First, let’s talk about Yang Wenyue in Lankao County.

After Yang Wenyue and other 4000 people entered the county, they were immediately surrounded by more than 2000 peasant soldiers following them.The peasant army besieging the city did not carry too many artillery and siege equipment, so they besieged and did not attack.

But Yang Wenyue had no intention of defending the city.He knew that his wrong judgment had ruined this army, and that he was adding to the crime, even if he escaped, there would be no good end.Only the general soldier Hu Dawei is still diligently arranging the city defense.

It was such a coincidence that the maintenance peasant army tried to fire shells into the city, and accidentally smashed the head of Hu Dawei who was patrolling the city.This unexpected situation can also make the officers and soldiers defending the city into a mess.Coupled with the absence of Yang Wenyue's restraint, the official army in Lankao County suddenly collapsed.Some soldiers secretly opened the city gates to surrender to the peasant army outside the city; some ran around the city like headless chickens;

After a short period of consternation, the Peasant Army also invaded Lankao County ecstatically.With almost no casualties, the official army was completely wiped out, and all the soldiers of the official army were incorporated into their own barracks.

Yang Wenyue and other officials were all killed in battle.Especially Yang Wenyue, after the peasant army entered the city, he was still wandering on the roads in the city wearing official robes and disheveled hair. He just kept muttering: "The Ming Dynasty is over! The Ming Dynasty is over!" Hacked to death with a knife, so that his spirit finally retained some last decency.

Then, the peasant army who besieged Lankao County joined the troops besieging Yanggu Town, and the total strength of the siege has reached more than 5.As for the Heiyun Army defending the town, its strength at this time was 1000.

Judging from the number of people, it seems that the Heiyun army has not suffered any damage at all, but this is not the case.Because the more than 1000 military households and 1000 civilian husbands conscripted in Xuzhou are basically used as auxiliary soldiers.He didn't go to the battlefield at all, so he didn't suffer a lot of losses when he fled. In addition, Yang Tinglin brought more than [-] remnants of Yang Wenyue's troops, so at this time, the losses of those recruits of the Heiyun Army have actually exceeded two. , Thirty percent.

At this time, Yu Zilian also had two choices: one is to break out of the encirclement with the whole army.Although there are more than 5 peasant troops encircling them, they can't stop more than 2 people from breaking through. As long as they concentrate on one point to break through, some of the Heiyun army can always escape.

However, because the current Heiyun Army has just suffered a major defeat, the morale of the new soldiers is very unstable.It's better to let them defend the town, if they obey orders.Break through in an orderly manner, and the army may collapse as soon as it leaves the town.

The other, of course, is to defend according to the town.However, although this option can last for a while, when the large force of the peasant army is mobilized, the encirclement around the entire town will become tighter and tighter.In the end, it will cause the black cloud army to fail to break through.Unless there are also outside reinforcements, otherwise.The fate of the Heiyun Army will be the same as that of Kaifeng City.It's nothing more than procrastination.

But in the end Yu Zilian chose to defend the town.Because Yu Zilian's method of governing the army is very special.He must maintain his own prestige with continuous victories.Otherwise, no soldiers would obey such strict military laws.Therefore, once Yu Zilian returns from a disastrous defeat, Yu Zilian's reputation in the army will be over, and he will definitely not be able to recruit or train any new troops in the future.Of course, there is no new army.Yu Zilian's future in the officialdom is also gone.

So now Yu Zilian is looking forward to the rescue of the Runing Army.In order to strengthen the confidence of the soldiers, he also publicized in the army that he had a deep personal relationship with Wu Shigong, but those recruits of the Heiyun Army who didn't know the truth actually believed it.What a pity!

In addition, the defense orders issued by Yu Zilian were also clear, and the food and grass collected along the way were not lost.It was enough for the entire army to use for two months, so after a period of panic, the morale of the Heiyun army gradually stabilized.

And the Peasant Army wants to pursue a quick victory.Although the Heiyun Army was surrounded, it also contained more than 5 peasant troops, plus the peripheral auxiliary troops, which added up to more than 8.If you win quickly, you can liberate this peasant army. After all, the peasant army still has to focus on preparing for the Runing Army and Zuo Liangyu in the south.

Moreover, the smooth capture of Lankao County also gave the peasant army great confidence. They believed that the besieged army had no fighting spirit. As long as they launched a few small charges, this army would also be defeated. .

However, after the first attack, the peasant army knew that it had encountered a hard bone. Before the charging troops approached the earth wall built around the town, they were shot by the firearms of the Heiyun army. The peasant army left hundreds of corpses and was defeated. down.

Then that night, Yu Zilian personally led thousands of dead soldiers to attack the camp of the peasant army at night, causing another chaos in the peasant army.At one o'clock at dawn, the peasant army suffered hundreds of casualties and suffered a second minor defeat.

The successive victories also made the new recruits of the Heiyun Army burst with confidence, and Yu Zilian's prestige in the army also returned unconsciously.

But now the peasant army is a little bit hard to get off.There were no heavy artillery and siege engines for storming.Leaving aside the heavy casualties, it is not certain that it will be captured.

If the heavy general guns and general guns placed in Kaifeng City and Zhuxian Town are transported, it will take a long time on the one hand;Although their calibers are small, they are launched condescendingly on the earth wall after all, and they can't suffer much in terms of range.

As a result, the peasant army had only one choice: the old trick, gathering a large amount of labor, and digging trenches around Yanggong Town again.In this way, the Heiyun Army and the Peasant Army came to a stalemate in Yanggu Town.

"Ping'er is so handsome today! Today is a little adult." Li Yuenu looked at Xue Chengping with a smile on his face, and today Xue Chengping was dressed in a formal dress, then Li Yuenu pinched Xue Chengping's small face with his hands and said: "Wait Give Aunt Yue a little bit of confidence in a while, and she will be on the big scene."

"Yes! Aunt Yue." Xue Chengping said with his chest out, looking like he's grown up.

Li Yuenu took Xue Chengping's little hand and walked towards the front hall. When he was about to walk, he met Li Xin who was hiding behind the screen in the front hall and Wu Chengying who was also in formal attire.

Li Yuenu was deeply blessed immediately, and said: "Greetings to Mrs. Li! Greetings to Second Young Master!"

And Xue Chengping also knelt down and saluted: "Greetings, Aunt Li! Greetings, Second Brother!" (To be continued...)

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