The Runing Army allowed the wreckage of the oar chariot and the corpses of the Qing soldiers to be scattered in front of the formation. After all, this could stop the Qing army from rushing into the formation.And the gunners tried their best to pull the artillery back, just use it once for a sudden shelling like last time, after all, the Qing army will definitely be prepared in the future.

Under the command of the officer, the soldiers still dispersed and squatted behind the earthen wall, ready to fight again.There are only some medical soldiers, who are looking for the wounded in front of the battle, giving first aid to the wounded soldiers and carrying them off.

Seeing the soldiers busy in front, Zuge suggested to Shumo: "You should deliberately leave a hole in front and let a group of Tartars rush in. Then, ambush the gunners behind the hole and beat them A fierce one, and then let the cavalry kill it. Book tortoise! ​​You have to learn a little bit! This battle also depends on your brain, don't always think about fighting hard."

"Hmph! You're the only one who is smart?" Shumo laughed immediately, "I've already used it [-] times before you thought of it. Could it be that the tartar would still be fooled? After fighting for so many days, the method that should be used I’ve tried it all, and there’s nothing left to do. Now, I can only fight honestly.”

"Boom boom boom!"

Hearing the sound of Qing army artillery ringing again, the two looked at the front of the battle again.Chu Ge asked suddenly: "I'm a storyteller! Don't tell me you're so notorious that you've gone to the Tartars? Why are the Tartars just staring at your big camp and not touching Yao Liang's big camp? Is it you?" Having an affair with a Tartar?"

"What an adulterer!" Shumo immediately scolded with a smile, "Yao Liang is close to Xuzhou City, and the Tartars are not easy to fight, so I just stared at this side. And I also told Yao Liang not to rescue him Here. The Tartars are also very cunning. They have set up ambushes several times, and they want to call in reinforcements. But they don't see who is here? My book master is guarding them. No matter how hard the Tartars fight, they will be bloody Fate."

"Hehe, you're just blowing nonsense!" Chu Ge also laughed, "I don't know who saw my Pegasus coming, and it was as affectionate as seeing my own father. But then again, when you watch There are indeed some tricks. I thought my Pegasus Town was about to go to war last time, but I didn’t expect you to be able to defeat the Tartars. It’s really good! Very good!”

"Don't do this!" Shumo immediately couldn't understand Zug's condescending appearance, "You must be addicted to being an adult! The qualifications are less than mine, and you still want to ride on my head, dreaming But this time we are going to fight a tough battle, and your Pegasus Town must be dispatched. According to my idea, you should not dispatch on both sides, but concentrate your forces on one end, and the effect will be better."

Chu Ge also nodded: "Then concentrate on the side of Yao Liang's camp! There is also a support. For the first time to dispatch, it is better to be cautious!"

It is still the shooting of the general cannon and the general cannon, and the scull cart is still moving forward.But when the Qing army rushed out cautiously from behind the scull cart.But there was no shot from the shot.However, the Qing army's charge was not smooth, and they still stumbled.He was continuously attacked by the Runing Army.

Oncoming.First came a volley of firecrackers.At such a short distance, it was no longer possible to shoot rounds of firecrackers, so the Runing Army simply reduced the number of shooting rounds, arranged the firecrackers in three rows, and fired continuously at the charging Qing soldiers.

However, the Qing army was well aware of the power of the Runing Army's firecrackers.Therefore, not all the Qing soldiers behind the oar cart rushed out.After the Runing Army's gunshots stopped for a while, the remaining Qing soldiers screamed wildly and rushed towards the formation of the Runing Army.

The wooden fences and horses that were used as barriers were cut down and overturned by the Qing soldiers, but it was a price.The wooden fence and the front of the refusal horse were also full of Qing soldiers who had been stabbed to death.Seeing that the Qing soldiers had broken through the first line of defense, after the sound of a copper whistle, all the soldiers of the Runing Army who were behind the wooden fence and the horse refusal climbed over to the earth wall behind them.

The earthen walls of the Runing military fortress are not high, and the height only reaches a person's chest.On the earth wall, there are long rows of swarms of bees.The soldiers of the Runing Army immediately ignited a swarm of bees, and the dense rockets rushed towards the Qing soldiers.

The Qing soldiers were shot down again in a large area.However, facing the Qing soldiers holding shields and wearing armor, the effect of swarm shooting was not as good as expected.If it weren't for the fact that the Qing troops charging at the forefront were all Han soldiers, and they were basically wearing cotton and leather armor, the shooting effect of a swarm of bees might be even worse.But even so, quite a few Qing soldiers were able to pounce on the earth wall.

The soldiers of the Runing Army immediately put their spears on the earth wall, ready to assassinate the Qing soldiers who rushed up.But when the rushing Qing soldiers were still some distance away from their spears, they threw out their handaxes and javelins one after another.

Although the Runing army standing in the front row were all wearing plate armor and had high protection capabilities, the armor-piercing performance of hand axes and javelins was also good.Even if they can't break through their armor, such a huge kinetic energy can still knock the soldiers of the Runing Army back a few steps.So a row of handaxes and javelins flew over, and immediately opened a lot of gaps in the long spear array of the Runing army.

As soon as the Qing soldiers saw the gap, they immediately rushed up along the gap, wanting to take advantage of the situation and kill them.Unexpectedly, the spears in the last few rows immediately stretched out from the gap, stabbed fiercely at the Qing soldiers who rushed forward, and immediately pierced those Qing soldiers.But no matter what, the long spear array of the Runing Army has become incomplete.

Finally, Qing soldiers rushed to the earth wall, and they were able to wield knives and axes to inflict some damage on the spearmen around them.But when these Qing soldiers climbed over the earthen wall, they were immediately killed by spears, axes and spears stabbed and chopped down from all around.The earth wall has also become an insurmountable line of death.

However, the Qing soldiers of the Han Army Banner and King Sanshun were still advancing bravely, and they were also strangled with the Runing Army, and the battle immediately reached a fever pitch.

What is incomprehensible is that at the end of the Ming Dynasty, as long as many scumbags of the Ming army surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, they immediately became a powerful army.If this powerful army returns to the Ming Dynasty, they will immediately become a scumbag Ming army.

Therefore, in fact, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Ming army is no less than that of the Qing army. It is only the low political status and the difference in disciplinary organization that lead to such an incredible situation.

At this time, a group of Qing soldiers in white and red heavy armor came up.That is the famous white armored soldiers and red armored soldiers in the Qing army.Also known as white and red teeth.

In the Qing army, the white armored soldiers and red armored soldiers are composed of veterans with combat experience, and they are the main force of the Qing army.They are also good at walking and riding, good at fighting under various conditions.

Moreover, the treatment of the white armored soldiers and the red armored soldiers is also very good. For example, the white armored soldiers have at least a dozen households.And what we often hear: "serve the armored man as a slave!" refers to these two types of armored soldiers in the Qing army.

After Huang Taiji succeeded to the throne, he incorporated all the white armored soldiers and red armored soldiers of various cattle records into the Xiaoqi battalion and the forward battalion, strengthening his centralization.So in today's battle, the appearance of these white armored soldiers and red armored soldiers shows that the Qing army is already willing to spare no expense.

These white armored soldiers and red armored soldiers are all wearing two layers of heavy armor. Although it is not as good as the three layers of heavy armor they wear on horseback, the protection is amazing.In addition, there were Han army flags and Han soldiers of King Sanshun covering the front, so they quickly reached the earth wall.

These armored soldiers are really good, not only proficient in martial arts, but also good at cooperating.They are usually in a group of several people, the people on both sides block the spears stabbing from all sides, and the people in the middle rush forward, and immediately kill the Runing army.

And because the corpses of those Han soldiers fell in front of the earthen wall, it happened to be a place for those armored soldiers to step on.They stepped on the top of the wall in a few steps, slashed and killed them condescendingly, causing the Runing army to panic.

We all know that the weakness of the pikemen is that they cannot let the enemy approach, so the slashing and killing of the armored soldiers immediately broke the pike formation of the Runing army.If it weren't for the ax and spearmen who could still compete with those armored soldiers, the earth wall defense line might have been broken.

But that was the case, the armored soldiers of the Qing army in twos and threes also broke into the earth wall, but they immediately encountered the gunners behind the Runing army's spear formation.Those musketeers started to fill in the gaps, shooting at the armored soldiers who rushed in.At such a short distance, it was almost impossible to miss the shot, so the fanatical offensive of the Qing army's armored soldiers was once again suppressed.


The officers on the second line of defense of the Runing Army blew their copper whistles at the same time.The gunners who loaded the ammunition behind the earth wall also rushed forward immediately, and as soon as they were in position, those gunners fired a volley towards the outside of the earth wall.The Qing army was stopped.

Taking advantage of the Qing army's offensive, the Runing army behind the earthen wall immediately rushed back and hid behind the second line of defense again.

Although in the battle in the first row, the Runing Army had the upper hand.But now it has fallen into a war of attrition, and this is the situation that the Runing Army is the last to want to see. After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is too great.

"This battle is not easy!" Shumo shook his head while looking at the situation ahead.

"Yes! My Pegasus Town is also ready." Chu Ge also nodded.

"Rush in! Rush in!" Abate shouted excitedly, and then he ordered loudly, "The follow-up people should follow closely, and we must rush into Minggou's camp."

The armored soldiers of the Qing army who had just finished the battle also temporarily guarded behind the earthen wall, and the rest of the Qing soldiers began to clean up the ground, move the corpses, and clear the way for the scull cart behind.

The cavalry behind the forward Qing soldiers also dismounted under the orders of their respective leaders and Niu Luerzhen, and added to the scull cart troops as infantry.Dozens of gun carriages from the Qing army also drove forward. They hid behind the first row of oar carts, and all moved towards the second line of defense of the Runing army. (To be continued..)

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