Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 939 It's Too Easy

"Quickly form the team! Move faster!" Huang Ding shouted with a livid face.

After attacking Incheon Port, it didn't take much effort to wipe out the two hundred Qing soldiers in the port.But it took two full days for the fleet to dock, soldiers to disembark and unload the cargo.

When the battle broke out at the pier, the fear of "pirates and pirates" spread throughout Incheon City like a plague. When the Taiping Army needed coolies, they were surprised to find that there were no coolies in the city.It seems that the Koreans who are often harassed by Japanese pirates are really "well-trained" when they escape!

But the landing of the Marine Corps this time is all about speed and speed.In the original plan, Huang Ding was going to attack Seoul as quickly as possible, so that the North Korean Qing army and North Korean army did not dare to act rashly, but only dared to hide in Seoul.In order to cover the arrival of the main force of Gonzalez's Marine Corps.But after dragging on for two days at the pier, this plan also burst like a soap bubble.The Qing army and Koreans who escaped from the city should have spread the news of the arrival of the Daping army!

"General! You have great luck. Do you want to give me something to keep away from evil on the boat? How many times does the small fleet have to go back and forth." The boss of the boat transporting this troop smiled at Huang Dingyu.

"Go, go!" Huang Ding waved impatiently.He was still muttering in his heart: "I'm not a woman, I have that dirty thing every month to ward off evil spirits!"

"Excuse me! General!" The boss of the boat became anxious, "For the sake of delivering the general safely, please give me something! You can give me anything."

"Let's go!" Huang Ding ignored the boat boss.Get on the horse and get on the road.Then, he said to the boat boss who wanted to hold his horse: "Don't get in the way! If you really want to, give up my gnawed pig's head!"

Watching Huang Ding lead the troops away.The boss of the boat also looked helpless, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he yelled at his sailors: "Did you hear that, quickly offer up the pig's head that the general ate. If you can't find it, I will throw you into the sea."


It really is a good spirit but not a bad spirit.Huang Ding had only walked for half a day with his troops before encountering a North Korean army led by the Qing army.

When the news of the fall of Incheon Port reached Seoul, the North Korean monarchs and ministers were shocked.They immediately summoned the generals of the Qing army stationed in the city to discuss how to deal with this emergency.

But at the very beginning of the discussion, everyone was embarrassed to find a problem: they didn't know which army captured Incheon Port.should say.The fleet of the Daping Army was under the banner of Zheng Zhilong. Even if they didn't expect it to be the Marine Corps of the Daping Army, they should have thought that it was Zheng Zhilong's unit.

But the cries of "pirates and Japanese pirates" from the people of Incheon were too loud.Therefore, the North Korean monarchs and ministers also judged: It is also possible that pirates and Japanese pirates attacked Incheon Port under the banner of Zheng Zhilong.Want to go to North Korea to plunder again.

And the Qing army took part in an estimate.The enemy troops who went ashore were at most three or four thousand.But whether it is Zheng Zhilong's troops, pirates or Japanese pirates, they will never be opponents of the invincible Eight Banners nation.

So the leader of the Qing army volunteered. He wanted to bring three hundred Qing troops stationed in Seoul, and asked the king of Korea to summon the North Korean troops near Seoul to drive the invading enemy army into the sea in one fell swoop.To be honest, the Qing army at this time were indeed arrogant soldiers, and their arrogance was indeed unimaginable.

As soon as he heard that his master had come out.The North Korean monarchs and ministers were of course ecstatic.So they immediately summoned [-] North Korean troops near Seoul, and handed them over to the Qing army to lead them.He valiantly and arrogantly killed towards Incheon.

But as soon as they met Huang Ding's marines, the generals of the North Korean army became puzzled.At that time, North Korea learned from China in an all-round way, so they were also civilian leaders.But after all, generals are needed to fight. There is a veteran who has the experience of fighting Japanese pirates. He saw that the troops on the opposite side did not have loincloths, and they did not use short weapons such as knives. This is obviously not Japanese pirates and pirates!

You know, even Zheng Zhilong's troops also use short weapons in jumping gang battles, and the use of tachi is also very popular, so the origin of the army in front of them has become a mystery.

So when this North Korean veteran told his doubts to the North Korean coach, all the North Korean generals became confused.However, the doubts of the North Korean generals immediately summoned the leader of the Qing army to scold them.In the eyes of the leader of the Qing army, the enemy army only has more than 2000 people. As long as the three hundred cavalry of the nation charge, they will be destroyed no matter what. Is it necessary to care where they are?

So the two sides began to expand the array.Of course, the Daping Army is a standard infantry and artillery phalanx, while the three hundred cavalry of the Qing Army are at the forefront, followed by the North Korean army.

And when the classic formation of the Daping Army was brought out, the leader of the Qing Army felt a "click" in his heart.The leader of the Qing army is well aware of this powerful army that can counter the Qing army.So he stopped the Qing army's cavalry from charging, and wanted to let the North Korean cannon fodder go first, while he hid behind and watched the battle first.

But the behavior of the Qing army leader who turned his back on his words made the North Korean generals even more suspicious.So they were unwilling to go forward first, so the Qing army and the Korean army began to "give way" to each other.

The Qing army and the Korean army are "modestly giving way", and the Navy and Marine Corps will not wait.When their formation was lined up, the Daping Army trotted towards the enemy under Huang Ding's order.

While the Qing army and the Korean army were "modestly giving way", they became more and more timid. When they saw the Daping army charging, they suddenly lost all morale.When the first round of artillery shells from the Daping Army fell, their entire army collapsed like an avalanche.

Seeing the collapse of the Qing army and the Korean army, the more than 200 cavalry brought by the Daping Army to North Korea immediately launched a charge.The coaches and generals of North Korea hit the horse and fled, and the Qing army's participation in the leadership also hit the horse and fled.But they are in the back row of the troops, so it is more convenient to escape, but the Qing cavalry standing in the front row, they are sad.

This kind of pursuit without resistance is really fun.More than 100 cavalrymen of the Qing army were beheaded and killed at once, while the North Korean troops were also killed and hundreds of people were captured.In particular, the North Korean troops were all gathered together by serfs near Seoul.Once they escaped, it was impossible to gather them together.So the Daping Army just lined up and won the battle. (To be continued..)

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