Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

105. Tamsui Appeasement Department

Mabuya ran wildly like a frightened hare, the air inhaled into his lungs was so hot that he couldn't stop coughing while running, but he didn't care about it and had no specific goal, he only knew how to run , Run, until finally fell to the ground exhausted.As a former warrior of the Kulon clan, he shouldn't have been in such a panic, but he couldn't restrain his fear when he thought of the ringing fireballs thrown by those dark troops just now.

It's over, it's over, looking in the direction of the gold mine, Mabuya had a flash of a thought, almost all the adult males in the whole society except himself and a few who ran out separately, the entire army was killed by horrible means , This can't help but make him hate the decision of the Great Elder, is it worth paying the whole society for such a gold mine?

"Mabuya, Mabuya!" A voice rang out. Mabuya looked back and saw a person kneeling there not far away. He walked over and saw that it was Xiti from the same company. Bleeding, running here has been unable to hold on. "Mabuya, go back, go back, the club, the old man, the child, the devil, run away"

Xiti, who was on the verge of dying, spoke intermittently, but Mabuya's heart sank to the bottom of the valley—with Gao Shanfan's production level, without men, the demise of a family and a society is in sight—what should I do?It is absolutely impossible for the surrounding communes to take in the old and weak women and children who cannot go hunting, so what should they do?Mabuya buried Xiti's body in a daze, and stumbled towards the club.

When Mabuya returned to the club, the people who fled earlier had already reported the bad news. The whole society was in the midst of the bitter wind and rain, but Mabuya didn't care about his wife and children who were lucky for his survival, so he hurriedly found the remaining adult men. Come over, there are only [-] men left in the Silin Club, which used to be Tamsui Taisha, and five of them are semi-old soldiers who cannot fight.

"What should I do?" Many people have thought about Mabuya's problem, but they are equally helpless. "We people will never be able to support these children, should we just watch them die one by one?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do?" A soldier named Wang Sai said sullenly. "At most, everyone can bring one more, and the rest can only be decided by the mountain god."

As he was talking, Mabuya suddenly had a creepy feeling in his heart. Before he could react, he heard the cries of the women in the club suddenly became louder, and at the same time, a panicked cry came over: "Ghost, yes! Mountain ghost!"

"Not good!" Several men who played the battle immediately understood. "It was the mountain ghosts summoned by the Han people to chase after them." When they rushed out of the thatched hut where the clan discussed affairs, they found the dreadful swords and guns under the dots of torches. "Fight with them"

"Overthinking one's own strength." Xie Jiping sneered when he saw the students with all kinds of weird weapons desperately trying to protect their families, but instead of ordering the attack, he ordered to the interpreter. "Tell them to drop their weapons, or they won't stay!" The interpreter murmured on the phone, but Wang Sai didn't believe it at all, and fought to kill him. However, the copper knife was blocked by a rattan plate, and then two long spears shot him nailed to the ground. "Besides, drop your weapon!"

Mabuya held back his companions who were about to rush out, shook his head, and pointed to the cowering women and children. The remaining Silin Society fighters looked at the crying children, put down their weapons in despondency, and quickly They were tied up.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Xie Jiping said this not only to these high mountain students, but also to the slaves who had similar experiences. "I just ask you to go down the mountain and set an example for the students around you. If anyone dares to fight against the imperial court, you will be punished."

On the way down the mountain, Tan An quietly asked Xie Jiping: "To be a role model, you should leave no grass behind. What's the matter?"

"You are a stick, so now you are the team leader." Xie Jiping looked back at the night sky dyed red by fire. "What do you mean life is better than death? The shrine has been burned, can these lonely ghosts escape from our hands?" Xie Jiping explained, perhaps thinking that his words sounded too sinister. "Opening a gold mine doesn't require manpower. If a man throws it in, he is lucky enough to survive for three years. As for the old and weak, women and children, there is not much land under Danshui Mountain. They just need to be detained to open up wasteland. After three to five years , and the number of births becomes a number.”

"The amount of grain harvested this year has been counted." Li Jing, who was transferred to the warehouse department, reported that due to the severe drought this year, the people were reluctant to sell, so the amount of grain collected through the Neifu manager's office was not enough. "Dongning two prefectures, two counties and three road appeasement departments purchased a total of 11 shi for rice and [-] shi for noodles. The totals were respectively [-]% and [-]% lower than the previous year, but they were imported from Siam, Annan and other places. [-] shi of rice was collected, which is enough to make up for the gap in each warehouse."

"What about the common people's food?" Although they spent the same amount of money but did not buy enough food, and even had to spend more money to purchase it, Zheng Kezang's first thought was the food and clothing of the common people. Of course, this was not the case. He loves the people like his son, and he really doesn't want Dongning to fall into chaos and create opportunities for the Qing court. "The people may have food and clothing."

"Don't worry, grandchildren, because sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes were planted in a hurry, so the people have no problem with food and clothing." Gu Tongshan, who was transferred from the magistrate of Tianxing Prefecture to the secretary of the Yingtian Division, reported. "There are also kudzu roots in the crops, and the harvest is not bad, but the common people sell the hard-won rice and white flour to pay taxes, and can only eat sweet potatoes and other foods. The scene is very miserable."

Miserable, of course, but who cares? No, Liu Chongxi, the official of the Zhidu Division, reported with a straight face: "Master Gu, don't worry about the people first. This year's expenditure is 28 taels, and the income is only 21 taels. The deficit of [-] yuan is the internal treasury expenditure of grandchildren, and this year has survived, what will we do next year?"

"The gold mine in Danshui is said to have a monthly income of 500 taels, will it be better next year?"

"Master Ke only knows one thing but not the other." Hong Lei explained to Ke Ping and everyone present. "All the profits from the fresh water gold mine have been diverted to mining fresh water iron ore." On the edge of the original gold mine, the miner discovered an iron mine. However, vigorous mining can double Dongning's current pig iron production. Based on the growing threat from the mainland, Zheng Kezang immediately made the decision to invest the gold mine proceeds in iron ore mining. "So the 6000 taels can't be counted on, and maybe there will be further subsidies."

Subsidies are a matter of course. The road from the mining area to the wharf, the expansion of warehouses and wharves, the construction of defensive bastions, the increase in the number of garrisons, etc. all require money, but Zheng Kezang has no money, really a penny Money suffocates heroes.

"Okay, we'll talk about money next year." Zheng Kezang felt restless when he saw the big eyes of the people present. "Let's settle the other two things first." Zheng Kezang's so-called other two things are actually connected together, one is the fresh water drawn from the North Road Pacifier, and the other is Li Cang's reward. "Let's set up the Danshui appeasement department, take Li Cang as the five-rank appeasement envoy, and set up the police, camp, taxation, salt and iron, and school five offices." Regarding Zheng Kezang's decision, the officials naturally had no other opinions. Seeing everyone nodding, Zheng Kezang stood up, but he stopped listening after taking a step. "This year, the former king and Guotai passed away one after another. It is the period of national mourning, so the New Year's ceremony should not be held."

What?The ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, many of them even thought that this was Zheng Kezang's excuse to save money. Of course, some people didn't think so. Among them, Zhang Riyao, the tax official, took the lead in admonishing: "Grandson, The grandson has just succeeded to the throne, if Da Chaoyi does not do it, what will the officials think, what will the common people think."

Zhang Riyao is the son of Zhongkuang Bo Zhang Jin. His words represent the thoughts of a considerable number of officials in Dongning. As the saying goes, the name is not right and the words are not right. get in touch.

"I know Qing's loyalty." Who did Zheng Kezang talk to about his grievances? "However, the country's affairs are difficult, and the cost of a grand court ceremony has fully fed thousands of people, so," Zheng Kezang promised. "When the drought eases, I will definitely hold a lively ceremony." Zhang Riyao wanted to remonstrate again, and Zheng Kezang waved his sleeves. "Scattered"

"Grandson, when will Lianniang meet Aunt?" Zheng Kezang didn't want his wives and concubines to see his troubled side, so once he had a headache, he would usually go to the heart where Feng Lianniang lived. Feng Lianniang came to the bamboo garden for entertainment, came and went again and again, most of Feng Lianniang's knots were loosened, but after all, she was a girl and would think of her parents from time to time.

Zheng Kezang was leaning on the head of the bed without image, stretching out his hands in Feng Lianniang's arms to play with the plump pair---although he hasn't really mastered the sword shoes yet, after his training, Feng Lianniang can already follow him. He made all kinds of embarrassing gestures, but Zheng Kezang's favorite was to hold the girl in his arms and gently smell the fragrance of Feng Lianniang's body.

"Someone is watching, so you don't have to worry about your mother suffering." Zheng Kezang kissed the other party's earring. "It's just that your mother's entanglement is still there. If she knows that you are serving the enemy, what will she think?" Zheng Kezang felt Feng Lianniang's body tremble, so he said in relief. "Wait another year or two with peace of mind, when the Yu Shou system is over, I will give you a title, maybe it will make her figure it out."

Feng Lianniang nodded aggrievedly. She had already fallen into Zheng Kezang's clutches. What could she do if she was disobedient? I'm so aggrieved, do you want me to take you to the temple fair in Chengtian Mansion."

Feng Lianniang's eyes lit up, then dimmed: "No more, just in case madam finds out"

It is impossible to completely hide the news of Feng Lianniang in Anping City from Chen Xianqiao. Although Chen Xianqiao pretended not to know for the sake of Zheng Kezang's face, this does not mean that Feng Lianniang can persuade Zheng Kezang to bring her the white dragon fish suit.

"I've wronged you." Zheng Kezang looked at the girl in a daze, then gently pried open her white teeth and kissed her deeply. "Lianniang!" After a long time, Zheng Kezang left the other's lips with a trace of saliva, and asked with affection. "Are you ready?" Feng Lianniang froze for a moment, then her face flushed, but she nodded lightly but firmly, and Zheng Kezang rubbed her head with a smile. "Tonight, Yu will not leave"

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