Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 848 Fierce Battle in Xuzhou

Since ancient times, Pengcheng has been linked to Kyushu, and dragons and tigers have fought for thousands of years.

Since the historical records, there have been more than 1000 wars in Xuzhou.Among them, there are more than 400 large-scale ones, and more than 200 ones that have had a major impact.Therefore, the Ming Dynasty set up Xuzhou Guard, Xuzhou Zuowei, and Xuhuai Bing Beidao in Xuzhou to defend this strategic location.

Therefore, when the news that the Qing army was approaching Xuzhou came, more than 2 Ming troops and civilians had been organized in Xuzhou City, preparing to meet the Qing army's siege.And these Ming army and Minzhuang, if compared with the Qing army in the field, they are simply scum.But in the battle of defending the city, their combat effectiveness is not weak. After all, they have lived in the city of a hundred battles for many years, and even if they listen to the older generation talking about how to defend the city every day, they can listen to it.

But the goal of the Qing army was not Xuzhou City.

If you want to seize the Xuzhou area, or control the Central Plains, then conquering Xuzhou City is absolutely essential.But now the Qing army is only passing through Xuzhou, so attacking Xuzhou city becomes dispensable.

Xuzhou City is just that big, and the entire circumference is only a few thousand steps.If the army in the city did not dare to go out to fight, then it would be an exaggeration to say that even if the Qing army walked past the walls of Xuzhou City, there would be no risk.After all, the goals of the Qing army were Runing and Guide.

Of course, in view of the reputation of the wealthy Xuzhou Mansion, the Qing army tried to attack Xuzhou City with the idea that thieves would never fail.But seeing the fortified city of Xuzhou City, Huang Taiji ordered to stop the attack, and planned to let the fortified city go first.However, after such a delay, the Qing army was delayed at the foot of Xuzhou City for a day or two.

But when the Qing army wanted to continue marching, they suddenly discovered that Guide Town led by Shumo had already driven in front of the Qing army, blocking their way.

However, when encountering the Qing army with 10,000+ troops, Guide Town, which has only 5000 people, will definitely not open up the battle.What battle, decisive battle.If you do that, it is not brave, but to die.

So Shumo ordered: to build two twin battalions two or three miles apart on the south side of Xuzhou City, so as to stop the advance of the Qing army.And the Qing army was indeed stopped by Guide Town.

We already know that Xuzhou City is located in the passage between Weishan Lake and Hongze Lake, and within this passage, there is also a Luoma Lake. The two twin battalions in the town were under control.

Of course, the control mentioned here.It is not to say that the small cavalry of the Qing army cannot make a detour.The real meaning is: when the large forces of the Qing army bypass the Twin Battalions in Guide Town and advance towards Guide, they will be attacked by the flanks of Guide Town.

Just say the simplest truth.When the main force of the Qing army made a detour, Guidezhen really didn't dare to leave the camp with the whole army to fight the Qing army.But this will not prevent Guide Town from deploying a rapid firearms unit relying on the camp.Shooting at the flanks of the Qing army's marching column.

If the Qing army sent a large force to disperse.This rapid firearms unit can immediately withdraw to the camp; if the Qing army ignores it.Then you can let go and shoot.Of course, the Qing army did not dare to send out small troops to disperse them. Maybe that small army was not as strong as the firearms troops of the Runing Army. At that time, the firearms troops would definitely eat up this small army without hesitation.

But in this way, the problem arises.Even if the casualty rate caused by such flanking fire is not high.The large forces of the Qing army can also make a detour, but the total number of the Qing army is too large.As long as this firearms force causes [-] to [-] percent of the casualties of the Qing army, the total number of casualties of the Qing army will exceed [-].

Such huge casualties must have been unbearable for the Qing army.For these are not casualties inflicted on the battlefield, but acquired on the march of non-resistance.And this kind of casualty is the most damaging to the morale of the army.Who wants to be a dog in the water and be beaten wildly by others?And it was when there was no defeat at all.

And there is another point: for the Qing army, the Ming army in Guide Town and Xuzhou City are two completely different troops.

The Ming army in Xuzhou City was a purely defensive army.As long as the Qing army does not attack Xuzhou City, the Ming army is completely harmless and poses little threat to the Qing army.

Since Guide Town refused to enter the city for defense, it set up a large camp outside the city instead, which proved that they were a field army.As the name suggests, this army dares to fight in the field.

In that case, the meaning of the Qing army's detour would not be very great.After all, who can guarantee that Guide Town will not follow and attack after the Qing army bypasses it?

Moreover, when the Qing army detours to Guide, the Qing army will face Guide's Runing Army (the Qing army does not know that the main force of the Runing Army is contained in Wuchang City), and Guide Town will follow. Xue Yongli's troops rushed back again. Under the attack from three sides, the Qing army was really big.Therefore, the Qing army will never ignore the existence of Guide Town, so the Runing army must be defeated first.

However, in the face of the siege of 10,000+ Qing troops, Guidezhen fought quite tenaciously.Although the hastily built camp was not strong, and the Qing army rushed into the camp in Guide Town several times, but under Shumo's calm control, the Qing army was always counterattacked out of the camp in the end.

But this is also because Shu Mo's reputation for being good at keeping things is too loud.As long as the soldiers in Guide Town think that their coach is Shumo, they will have great confidence in defending the camp.Sometimes there is indeed a bonus effect of the coach!

During these days of fierce fighting, the Ming army in Xuzhou City was just watching from the sidelines.So after a few days of defense, the Qing army no longer guarded against the Ming army's attack from Xuzhou City, and let go of their hands and feet, and the offensive against Guide Town became more violent.

It's a little more interesting.In Xue Yongli's department in Heze, they had a superior force, but they were helpless against Duoduo's [-] Qing army.But Shumo's Guide Town, facing the attack of the Qing army which was more than ten times stronger, was able to defend it impressively. This also shows how obvious the advantages and disadvantages of the Runing Army are.

But no matter what, the difference in troop strength is too great.Although Shumo commanded well, Guide Town still fought quite hard.It wasn't until the Pegasus Town in Zug arrived that the fighting situation improved slightly.

On the tenth day of February, in the camp of Guide Town.

"Chu Fox! What do you think you should do next?" Shumo asked.

"Then do you still need to ask?" Zug squinted, with a look of contempt on his face, "You still hold on to your tortoise shell, I will find a chance to lead the cavalry to charge out. You have been suppressed and beaten by the Tartars, it doesn't matter if you are shameless , I will be a human being in the future.”

"What are you talking about!" Shumo was also a little annoyed by Chu Ge's words, "If we have the ability, let's switch places, and you come to guard? I'm afraid that you will be so scared that you will fart."

"Hey!" Chu Ge knew that this bickering would never end, so he changed the subject and asked, "If we let the cavalry go around Xuzhou City and attack from the north when the Tartars attack, do you think it will be okay?" Give them a surprise?"

Shumo thought for a while, and replied: "This method is a bit risky. And it can only be used once. Chu fox! Your cavalry is coming, the Tartars must have seen it, and they will take precautions no matter what. Let's just Use the original routine to fight, paralyze the Tartars, and give the Tartars a good time after passing a few times."

"Hmm!" Zuge nodded, agreeing with Shumo's opinion.

"Boom boom boom!"

The General Cannon and General Cannon of the Qing Army started firing again.A dozen huge shells flew over.After the shell hit the ground, it immediately bounced forward, and did not stop completely until it bounced seven or eight times.

However, the power of these shells is too great. Rolling and rebounding all the way, they smashed through more than a dozen huge holes in the obstacles in front of the Runing army. would cause heavy casualties.But that's it, as long as the soldiers hit or rubbed by those shells, they almost all died when they touched them, and the bodies of some soldiers of the Runing Army were also torn to pieces.

"Squat down! Hide behind the wall! The Tartars will fight for a few more rounds, everyone must hide!" All the officers at the front shouted loudly.

Because the artillery range of the Runing Army is not as good as that of the Qing Army's General Cannon and General Cannon, the front row of the Guide Town camp can only be beaten passively.However, the Runing Army could not give up the defense in the front row, so they could only evade by spreading out their forces, squatting down, and hiding behind earthen walls to reduce casualties.However, the earth wall is basically unable to prevent such powerful shells, so in the shelling of the Qing army, the soldiers of the Runing Army can only resign themselves to their fate.

"It's said that the Tartars are unparalleled in riding and shooting! I didn't expect their firearms to be so powerful. If this continues, the imperial court really can't stop them, and only our Runing Army can compete with them." Looking at the artillery attack of the Qing army, Chu Grid shook his head.

"Their artillery is still inferior to ours, mainly because it is inconvenient to transport and install. If our troops are not so far behind, we can use cavalry to carry out assaults while they are laying piles of artillery, which can disturb them. Fire up the artillery. But now, I can only use the lives of my sons to block it. Hey——!" Shumo sighed.

"No matter how you say it! Tartar is still a strong enemy!" Chu Ge also sighed.

"Don't talk too much. After the shelling is over, the tartar's scull cart will come up. No matter what, we must teach the tartar a lesson."

Sure enough, after three rounds of shelling, the Qing army's artillery stopped firing, and then rows of scull carts were rolled out in the Qing army formation, and behind the scull carts, groups of soldiers with Han army flags were holding knives, axes and firearms. Gun, charged towards the camp in Guide Town.

The soldiers in the back rows of Guide Town were also busy moving up the wooden fence and the horses to block the gap opened by the artillery fire of the Qing army, while the Runing army in front immediately lined up under the order of the officer, Hide behind obstacles and prepare for the coming battle. (To be continued..)

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