Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

100.6 Art and Gold Mine

"Grandchildren, the school system in Dongning today was established by Chen Canzheng." Chen Kejun, who was formerly recruited by the general shogunate, is currently the Shaoqing of Sipin Dali Temple and the secretary of the school, is one of the few capable people in the Ming Zheng regime. Wu's ability, Zheng Kezang's selection of him to this position is precisely because of this. "It is divided into two levels: Mengxue and Taixue. The boy is enlightened at the age of eight, and then enters the Taixue through the state examination, government examination and college examination. After the Taixue graduates, he will be entrusted with an official position."

Zheng Kezang is well aware of what Chen Kejun introduced. If Chen Yonghua hadn’t established Mengxue, the teaching task of his boy camp would not have been so easy. Therefore, Zheng Kezang has always admired the advanced consciousness of his father-in-law. It’s endless, but time has changed. With the growth of Dongning’s household registration population and the expansion of the colonized area, the previous 28 elementary schools are not enough.

"Chen Qing, have all the teachers and professors of the [-] new elementary schools been arranged?"

"Forty people have been selected from the scholars from Taiwan, and another 40 people have been selected from the local scholars in Dongning who have passed the state examination and the government examination." Subsidies, so Chen Kejun is not worried about not finding a suitable candidate. "However, they still have some disapproval of Mengxue's aim of taking the six ancient arts as its purpose."

"I'm afraid it's not just them, even the professors and teachers of the original 28 elementary schools are a little dissatisfied." Zheng Kezang said with a light smile. The six arts refer to the six classics, namely poetry, rites, music, yi, and spring and Autumn. Therefore, many teachers who are ignorant may not even be able to master the numbers well, let alone archery and imperial. "Qing must make it clear to them that archery is to sharpen one's will, and imperialism is to strengthen one's muscles and bones. As for counting, if you don't know how to count as an official, you will have to be deceived by petty officials. You don't want such a close-to-the-people official."

Chen Kezang showed embarrassment. Zheng Kezang said it simply, but it was very difficult to actually do it. When he was in a dilemma, he heard Zheng Kezang add: "It doesn't matter if teachers and professors don't agree with each other. Yu asked the Department of Military Affairs to second 96 military instructors to serve in various schools, but there is one case that must be made clear. The old fault of the country's emphasis on culture and military affairs will never be reproduced in this feudal clan. You should strictly restrain yourself."

"It's worth it for me." The result of the Ming Dynasty's emphasis on civility and despise military affairs was that the country was broken. Chen Kejun naturally understood this. In addition, Ming Zheng originally used military force to protect the country. It won't be too noisy, so Chen Kejun responded quickly. "It's just that I think that since it's just enlightenment, it must be simple and easy to understand, and it's nothing more than a few shots, but the rituals and music are broad and profound."

"Of course Yu understands what Qing means." Zheng Kezang motioned Chen Kejun not to say more. "How to compile elementary school textbooks and how to make them easy to understand is the homework of the school director. I don't care, I just look at the results." Chen Kejun choked up suddenly, but what surprised him even more was yet to come. "I am planning to set up schools in prefectures and counties. The semester will last for five years. I will further study the Six Arts and learn Xiyi's reasoning (logic) and geometry (geography). You can start from a small official of the ninth grade, and if you want to continue to study, you must take the imperial examination." Zheng Kezang planned a three-level system, the elementary school is equivalent to the primary school, the state school is equivalent to the middle school, and the Taixue is naturally the university of later generations In this way, including the military academy of the boy camp, the education system will be relatively complete. "In addition to continuing to study the above subjects, Tai students can also study Yiwen, law, and agricultural administration. They should have three months of practice in each department and house every year. After five years, they pass the exam and graduate. They can be awarded seven grades. For official status, those who fail to pass the examination are allowed to repeat for one year, and those who fail to pass will be removed from the list, and those who are removed from the list can be selected into the official ranks after the assessment of each department, starting from the eighth grade."

"This, this," studying in Siyi, of course Chen Kejun will not blindly reject the practice of learning the language and subjects of Yi people like the Manchu Tartars, but Zheng Kezang's decision is too important after all, he was not prepared for a while, so he had to Use delaying tactics. "Grandson, this matter is really too important, and I have to discuss it with the top and bottom of the department before I can come up with detailed regulations."

"I know that this matter is too important, and because there are almost no teachers in Ming, Geometry and other subjects, so I can't rush." ​​Zheng Kezang seemed easy to talk. "Qing, let's go back and make some plans. The so-called forewarning makes or fails. When the time comes, it will really be implemented, and we will have to rely on you and the great talents of the school department."

The more Zheng Kezang put it lightly, the more Chen Kejun felt a heavy responsibility: "I am terrified."

As soon as Chen Kejun left, Wu Hongji, the official of the Yantie Division, asked for an audience. Zheng Kezang originally wanted to send him to meet the councilors of the Political Affairs Hall, but Wu Hongji reported that the matter was of great importance and he had to meet directly. He called in, but he never expected to get a shocking news

"You mean that there are gold mines in Danshui?" Zheng Kezang's face twitched. Of course he knew that there were gold mines in Taiwan. The reason why he didn't start mining before was because he knew there were but didn't know the exact location. Now that the leading party finally appeared, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. "Have you checked it?"

"I don't dare to speak nonsense. This is the result of Li Cangju, the director of Danshui." In fact, it doesn't matter if the news is reported through the Zhengshitang, but Wu Hongji found a good time. Now it happens to be the most financially tight moment for Ming Zheng. Therefore, he has won this lottery. "Li Cang has always been virtuous and honest, so he shouldn't invite you with false pretenses."

"Li Cang? Tongshi?" Zheng Kezang muttered, this Li Cang is also a wonderful person, this move must be speculative, but because it is speculative, it is unlikely to be fake, since it is not fake, So Zheng Kezang was really tempted. "Qing, go and tell that Mr. Li that if he can verify the gold veins, he will be credited to the feudal clan, and I will promise him a fifth-rank future, but if it is false, he should know what the consequences will be."

Naturally, Wu Hongji did not dare to vouch for Li Cang, but he thought more, so he reminded Zheng Kezang: "I will tell Li Tongshi clearly, but Danshui has many high-level students. troublesome words"

"Your Majesty, go and tell someone Li that I will arrange to join the Army Division, so that he doesn't have to worry about it."

"Joining the Army, it's joining the Army again!" Liu Guoxuan angrily threw the official letter in his hand on the ground. "When did this subdued general climb onto the servant's head," the cursing Liu Guoxuan said to the embarrassing visitor. "Go and tell Wang Jingong that the four guards and fourteen towns and most of the navy have been transferred to build dams to fight the drought. If you want to send troops to fresh water, ask him to transfer Shisun's boy scouts."

"Uncle Wu Ping, this is not very good." The person who joined the Army Division hesitated for a while, and summoned up his courage to persuade him. "The fresh water gold mine is not without benefits to the financial resources of the clan, and it was ordered by the grandson himself, and Kuang Mingbo is just following orders."

"Of course the mind of the grandson understands." Zheng Kezang just used the incident of sending troops to Danshui to set a precedent for joining the army to command the two divisions of the army, and finally achieved the goal of gradually taking back the military power from the veterans. Liu Guoxuan was very wary of this of. "You are just a mere seventh-rank official, how dare you whisper in the servant's ear, come here, and throw him out."

The visitor was first insulted by Liu Guoxuan, and then pushed and shoved by Liu's personal guards. His anger also came up, so he resisted desperately while accusing angrily: "Uncle Wu Ping, you are so domineering, do you still have grandchildren in your eyes?"

For this person's curse, Liu Guoxuan stood there as if he didn't hear it at all. After the person had disappeared completely, he pursed his lips and squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Grandson, if you don't borrow Let the descendants restrain themselves, and the old man's head should be buried in the coffin with Feng Xifan."

"Why bother Kuang Mingbo?" Of course Liu Guoxuan didn't want to betray Zheng Kezang. Zang is also very insightful, but Liu Guoxuan didn't completely tear off the skin, so he naturally pretended to be confused. "Uncle Wu Ping has no troops to transfer, not deliberately targeted at joining the army, let alone you, Uncle Kuang Ming, so this resignation note is still taken back."

Wang Jingong was the mouse in the bellows, but Zheng Kezang was unwilling to let him resign, so he could only do it reluctantly. However, how to fulfill the current important task, he had no choice but to ask for instructions: "Drought resistance is now a must. The first priority, should we wait some time before sending troops north to Danshui?"

"No need." Zheng Kezang waved his hand. "Wu Pingbo is right. The towns are exhausted. It is better to transfer troops from the Boy Scouts." So Zheng Kezang handed over a few words and handed them to Wang Jingong, who was basically a display: "Send to Mao Hongyan in the name of the Army Division, transfer The second mark of Kunlun, which belongs to the second town of Boy Scouts, goes north."

Mao Hongyan was originally one of the lieutenants of Luan Yiwei. He finally escaped during the purge of Luan Yiwei, but Luan Yiwei couldn't stay any longer. Control is basically a bare rod, and he is a setter of orders. Of course, if he can't survive, then Weng Qing is a lesson for him.

"Remember to remind Mao Hongyan," Zheng Kezang wanted to add something, but then he laughed. "No, you just need to lower the order in the name of joining the army department, and I will explain the next thing carefully to Xi Daping." Wang Jingong retreated knowingly, and Zheng Kezang stood up and walked to the window, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Relying on the old and selling the old? I believe it should not be the case. I probably think that I have made concessions in dealing with Feng Xifan's rebellion, and I have made concessions in the reorganization of the military department and personnel affairs. Now there is no way to retreat, so I am unexpectedly tough. However, Wu Pingbo , you are wrong, you are wrong, this Dongning surnamed Zheng does not believe Liu, this army is even more so, one day, you will "

Zheng Kezang's words stopped abruptly, leaving only a cold laugh

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