Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 824 Change of Plan

"What's the noise!" Huang Peng, the promoter of Kaifeng Mansion, suddenly erupted. He patted the back of his chair and said through gritted teeth. Drown all the rebels outside the city."

"Exactly! To be loyal to the country, the lower officials will not fall behind. Master Huang! We will be together." Yan Jingyun, the inspector censor, also agreed.It seems that these days, Huang Peng has found another ally in the city.

But this time, no officials thought it was just Huang Peng and the others venting, and the officials really began to consider this motion.The hall suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Gao Mingheng, waiting for his final decision.

Gao Mingheng pondered for a while, then asked the prefect of Kaifeng, "How many days is enough food and grass in the city?"

"More than ten days."

Of course, the prefect of Kaifeng did not answer the days used by all the soldiers and civilians in the city, but only considered the necessary city guards, officials and their families.

"Then how many days will Wu Runing leave Feng?" Gao Mingheng asked Chen Yongfu again.

"Runing has traveled more than 400 miles to this point. We march fifty miles a day, which means seven or eight days. However, I don't know how long it will take for General Wu to gather, how long it will take to fight the rebels on the way, let alone whether he will start, so the last general will not Dare to speak nonsense." Chen Yongfu replied very conservatively and carefully.

Gao Mingheng thought about it for a while, and finally decided: "That's good! Then wait another [-] days. Mr. Chen! You immediately send the dead to Wu Runing's place, and tell him to hurry up. After [-] days, if If there is no news yet, then do as Master Huang said. Master Huang! You also choose one or two hundred dead men, ready to dig the dam at any time."

"Follow the order!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

Gao Mingheng finally figured it out, even if he gave the city of Kaifeng to Lord Long, he, the governor of Henan, could always escape to the boat on the Yellow River.At this time, there is no need to care about the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Kaifeng City.As long as the siege troops of the Li and Luo coalition forces can be buried with Kaifeng City.Maybe the court can still be lenient.As for the rescue of the Runing Army, Gao Mingheng was holding on to his last hope.

"General! Please save Kaifeng City! Please save Father Commander!" Chen De wept bitterly and brought a few soldiers who rushed out of the city again, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Wu Shigong with a "bang bang bang" Nodding, after a few clicks, blood was seen on the foreheads of these people.

Wu Shigong who was sitting on the handsome chair was quite embarrassed.He was unwilling to deceive Chen De, but he was also unwilling to change his battle plan without authorization.So he could only make a gesture to the soldiers to stop Chen De's "self-mutilation" behavior first.

"Don't worry, Major General. As soon as I knew that Kaifeng City was in a hurry, I raised my troops to Yuzhong. But the Shaanxi bandits are cunning and afraid of falling into an ambush, so I am very careful in using troops. I don't know that Kaifeng City is so short of food. This officer is also very anxious now. How about this! Let the major general go down to heal his wounds first, and then I will tell you after I come up with the strategy. What do you think?" Wu Shigong said with concern.

"Then thank you general. I hope the general will send troops quickly! Send troops quickly!"

When Chen De was helped out, Wu Shigong kept tapping on the big case with the pencil in his hand. The officers in the big tent kept quiet, and they all knew that Wu Shigong had fallen into deep thought again.

in the original plan.The Runing Army will not control the life and death of Kaifeng City and the Heiyun Army.After all, the worst result is that both of these two official armies are wiped out by the peasant army.But the hundreds of thousands of people in Kaifeng City will never have to worry about their lives.

But now the situation is completely different.When Wu Shigong learned that the officials in Kaifeng City were going to dig the Yellow River dam.After going to die with the peasant army, Wu Shigong couldn't stay calm any longer.The lives of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people, are at the moment of Wu Shigong's thought, which makes him feel as if there is a huge burden on his shoulders.

To be honest, before the war, the Runing Army never considered the possibility of the official army or the peasant army digging up the Yellow River dam.Because it's just plain crazy.Not to mention the complete destruction of Kaifeng City, it will also create an extremely large yellow flood zone in northern Henan, causing more people to be displaced, not to mention that the flood alone can cause more than one million casualties and homelessness .

But Wu Shigong didn't know.In the history of the original time and space, such crazy things did happen.At that time, the defenders in Kaifeng had been besieged by Li and Luo's coalition forces for four months. They had no food inside and no reinforcements outside. Finally, they came up with this desperate plan to dig the embankment of the Yellow River and flood the peasant army.

So under Gao Mingheng's order, Huang Peng, the official of Kaifeng Prefecture, and Yan Jingyun, the patrol censor, organized manpower to excavate the embankment of Zhujiazhaikou.After the peasant army learned the news, they immediately moved to Gaofu, and in turn sent people to dig the Majiakou embankment to irrigate the Kaifeng defenders.The peasant army also simply made things bigger.

At that time, when the autumn was high and the water was rushing, the raging Yellow River burst out of its embankment, and the entire Kaifeng city was submerged. Countless residents inside and outside the city drowned, and more than [-] peasant soldiers were killed in the flood.In Kaifeng City, only a group of senior officials such as Gao Mingheng and the family members of King Zhou escaped by boat.

In this massacre, the total number of people drowned and died of post-flood diseases exceeded one million, a large amount of land was destroyed, and property losses were simply difficult to count.It was not until decades later that the destroyed Kaifeng City and the farmland in the Yellow Flood Area were finally rebuilt. This incident was also a catastrophe in the late Ming Dynasty.

In that time and space, the submersion of Kaifeng City also caused the Ming court to lose an important stronghold in the Central Plains. From then on, the Peasant Army completely took the initiative in the Central Plains battle until the Ming Dynasty was overthrown by the Shun Army.

Of course, from a short-term point of view, the destruction of Kaifeng City also caused the Li and Luo coalition forces to lose a large number of seizures in the city, and even lost a large number of supplementary sources of troops.Especially on the issue of "fixing the capital", the coalition forces of Li and Luo had to give up Kaifeng, and went south to Huguang to occupy Xiangyang.Therefore, it did delay the time for the peasant army to launch a general offensive.

Therefore, the result of this embankment breach is a lose-lose situation.

Another point: After the incident, although some officials in the DPRK went to the court to demand that the Kaifeng city guard officials be held accountable for breaking the embankment and flooding the city, Emperor Chongzhen believed that they had always resisted to the end when the peasant army attacked Kaifeng three times, showing that they were responsible. Loyalty, so not only will they not be punished, but they will pay attention to their hard work, and reward Gao Mingheng and the others.

Although the current Wu Shigong doesn't know this period of history, he has a premonition of this catastrophe.Now if the hundreds of thousands of people in Kaifeng are to be rescued, the Runing Army will have to change its plan and change the stalemate to a rush rescue.In other words, the lives of the soldiers of the Runing Army were exchanged for the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Kaifeng City.

Moreover, this will disrupt the overall strategic deployment of the Runing Army.There will be quite a lot of variables in the battle with the Li and Luo coalition forces. It is possible that the plan drawn up before the war to drive the Li and Luo coalition forces to Huguang will not be realized, and the general strategy of the Runing army will have to be overthrown and restarted. .

What a tough choice.Wu Shigong laughed at himself, and he couldn't help thinking: "The only role this military plan can play is that it was overthrown on the first day of the war!"

After thinking for a long time, the sense of responsibility still prevailed.There is a famous saying: With great power comes great responsibility.Now Wu Shigong has tasted the pain of this famous saying.

"Hey!" Wu Shigong sighed, and then he said to the officers who were all looking at him, "We have always said: the Runing Army is the guardian of China's clothes and the elite of the Chinese nation. We used the lives of ourselves and our brothers to rescue the people, but I still hesitated for such a long time. Make a new plan! Attack the city of Kaifeng within five days."

"No!" The officers' answer was unusually loud.The sense of honor of the Runing Army made these officers quite proud.In their hearts, these military officers wanted to save those common people, and they looked at Wu Shigong with admiration in their eyes.


On the eighth day of September, the Runing Army, which had changed its battle plan, suddenly switched from defense to offense, and began to rescue Kaifeng City with all its strength.

In the early morning, a soldier rushed into the big tent in a hurry. He shouted to He Yaoqi and Tian Jianxiu who had just put on their clothes: "Two generals, the official dog on the opposite side has crossed the river."

"Let's go!" He Yaoqi and Tian Jianxiu rushed out of the big tent, got on their horses, and ran towards the front line, regardless of whether they had breakfast yet.The officers in the camp also urged the troops to step out of the camp and prepare for the battle after the fortifications.

After running to the fortifications on the bank of the Huiji River, He Yaoqi and Tian Jianxiu gasped.After a few days of silence, the south bank of the Huiji River is now full of densely packed Runing troops, as if the whole army was dispatched.

"Old He! What do these official dogs want to do?" Tian Jianxiu asked strangely.

"No matter what he wants to do! We can't let them break through our place." He Yaoqi replied.

To be honest, He Yaoqi was a little confused by Monk Zhang Er.Then Butcher Wu's troops did not cross the river when they had not arrived at the camp and were defeated. Instead, they chose to cross the river when the fortifications had been built. Could it be that they wanted to challenge the difficulty?This really puzzled He Yaoqi.

Seeing the orderly formation of the auxiliary soldiers of the Runing Army, who lined up in a long line and threw sacks full of gravel into Huiji River, and approached the north bank of Huiji River step by step, He Yaoqi shouted: "Let the cavalry go first!" Come here. If the official dog has just crossed the river, find an opportunity to hit them halfway. Let the sons speed up, and quickly spread out behind the earthen wall."

Fortunately, the actions of the Runing Army were very dogmatic. They did not launch an attack when they filled the river. It seemed that they would wait until the dirt road was paved in the river before the whole army crossed the river.So the soldiers who broke into the camp also ran behind the earthen wall, and roughly stood in formation.

Seeing that their soldiers were ready, He Yaoqi and Tian Jianxiu felt relieved.They took the dry rations handed over by the soldiers, and started to deal with breakfast. (To be continued..)

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