Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 823 Desperate Kaifeng

Chen Yongfu was walking on the street leading to the governor's office. Although it was noon, the whole city seemed to be a dead city.There was no pedestrian walking on the street at all.Because of the lack of food, many people are enduring the last days at home, and have no energy to go to the streets.

Chen Yongfu knows: the price of grain in the city is already in the market, and one big pancake can already be exchanged for two or three yellow-flowered girls.Because his army can still guarantee food, it also solves many old bachelors in the army.Chen Yongfu had also seen those new daughter-in-laws before, their backgrounds were really good, they were all ladies and well-rounded, but at this time, these formerly noble women didn't care about their own shame, and they all wanted to follow those women with shame. They used to look down on Qiu Ba.

A team of newly recruited Min Zhuang ran in front of Chen Yongfu's horse. When they saw Chen Yongfu, they all stopped and knelt down to salute.Chen Yongfu waved them back, so these people stood up immediately, and hurried away without waiting for Chen Yongfu to pass.

"They're all in a rush to reincarnate?" Chen Yongfu's captain scolded angrily.

But Chen Yongfu smiled and raised his hand to signal, telling the captain of the personal army to stop worrying about the rude behavior of those people.Chen Yongfu knew: Those civilians did not have the same guarantee of food supply as his own troops. They all contracted food in the city, that is, they broke into houses to grab food.If they moved slower, their companions might have taken away all the food, and they themselves would have no food.

And there is no cooking smoke in Kaifeng City. If any people dare to be so blind and break into a group of people to grab all the food, it is still good. Maybe the whole family will be killed when the food is preserved, so the cooking smoke will also change. Became a reminder.

And in the air, there was a pungent corpse odor.Chen Yongfu knew: it was rumored from outside the city.

In order to reduce the pressure of food supply in the city, the people in Kaifeng City have been evacuated several times.They drove out of the city many people who could not hand in the grain and silver, and asked them to go to the peasant army outside the city for grain.

at first.The peasant army besieging the city also received several batches, but later they also reacted and immediately blocked the people and forced them to return to the city for food.

As a result, the area from the city wall to the trenches of the Peasant Army turned into a miserable area. The wailing and begging of those people was endless, but both sides were hard-hearted, and they would never let those people get close. Starved to death in the miserable zone.

And the corpses in the hot summer are also prone to rot and cause diseases, and the peasant army doesn't care about those corpses thrown into the wilderness.However, a group of civilian husbands were organized in Kaifeng City to bury them.But when these civilian husbands left the city, they were immediately abandoned in that miserable area, and they all became miserable souls in the end.So in this way, no one on both sides cared about those corpses anymore, and the smell of corpses permeated the entire Kaifeng city.

What a doomsday scene.The war horses in Chen Yongfu's camp were also reduced to two thousand.But he also knows.The reason why these war horses can still be preserved is to use them to break out of the encirclement one day.But then.Chen Yongfu's soldiers don't know how many people can be on the horse.Those war horses have long been reserved by the palaces, government offices, and officials and gentry in the city.

Walking to the front intersection and turning a corner, a smell of food floated over.

Chen Yongfu knew: that restaurant was owned by King Zhou, and since the siege of the city, there has never been a shortage of ingredients for this restaurant.Of course, the price of this restaurant is also staggeringly expensive now.

In the beginning, people surrounded the restaurant.Those common people feel that smelling the aroma of the fried fruit is also a kind of enjoyment.But the shopkeeper of that restaurant was afraid of causing trouble, so he sent a post for the government to drive it away.But in this drive, more than a dozen people were beaten to death and trampled to death, so that now no people dare to approach the restaurant.

at this moment.From afar, Chen Yongfu saw an official in his fifties entering the restaurant with his arms around two women.Chen Yongfu knew the official from the Yamen of the Chief Envoy of Henan Province, and the official didn't hide it at all, he didn't even take off his official robe, and he looked like he was drunk and dreaming, and carnival at the end of the day.

An aide at the side also saw this scene, and he couldn't help reciting a poem in a low voice: "The wine and meat of Zhumen stinks, and the road is frozen to death!"

"The tragedy in the city, how can it be delayed? Governor Yang suffered another disastrous defeat, and Wu Runing didn't hear about it. How long can Kaifeng City be delayed? Governor! Break through!"

As soon as Chen Yongfu came to the front hall of the Governor's Yamen, he heard noises coming from the hall.Being besieged for a long time without hearing of reinforcements has already made the soldiers and civilians in Kaifeng city desperate, so it is inevitable that some officials have to think about their own lives.

The "breakthrough" that the official clamored for was not that the troops gathered together and rushed out of the city.What he meant was: at night, under the cover of the army, the king of Zhou and the officials in the city rushed out of the city to the wharf of the Yellow River, and then boarded the big boat sent from the other side of the Yellow River, abandoned all the soldiers and civilians in the city, and escaped alone.

"Don't bring up such a suggestion! I want to live and die with the city!" Gao Mingheng, governor of Henan, flatly refused.

The reason why Gao Mingheng gritted his teeth and was unwilling to break out of the siege was because he was responsible for defending the territory.If Kaifeng, the provincial capital of Henan Province, is really lost, the lower-level officials are fine, but Gao Mingheng, the main officials of Henan Province, can't escape the knife from Caishikou.It's nothing more than early death and late death, so Gao Mingheng is absolutely unwilling to lose his reputation.

"Procrastinate! Procrastinate! Maybe Jitai will come, reinforcements are already on the way." Someone persuaded.

"What are you here for?" Some officials began to break out hysterically, regardless of their dignity, "Could it be that the official seal and official robes of Governor Yang sent by the thieves are fake? Could it be that there is no Yizi in the city? Don't leave! Let's all go It's gone."

Gao Mingheng also looked embarrassed when he sat in the first seat.He suddenly raised his head and saw Chen Yongfu's arrival, so he immediately changed the subject and asked Chen Yongfu, "Have you heard from Mr. Ling when he went to Runing? Why hasn't Wu Runing arrived yet after half a month?"

Chen Yongfu hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed: "As soon as there is an answer, I must first report to you adults. However, General Wu has promised to send troops last time, and he will not go back on his word. It is estimated that the road is not smooth, and he is fighting with the rebels. Governor, please rest assured. The last general will also send out a messenger again, let him come to help you with weeping blood!"

"Would it be useful to ask Wu Runing? If there is an army, if there is no army, maybe in two days the thieves will send his head again." The hysterical official couldn't control his emotions today. . (To be continued..)

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