After hearing Li Yan's words, Li Zicheng and the others all began to "haha" to Li Yan's seriousness.Everyone here understands this.According to the pre-war planning for the camp, they wanted to manage Kaifeng City as the "capital" of the camp in the future, so for the camp, it was indeed better than the gold in the city for Kaifeng City to fall into their hands intact. Silver property or population are much more important.

"What's the news from Butcher Wu and Zuo Thief?" Because of the long conversation with Luo Rucai earlier, although some very important information will be passed on as soon as it arrives, some minor news will be reported later.Therefore, as soon as Li Zicheng had free time, he immediately asked Song Xiance and the others about the news of the two closest and most powerful official troops.

"It's all standing still! The left thief's place is better. After the spies were sent there, they found that he didn't appear to be dispatched at all. But Butcher Wu didn't know. He still sent a large number of officers and soldiers to fight outside. Our spies who broke into the camp couldn't get in at all, so they knew almost nothing about the situation there." Song Xiance replied.

"To be honest! I'm still most worried about Butcher Wu's place." Li Zicheng frowned and muttered.

"King Chuang was afraid that Butcher Wu would send troops suddenly, so he could break the siege of Kaifeng City?" Niu Jinxing asked from the side.

"Don't be afraid!" Li Yan shook his head and said confidently, "The students went to the front a few days ago. According to King Chuang's arrangement, the soldiers in the front worked hard and cleaned up the trenches in Zhuxian Town. A few earthen walls were built. Other passages for the horses to gallop were also leveled. The officers and soldiers also had more fierce firearms. With these obstacles, it was difficult to make full use of their strengths. How can it compare to our elite soldiers who broke through the camp?"

"Also, the students have to accuse King Chuang here! In Zhuxian Town. The students also slightly changed the deployment of the troops to make the troops form a concave shape. Whether it is the arrival of General Wu or General Zuo, they They will all get into the encirclement of our camp and into the ambush we left for them."

"Oh!?" Li Zicheng's eyes lit up, and he said pleasantly, "Speak quickly, sir."

So Li Yan briefly introduced the deployment of the various troops in the camp, and used the desk as a map, and used the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, tea cups and other things on the table as marks on the map.

Although such an introduction is relatively brief.But Li Zicheng is also a person who has fought old battles, and he immediately recognized the benefits of Li Yan's arrangement.So he thought about it for a while, and Zhanyan smiled at Li Yan: "Sir, you have made a great contribution. Wait until tomorrow, sir..., oh. Several gentlemen will follow me to Zhuxian Town to have a look."

Song Xiance's pupils shrank unconsciously.Among Li Zicheng's three military advisers, he is proficient in civil and military affairs.Li Yan is the first; Song Xiance is good at trying to figure out people's hearts.Not only Chuangying's own, but also good at figuring out the enemy's generals, so the ability to predict is very high; and Niu Jinxing is good at playing tricks.

Therefore, among the three military advisers, Li Yan's role has gradually become the greatest.Of course, Li Zicheng still trusted Song Xiance the most.However, Song Xiance was afraid that if this situation continued, his position as the number one military adviser would give way sooner or later.

"Mr. Song! Do you think Butcher Wu will send troops?" Of course, Li Zicheng would not let his No. [-] military adviser go.

"Students think that the possibility of sending troops is seven or eight out of ten." Song Xiance replied with certainty.

"Oh?" Everyone was quite surprised by this answer.

So Niu Jinxing on the side asked: "Brother Song! Although Mr. Wu's soldiers are brave, he is handsome and general, but his eyes are short-sighted. He only stares at his own one-acre three-point land. When they came, they didn’t send troops. They missed a good opportunity; half a year ago, when Wang Qiaonian left Shaanxi, they didn’t send troops, so they missed a good opportunity; Surrounding Zhuxian Town, they didn't send troops, they missed a good opportunity four times. They missed a good opportunity repeatedly, only for the land of his two prefectures, why would they send troops now?"

"This moment, that moment." Song Xiance said with a smile, with a confident expression on his face.Then he bowed to Li Zicheng, "Dare to ask Chuang Wang: If you break into the camp and capture Kaifeng, where will you go next?"

"Of course it's going south to attack Butcher Wu's lair—Runing and Guide." Li Zicheng replied decisively.

Different from the original history, when the Li and Luo coalition forces besieged Kaifeng, Nanyang, Runing and Guide in southern Henan had already been beaten to pieces by various peasant armies, so the strategic space for the Li and Luo coalition forces was quite wide.

But now, because of the monstrous Runing Army, most of the passages in Henan and Huguang have been blocked.It is the only north-south channel that still exists now - Nanyang, and because of the garrison of the Runing Army in Ye County and other two counties, it has posed a great threat to this channel.Therefore, for the sake of their own living space, the primary goal of the Li and Luo coalition forces must also be the Runing Army.

Moreover, after the capture of Kaifeng, the Li and Luo coalition forces could only choose to go south to attack.If they go north, won't they enter Beizhili to attack the capital?Before his own strength could not be further expanded, Chuangying would never choose this strategic goal to fight the final decisive battle with the Ming Dynasty.

"That's good!" Song Xiance also knew Li Zicheng's answer, "Runing's Wu Zongbing is shallow, but he is not a stupid person. And everyone knows that the next step of the camp is going south. Then how could Zongbing Li not know? As his lair, this time he will give all he has to help Kaifeng. Otherwise, how can he stop me from breaking into the camp under the cold lips and teeth?"

"Brother Song means: Is it true that President Wu will definitely send troops?" Hearing what Song Xiance said seemed to make sense, Niu Jinxing also hesitated a little.

"Seventy-eight out of ten. Of course, there are [-] to [-]% that he won't send troops. Maybe this time Mr. Wu is really as stupid as a pig?" Song Xiance laughed, "But you don't have to worry about King Chuang. If you send troops, you can A must-lose."

"Oh? Please tell me, sir!"

"Before he was hesitant, but now he hastily dispatched troops and was completely unprepared. This is the first defeat. Mr. Li planned ahead and set up an ambush to attack him in case he was unprepared. This is the second defeat. Gao Gao, today's soldiers are stronger than in the past, and there are three defeats. With these three defeats, how can General Wu escape the palm of my battalion?"

Unknowingly, Song Xiance took the credit for it in his words, as if he was the one who made the strategy, and Li Yan was the one who implemented the strategy. (To be continued..)

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