Shigong, and their purpose is nothing more than to strengthen the strength of their own faction and to increase their supply and military resources in the future. Fight for more benefits for your own faction in terms of supplementary and combat missions.

On the surface, Hong Chengchou still has to be impartial.That's why he didn't exceed the standard when welcoming Wu Shigong, just because he didn't want to make the other two factions feel too disgusted.However, Hong Chengchou also obviously intended to win over Wu Shigong. After all, Wu Shigong was ordered by him personally, and the more troops Hong Chengchou had in his hands, the more stable his position as governor of Jiliao would be. Therefore, he chose Wu Shigong at the banquet. It brings up the conflict between Wu Shigong and Wu Sangui.To prevent Wu Shigong from leaning towards other factions, coupled with Yang Guozhu's overtures, is to make Wu Shigong completely vote for Hong Chengchou's side.

In this regard, Wu Shigong is also happy to see the success, maintaining a close relationship with Hong Chengchou, at least he can take advantage of the supply of food and wages.In addition, Wu Shigong has a personal grievance with Wu Sangui, and it is easy to suffer from arguing with local snakes like Wu Sangui alone. Therefore, Hong Chengchou is still very welcome to cover his head.

But after thinking about this, Wu Shigong felt at ease.At least there are no conflicts within the Ming army, and those factions are unavoidable in any group, as long as you pay attention and don't get involved in the conflicts between these factions.As for Wu Sangui?Anyway, his Runing Army is an independent army, of course Wu Shigong will not take the initiative to provoke Wu Sangui on the ground in Liaodong.But he would not tolerate Wu Sangui's provocation either.And the relationship between Runing Army and Guanning Iron Cavalry?That depends on the performance of Guan Ning's iron cavalry. Anyway, the Runing Army has an attitude of: people will not attack me, and I will not attack others.

Since there is no immediate danger.Wu Shigong also felt a burst of relief.So he wanted to go back to the bedroom.It's easier to find that Datong girl.But at this moment, Chi Ming, who had been watching and waiting for a long time, stepped forward.

Just now, Chi Ming saw Wu Shigong wandering in thought, so he didn't dare to disturb Wu Shigong's thoughts.But now that Wu Shigong's brows are stretched, he is about to fulfill his duty as the commander of the personal guard.

"My lord! Mr. Deng took care of this strange woman..." Chi Ming repeated the old story again.

Wu Shigong interrupted Chi Ming impatiently: "Are you listening to Mr. Deng or me? It's a normal gift. Another weak woman, what's the danger? You're too surprised!"


"Okay! I will go to search later, and I will never let her have a murder weapon. Are you afraid that I, a man, will not be able to resist a woman?" Wu Shigong laughed secretly in his heart.Of course I have to take off the clothes of that Datong girl later.As for whether it was for a body search?Then there is no explanation.

Seeing Wu Shigong insisting again and again, Chi Ming also blushed and dared not persuade him any more.And Wu Shigong also knew that Chi Ming was doing it for his own good, so he slowed down his tone, and comforted him: "You are tired from the journey, so you don't need to stay overnight today, let Huang order it. Go and see if the maid brought by that woman is good, and you can do it too." Pick one, and relax yourself." After intimidating, Wu Shigong was lured.It is to drag Chi Ming into the water, and tell him not to make small reports about himself after he returns to Runing.

"No..., no...!" Hearing Wu Shigong's words, Chi Ming's face flushed even redder, he waved his hands again and again, and stuttered as if he stepped on his tail.

"Hahaha—!" Seeing Chi Ming's embarrassing look, Wu Shigong couldn't help but burst out laughing.He didn't care whether Chi Ming, the virgin boy, was free or not, he was about to walk to the bedroom as soon as he started.

In fact, Wu Shigong is not obsessed with sex, because he is also sure about this Datong girl.Since that girl from Datong was arranged by Chang Qiu, she would never arrange for her to assassinate him.Unless he wanted to die together in the autumn, otherwise, the assassination of a senior court military officer would be enough to kill all the suspects.However, Chang Qiu and Wu Shigong didn't have any conflicts that were difficult to reconcile, and they wanted to cooperate with the Runing Army in business, so they didn't have any motives to be unfavorable to Wu Shigong.

As for whether the Datong girl is a dead soldier sent by the Qing Dynasty?Not to mention whether Man Qing would pay such a high price, just saying that there are so many civil and military personnel in Shanhaiguan who are more important than Wu Shigong, will not make Man Qing target himself.Wu Shigong thinks that his status is not so important.

The only thing that needs to be guarded against is that the girl from Datong might be a spy sent by Chang Qiu to her side.But as long as Wu Shigong is vigilant, doesn't reveal the secrets in front of that Datong girl, and asks the soldiers to strictly cut off the contact inside and outside the house, this hidden worry can be completely eliminated.

Besides, after the military meeting tomorrow, the Runing Army will go out soon, and Wu Shigong will no longer have any contact with that girl from Datong.That being the case, why should Xiangyan who was delivered to the door be pushed away?Wu Shigong won't suffer any loss if he takes advantage of this.

Seeing that Wu Shigong was about to enter the inner room, Chi Ming, who finally woke up, quickly stopped him: "My lord, that Lai Piha who lied to you just now has been arrested, and Yinzi has also been chased back. He is now locked in the firewood room in the backyard." , how to deal with him?"

Wu Shigong stopped in his tracks, remembering this incident.After thinking about it, Wu Shigong ordered: "Beat him first, and then send him when I have time. Be careful, don't beat him to death or disable him. Otherwise, it won't look good."

After all, Hadan Battelle has an official status. Although he has no power and power, he has deceived himself. It is okay to teach him some lessons, but if a Ming official is killed or disabled, it will be very difficult in the future. troublesome. (To be continued..)

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