Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 803 My Will Has Been Decided

Hearing that there might be a shortage of food in Zhenyuan City, Hadanbaatar finally couldn't bear his worry, and began to ask rashly: "Then what should we do?"

"Even if the amount of our food and salary is small, it should be ours. Since they want to suppress us, then we have to show them the strength of our Runing Army. So this time I called you here to discuss Let's see how we can show some color to Zongbing Wu in Ningyuan City." Yu Ji finally said viciously.


After some discussion, the result of the discussion was indeed in line with the usual ruthlessness of the Runing Army.At dusk of the second day, two hundred riders from the Runing Army escorted a cannon carriage out of Zhenyuan City.They arrived at the foot of Ningyuan City after the third watch, and then fired three shots at Ningyuan City.

Suffering from a sudden artillery attack, the entire Ningyuan City exploded immediately.It wasn't until the early hours of the panic that the soldiers guarding the city realized that the artillery outside the city had already been withdrawn, and there were no enemy troops to attack the city. The three big holes left on the city wall proved that last night, all the people in the city were not I'm having nightmares.

From this incident, we can see how lawless the officers of the Runing Army are.It's no wonder that when Wu Shigong was about to leave, he urged Yu Ji and the others not to tear up the house and dig the ground.

And now Wu Sangui, who was guarding Ningyuan City, was really angry, so he sent three thousand soldiers to show off at the foot of Zhenyuan City.Note: it's just bragging rights.Of course, if you kill a few military households and soldiers of the Runing Army who have taken refuge in Zhenyuan City, it will be able to "enhance the tone".

Unexpectedly, the Runing Army had long been on guard against Wu Sangui's move.When the three thousand flamboyant Ming troops came to a place about ten miles away from Zhenyuan City, they encountered the five thousand Runing troops who had already completed their formation.

Seeing that the opponent was ready for battle, the general who led the Ming army wanted to lead the Ming army to retreat after saying a few words on the scene.Unexpectedly, the Runing army started fighting without saying a word, and beat the Ming army to pieces.

Then the Runing Army didn't hold back at all, they chased and killed this Ming army mercilessly.Until they were hunted down to the foot of Ningyuan City.After the war, the Runing Army beheaded all the captured Ming soldiers with extreme arrogance, and erected a Jingguan with more than 2000 heads at the foot of Ningyuan City.

And this incident immediately shocked the entire Liaodong, because the ruthless methods of the Runing Army have exceeded the scope of ordinary fire mergers.After careful calculation, Wu Sangui realized that he did not have the strength to go to war with the Runing Army in Zhenyuan City, so he immediately went to his parents and cried to his godfather Gao Qiqian.

The governor of Jiliao Zhao Zhiwan and the military supervisor Gao Qiqian were equally shocked when they learned of this incident.In the beginning, they were pressured by the negotiators of the Ming Dynasty to prevent the Runing Army in Zhenyuan City from hunting, but they have been fruitless since then, and they are already devastated.And now there is another fire and accident.More than 2000 officers and soldiers were killed or injured.In particular, the vicious and reckless style of the Runing Army really took people's breath away.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Zhiwan and Gao Qiqian, as the top officials in Liaodong, will... have to... hide everything.There is no way, this matter is too big, if it is stabbed into the court.Whether the Runing Army in Zhenyuan City will be punished is still unknown, but the imperial court will definitely punish these two people for the crime of lax control.

after.The lobbyists shuttle between the three cities, and the small friction between the two cities.Persuasion, promises, bribes, negotiations, and the extremely complicated "shuttle diplomacy" began in this way.


In the imperial palace in Shengjing, Huang Taiji wiped his face with ice water again.Although it was common for the princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty to use ice in hot summer, Huang Taiji used to be very disgusted with such a waste of people and money.However, today's Huang Taiji summoned Dorgon and Hong Chengchou to have long talks one after another, and then felt uncomfortable and hot all over.Therefore, he also had to use local methods to relieve his discomfort.

After Huang Taiji wiped his face, he drank three cups of tea one after another (he has very serious diabetes), and then he felt calmer physically and mentally.Then he thought about the long conversation just now.

"Oboi, what do you think of what these two people said just now?" Huang Taiji asked suddenly.

"Your Majesty! This slave only understands fighting on the battlefield, and really doesn't understand the general situation of the world. I just think that what these two people say makes sense. However, it's nothing more than Mr. Hong bragging about Henan soldiers. Put gold on his face. But after Prince Rui came back from the pass, he felt that he was completely lost, and he didn't have the backbone of our country at all. Is that Mongolian boy surnamed Wu so powerful?" Obai's answer It sounds rude, but every sentence is a hidden scheming.

Huang Taiji smiled slightly, but said nothing.Then he turned to Sony and asked, "What do you think?"

"This Ming army is difficult to fight, and it takes a lot of hands and feet. Fortunately, their territory is too small, they only occupy two prefectures, with a maximum of 4 to [-] people." Sony bowed and said.

After hearing this, Huang Taiji smiled again. At this time, he made a judgment on these two cronies in his heart: Although Ao Bai has been trying to figure out his own heart, and what he said is what is in his heart, but it seems too much. Show your sharpness.And Sony is a lot more restrained.In the future, Sony will be higher in the future!

"What's the news in Shengjing these days?" Huang Taiji's thinking was very jumpy, and he suddenly asked a digression.

Obai and Soni glanced at each other, and then Sonny replied: "The prices of some things in Shengjing have skyrocketed, and the expenditures of the princes and princes have also increased greatly. There are many complaints in private. They are all looking forward to hunting south again and going to the Ming Kingdom to get them." Last vote."

"Isn't there a stage and banquets all day long? Since there are fewer things coming from the Ming Dynasty, let's hold fewer shows. These princes are used to learning from the days of Han dogs." Obai interjected.

"At that time, I was also negligent in Ming Dynasty's construction of Zhenyuan City. If I had stepped up to prevent their construction at that time, the troubles now would be less." Huang Taiji sighed.

"Your Majesty! You don't have to blame yourself. It was also because of Concubine Chen's affairs that you had to go back to Shengjing, and no one presided over the front line. In addition, Zhenyuan City was indeed too close to Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan, making it difficult for large troops to enter. It's hard to stop Jiancheng. That Zongbing Wu really found a good time." Sony said.

"You can't say that." Huang Taiji shook his head and said, "In such a short period of time, the newly built Zhenyuan City has become a climate. The saddest thing is that the caravans to Shengjing have also decreased by [-]%, and they will have to detour if they come again in the future. This Wu Zongbing is an outstanding man. And Sony, you are also wrong about one thing. That Wu Zongbing’s Henan army is not only [-] to [-]. He is also a man who knows soldiers, how can he blindly divide his troops? But now There are nearly ten thousand Henan troops in Zhenyuan, and his army in Runing is set at more than fifty thousand."

"But Your Majesty, Liaodong and Henan are thousands of miles away, even if we want to fight, it's beyond our reach." Obai said.

After hearing what Oboi said, Huang Taiji nodded subconsciously, and at this moment he fell into deep thought again.After a long while, Huang Taiji seemed to have made up his mind. He said, "Although the siege of Jinzhou and Songshan was a great victory, the banners got nothing except population and weapons. Instead, the banners were wrongly dispatched." Farming has greatly reduced the harvest of our Qing Dynasty. In order to make up for the losses of the banners, I originally planned to let Abatai enter the Guannan again this winter, but in order to solve this Henan army, I planned to send more troops. And I will also personally conquer."

"Your Majesty!" Obai and Sony exclaimed in unison.

As Huang Taiji's personal bodyguards, both of them knew that Huang Taiji's health was deteriorating, and they couldn't stand the fatigue of continuous battles.In case of any accident during Huang Taiji's personal expedition, the fate of the Qing Dynasty will immediately become unpredictable.

But after listening to the dissuasion of the two, Huang Taiji threw the teacup in his hand on the ground in a sudden rage, so frightened that all the people in the hall fell to the ground and did not dare to look up.

"Do you think that I am willing to suffer? Do you think that I want to conquer in person? In the current Ming Dynasty, another 20 troops have been defeated in Kaifeng Mansion. The only one who can threaten the Qing Dynasty is the Henan Army of General Wu. gone."

"So this time, I didn't grab a single person or a grain of food. As long as I defeated this Henan army, it would be considered a great victory. But can it be done without my host? Is there any prince Baylor who can hold back all the troops?" Flag's mind?"

"To be honest, although Dorgon suffered heavy casualties in Hejian, he fought resolutely with this Henan army. Now it seems that he has made meritorious service. Even in my opinion, he should throw down all the captured people and livestock. , leading those [-] athletes to the battlefield is guaranteed to completely defeat this Henan army. In hindsight, this matter is a pity."

"And in Songshan, each banner has its own ideas. After the fiasco, the retreat, and finally did not cut off the return route of this Henan army, and let them escape safely. Whose fault is this?"

"Great opportunities, lost repeatedly. Hey! And I have also read the previous battle reports. As long as I enter the Qing Dynasty, the Henan army will always go north to serve the king. As long as we look for a good opportunity, no matter whether it is an upright battle, Whether it is a plan to set up an ambush, we must find a way to defeat it, and even let the army go south as much as possible to attack the old nests of the Henan army-Runing and Guide. This hidden worry will be completely eliminated. In this way, the Qing Dynasty will have no worries. .”

After hearing Huang Taiji's long speech, Aobai and Suo Ni could not refute, they could only kowtow again and again, dissuading them again: "Your Majesty, can you let Prince Su lead the army? In the name of Prince Su, the Emperor can also stay in Shengjing to secure the army's heart." Or this method is more appropriate."

"This time it's a hunt all over the country, and I'm going to use an army of [-]. Hauge still needs a lot of training! Hey! Let him stay behind this time!"


"My will has been decided!" (To be continued...)

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