When Yu Zilian's Heiyun Army and Yang Wenyue's troops joined up, the two discussed briefly, and then unanimously decided to join forces and attack the Peasant Army together.

The current Yang Wenyue has committed crimes and meritorious deeds, and Yu Zilian has some unknown teachers. Therefore, they have no other choice. They need to take the initiative to fight the peasant army to show their "aggressiveness".But their "aggressiveness" has achieved immediate results.

Although the combined army of Li and Luo had millions of men, there were only 50 to [-] soldiers capable of fighting.In addition, the encirclement is actually a layer of "eggshell" outside Kaifeng City.The troops of the Li and Luo coalition forces are evenly distributed on the "eggshells", so there will not be many troops at a certain point.

In addition, the Li and Luo coalition forces have been keeping a close eye on the Runing Army and Zuo Liangyu's troops in the south, and they have also arranged the main force in this direction. Therefore, they are a little caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the Heiyun Army and Yang Wenyue's troops in the east. .

When this army entered the territory of Lankao County, it immediately ushered in a partial division of the Li and Luo coalition forces.And the one leading the troops was not the core troops of Chuangying and Luo Rucai's department, but a collateral branch that was attached later.The leaders of this army are all called "big cabinets". It can also be seen that this army was doing business without capital before it became attached.

Although he was doing business at no cost, the big cabinet was doing "grades". When he was attached to Chuangying, he had more than 1 people.And after the next few victories, his troops got even more attachments from small groups of refugees and bandits, so the current number of troops is close to [-].

And now the Chuangying camp is undergoing regular construction. They have all spied on their coalition forces—the Luo Rucai Department, so of course they have also taken action on the various units of their Chuangying camp.Chuangying is to break up these collateral troops, integrate them into the core troops of Chuangying, and strengthen Li Zicheng's unified command.

And this big locker was afraid that he would be caught by the higher-ups if he made a mistake.lead to the disbandment of their own troops.I also lost all rights.Therefore, he made up his mind: if he repelled the official army, he would report to him for a reward; if he returned without success.Then suppress this matter and keep the above from knowing.In a word: to deceive the superior and conceal the inferior.

However, it can also be seen how confident the generals who are currently in the camp are bursting with confidence.It is a collateral general who still dares to fight with the officers and troops even though his troops are weak.You know, not to mention the difference in equipment and the quality of the soldiers, if you add the civilian husbands, the number of soldiers in the coalition of the Heiyun Army and Yang Wenyue's Department already exceeds [-].And this big cabinet still wants to eat up this official army.What a difference between self-confidence and arrogance!

The two armies met.There is no doubt that the formation will start.As soon as the battle started, the big cabinet used the "classical" tactics of the peasant army, and asked his three big bosses to lead 3000 people to the front.According to the idea of ​​the peasant army, as long as these 3000 people rush to the front of the official army, there is no need to fight at all.Maybe the officers and soldiers were scared to death.Not to mention that there are more than 1 peasant troops behind to charge forward.

Who would have thought that just as 3000 people rushed into the distance of a few hundred steps, the opponent's artillery would be fired.Yu Zilian also learned a lot from the Runing Army.Although he does not have craftsmen who can make such excellent artillery as the Runing Army.But it's always no problem to find some men and some cannons.

therefore.Yu Zilian received dozens of Folang cannons and tiger squat cannons from the Nanjing Arsenal. Although the calibers of these guns are relatively small, all of which are about one pound, they can be mounted on the cannon carts and fired quickly to avoid This eliminates the disadvantages of artillery digging pits and burying pegs for a long time before the war.

After that, of course, the Peasant Army entered the Hundred Steps.The incoming dense firecrackers fired.Immediately knocked down the 3000 people, defeated most of them.

If Li Zicheng's trusted generals had led the main force to break into the battalion, the bombardment of the Heiyun army just now would not have caused such a large amount of damage.Because the core troops of the battalion have been reborn a long time ago, they have been upgraded from the "classical school" to the "modern school", and they will use firearms, bows and arrows to shoot at the enemy before charging into the battle.Not such a blind charge.Even when charging, the formation will become very scattered.

Similarly, the damage caused by such shelling and firing of firecrackers is not enough to stop the charge of the main force of the battalion.Because the old eighth team of the old battalion, who are directly descended from the battalion, all have a very tenacious will to fight, and because they are all veterans who have survived many battles on the battlefield, their combat skills are also quite superb.

But the scale of this army is large, and the phenomenon of good and bad is bound to appear.But this time the [-] soldiers led by the big cabinet, that is, a group of bandits and peasants with weapons, had no will to fight at all, so they were defeated by one blow.

And as soon as the 3000 people were dispersed, more than a thousand peasant soldiers ran towards the team behind in a panic.But in this way, the formation was thrown into chaos again.At this moment, the [-] cavalry led by Hu Dawei, the commander-in-chief of Yang Wenyue's department, began to charge and kill.

This was also decided by Yu Zilian and Yang Wenyue before the war.Yu Zilian's Heiyun Army will be in charge of fighting on the frontal battlefield, while Yang Wenyue's troops will be in charge of cavalry cover and kill.That's because the cavalry ratio of Yang Wenyue's department is relatively high.But yes, after the siege of Zhuxian Town, the officers and soldiers who were able to break out of the encirclement basically all had "four legs".

A neat victory.The official army eventually beheaded more than 300 people and took more than [-] prisoners.If it weren't for the officers, soldiers and soldiers who looted and seized it later, the result of this battle would have been much greater.

Then Yu Zilian and Yang Wenyue briefly distributed the captured and prisoners, and then began to reorganize their troops.

First of all, of course, all the more than 1000 prisoners assigned to Yu Zilian were reorganized into the Heiyun Army.

Then, the soldiers who retreated in the battle and looted and seized were captured, and more than 300 soldiers including their soldiers were all beheaded.

After successive executions of harsh military laws, the Heiyun Army has taken on a completely new look.And Yu Zilian also established the discipline of the Heiyun Army as quickly as possible.However, this approach is also a double-edged sword.That is to say, the southern soldiers are timid. They are used to blindly following the peak and dare not make any resistance.If they encountered some rebellious northern soldiers, under such strict military laws, they might have fled or mutinied on a large scale.

Then, Yu Zilian announced the capture of the whole army, and after leaving military supplies and a part of the public property, they were evenly distributed to each soldier.Although this equal distribution, each soldier did not get much, that is, six or seven hundred coins, but such a fair distribution method suddenly stabilized the emotions of the soldiers of the Heiyun Army. (to be continued..)

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