In the dead of night, people who have worked hard all day have already fallen asleep. Except for the occasional watchmen, even those night owls who often come and go to Goulan cottages have mostly subsided. At this moment, the hustle and bustle of Guangzhou City during the day seems to be fell into dead silence

Just when everything was quiet, there was the sound of punches and kicks in a secluded alley, followed by a soft sound of pain: "What a thief, what a powerful fist and kick."

"Stop croaking, what kind of intentions are you following all the way?" A suppressed voice yelled angrily. "If you don't make it clear, don't leave any of them today."

"The thief shouted, "Stop the thief." The original voice responded. "Your Excellency has been stepping on the plate for three days, and you still blame the owner." The person on the opposite side was obviously taken aback, but at this time the person who was speaking seemed to have received some kind of signal, and suddenly chuckled. "Boy, you've been fooled. Our people come, you're hard to fly today."

"Damn it!" The suppressed voice cursed, and then wanted to run away, but the other side deliberately led him here, and the other side's reinforcements had already appeared in the passages on all sides. "Who are you, the government? The sect? Or"

"You boy, you want to find out when you are about to die. Come on, catch him." The voice fell, and the two sides fought together again. No more lethal knives were used, and the stick couldn't be used in this small place.

"Stop." This side was fighting fiercely, and a stern voice suddenly appeared from the side with a large number of people. "Everyone stop." With this voice, the frowning party managed to get out of the battle circle, but before he could take a few breaths, the stern voice sounded again. "You are Hong Fist." A stern voice questioned. "Where did you learn it! You are from the government? No wonder you keep staring at him. It turns out that he is a running dog of the Tartars and a traitor of the Han family! Come on, kill him!"

"Don't, don't!" The suppressed voice hurriedly waved his hands, the other party was already murderous, and if he didn't explain, he was afraid that he would die, so even if the other party was tempting lies, he had to make the falsehood come true. "I'm not a member of the government." As if afraid that the other party would not believe it, the man gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said a sentence from his mouth. "One is to worship the sky as father, and the other is to worship the earth as mother."

The person on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, the stern voice paused, and asked suspiciously: "You have entered the circle (note: joined the Tiandihui, generally referred to as joining the association, also known as worship, birth), and the treasure (note: member Membership card) and Yaoping (Note: Members are also called octagonal signboards and eight trigrams with their tickets)."

"The dragon head (that is, the hall master, the incense master) misunderstood. I didn't enter the circle, and I was the wind (note: outsiders)."

Hearing the stern voice, he immediately ordered: "It's a secret agent of the Tartars, kill him!"

The suppressed voice immediately argued: "I come from Fujian. I saw someone in your hall worshiping the Crane Mother, so I intend to inherit the inheritance of the five ancestors and use the name of Hanliu to pay respects to the head of your hall. But I hate the Tartars for being too powerful. I'm afraid it's a trap." , That’s why there are only a few snoopings, the original intention is to find out the truth before we come to the door, and if there is disrespect, I hope the leader will forgive me.”

"Fifth Patriarch? Hanliu?" The stern voice stopped his subordinates. "You said you're from Fujian?" The stern voice seemed a little disbelieving, and made a decision after considering for a moment. "Come here, tie him up and take him back for interrogation." Looking at the other party who wanted to resist again, he said in a stern voice without emotion. "Boy, if you are obedient and obedient, there is still a way out. Otherwise, even if you attract the attention of the Tartars, you will be killed here today."

Champa people originally believed in Indian Brahmanism, Mahayana Buddhism and Esoteric Buddhism were introduced to Champa in the early Song Dynasty.These newly introduced religions were immediately welcomed by the people of Champa, and once replaced Brahmanism as the state religion of Champa.However, after all, Brahmanism has a deep foundation in Champa, and soon absorbed and integrated some teachings of Buddhist schools such as Mahayana, Hinayana, and Tantric Buddhism to achieve a revival, but the good times did not last long. With the introduction of Islam, the once glorious Brahman The religion was quickly replaced, so when Cai Tong arrived in Bintonglong, the whole city was full of mosques.

"It's really a poor place." Since he would not be able to be received by the king for a while, Cai Tong, who was handed over to the country and arranged in a simple post house, walked around Bintonglong. Ning is a little bigger, but because of the exploitation of Annan in the north, the whole country is extremely poor, but there is no dissatisfaction with the poverty on the faces of the people in Champa, only some wealthy families still miss the glory of the past. "But it's also peaceful and happy."

"What Master Cai said is very true." Deng Qizu, who was a tour guide for Cai Tong, was a sailor from Zhangzhou. He had to settle here because he was stranded and wandering. Although he married a local wife for several generations, he was still proud of being a Chinese. The family has retained the habit of speaking Hokkien, so Cai Tong can communicate with it. "But it's not because they are willing to be poor, but because these people are too lazy."

Cai Tong was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he burst out laughing. After laughing, he seemed serious and said: "That's right, only Han descendants are the most industrious in this world, so they can take root wherever they are, and they can stand out, as the saying goes. Only those who endure hardships can become masters, how can these barbarians compare."

Cai Tong was in a good mood, and Deng Qi naturally wouldn't pour cold water on him, so he just smiled apologetically. At this time, Cai Tong suddenly asked: "Deng Qi, are there many descendants of Ming Dynasty like you in Zhancheng?"

"The Han people in Bintonglong are about four or five hundred households." Deng Qi answered honestly. "Annan will have more."

"Four to five hundred households, that's a lot." Cai Tong continued to ask, smacking his mouth. "Then how are these Han Chinese living here?"

"There are not many Han people in Bintonglong who are rich, or they do interpreting like a small one, or they do some small business, or they follow them abroad. Of course, there are a lot of real money, and they all buy land outside the city. As far as I know, at least Master Wan and Master Lu have nearly [-] mu of farmland, and Dragon King Bintong even conferred titles on them."

"Oh?" Cai Tong nodded, if Bintong Dragon King was not ready to summon him, he could use the name of Ming Zheng to find these people to build bridges. "It's like this everywhere. By the way, does anyone want to go back to China? Of course, Fujian and Guangdong can't go, but Dongning is always possible."

"Of course there are quite a few people who want Ye Luo to return to his roots, but I'm afraid no one is willing to go to Dongning." Deng Qi is obviously not optimistic about Cai Tong's recruitment behavior. "The Han people here are more or less relatives, and now the Ming Dynasty is in chaos." Deng Qi's words obviously took Cai Tong's face into consideration. "No one is willing to go back to serve as a soldier and eat food."

Cai Tong nodded silently, that's right, people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, although they are not very rich, but they have already lived a stable life and will not want to go back through the bloody test, it seems that the chief wants to count on It is not an easy task to recruit Han families from various countries in the South China Sea to move back to Dongning.

"Speaking of which, the Han people of Bintonglong first moved here in the Song Dynasty." Cai Tong was sighing, and Deng Qi continued to talk. "It's been hundreds of years, and these people are used to living here. Although every generation counts on Ye Luo's return to his roots, it's just a burial. If you really want them to go back, I'm afraid they won't be willing to part with this inheritance." Cai Tongmi With his eyes closed, he could no longer listen to Deng Qi's words. At this moment, he wanted to go back to the post house as soon as possible, and then write vigorously to report his discovery to Zheng Kezang. Perhaps only blood and fire can create the unyielding backbone of a nation. . "Even if someone wants to go back, that's it."

Back at the post house, Cai Tong hadn’t picked up his pen yet, and the officer in charge of the post house came over to inform: “The envoy has come back, the palace is here, please enter the palace tomorrow, if you don’t come back, the officials will go all over the city.” I'm looking for an adult"

The upside-down words mean the same thing. Tomorrow Champa King Posaut will receive Cai Tong, and Cai Tong will pass over a dime of silver knowingly. Although Champa generally uses Arabic silver coins and European silver coins of the same size, this does not prevent the post officials from knowing the value of silver. , so as soon as the tip was received, this guy retired contentedly

The next day, Cai Tong, who was dressed as a sixth-rank military officer, was waiting in the post early in the morning. However, until it was three o'clock in the morning, the envoys from the palace did not arrive. Since Champa only ate twice a day, If he didn't explain, the post house wouldn't cook for him, so he was very hungry now.

Just as his hungry chest was pressed against his back, the envoy finally came late: "Please invite the envoy of the Shang Kingdom to enter the palace."

The feeling of sitting on an elephant still dazzles the first-time experiencer, but Cai Tong represents the dignity of Dongning, so he has to put on a complacent posture to endure the discomfort. Bintong Longcheng is small, and there is not much road from the post house to the palace, which made Cai Tong survive.

Strictly speaking, this meeting was different from what Cai Tong imagined. There was only one minister accompanying the middle-aged chieftain. Obviously, this was just a private contact and not a formal interview. Of course, the other party also had reasons. After all, Champa is now Annan's The local and weak Bintong Long people did not want to offend the ruler of Hue openly, and Cai Tong could only express his understanding for this.

Since the two sides have no disputes on diplomatic etiquette, the next step is to enter the actual talks. The so-called poor and short-sighted, the beggar-like Bintong Longren first considers his own interests, so the chief minister can't wait to ask To: "I don't know what can your country provide to Bin Tonglong after the two countries have a good relationship?"

"Within the scope of my permission, I can present five hundred pieces of shark skin armor from your country." Seeing that the other party seemed a little disappointed, Cai Tong further explained. "If you can export goods such as rice, hematoxylin, brown sugar, sandalwood, agarwood, etc. to Benfan, then Benfan can also pay with equivalent leather armor, swords and even firecrackers and cannons."

"Fire guns? Artillery?" The king's eyes lit up. "Is it the same thing as the firearms provided by the Portuguese to the country of Guangnan (Note: Lord Ruan did not claim to be the king and found the country, Guangnan is the name of the Europeans)?"

"That's right, but the firearms provided by Benfan are sharper than the ones provided by Frangji to An Nanguo."

"It's just that the Bintong Long Kingdom is small and weak, and there is exploitation by the Guangnan Kingdom. There is really not much rice and sandalwood to pay you." Seeing that King Champa wanted to agree, the seasoned minister immediately complained. "Perhaps something else could be used as a trade-in."

"Then please grant me the right to explore ore and mine in your country, and allow me to set up a store in your country." Cai Tong said with a stick. "If your country can agree, this vassal may be able to reduce or exempt part of the price."

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