Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 811 The Gambling Yu Zilian

"My next official, Lin Deqin, the prefect of Jining, led the officials of the prefecture to welcome Da Sima." A group of officials from Jining Prefecture, led by the prefect, came to the pier to meet Yu Zilian.

"Thank you!" Yu Zilian nodded, showing off his official authority.

"The lower officials have prepared thin wine in the city, and they want to clean up the dust for Da Sima and the generals. I hope Da Sima condescends to his party." Lin Zhizhou said politely.

"No need. I'm just passing by, and the military situation is urgent, so I won't bother you." Yu Zilian said unhurriedly.

Then, Zhizhou Lin sincerely invited him a few more times, but seeing that Yu Zilian's attitude was really firm, he stopped insisting.

The current Yu Zilian's position in the officialdom is actually quite embarrassing.His Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing is a leader, a false title.And the only real job he can barely talk about is recruiting soldiers by himself.

That is to say, the imperial court gave Yu Zilian an imperial decree, asking him to find a way to conjure up [-] troops, and there was no policy and no pay. He definitely treated Yu Zilian as Monkey King.So, Yu Zilian, the Wannian substitute, did really aggrieved.

If it weren't for Yu Zilian fighting with his life, if it wasn't for the fact that the Ming Dynasty was indeed in danger, without the neutrality of Nanjing officialdom, let alone [-], Yu Zilian would not be able to recruit [-] in the Year of the Monkey.Therefore, no matter how high the official title is, as long as he has no real power, he is just a role that does not fart.

Of course, Zhizhou Lin knew about Yu Zilian's real situation, so today's welcome at the dock was just a routine official reception, and Zhizhou Lin didn't need to be overly ingratiating.

But Lin Zhizhou didn't flatter him, so he still wanted what Yu Zilian wanted: "I was in a hurry when I set off from Jinling, and the army gold I brought with me didn't weigh much, so I still need Lin Zhizhou's help."

"This...!" Zhizhou Lin showed a look of embarrassment, "There is also a drought in the state this year. After the relief, there is not much food in the warehouse. However, the military affairs of Da Sima are also very important, and the state is willing to send [-] shi."

According to Yu Zilian's official appointment, there is no task for him to lead the army.Of course, if Yu Zilian completes the recruitment in a way against the sky, and then takes the initiative to lead troops to the front line like a fool, the court will definitely not object.

Therefore, for Yu Zilian to complete such a very small probability event, the court was somewhat unexpected. Therefore, it was impossible to issue any official documents to ask the state governments along the way to raise food and salaries.

But without official documents, Zhizhou Lin would of course give as little as he could.If it wasn't for Yu Zilian, he would be really young.There may be a future where Lin Zhizhou may not even be willing to give these grains.Instead, it was a personal gift to Yu Zilian. Lin Zhizhou would not hesitate to give the previous one or two thousand taels (this value far exceeds five hundred shiliang), and this is also a unique "distinction between public and private" in official circles.

Yu Zilian has been in the officialdom of Daming for so many years, so of course he also understands Lin Zhizhou's thoughts.But he just smiled slightly, not angry at all.

All the soldiers on board have disembarked.Now the generals of each team are organizing manpower to carry the weight of Zinc.Sudden.There was a commotion at the pier, and after a while, Yu Zilian's bodyguard escorted three soldiers over.

"My lord! We found these three people when we searched the cabin. They wanted to hide and escape!" the leading soldier reported.

"Oh? Then gather the generals and schools of each battalion and deal with this matter first." Yu Zilian said unhurriedly.

Seeing this situation, the Jining officials from Zhizhou Lin couldn't leave immediately.They always had to wait for Yu Zilian to finish his work.Only then can we say goodbye.After a while, all the battalions and schools gathered in front of Yu Zilian.

"Which battalion is this from?" Yu Zilian asked.

The two battalion chiefs came out with ugly faces.

"The people in the squad hide and don't report it, and the commanders in the camp don't know. They are all guilty." Yu Zilian said calmly, "Forget it. It's the first time I committed a crime, and I will be dealt with lightly! The leaders and the squadron are all guilty." Take the crime and perform meritorious service. The three people also leave a whole body, instead of beheading for public display, hang them instead. Don’t make an example.”

After hearing Yu Zilian's treatment, Lin Zhizhou thought to himself: "This Yu Benbing seems to be a tolerant person."

Unexpectedly, Yu Zilian then said: "In the future, if this happens again, all ten members of the team will be beheaded, and the battalion officer who leads the team will also be deprived of their official positions. Then they will be summoned back to Jinling. These three people belong to the Yi tribe."

Lin Zhizhou shuddered all over, and looked at Yu Zilian in surprise, he didn't expect that this high-ranking official of the Six Ministries, who was under forty, would be so ruthless.

Then Yu Zilian looked at Lin Zhizhou with a smile on his face, and said Lin Zhizhou unquestionably: "Master Lin, I have written the required form, and you will prepare it for me within three days."

Zuo Yin at the side immediately handed a piece of paper to Lin Zhizhou. Lin Zhizhou opened it and saw that there were more than a dozen lines neatly written on the paper, the first line was: grain—five thousand stones.


After Lin Zhizhou and the others left, Zuo Yin smiled and said to Yu Zilian: "Dong Weng! This method is wonderful, but Lin Zhizhou is speechless. But the students will know today why Dong Weng didn't choose the strong and clean man first. , but to select those who have families and mouths."

Yu Zilian also smiled wryly, and said: "There is no other way, the time is too tight. This army can only practice rough, and really go into battle. The only thing that can be relied on is the word 'courage'. The Nanren are strong and strong. In fact, they are no less than the northerners, they don’t need to be adjusted at all, and their weakness means that they have no guts. It’s much better to tie up their family members than to run away with nothing to worry about!”

In the Ming Dynasty, because the nutrition in the Jiangnan area was better, their physical fitness was no worse than that of the northerners.Therefore, what Qi Jiguang Qi's army used back then was also Yiwu soldiers from the south.Of course, southerners are much worse than northerners in terms of fighting will and bravery, so Yu Zilian used the method of implicating his family members and the whole team to arouse the courage of these new soldiers, and let the soldiers monitor and help each other .

"Dong Weng! This new army, you should give it an auspicious name!" Zuo Yin said.

"It's called... it's called the Black Cloud Army!" Looking at the black clouds in the sky, Yu Zilian blurted out.

"Okay..." Zuo Yin had just uttered half a sound, and felt that the name was not very auspicious.He saw Yu Zilian looking at the sky again, and thought of the word "black clouds rolling", Zuo Yin's heart also became heavy.

"Continue to pass on the order, and the troops will be dispatched smoothly. Each person will be rewarded with one tael of silver. It will be handed over to the families of the soldiers." Yu Zilian ordered.


This is also Yu Zilian's one stick, and then feed a candied date.After all, those new recruits were still very fragile psychologically. If he blindly adopted a coercive policy, Yu Zilian was afraid that these new recruits would be crushed by his own psychological pressure.

Regarding Yu Zilian's dispatch of troops this time, praisers said that he was loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and sighed that he was overestimated.There are only [-] new troops in the area, and they want to break the siege of Kaifeng City and face the army of millions of peasants.But everyone didn't know that Yu Zilian actually had his own ideas.

During the few years when he was idle in Nanjing, Yu Zilian was actually reflecting on it. He felt that the main reason why the imperial court idled him was that he no longer had the Ruzhou Army he created in his hands.

But Yu Zilian didn't want to sink like this.If it is said that Yu Zilian wants to transfer to the officialdom of Ming Dynasty, it can be said that Yu Zilian has no foundation.And to show off his strengths, he must have an army in his hands.

So as soon as the edict to recruit soldiers came, Yu Zilian dared to risk his life to form an army; as soon as he heard that Kaifeng City was in danger, he would bring this new army to the battlefield.I just want to break away from the Nanjing officialdom and firmly control this branch in my own hands.

And Yu Zilian also has a lot of experience on how to train this new army.After all, the Ruzhou Army he trained back then was also a new army. Yu Zilian just wanted to sharpen his army in battle and make it an elite army.

Moreover, the quality of the recruits of this new army is also very good, at least they are well-nourished and have physical strength, so they can be pulled into the battlefield immediately.And when the Ruzhou Army became an army, Yu Zilian spent a full month in order to recuperate those lack of nutrition recruits, let them have enough food to support them, and then they can train and fight.As for the courage of the new recruits in the Heiyun Army, there is a company and a company anyway.

As for the equipment of the Black Cloud Army, it would be even better.In this matter, Lu Jiude, the eunuch guarding Nanjing, did not interfere with Yu Zilian at all, and gave him the best equipment.If there is any regret, it is only that the supply of war horses is less!

In fact, there was no shortage of war horses in the Nanjing Jingying camp, and there were also many folk mules and horses.However, those Jiangnan wealthy merchants who had huge investments in Runing bought war horses, mules and horses on the market and in the army, in order to support and befriend the Runing army.After learning about this situation, Yu Zilian could only smile wryly.

Of course, Yu Zilian will definitely not confront the peasant army head-on like an egg hitting a rock.He just wanted to keep fighting on the periphery of the peasant army's encirclement, and through constant harassment, reduce the pressure on Kaifeng City's defense.

At this time, Yu Zilian had actually understood that it was a situation where various forces were competing for the world.And as long as Yu Zilian has this elite team, no matter which force finally takes the stage, there will always be Yu Zilian's side in the end.

After all, Yu Zilian is an ambitious, capable, intelligent and gambling person.

After receiving supplies from Jining Prefecture, Yu Zilian's Heiyun Army passed through Xuzhou.After that, Yu Zilian repeated the old trick in Xuzhou, and obtained another batch of food and supplies, and forcibly expropriated more than 1000 Xuzhou guards and more than 3000 civilian husbands in Xuzhou.As for the complaints from the government along the way, Yu Zilian has already ignored them.

When the Heiyun Army marched to the border of Xuzhou, they happened to encounter the 7000 troops led by Zhili Governor Yang Wenyue who were circling around the Li and Luo coalition forces.At this time, Yang Wenyue did not dare to return to the north, nor did he dare to attack the Li and Luo coalition forces, so they could only curse Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai in circles. (To be continued..)

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