Those North Korean coaches and generals whipped their fast horses and fled back to Seoul desperately.

The leader of the Qing army also whipped the fast horse and fled back to Seoul desperately.

Then more than 100 remnants of the Qing army whipped the fast horses and fled back to Seoul desperately.

Then... Then the city gates of Seoul were closed tightly, and they refused to open them alive or dead.It can be seen from this that the North Korean soldiers who fled really had foresight. Even if they fled to Seoul, they would not be able to enter the city.Might as well go hide and seek in the countryside.

Anyway, this time the Qing army and the Korean army sent more than 7000 soldiers and horses, but less than 200 returned.But what makes people vomit blood is that after such a battle, the king of North Korea and his ministers still don't know where the enemy army is.

It should be said that the leader of the Qing army and some Qing soldiers were well aware that it was the army of the newly established Daping Dynasty who came.But what can we say about letting the Qing army join the leader?Are you making yourself ugly?

You must know that North Korea's fear and awe of the Central Plains Dynasty is deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Even after Toyotomi Hideyoshi's army invaded North Korea, the King of North Korea was willing to incorporate the entire North Korea into the territory of the Ming Dynasty and accept the protection of the Ming Dynasty.So later North Korea simply went to extremes, they did not develop their own armaments at all, anyway, the Ming Dynasty fought for them!

In order to maintain its rule in North Korea, the Manchu Qing not only went to North Korea twice, but also hyped up the incompetence of the Central Plains Dynasty and the strong military power of the Qing Dynasty in North Korea.Therefore, whenever the war against Ming was won, the Manchu and Qing dynasties would hype North Korea.Of course, the moisture in this propaganda is quite sufficient.The battle loss ratio of the two armies has been publicized as an exaggerated figure.

But after this disastrous defeat, could it be that the leader of the Qing army said: The army of the newly established Daping Dynasty in the Central Plains came here, and their combat not worse than that of the Qing army?Even the leader of the Qing army has a tendency to be abused.Then you can't slap yourself!

So the leader of the Qing army blurred the enemy, changed the topic, and shirked responsibility. He only forced the Korean king to kill the civil official who commanded the Korean army, and pushed the responsibility for the defeat to the Koreans.

However, the North Korean monarchs and ministers didn't see through the little trick of the Qing army's participation in the leadership, or in other words, they didn't tell the truth if they saw it through.Now that the Supreme Emperor has spoken, let him be happy by giving him the head of a courtier.But at this moment, the North Korean monarchs and ministers finally knew.Whose army is coming.

This time Huang headed towards Seoul, but he didn't hold back. He sent a regiment of the first marines to arrive.More than 400 horses were brought out.

Now that it has been decided to go to Seoul, there is no need to keep troops in Incheon.It is useless to keep 200 or [-] people. It cannot stop the possible army of North Korea.But if all this regiment is left in Incheon.That is also waiting for North Korea's large forces to besiege.It's better to bluff and attack the city of Seoul, scaring the North Koreans so that they can't figure out the reality of the Daping Army.

As for the main force of the second batch of Gonzalez?Anyway, Incheon Port has no fort defenses, and it can't stop the Marine Corps from forcibly landing.It is true that a North Korean army has come to stop it. North Korea has such a long coastline, won't it just find another port to land?Therefore, Huang Ding only considered the results of his troops.

To be honest, before the war, the Marine Corps never thought about attacking Seoul.Plus Gonzalez's men.There were only 7000 marines who landed in the first batch, and they had to go north to the Yalu River as soon as possible.Put pressure on the flanks of the Qing Dynasty, so there will be no more entanglements in the capital of North Korea.

But what surprised Huang Ding was that the North Korean army was so pussy.Before fighting at all, the North Korean army, which is two or three times larger than itself, will be defeated.Then Huang Ding will definitely take advantage of the fire to rob, then chase him to the foot of Seoul in one go!

Now that he has been chased to Seoul, it is time to show off his might.What galloping around the city, what scolding, anyway, how disgusting.But this nausea made the North Korean officials on the city wall feel strange.The enemy army that came here spoke plain Chinese!

As soon as the news reached the ears of the King of Korea and several auxiliary ministers, their thoughts immediately increased.What Han Chinese pirates, the Chinese sent troops, etc., anyway, there are many guesses.But no matter how much they guessed, they would never get a real answer, so after some secret discussions, they planned to send envoys out of the city to find out about it without telling the Qing army in the city.

In the evening of that day, a daring North Korean official fell from a hanging basket and came to the camp of the Daping Army.And Huang Ding also received the messenger.After that, Huang Ding declared to the envoy: This is the Central Empire's conquest of Korea, and Huang Ding's troops are just the vanguard, and the tens of thousands of troops that follow are also on their way to North Korea.

The unexpected news confused the envoy, and he hurriedly asked why the Celestial Dynasty came to conquer.

So Huang Ding talked about the reasons for North Korea's treachery, and pointed out that the North Korean envoys did not pay homage at the founding ceremony of the Daping Dynasty.

As soon as this reason was said, the emissary was immediately stunned.And all of this is caused by poor information.

Because the sea route is impassable in winter, the land route is in the hands of Man Qing.So until now, North Korea only knows that the Beijing city of the Ming Dynasty has been breached, and Emperor Chongzhen has also died.But they didn't know that Wu Shigong's Daping Dynasty had already been established.

Moreover, the North Korean envoy who was expelled at the founding ceremony was still living in the outskirts of Beijing because he was unable to return home.Therefore, the North Korean monarchs did not know at all what happened at the founding ceremony of the Daping Dynasty.

Regarding the crusade against the Daping Army and the accusation of North Korea's treachery, the North Korean monarchs and ministers can also find some reasons to justify one or two.But the envoy couldn't explain why the emperor of the Daping Dynasty couldn't pay homage, because he didn't know about it at all, so how to explain it?

In desperation, I had to submit the question.So the envoy said a lot of good things to Huang Ding, and then asked what conditions the Tianjun wanted?Let North Korea eliminate the disaster of war?

Facing the bamboo sticks that came to his door, Huang Ding did not open his mouth like a lion.In addition to asking for a batch of grain and grass supplies, Huang Ding put forward three conditions: [-]. Hand over the Qing army in Seoul and allow the Daping army to station there; [-]. The Korean army must not hinder the military operations of the Daping army in North Korea; , Restoration of the Daping Dynasty's suzerainty over North Korea.

Originally, Huang Ding wanted North Korea to send troops to fight the Qing army together.But seeing the ugly appearance of the North Korean army, Huang Ding was determined not to have such pig teammates.

In any case, the North Korean envoy also gained something today.After writing down the conditions proposed by Huang Ding, he hung from the city wall into the city overnight and went to the palace to report.

At this time, the King of Korea and several auxiliary ministers did not rest, and they were eagerly looking forward to the news of the messenger.After hearing the conditions proposed by the Daping Army, they also eagerly discussed it.

There is no objection to other conditions, and they are all ready to agree to the Daping Army outside the city.But regarding the first point, the North Korean monarchs and ministers were a little hesitant.It is not because Seoul cannot allow the Daping army to enter, but because the Qing army in the city must be sacrificed.The North Korean monarchs were afraid that this move would anger the Manchus. If the Daping Dynasty lost to the Manchus, the Qing army would retaliate against North Korea.

And this discussion dragged on until dawn, so the battle situation took another sudden turn.

In the early morning of the fourth day of April, four Daping army gunboats sailed up the Han River estuary, sailed to the vicinity of the water gate of Seoul, and fired artillery into the city.And this burst of shelling suddenly woke up the North Korean monarchs and ministers.

Then, on the fifth day of April, the second batch of 100 marines, led by Gonzales, also landed at Incheon Port.Along with the fleet, there were hundreds of managers of the land reclamation firm led by Chang Meng and five hundred guards of the firm.

Since Gonzalez's fleet was guided by the Zheng family's crew, they did not walk along the coastline, but walked in a straight line, and the speed of the big ship was also fast, so this fleet was only faster than Huang Ding's. The fleet slowed down for a few days.

And when the two armies converged, the North Korean monarchs and ministers immediately made up their minds.After all, the threat from the Daping army is in front of us, and the revenge from the Qing army is the future.

So the king of Korea secretly sent envoys out of the city again, and proposed: It is okay to donate the Qing army in the city, but the Daping army must do it himself.North Korea could only steal the Ping army into the city, and did not undertake the task of arresting the Qing army.

At this time, the North Korean monarchs and ministers are still deceiving themselves.

After that everything went smoothly.There are only more than 300 Qing troops in Seoul, and they can't stop the nearly [-] Daping troops.Coupled with the leading party sent by North Korea, the entire strangling mission was without any surprises or dangers.

But as soon as the Daping army took control of Seoul, they immediately surrounded the palace and took control of the Korean king.After all, Gonzalez came to the East to colonize, and his colonial experience is quite rich.So he will maintain the colonial rule of North Korea by controlling the king and supporting a group of pro-China ministers in the North Korean court.

Then under the auspices of Chang Meng, the Daping Dynasty signed a series of treaties with North Korea: ceding Jeju Island to the Daping Dynasty; In addition, it is not allowed to have an army. The defense and diplomacy of the entire country are borne by the Daeping Dynasty, but North Korea will pay the corresponding military expenses every year; buy a large number of forest farms and mines in North Korea at the price of cabbage, and jointly develop them with the king of North Korea and pro-China ministers; fully promote the Chinese language Education; comprehensive trade, etc.

The signing of this series of treaties completely brought North Korea into the colonial rule of the Daping Dynasty.Moreover, North Korea has no resistance to this series of treaties, because they have become accustomed to becoming a vassal state of the Central Empire.Even forests and mines in North Korea were never developed because they were of no use at all before.But now, because of the development of the land reclamation firm, the King of Korea and the pro-China ministers have made a lot of money, so from the bottom of their hearts, they all support such a "wise" rule of the Daepyeong Dynasty.

By the end of April, when the second batch of marines from the Daping Army arrived, the North Korean garrison had reached more than [-].Gonzalez and Huang Ding left a thousand soldiers and business guards in Seoul, and they led the rest of the troops and began to advance northward. (To be continued..)

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