Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 849 Deploying Troops and Generals

Although the wooden fences in the front row of the Runing Army, the horses and other obstacles were riddled with holes by the artillery fire of the Qing army, there is also an advantage. The ground seems to have been repeatedly plowed. The car couldn't push the front of the Runing Army at all.So when the scull cart was pushed to a place about [-] steps away from the front of the Runing Army, all the soldiers of the Han Army Banner behind the scull cart jumped out of the scull cart and rushed towards the soldiers of the Runing Army.

During the entire process of pushing the scull cart, the artillery of both sides did not fire.It's not that both sides have forgotten the artillery, it's just that in the battle a few days ago, the artillery of both sides suffered a lot.

In the fierce battle a few days ago, the artillery of the Runing Army destroyed many oar carts of the Qing Army.However, the Han Army Banner of the Qing Army was mainly composed of rebels from the Denglai Incident, and they were also very good at using artillery vehicles in battle, so there was a artillery battle between the Runing Army and the Qing Army.

In this kind of confrontation, the less powerful Qing army artillery vehicles will always suffer, but the Qing army took out all their possessions, and the total number has an absolute advantage.And there are only a few cannons in Guide Town, and if one is lost, one will be lost.So after a lot of consumption, neither side is willing to squander precious artillery anymore.

So when the Qing army's scull chariot rushed to the front of the Runing army, the group of Han army flag soldiers rushed out with confidence.And the firecrackers and archers of the Qing army also lined up with their heads out, and began to cover and shoot, to cover the group of soldiers rushing forward. After all, the gunfire of the Runing army is still very powerful.

However, the firecrackers, bows and arrows of the Qing army did not cause any harm to the Runing army.Soldiers of the Runing Army are still hiding behind wooden fences and earthen walls.However, the Qing army's covering fire seemed to have an effect, and the gunners of the Runing army no longer dared to show their heads, and could only watch helplessly as the Qing army approached step by step.

"Boom boom boom!"

Unexpectedly, there was a dull sound of artillery, and the cannonballs fired by the artillery immediately set off a storm of metal, and immediately cleared the space between the Runing army and the scull cart.Then came the shooting of the musket.Even knocked down the surviving Qing soldiers to the ground.This sudden shooting immediately stunned the Qing army.

The arrival of Pegasus Town also brought some small cannons for cavalry.Although the power of these small cannons is not enough, it may be a little bit reluctant to hit the scull, but firing a few rounds of shotgun is enough.

Before the smoke cleared, the soldiers of the Runing Army rushed out like a tiger descending a mountain.They immediately rushed to the back of the first row of scull carts, hacking and killing the remaining Han army flag soldiers.And those Qing soldiers were almost all oar cart pushers and gunfire archers, so they had no resistance under the axes and spears, and were killed by the Runing army, bleeding into rivers.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Qing soldiers behind the second row of oar chariots also rushed forward.Immediately strangled with the Runing Army.But at this time, the gunners of the Runing Army were also ready. They followed the gunners and rushed to the back of the scull cart, standing on the scull cart and getting ready to shoot.Under the orders of the officers, the Qing soldiers who rushed out from behind the second row of oar carts were dispersed.

The offensive of the Qing army was thus resisted.The Runing Army also accepted as soon as it was good.Step by step alternate cover, the troops retreated to the first row of oar carts.Then pour kerosene on the scull cart and pile up dry firewood.Then he lit the scull cart, and then retreated to his own formation.

The blazing scull cart stopped the attack of the Qing army.There was nothing to be done, there was a sound of gold ringing in the Qing army formation, and all the scull carts backed up, retreating towards their own formation.

Today's battle was quite short, and the winner was decided in a few seconds.The commander in charge of the battle waits until the troops have withdrawn.Immediately knelt down in front of Huang Taiji and confessed to him.

"Get up!" Huang Taiji said with a smile, but no matter how you look at his expression, it was the kind of smile on the surface. "I just prepared that Ming army cavalry. I didn't expect him to use artillery! I told you all before the expedition that this Ming army is difficult to deal with, but you still don't take it to heart. After so many victories , I am so proud that I can’t find the north! Forget it, this time I don’t care about it. Those cars in front are still burning, and they won’t be able to get on for a while. Don't blame me for being ruthless!"


Seeing that the ginseng leader retreated, Huang Taiji couldn't help but shook his head.In the fierce battles in the past few days, the Qing army has lost more than [-] people, which is far more than that after entering the customs. The Qing army has lost several times as many people in all previous battles.Although the losses were all Han army banners and Mongolian herdsmen, Huang Taiji was not the most distressed.However, if this delay continues, the troops of General Wu in Runing will continue to support them, which will become more and more detrimental to the Qing army.

And now, Huang Taiji has also learned the total strength of the Runing Army in the Heze and Xuzhou areas.After doing calculations, Huang Taiji knew that he still underestimated the strength of the Runing Army. After all, there will always be some soldiers in the old nest of the Runing Army.So now Huang Taiji is even more eager to eliminate this powerful team as soon as possible.

"Seventh brother!" Huang Taiji shouted.

Abatai hurriedly stepped forward and gave a military salute to Huang Taiji.

"This time you take the Eight Banners athletes to fight in person. We can fight one more time before dark, and this time we must rush into the Ming army's camp. Don't worry about the Ming army's cavalry on the opposite side, I will let Oboi watch .Rushing in, you are the first, and you must never let the Ming army fight back."

"Cha!" Abate said immediately.But after thinking about it for a while, Abatai was still a little worried, so he continued to ask, "But your majesty, there are not many people in Hanjunqi and King Sanshun, and I am afraid that there are not enough troops!"

Because the front of the Runing Army's battalion was full of potholes, it was difficult for the cavalry to deploy, so they had to use infantry to charge.In the Qing army, infantry battles were basically carried out by the Han soldiers with the banner of the Han army and the Han soldiers of King Sanshun.That's why Abate asked this question.

"Aren't you going to let the athletes get off their horses?" Huang Taiji immediately became angry, "After a few good days, have you even forgotten the bloody bravery of the Eight Banners?"

"Cha!" Abate, who was reprimanded, immediately stepped aside speechless.

"Oboi! You follow Seventh Brother with five thousand cavalry. As long as the Ming army's cavalry on the opposite side charge, you must block them so as not to affect Seventh Brother's charge."


"Tan Tai! You follow behind with the Mongolian First Team, Second Team and Mongolian Eight Banners' Zhenglan and Xianglan Banners. As soon as Brother Qi rushes into the camp of the Ming army on the opposite side, you immediately rush forward and rush into the camp. Completely defeat this Ming army!"

"Cha!" (to be continued...)

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