Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 802 Contradictions Between Liaodong Officials and Army

In addition, hundreds of nearby military households also fled.Now Zhenyuan City is like a China Merchants Bureau that provides preferential policies. Once the preferential conditions are announced to the outside world, it is waiting for those fleeing military households to come to their door.

What the Runing Army promulgated was only their own second-class serf standards, but even such standards were much higher than the original standards of Liaodong military households.At least the Runing Army promises: no one will starve to death!And this promise is like buying insurance for the whole family of those military households.However, it can also be seen how fiercely the original Liaodong generals squeezed those military households.

However, as soon as this policy was promulgated, it immediately aroused the hostility of the Liaodong generals headed by Wu Sangui.In Liaodong, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and the land is not rare at all. What is lacking is the population for farming.

And those generals of the Liaodong army had long regarded these military households as their own private property, and oppressed them to work in every possible way on weekdays;To be honest, if those males from military households can live to be 30 years old, it would be like winning the lottery.So it's no wonder those military households fled.

But this suddenly angered Wu Sangui and the others.Originally, Wu Sangui and the others welcomed the construction of Zhenyuan City cautiously, but when the Runing Army endangered their interests, they immediately couldn't sit still.

First, of course, is foreign negotiation and internal control.However, the negotiations with the Runing Army in Zhenyuan City were completely rejected.Yu Ji also spoke out: welcome fair competition and support the free choice of military households.Even if Wu Sangui submerged through the supervising army, Yu Ji still ignored him.

And the control of military households is even more difficult.Isn't it necessary to guard those military households day and night?Such a large territory in Liaodong does not have so many troops!After killing several fleeing military households, the situation worsened, and the escape of those military households became organized and bravely resisted.The folk customs in Liaodong are very tough, after several fights and losses.Those Liaodong soldiers who were interrogating also opened their eyes and closed their eyes to such escape incidents.

In fact, in the final analysis, this is also the short-sightedness of those Liaodong Army generals.They can definitely improve the conditions and use similar conditions to keep the hearts of those military households.But these generals are unwilling to let themselves suffer even the slightest loss.Therefore, the number of fleeing military households is like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

And Zhenyuan City, relying on these defectors, reclaimed nearly ten thousand mu of land before the beginning of spring. Although these lands are all raw land, the output this year is not expected to be high, but it has always started a good start. It has taken a solid step towards the self-sufficiency of Zhenyuan City.

Other than that manpower.Except for raising and strengthening Zhenyuan City, they all went to graze the captured cattle and sheep.But in this way, the food supply of Zhenyuan City continued to expand. For this reason, the Chang family caravan where Chang Qiu belonged also delivered several times to Zhenyuan City.Only in this way can we barely maintain the balance of food and grass in the city.

In addition, the Runing Army in Zhenyuan City also launched an active military attack.With the lead of those Mongolian recruits.In addition, the information obtained from the secret agents of the Chang family and the Shanchuan Division in Shanhaiguan.The Runing Army formed a "hunting team" of more than 300 people to sweep towards Zhenyuan City with a radius of [-] miles.

At this time, it was a good time for spring and flowers to bloom. The nomads on the grassland were divided into small tribes to graze, and they could not form a huge army at all.Therefore, it was repeatedly succeeded by hunting teams.In addition, those caravans that traded with Manchu and Mongolia were unaware, so they were also intercepted by the hunting team.

Therefore, after four successive attacks, the hunting team intercepted six caravans and wiped out seven small Mongolian tribes with hundreds of people.It dealt a powerful blow to the supply of Manchu and Mongolian supplies and caused panic in the surrounding area.

However, the interception of the caravan completely ignited the anger of Wu Sangui and other Liaodong generals.These caravans are all protected by these generals, and they all charge a lot of protection fees, and some even have shares of these generals.So in this way, Zhenyuan City not only became a thorn in the eyes of the Manchus and Mongolia, but also became a thorn in the flesh of the Liaodong army.

When Wu Qi, Hadan Battelle's troops and Fu Sheng's troops joined up, they immediately set off on their way home.This time they hunted at a relatively far distance, more than two hundred miles away from Zhenyuan City, so the danger doubled.In addition, the Runing Army has obtained information: In order to encircle and suppress this elusive hunting team, the Qing Army has sent 5000 troops to the vicinity of Xingshan City under the leadership of a leader.In order not to be cut off from the rear, the hunting team traveled day and night for three days, and finally returned to Zhenyuan City smoothly.

But as soon as he entered the city gate, a messenger came forward and said: "Deputy Commander Fu, Deputy Commander Wu, Lord Ha, and Commander Yu are waiting for you at the City Lord's Mansion."

So the three hurried to the City Lord's Mansion.As soon as he met Yu Ji, Yu Ji said: "Thank you for your hard work. But it's too dangerous to suspend the hunting team's actions before attacking."

"What's wrong?" Fu Sheng asked strangely.

"The officers and soldiers in Ningyuan City have been very dishonest these days. They went to the edge of our newly reclaimed village several times to provoke. In addition, the Tartars sent soldiers and horses again. It feels like a storm is coming. Let's take it easy. Let's talk about it after the turmoil has passed." Yu Jidao.

"Have you informed the Governor and Eunuch Gao? Let them restrain the Wu Zongbing in Ningyuan City." Hardan Bateer suggested.

But after hearing this, Yu Ji curled his lips in disdain: "They were raised by their own mothers, but we are dealing with stepmothers here. It's been a few months, and we should have been deducted from Zhenyuan City's food and wages." Here, I just want us to give up hunting. Grandma! I want our Runing Army to bow their heads, and they will hang around for a few more years!"

"Who cares about the three melons and two dates they gave us? I said Commander Yu, our harvest is good this time, and we should be able to sell it for a lot of money! Give it to the Chang family and let them send us more food." Fu Sheng said.

"It's not that easy?" Yu Ji said with a wry smile, "They are keeping a close eye on Shanhaiguan, and there is news from the Chang family: it must be difficult to buy grain in bulk. Besides, the price of the Chang family is so low, let's snatch it." They also sold all their goods at the price of cabbage, and bought grain from him at a high price. Even if we can buy more now, we will only suffer more. Although there are many things we have robbed, how many times can we sell them again? "(to be continued...)

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