In Beijing these days, a piece of news suddenly appeared.And as soon as this piece of news appeared, it immediately occupied the first place in the rankings of major news such as politics, entertainment, lace, etc. It was the first time since Emperor Chongzhen, who was diligent in state affairs and not good at women, began to draft girls among the people.

"The children of a good family who are over fourteen and under sixteen years old must be pure in virtue, clean in family, and clean in appearance. Only those who are allowed and selected."

And around this news, all kinds of people started various actions again.

In a certain eunuch's mansion.

"Godfather! This draft girl, you can arrange a few of your god-grandchildren to go to various wealthy state capitals. Children will stare at the filial piety here, but the show girl How much money should be collected for which level is selected? Godfather needs to make a strategy."

"According to Grandpa Huang's intention for this draft, it is to go around the capital. At most Shandong and Shanxi will be added, and even Jiangnan may not be able to go. So there will not be many people who go out, and the miscellaneous families will give up. To save face, I asked for five places for you. However, there are good and bad places to go, and you will have to draw lots to decide in the future. But you have to tell the monkey boys, what do the other show girls do? The miscellaneous people don’t care. But There is a girl you must choose, and you must be rated as the best, and you must not take a single cent, and you must not neglect her. You must treat her like the master of the palace. Otherwise, if anyone offends her even the slightest bit, the miscellaneous family will pick it up His skin."

"Oh? That Xiuli?"

"It's the younger sister of Concubine Tian's family. We, the chief stewards of the palace, are thinking: this time, the grandpa's selection of daughters may be to select Concubine Tian's sister into the palace. So remember! Don't mess with her." Grandpa Huang is not happy."

"Hey! The child understands."

The residence of Tian Hongyu, the father of Tian Guifei.

"My lord! It's been rumored in Beijing and China that this time the emperor's draft girl is to choose Shuying. Can you do more activities to increase your confidence by three points. The concubine also allows Shuying to prepare early, and then let our Tianfu Without losing a single favor."

"What do you know? Shuying's entry into the palace was a decision she made when she was a child, so there is no need for us to bother. But look at the daughter you taught. The art of sex is one of the best in the world, but she doesn't understand the world at all. Originally, I I am going to let her elder sister take care of Shuying after she enters the palace. But Xiuying left early, and Shuying will be oppressed when she enters the palace. Hey——!"

"My lord! What shall we do?"

"What else can I do? I figured out a way these days. I plan to take 10 taels of silver and go to the south of the Yangtze River. I want to find some of the most beautiful people in the south of the Yangtze River and send them to the palace with Shuying."

"Didn't the emperor not choose beautiful girls from Jiangnan this time? And with so many beautiful women, didn't they get Shuying's favor?"

"Women's opinion. No matter how favored they are, aren't those women born lowly, can they have status in the palace? Shouldn't Shuying be the leader. Let her have a higher status in the palace? Nothing is better than Shuying's. Safety is more important."

"Yes, sir! When will you leave then?"

"Go now."

The official residence of a young Ke Daoyan.

"In the face of this national crisis, the emperor doesn't think about state affairs, but indulges in beauty. It's not true. I should write a letter to dissuade me, and my younger brother has also written a letter of advice. It will be submitted tomorrow. If you agree It can be jointly signed or played alone, and this unhealthy trend must be prevented."

"I co-sign!"

"Brother will play together tomorrow."


"The emperor has been on the throne for fifteen years, and he hasn't chosen any beautiful women. There is also a shortage of court ladies in the palace. This is not a big deal! As long as the eunuch foxes are not allowed to pretend to be tigers and poison the people, we shouldn't refuse them all!"

"Brother Li's statement is absurd! Once the emperor makes a decree, those eunuchs are like tigers out of the cage, how can they follow the rules? And once the emperor gets used to having fun, it may become worse in the future, and we should take precautions against it."

"Okay, okay! You are right. I'm also co-signing."

After learning that Emperor Chongzhen, who had always been strict with himself in life and indifferent to sensuality, suddenly proposed to select a group of concubines, the courtiers were quite disapproving of this.Some angry youth officials even felt that the emperor suddenly put his mind on female sex in the face of a national crisis and all opportunities were waiting to be dealt with.So the cabinet ministers and speech officials tactfully advised, but deliberately delayed.

And Emperor Chongzhen was also embarrassed to turn his face with his courtiers over this matter, and finally had to let it go.The matter of this draft girl was turned into an anticlimax.It's really sad to die a group of eunuchs who want to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune!

However, knowing Emperor Chongzhen's personal eunuch and Tian Hongyu, the father of Concubine Tian, ​​he did guess what Emperor Chongzhen was thinking.Concubine Tian Guifei, a younger sister named Tian Shuying, is very similar in appearance and temperament to her elder sister. She once entered the palace when she was a child, and she was very pleased by Emperor Chongzhen.Emperor Chongzhen once put a flower on the little girl's head, and said half-jokingly: "This is from my family." So this time, more reasons for the selection of girls still reflect a kind of yearning for Concubine Tian Gui.

However, in this draft, it cannot be ruled out that Emperor Chongzhen temporarily developed a mentality of self-destruction and self-abandonment after years of cheering up, failing, and finally exhausted.And the kings of subjugation in history, didn't they just ignore the great difficulties of the country and indulge in sensuality?However, Emperor Chongzhen was indeed a "Zhu Qiangqiang". Once he was dissuaded by the ministers, he actually revived his fighting spirit and devoted himself to endless troublesome government affairs.

And Tian Hongyu did not cancel his trip to the south of the Yangtze River.Afterwards, he still spent a lot of money to buy a batch of stunning beauty in the south of the Yangtze River, and the most beautiful one was Chen Yuanyuan from Suzhou.

On the outskirts of Kaifeng City, in the big camp.

Li Zicheng waved goodbye to Luo Rucai and his party.Seeing them in the distance, he smiled and shook his head, then returned to his command post, a mansion left by an escaped squire.

At this time, all the generals who broke into the camp were also in their respective troops, so in the study in the mansion, only Song Xiance, Niu Jinxing, Li Yan and other military advisers were left.

When he saw all the military advisers, Li Zicheng said with some sarcasm: "Then Cao Cao couldn't bear his temper, and felt that the siege would not bring any benefits. Some are not happy about it. Actually, am I such a person? As long as you give me Kaifeng, even if you give him all the property in the city, so what?"

"King of Chuang! Kaifeng is an important city in the Central Plains. If you get it, you can get the Central Plains. Don't waver. This is the foundation of our Chuangying camp!" Li Yan on the side immediately advised. (To be continued..)

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