Outside Danshuitun, a military camp that can accommodate hundreds of people was built bit by bit. Yin Long even ordered people to transport cement to wipe out a huge martial arts platform. As for the muddy road, the construction department also sent people Work started after that.Seeing the commotion at the foot of the mountain, the residents around Tamsui were a little vigilant, so Tamsui's law and order improved for a while, and the common people also changed their attitude towards this "do not disturb the people" evil spirits.

However, Li Cang was not happy about it at all. After ten days of suppressing his life like a year, he fidgeted and took a few Xun soldiers from Zhenrong up the mountain.Originally, Li Cang hoped that with the army as the background, he could use his three-inch tongue to persuade Shengfan to hand over the gold mine.However, the freshmen had already raised their vigilance because of the arrival of Kunlun's second bid, so what appeared in front of Li Cang was a heavily armed team.

Although the students did not attack Li Cang in the end because they were afraid of Zheng Jun at the foot of the mountain, their resolute attitude has already shown their choice --- "We have lived by this for many generations. And it's for labor; if you don't return, you will definitely die!"

"You are too courageous." Xi Daping, who rushed over because of Li Cang's small report, reprimanded Yin Long in the newly built barracks. "The grandsons are all angry, saying that the Shengfan is on the side to seize the gold mine, and it should be a quick battle. Now the Shengfan must be prepared, and the loss will be huge if they fight again." Xi Daping said bitterly. "When the grandson said you, if you say it lightly, you don't understand the general situation, if you say it seriously, it means you support your own self-respect." This comment made Yin Long's face pale, but Xi Daping's words continued. "Nowadays the drought in Dongning is so severe. Except for some harvested sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes, the rice and wheat production has been reduced by at least half. Fanzhong has already spent a lot of money to buy food from overseas. You can grab gold one day later. Mine, it is tantamount to putting a heavier burden on the shoulders of grandchildren, and it is still light to say that you do not know the general."

"Biaotong," Yin Long took off the official hat on his head with trembling hands. "A lowly job fails the great trust of the grandchildren, and a lowly job is a crime"

"Put it away." Xi Daping curled his lips. "It's not Yu Lai who really wants to convict you. The Military Legal Department is gearing up to handle a big case." Xi Daping patted Yin Long on the shoulder. "The grandson asked Yu Chuan to say that if the battle is won, everything will be exposed, and if the gold mine cannot be retaken, the two crimes must be punished together."

"I understand that I am grateful to my descendants for their magnanimity, so I sent troops up the mountain to wipe out these gangsters."

"Slow!" Xi Daping shouted. "Are you going up the mountain like this? Confused!" Xi Daping commanded. "Calm down and think about it, how should we fight this battle? If you lose face as a boy scout, even if your descendants don't punish you, I won't tolerate you."

Fu Weilin had objections to changing the department of guests into the department of trade and commerce. In his opinion, using the son of a merchant to preside over the department of commerce and commerce was nothing more than mocking his own background?However, reforming the system was Zheng Kezang's idea, and he had ghosts in his heart, so he naturally couldn't argue with reason. After the name of the Department of Commerce and Commerce was settled, he was even more powerless to resist.

But what makes Fu Weilin even more dissatisfied is that his officer named the Department of Commerce and Industry actually has nothing to do with it. The Department of Commerce and Industry is divided into three foreign offices and a protocol office. Zheng Kezang's cronies are in charge, and the foreign office in Nagasaki is also represented by Zheng's in-laws, Tian Chuan. Even the duties and powers of the protocol office in charge of the British Guili Chamber of Commerce are mostly encroached by the tax department, leaving him with limited space- --In principle, he is still in charge of the negotiation with Qing, but the crux of the matter is that the negotiation with Qing has been put on hold, and he is basically an idler.

Just when Fu Weilin became paranoid, Zheng Kezang called him over: "There are two matters that Qing will handle."

Fu Weilin was immediately refreshed, and Zheng Kezang said at this time: "The first thing is official business. You have traveled to Fuzhou many times. If you think about it, you should be familiar with the personnel affairs in Fujian Province."

Fu Weilin's heart was beating wildly. He didn't know what Zheng Kezang meant by this. Fortunately, Zheng Kezang didn't want Fu Weilin to answer, but paved the way for the next words: "You write about the customs and customs of Fujian Province, and the taboos of the official circles of the Qing court. For a brochure, of course the officials of the Qing court are transferred much more frequently than the local vassal, so it is enough to write a few words, but if someone knows what they like, it is best to make a note."

Fu Weilin was taken aback, what Zheng Kezang wanted to know about these things, suddenly he thought of a possibility, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock: "Shisun is going to send secret spies to Fuzhou?"

"Maybe there is such a plan." Zheng Kezang responded in a fake way. It was not because he had doubts about Fu Weilin. It was because the intelligence work was too important and he would not hand it over to anyone. "It's just about to start. No, I need an officer like Fu Qing who knows the details of the Qing captives to make some suggestions."

"I'm terrified, I don't dare to be praised by my grandchildren." Fu Weilin smiled wryly, but he didn't dare to falsify in the pamphlet Zheng Kezang requested, otherwise, if there was a problem there, he would not be able to escape in Taiwan. "Please don't worry, my grandson, I will write out the brochure as soon as possible."

"Then please Fu Qing." Zheng Kezang nodded. "As for the other matter, it's a private matter, and I want to ask Fu Qing."

"Fu Weilin, the Secretary of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the Prefect of Anqing?" Shen Rui looked at the greeting card in his hand suspiciously. He had never met this Mr. Fu. He was a little caught off guard by the inexplicable search for Mr. Fu today, so he turned his head and looked at it. The daughter of Zheng Bin who is painting. "Is this person familiar, madam?"

"I heard from my father that the late king trusted him a lot." Zheng Shi replied. "That's why he was asked to take over the duties of his father's guest department. Now it is a yellow hall of a mansion. It seems that his grandchildren also value him a lot." There is a reason for Mrs. Zheng's words. The company has recently been restructured, and most of the officers and deputy officers are promoted by the fire line, so not all officers are of the same rank. Among them, the lowest such as Chen Mengwei has only the fifth rank, the highest such as Yang Ying has the third rank, and Fu Weilin has the third rank. Such a fourth-rank official can be regarded as a higher status among the judges. "But what is he doing at our house." Mrs. Zheng also couldn't figure out the reason for the other party's visit. "Let's not see each other at all."

"Since he is a loyal minister of the grandson, it's better to meet him first." Hearing that Mrs. Zheng said that Fu Weilin was favored and trusted, Shen Rui didn't want to offend him. "Come on, please Mr. Fu come to the lobby to meet you. By the way, Mr. Fu is wearing an official uniform, or is it?"

The servant reported: "Master Fu in Tsing Yi and a hat, I thought he was just an ordinary teacher without reading the post."

"I see." Shen Rui nodded. "It's better for Yu to greet Master Fu himself."

"Congratulations, Lord Hou, congratulations, Lord Hou." Shen Rui invited Fu Weilin into the lobby to take a seat, and before the tea was served, Fu Weilin congratulated each other, making Shen Rui a little confused. "Master Hou doesn't know yet." Seeing Shen Rui's inexplicable look, Fu Weilin explained. "I am entrusted by my descendants to propose to Lord Hou for the son of Qin She."

Mrs. Zheng, who was hiding behind the screen and eavesdropping, suddenly let out a suppressed exclamation. Fu Weilin smiled lightly. He knew that the Marquis of Huai'an was afraid of guilt, but he didn't wear it. Instead, he said like no one else: " Marquis Huai'an married Lord Zheng Bin's beloved daughter earlier, and now his grandson has hired the eldest sister for Prince Qin She, which is just like getting closer."

"Slow down," Shen Ruigao shouted. "Master Fu just said that the grandson is seeking employment for the eldest sister of Qin She, which one is he talking about?"

Fu Weilin was also stunned, and he asked suspiciously: "Master Hou has two eldest sisters?"

"Exactly." Shen Rui replied distressedly. "My younger sister is fourteen this year, and my cousin is 15 years old, who is also fostered in the house. May I ask Mr. Fu, which grandson is he referring to?"

"This?" Fu Weilin gasped, and Zheng Kezang didn't explain it clearly. He was blinded now, and he wouldn't go back to Anping City to ask Zheng Kezang again. Fu Weilin regained his composure. "The grandson seems to have said that he once saw Lingmei's face in Anping City. With that said, Lord Hou understands."

"The grandson met in Anping City?" Shen Rui thought for a while. "So it should be my cousin." However, after finding out who it was, Shen Rui's face became even more ugly. "This is difficult," Fu Weilin raised his eyebrows, and listened to Shen Rui's explanation. "What a coincidence, I have just settled for my sister-in-law."

Fu Weilin was taken aback: "It's just that the marriage has been settled or confiscated, can this marriage be evaded?"

"It's already been accepted." The acceptance is the most important ceremony in the six rituals. After the completion of the acceptance, the next step is to ask for a period. Usually, in fifteen to twenty days, my sister will get married. At this time, Zheng Ke Zang stepped in and told him how to explain to the opponent. "Master Fu, you must never go back on your word about this matter. Please also ask Master Fu to explain it to your grandchildren."

"Marquis Huai'an, of course the descendants are reasonable, but?" But what, Zheng Kezang uses swords to reason with others, and the case of Feng Xifan is still in sight, so how can Fu Weilin, who has already betrayed, give up this confession? Faithful chance. "Marquis Huai'an, it's better to think about it, I don't want to disturb you, so I'll come back tomorrow to hear the good news from Master Hou."

"No need." Mrs. Zheng came out from behind the screen, and Shen Rui hurriedly gave her a wink, but Mrs. Zheng was unmoved, and responded to Fu Weilin's coercion in an oppressive tone. "If Mr. Fu is inconvenient to tell the grandson, I will invite my father into the palace to explain to the grandson. I think the grandson will not force the Shen family to be such a difficult person in the future."

If Zheng Bin came forward, Fu Weilin would be a stranger inside and out, so he thought for a while with a gloomy face: "This is difficult, but doesn't Marquis Huai'an still have a younger sister? Maybe ask her to come out to meet her. "

"No need," Zheng said with a cold face. "Little sister is already fourteen. If you wait for Qin She to be eliminated for another three years, wouldn't she be seventeen? How much time can a woman have wasted? Please Master Fu report back to your grandchildren. The Shen family can't climb up to Qin She."

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