The fishing boats in the early morning passed through the light mist, and when they finally passed through the dock area full of merchant ships, the sky was completely bright when they sailed into the sea, and the once dead dock began to restore its original state. The vitality of the city, the hustle and bustle rising wave after wave --- when the chaotic war on the mainland was in the ascendant, Simingzhou (Xiamen), an island port occupied by Ming Zheng, attracted its most glorious past ten years. moment.

Under the rule of Ming Zheng, who founded the country with business, this small port quickly became the largest trading port in East Asia. Groups of merchant ships came here to seek opportunities to make a fortune, including those from Taiwan. The Zheng family's own fleet also includes smuggling ships from Zhejiang, Guangdong and other areas controlled by the Qing army. As for the large plywood ships from England, Spain, and Portugal, there are even rare ships from North Korea, Ryukyu, and Ayutthaya. (Siam) and other countries merchant ships.

Merchant ships coming and going brought not only all kinds of goods, but also all kinds of sailors.In this era, sailors are one of the most adventurous professions. In addition to enduring long-term loneliness, they also have to face the ever-changing sea. Therefore, most of them are people who are drunk today. The brothels and wine shops in Simingzhou As a result, it quickly became popular.

Of course, since there is no formal commodity exchange in the port of Siming Prefecture, various wine shops have become one of the best ways for businessmen to obtain business information outside the Shibo Department. There are not a few big deals.

"I heard that Zheng's fleet shipped a batch of snow sugar with excellent quality from Taiwan this time. Compared with this kind of snow sugar, the previous snow sugar can be said to be extremely burnt and ugly. In addition, it is said that there is another kind like Ice crystal-like candies have never been seen before, I wonder if Wang Chaofeng is interested in eating this batch of goods?"

"I've also heard about this, but it's a good thing, but the price is not cheap. It is said that this batch of snow sugar is [-]% more expensive than the usual ones. The price can buy two catties of ordinary snow sugar, this thing is too expensive, but it is not easy to sell." In a corner of the wine shop, the two people who had just made a Husi business were talking in low voices. "Why, Li Chaofeng is interested."

"It's a lie to say that you have no interest." Li's surname is not secretive. "Although it's not easy to sell, it's an extra profit to bring some on the return trip. Besides, it's good, and it doesn't matter if it's expensive. Besides, the rock candy is a new thing. If it's not guaranteed, it will be liked by rich people."

"There's some truth in saying that. That's right, that's right. Yu recalled that Brother Li is behind the Hangzhou Weaving Mansion, and Guishang is from the House of Internal Affairs. His hands and eyes are as good as the sky. Maybe the palace is happy with these new gadgets."

As soon as Wang Chaofeng said this, he saw Li Chaofeng's face froze: "Brother Wang, what is the meaning of this? Could it be that Brother Wang knows my identity, and I don't know the origin of Brother Wang? If this is true, yes There is no benefit to each other."

Regarding Li Chaofeng's words of being tough on the outside and being soft on the inside, Wang Chaofeng responded with a chuckle: "Don't worry, brother, this Zheng family has always recognized money but not people. Man said that my brother is just running errands for others, that is, you come to kiss me. Zheng The family will not take him too seriously, after all, there are many friends and many paths, and the Zheng family has a lot of smart people."

"Brother Wang is right." Li Chaofeng thought for a while, and his face quickly calmed down. "It's the younger brother who is acting like a fool, and the younger brother is willing to punish himself with three glasses of wine." After three glasses of fine wine, the flushed Li Chaofeng put down the glass, rolled his eyes, and continued to test the other party. "Brother Wang, are you really not interested in these candies?"

"Why can't you trust Yu's words? To be honest, of course I have a little interest, but it's not much," Wang Chaofeng twisted the wine glass in his hand, and looked at the other party with a half-smile. "After all, Guangdong can actually produce sugar, but it's not as good as Taiwan's sugar, and when it comes to this batch of sugar, too many people are staring at it, so I'm afraid it's not easy to get it."

"Brother Wang is talking about those red-haired barbarians?" Li Chaofeng sneered disapprovingly. "I'd like to see how much money Hong Yi can have."

"[-] catties of new top-grade snow sugar." Before the voice of the Yaman in charge of Shangzhui on the pier hit the ground, a group of businessmen in extraordinary clothes gathered together and looked at the crowd who were staring at them. Without feeling a chill in my heart, I hurriedly said. "[-] catties of top-grade snow sugar, the one with the highest price will get it!"

"Silver 650 taels appeared on Quanzhou Guangchang!"

A voice shouted loudly, but a new offer came out after a while: "Guangzhou Nantian Longhao, 670 taels of silver!"

"Ningbo, Xingfusheng is offering 680 taels!"

"Nagasaki, and Maosheng, wish to appear silver 710 taels!"

The price climbed all the way, and soon exceeded [-]% of the normal snow sugar price and gradually approached the [-]% mark. At this time, all parties who were bound to win became silent. It's too risky to fight for it when the price is so high.

At this time, a strange voice, obviously from the barbarians, sounded: "Dolphin, 90.00 reals (Note: A Spanish silver coin weighs about seven cents and two cents, and the silver content is about [-]% three, But usually no discounts are made in transactions)!"

This price is already sky-high. Li Chaofeng, who once boasted to Haikou in front of Wang Chaofeng, showed an unnatural smile on his face, but his goal was not on snow sugar, so he held back his anger and let Yaren finally sell the goods Sold to this barbarian captain named Adrian.

After the snow candy was sold, rock sugar was about to be sold. Yaren, who had already learned from the past, quickly showed a sample of rock sugar. When the rock sugar that was crushed into small diamond-like particles melted in the mouths of the buyers, Yaren let out a loud shout. : "Old rule, four thousand catties of rock candy, the highest bidder gets it."

"I'll offer [-] dong (note: three dong denomination silver coins are about [-] cents and [-] cents in Kuping)." A voice sounded abruptly. Since the quotation was in Dutch currency, which also clearly shows that Zheng Zheng's relationship is extremely bad, it attracted everyone. The merchants all rushed to look at it, but the bidder ignored the eyes of everyone waiting to watch the monkey show, and shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Just came from Batavia, and only the guilder is on hand."

Looking at this red-haired barbarian who is proficient in Chinese, Li Chaofeng's original prediction flashed in Li Chaofeng's mind. Fearing that there would be no harvest, he couldn't help it, and shouted loudly: "900 taels, Hangzhou Tianchanglong is offering 900 taels of silver now. two!"

But this offer was quickly overwhelmed by a higher price. Li Chaofeng's face trembled. To be honest, he didn't care about making a profit. !"

"This guy is crazy!" There were merchants who knew each other whispering beside him. "At this price, you can buy three times the white sugar in the past. How can you make money? Are you really afraid of dropping it on your hands?"

The merchants calculated the accounts and thought it was unbelievable, but the Yaren who had a commission was elated: "Is there any higher price for 1000 taels of silver? No one bids for 1000 taels. The first batch of rock candy in the world is heavenly." Is Changlong’s? Good! Congratulations to Li Chaofeng, and there will be a batch of buckskins to sell, everyone who is interested can take a look.”

The high-spirited Li Chaofeng was led away to pay the money and pick up the goods. Here, a businessman who couldn't hold back quietly got up and grabbed the tooth shopman beside him and asked, "Brother, this year's sugar season has just started. What about the sugar season in Taiwan?" Will you bring new snow and rock sugar over?"

Weighing the silver stuffed by the other party, the dental shopman grinned, and quickly put the money into his arms: "Isn't what the official said, whether it's snow candy or rock candy, there won't be only this one Approved, but the price may not drop much, after all, the output over there is not too high."

With this sentence, the businessman left with a smile. Looking at his background, the caring people naturally figured out something, so they made arrangements, circuitous and circuitous. Soon, Taiwan will continue to transport snow sugar and rock sugar The news of the sale spread like wildfire, causing those businessmen who were planning to leave to change their minds.

"John, is the news you heard reliable? Could it be another gossip from another prostitute."

"See what Mr. Smit said," the sailor named John smiled sarcastically at the captain and the accountant beside him. "How could I be joking about such a big thing, it's absolutely true, and I paid for people to drink for it?"

"Don't believe his nonsense, he will spend money to buy people drinks? It's not bad for others to buy him, anyway, I heard the news in the tavern." The captain who knew the character of his men turned around and took a bottle of wine from the shelf behind him and threw it on John's arms. "Drunkard, you should get out." Waiting for the elated John to back out, the captain looked at the accountant. "Smit, you seem to have some suggestions."

"Sir, I thought we shouldn't stay on the island and compete with these opponents." Smit straightened his mind. "If the news is true, then we should go directly to Dayuan. After all, the things are produced there, and Dayuan has the shop of the East India Company. We can obtain these novel commodities from the source more conveniently. "

"It makes sense, and it can also avoid maliciously raising prices during competition." The captain nodded and opened a bottle of rum. "It's my honor for Mr. Smit to get your suggestion. Come, let's have a drink together." The two clinked glasses and downed them. "Very well, then give orders and prepare to set sail immediately."

"Sir, you forgot that our funds are not sufficient, and a large part of the goods sold have not been paid for."

"No, it's not important. Ming merchants are very trustworthy. The payment they owe will be delivered sooner or later. But every day we delay in Siming, the sugar reserves in Taiwan will decrease by a large part." Speaking of this , The captain filled himself another glass of wine. "Mr. Smit, you don't have to worry that we don't have enough funds to purchase rock sugar. There are more than 100 musket guns and three gold-plated clocks on board. Presumably the officials are happy to make such an exchange, and there is a company shop in There, Sir Histor Parrison will not be reluctant to vouch for the Carleni."

"You do seem to be a wise captain." Accountant Smit complimented the other party. "I think you will soon return to the world of British aristocrats with a worth of tens of thousands of pounds."

"Hehe, hehe." The captain laughed wildly and raised his wine glass. "Continued Cup"

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