For Song Xiance, there is actually no risk in making such a decision.If the judgment is accurate, it is of course Song Xiance's foresight.If he made a mistake in his judgment, then Song Xiance would have left enough room for his own words.And at that time, Chuangying had already completed the campaign goal of capturing Kaifeng.After this great victory, Li Zicheng's mind will definitely be very broad-minded, and he will not blame Song Xiance for a small mistake in judgment.

And this discussion also caused a slight change in the deployment of Li and Luo's coalition forces. They have made the siege of Kaifeng City a secondary goal, and put the siege and aid in the primary position.Of course, Li and Luo's coalition forces now have a sufficient source of troops, so reducing some troops besieging Kaifeng City will not affect anything.

After solving such an important issue, everyone discussed some trivial matters. Seeing that the corners of Li Zicheng's eyes were getting a little tired, Li Yan and the others resigned knowingly.But Song Xiance remained motionless in his seat, and said to Li Zicheng, "The students have something to discuss with you alone, King Chuang."

After everyone left the study, Song Xiance possessed Li Zicheng and said in a low voice, "King Chuang! There is only one dragon chair, two people can't sit on it!"

Li Zicheng was shocked by Song Xiance's sudden words. He tried his best to suppress his excitement, and asked in a low voice, "What did Mr. Song say?"

"King Chuang! What the students said today is from the bottom of their hearts. Some words are not easy to utter, so please don't blame them if you offend them."

"Where are you talking! After you entered my camp, when did you not think about our camp? Just say it clearly, sir."

"That's good! Let me ask you one more question, King Chuang, how sure are you of winning the world?"

Li Zicheng pondered for a while, and said affirmatively: "Fifty percent! As long as Kaifeng is captured, there will be fifty percent!"

Song Xiance smiled and said: "Does King Chuang think so? After capturing Kaifeng, he immediately went south to pacify Runing and Guide's Wu Zongbing. The army went through Shanxi and North Zhili to seize the city of Beijing. Occupy most of China in one fell swoop, and then wipe out the remnants in various places, and win the world in one fell swoop?"

"Exactly." Li Zicheng's words to Song Xiance were a little strange, "Isn't this decided by several gentlemen and the generals in the camp?"

"Haha!" Song Xiance laughed, "What King Chuang said is right. But what we were talking about at the time was the general trend of the world, not the inside of our rebel army. According to what the students have heard today, if King Chuang is still the same, your confidence is at most Thirty percent, or even a little less."

"Huh? Why did you say that, sir?" Although he already understood the meaning of Song Xiance's words, Li Zicheng still frowned.

"Chuangwang! There are no two days in the sky, and there must not be two masters in the rebel army. According to the students: Cao Cao's success is not enough, and there is more than failure. Now we should find a way..." Song Xiance gestured with his hand to strike a knife gesture.explained what he meant.

After Li Zicheng heard this.But he didn't reprimand Song Xiance in a pretentious manner. Instead, he took off the felt hat on his head and rolled it over and over again in his hand.

After tumbling for a while, Li Zicheng also opened his heart to Song Xiance: "Sir! I, Mr. Li, know that Mr. is loyal and courageous, and this is just for our sake. But...but I am afraid of the opinions of the world!"

With the rapid expansion of the camp's strength, Li Zicheng's confidence has indeed doubled.And now everyone in the camp.Indeed, the dream of a prince and general has already begun.So now Li Zicheng has begun to set up a memorial archway, and they want to show their legitimacy, regularity and justice in entering the camp, so they have some scruples about annexing other peasant army troops.

And hearing Li Zicheng express his thoughts in person, Song Xiance's spirit was greatly lifted.He asked again: "King Chuang! If there is no rebel army of Cao Cao, can we break into the camp alone and defeat the army of General Wu in Runing?"

Li Zicheng thought about it, and replied: "If we go all out in the camp, the winning rate will be as high as [-]%. But if we do this, our strength in the camp will also be greatly reduced."

Until now, Li Zicheng and the others still estimated based on the acres of land in Runing and Guide that the strength of the Runing Army was around 4 to [-].To be honest, their estimates were not as good as Huang Taiji who was far away in Shengjing, Liaodong.It is far from the actual strength of the Runing Army now.

However, this is also inseparable from the fact that the Runing Army has always kept a low profile, the backward communication conditions of the Ming Dynasty, the Runing Army has been strictly implementing the "Three Laws", and the effective work of the Runing Army's Internal Affairs Department.

Song Xiance began to persuade: "King Chuang! As you said, what chance does Chuangying with greatly reduced strength have to win the world? If Cao Cao really fled to Shaanxi as he said, then our chances will immediately decrease to [-]%. In one place, there is only a five-point certainty, and we have to guard against Cao Cao’s failure to send troops. What is even more worrying now is that when the newly attached people see Cao Cao’s freedom, they are all tempted and want to go to him. If If we go on like this for a long time, it will be dangerous for us to break into the camp! But if we get Cao Cao's [-] to [-] troops, under the unity of power, your chances of King Chuang will be doubled to [-]%. I should understand!"

Because he wants to start to establish his own political power, Li Zicheng's camp has now begun to restrict the looting of his troops, and has allocated weak labor to start farming in the army.Discipline has also begun to be strict, basically not disturbing the people.

However, Cao Cao and Luo Rucai's troops still maintain the nature of rogues. Every day they eat food and drink spicy food.And such a day of getting something for nothing is quite attractive, and it also sets a bad example for the soldiers who broke into the camp.Many veterans of the Ming army who were accustomed to oppressing the common people, as well as the small peasant army and bandits who were attached to them, liked to live in Cao Cao's camp, and even some people who broke into the camp escaped a lot.

What's even more exasperating is that Cao Cao and Luo Rucai still have a serious idea of ​​returning home, and in his army of more than 5 people, the veterans of the former Shaanxi Qin Army accounted for the vast majority.Therefore, when Luo Rucai saw that he was now a strong soldier, he kept clamoring for the division of troops back to Shaanxi.This made Li Zicheng even more headache.

If it weren't for maintaining the alliance between the two armies, the camp might have provoked friction long ago.If Li Zicheng hadn't been suppressing him all the time, his disgruntled confidant generals would not have swallowed their anger as they do now.

Li Zicheng thought about Song Xiance's words, he rolled over his felt hat a few more times, then put the hat on his head, and said, "Whatever, we have to wait until Kaifeng is defeated and Butcher Wu is defeated. For now, bear with it! But Song Sir, before we launch, only you and I will know about this! Don't let it out!"

Song Xiance nodded with a smile, then let out a long breath...

"Then shall we send an envoy to Cao Cao's camp to stabilize him?" Li Zicheng then asked with a smile.

"Of course!" After solving the problem in his heart, Song Xiance was also relaxed, "In addition to the envoys from Cao Cao, send another group of envoys! Let them go to Runing and discuss with Wu Zongbing there. Let's break into the camp, and in the future, we will make him a prince, and then give him a province on the frontier to make him a country."

"Hahaha——! Will Butcher Wu believe it?" Li Zicheng was also amused by Song Xiance's whimsy.

"Believe it or not, maybe he really agreed. Otherwise, why didn't Mr. Wu take advantage of the previous good opportunities to attack us and break into the camp? Even if it doesn't work, it's a way to delay the attack. In the last two or three months, Kaifeng City was in the hands of our camp, so it's not up to him. Hahaha——!"

"|Hahaha——! Not to mention, Mr. Song's article is a good strategy! If the negotiation can be concluded, what if Butcher Wu is crowned a prince and thrown to him in several provinces in the southwest? Even if it fails, it is nothing more than A few people, some goods. Hahaha——!"


Runing, in Wu Shigong's study.

"It is said that the King of Hades is easy to see, and the little devil is difficult to deal with. I didn't expect that Lord Yama is so difficult to deal with now. After finally sending Governor Yang away, Governor Hou came again. Fortunately, he was sent to I went to the left fool. We are happy to relax. Hahaha——" Wu Shigong laughed.

Deng Qifan also laughed a few times along with him, and then reported: "General Zuo has a message: he also gave Hou Dushi 5000 troops as his standard battalion, which is really a big deal. In comparison, I will respect you a lot." But it’s a lot more stingy.”

After the defeat in Zhuxian Town, Yang Wenyue fled to Guide with the remnants of the army, and then gathered Hu Dawei's remnants, only a little over seven thousand troops.After that, Yang Wenyue hid in Guide and refused to leave. He didn't dare to fight the peasant army again, but kept torturing Wu Shigong, asking him to make up for others.

But in this way, Wu Shigong was very troubled.Although he kept scolding Yang Wenyue behind his back: Why does his governor of Zhili live and work in Guide in peace and contentment?But in person, Wu Shigong didn't want to tear himself apart, so in the end he could only give Yang Wenyue a batch of food and weapons, and respectfully send these plague gods out of the country.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yang Wenyue left, the supervisor Hou Xun came to Runing again.He wanted to use the Runing Army as the main force to create the core of a new encirclement and suppression army.

But how could this idea make Wu Shigong agree?No matter what, Wu Shigong is not willing to let Runing Jun have a mother-in-law, no matter how good the relationship is.So Wu Shigong tried all means and spent a huge price, and finally coaxed Hou Xun to go to Zuo Liangyu.

When Hou Xun rushed to Zuo Liangyu's department, because his suggestion was rejected by Emperor Chongzhen, he had no choice but to order Zuo Liangyu's and Wu Shigong's departments to go north. (to be continued..)

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