Li Xin pulled up Xue Chengping who was about to kneel down, and then smiled and said to him: "Ping'er is so old, come to Aunt Li quickly." Then she held the two children with each hand little hands.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two children were not paying attention, Li Xin glanced at the lowly woman beside her with a frosty expression.I saw Li Yuenu lowered her brows and looked like a bird, as if she was resigned.

"... I didn't expect Fool Yu to be quite capable. He could send tens of thousands of recruits to the Shaanxi bandits to surround him. He also wants us to rescue him. Of course we will. I hope he can last longer. Then our Runing Army will encounter much fewer Shaanxi bandits. Do you think I should give Yu Fool a fool award?" Wu Shigong faced his civil and military officials in the antechamber in front of the screen Said.

"Hahaha—!" There was a burst of laughter in the front hall.

"Okay, this time the swearing-in ceremony is not going to be held, so we will go out quietly. But before going out, I have something to announce to everyone." Wu Shigong then shouted, "Pinger! Yinger! Come out."

Li Xin hurriedly asked Xue Chengping and Wu Chengying to go to the front of the screen.Wu Shigong then took the hands of the two children and announced to all the civil and military officials: "Send an order to the whole army, the person who will take over as the official: the eldest son Xue Chenglin; the one who obeys: the son Xue Chengping; In the ears of the generals."

"No!" Everyone took orders in unison.

In order to prevent the civil strife in the Runing Army caused by the successor issue last time, Wu Shigong reiterated that his successor is the eldest son Xue Chenglin.Because Xue Chenglin was in Beijing, it was difficult to guarantee his own safety, so Wu Shigong immediately made the top three successors.

As for Li Xin, who was listening behind the screen, her heart felt bitter.Then she glanced at Li Yuenu who was down-browed and obedient, as if she wanted to transfer all the resentment in her heart to Li Yuenu through her eyes.

And although Wu Shigong's wives, concubines and children stood behind the screen, they all kept quiet.And Luo Qingjun, who was hiding at the side, secretly glanced at Li Xin who was standing in front, and then at his bulging belly, wondering what he was thinking.


On August 15th, the 11th year of Chongzhen, the entire Runing Army set off.The generals of the Runing Army were divided into three groups: the right route was [-] troops led by Yang Rusong and Shu Mo; the left route was [-] soldiers and horses led by Zhou Xun and Zhang Biao; Forty-two thousand soldiers and horses led by Ge.Wu Shigong's central army followed closely in the middle, with [-] guards directly under the leadership of He Fei and [-] personal soldiers led by Chi Ming.The [-] soldiers and horses of the whole army were officially put into the melee in the Central Plains.

Several spies from the Peasant Army were enjoying the shade under the tree.This is in Taikang County in central Henan, more than 200 miles away from the border of Runing Army and Guide.On weekdays, the scouts from the Runing Army didn't come very often.So these peasant army spies who met wanted to be lazy.

These spies from the Peasant Army all spoke the northern Shaanxi dialect and chatted about some interesting things about their hometown.A wine bag was rotated in each hand in turn, and everyone was able to relieve their gluttony.They were talking and laughing, and they were all having a good time.

But at this moment, they found that the earth shook.The spies looked at each other.They all noticed that the faces of others turned pale.Suddenly a person woke up suddenly, and he ran to the tree to untie the reins of his horse.The other spies also reacted.They also went to untie the reins, and they didn't even notice that the wine bag fell to the ground.

When these spies rode their horses and climbed up the high slope, they only saw a black line emerging from the edge of the southern land.

"Run! Go back to the camp and send an interrogation!" A spy turned his horse around.

"Brother Liu! Why don't you go up and find out which company's soldiers and horses are there, and how many are there?" another spy asked.

"What else are you looking for?" The spy who was about to escape hoarsely called, "It must be Butcher Wu. It must be Butcher Wu. His army has been mobilized. If we don't leave, we won't be able to leave."

After finishing speaking, the spy raised his whip first.His horse galloped out in pain.

After a while, a group of cavalry from the Runing Army galloped to where the Peasant Army spies were staying.Looking at the few people who fled, the leading cavalry captain stepped on the wine bag and said with a smile: "Those bastards are sneaking away so fast!"


"Qiao Song! You first arrange people to control all the places we have won. Don't be afraid of barren land and uninhabited land. First, establish an official system from townships to prefectures and counties. Things can be done step by step. As for the population, later This officer will send it to you." Wu Shigong ordered.


"Yan Zhizhou! Then you have to worry about the officials of the prefecture and county. If there are recruiters and supervisors, as long as they have a heart for our Runing Army, they can be appointed first, and they can take the position first. If there are still vacancies, then choose the best. Choose from among the students! Also, it is up to you to negotiate with the imperial court and the governor's office. Everything must be postponed first, and we must ensure that our people really control this territory." Wu Shigong also told the former governor of Ruzhou Yan Jing ordered.

"Yes! Your lord!"

After dispatching troops, the Runing Army successfully occupied several counties in central Henan.So Wu Shigong immediately asked Qiao Song and Yan Jing to arrange the more than 1000 reserve officials they brought out.However, as the area occupied continued to expand, the number of new officials needed continued to increase, so on the one hand, Wu Shigong asked Runing to urgently arrange another batch of reserve officials, and on the other hand, they were promoted on the spot.The Runing Army wanted to speed up, and before the court could react, they first wanted to establish their own political power in this anarchic land.

"General! There are local elders ahead to express condolences to the general!" a soldier reported.

"Okay! Then let's go and have a look!" Wu Shigong said with a smile.

"I've been looking forward to each other day and night, and finally I'm looking forward to meeting Master Wang. I'm not very happy to see the general's face today!" Several benevolent old men knelt down to welcome Wu Shigong with a large number of rewards.

"Hurry up, please get up!" Wu Shigong said helplessly.He also smiled very kindly, "All the virtuous locals show their hearts to the Runing Army, I am very grateful. I also came very late, I am really ashamed! I am ashamed!"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Everyone is passionately performing military and civilian fish and water.But Wu Shigong knew in his heart that none of these old men were vegetarians.Now that bandits and refugees are rampant, those who can survive in the local area are some local rich families.Moreover, these big clans all have their own armed forces, that is, the armed forces of some landlords.Usually, those landlords armed themselves to defend their clan, and occasionally ran away from bandits.And these landlord armed forces have also purchased weapons from the Runing Army.

However, in order to stabilize the area as soon as possible, the Runing Army still had to cooperate with these local clans to resume production as soon as possible through their strength and establish an effective ruling system.

"I have heard that all the families are from aristocratic farming and studying families, and the children in the clan are also handsome. And the place is dying, and people need to manage it. I hope that all virtuous people will not spare their children and let them come out to work for our Runing Army. !” Wu Shigong smiled and threw the carrot.

"That's for sure! That's for sure!" Those old men were overjoyed. Today they want to establish a close relationship with Wu Shigong and find a good future for the children of the clan. It is up to you, general, to choose as you like. There will be no excuses."

"That's the best! Thank you all!"


After a while of happy guests, the show finally ended.Everyone got what they needed, and they were all satisfied with the outcome of the meeting.

And the actions of those local big clans were very vigorous and swift. They quickly gathered more than 4000 landlords' armed forces and handed them over to the Runing Army, and Wu Shigong immediately arranged this armed force to become the auxiliary soldiers of the Runing Army.And Qiao Song and Yan Jing also accepted more than 100 children of various ethnic groups, and immediately assigned them to vacant positions.

And this arrangement is also an expedient measure for the Runing Army.Those officials who joined by surprise will be tested in the future, and only those who are truly integrated into the Runing Army will develop in the future.Moreover, in the future, such officials will not be officials in the same place, and they will all be arranged in other places to prevent collusion between officials and localities.

After the meeting, Wu Shigong asked Chi Ming, "Where are Ru Song and Shu Mo from the right?"

"They have already entered Qi County, and they are about to meet the Shan bandits." Chi Ming replied.

Wu Shigong nodded, and then ordered: "Go to Uncle Yongli and Xunzi and tell them to keep their speed down and don't charge too fast. This time the main attack is Rusong's place. Don't attack the Shan bandits all over again. Terrified."

The expedition of the Runing Army is divided into two stages:

The first stage is of course to open a channel for Kaifeng City, at least to ensure that food can be transported into the city, and to give the soldiers and civilians in the city the confidence to defend the city.Of course, there is another mission added now, which is to rescue Yu Zilian's Heiyun Army.

And the tasks at this stage are completed by Yang Rusong and the Shumo Department on the right.And Xue Yongli and Zuge in the middle are basically flanking cover.And Zhou Xun and Zhang Biao on the left will not charge too far forward.They were also afraid of beating Li and Luo's coalition forces so hard that they would not dare to enter Huguang via Nanyang.

And the second stage is to have a long-term stalemate with the Li and Luo coalition forces.The Runing army will not take the initiative to launch an attack, and of course it will block the advance of the Li and Luo coalition forces from the front.The Runing Army wanted to compete with the millions of peasants, and finally forced the Li and Luo coalition forces to leave Kaifeng.

Anyway, the food supply for a million people is much more than that for 10,000+ people.The Runing Army has Runing and Guide behind them to supply. If it is said that it is fighting for consumption, the Li and Luo coalition forces cannot compete with the Runing Army even if they flatter their horses. (To be continued..)

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