Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

12. Mao Ding and Liang Tou

"(Yongli 28th year) November, Zhou Lord Wu Sangui sent Li Cao Yuanwai Zhou Wenji to hire Zheng Jing.

Since Sangui rebelled, the country was named Zhou, and envoys were sent to Dongning to join forces. Zheng Jing ordered Chen Kejun, the official, and Chen Wenhuan, the deputy general, to report.Cao Qian asked about the repatriation ceremony of Sangui.Value Geng and Zheng Gou Bing, and return to Sangui.Sangui sent Wen Ji to settle the peace, with the general idea of ​​"fighting in the same room and laughing at the enemy country". "

--------"Minutes of Minhai"

Originally, Geng Fan only had 300 assistant leaders (note: during the Kangxi period, one assistant leader had jurisdiction over [-] people) and more than [-] green battalion soldiers. The court has sent Prince Kang Jie as the commanding general, and Prince Jian Labu as the general Yangwei to station troops in Hangzhou and Jiangning respectively to deter southern Zhejiang and northern Fujian.Worried about the unfavorable situation where there were wolves before and tigers behind, after repeated weighing, Geng Jingzhong finally negotiated peace with Ming Zheng under the mediation of Wu Sangui's envoy, so that he could free up his hands to face the powerful enemy in the north.

Although Zheng Jun has repeatedly won battles with Geng Jun, Zheng Jun at this time is no longer a powerful feudal clan that could dispatch more than [-] people in Zhu Chenggong's era. Zheng Jun, who also faces the problem of insufficient troops, is caught between Geng Jingzhong Between Shang Kexi who is hesitant in the face of the two completely different choices of fighting against the Qing and supporting Wu and protecting the Qing and destroying Wu, there has long been a feeling of being powerless.Now seeing that Geng Fan intends to make peace, so he pushed the boat along the way, and the two sides sat down at the negotiating table again

"Your Majesty, the army of our vassal is now gathering in Quan, Zhang, Chao, and Xia, and the number of troops is increasing day by day. It is inconvenient to transfer from Dongning. I think that we should raise wages on the spot to meet our needs." The former governor of Chengtianfu, the capital of the East , Zheng Shengying, who is now aware of Simingzhou affairs, and the Fujian and Guangdong Propaganda and Consolation Envoy, is Zhu Chenggong's cousin and Zhu Jin's uncle. As the elder of the Zheng regime in the Ming Dynasty, his words obviously carry a lot of weight. "The minister has already made a list with Master Yang Yingyang, and plans to collect Mao Ding and Liang Tou. Mao Ding is an oral tax, and it is calculated that people in all counties who are over sixteen and under sixty will receive five silver dollars per person. Points. The head of the beam is the ship tax, and each ship pays according to the meter, and now there are hundreds of ships in Siming Prefecture, this income should not be less than Mao Ding's income."

"Your Majesty, in addition to this, I and Zheng Gong also agreed to open salt farms in Quan, Zhang, Chao and other places." Yang Ying, the household officer, further added. "Now the price of salt is tentatively set at two qian per stone, and an additional four qian will be levied to make up for the lack of military pay."

"That's a very good discussion." Zhu Jin nodded. In fact, in the Ming Zheng regime, Chen Yonghua, who lived in Dongning, was the most authoritative when it came to financial management. However, since Chen Yonghua is far away in Taiwan, Zhu Jin can only Rely on Zheng Shengying, Yang Ying and others. "The matter of salt administration has a lot to do with it, and you may have a suitable candidate."

Zheng Xingying and Yang Ying looked at each other, and then leaned slightly: "This matter is of great importance, and I don't dare to be professional, so please ask the king to show me."

Zhu Jin's gaze swept over the faces of everyone in the hall. Because Yanzheng has always been a fat job, many people showed eager expressions on their faces. The corners of Zhu Jin's mouth curled up slightly, feeling deeply that the power was in his hands and that he had come out of favor. Delighted: "Chen Tingzhang is very good at tenure in Wannianzhou, and I will appoint him as the Quanzhou Salt Transport Envoy."

Zheng Dexiao, a member of Zhongshe recommended by Chen Yonghua, quickly recorded, and Zhu Jin continued to say: "Xigui can be used for Zhangyan salt."

As soon as he heard that his younger brother was awarded such a good job, Feng Xifan, who was standing beside Zhu Jin, quickly flashed a smile on his face.

"Chaoyan will let Li Jing from Chengxuan Division go." Zhu Jin divided the biggest piece of cake himself, and naturally he was not interested in handling the rest of the pieces, so he threw them as bones to Zheng Xingyinghe who took care of the details Two people, Yang Ying. "As for the payment department of each county, Uncle Ming will discuss it with Yang Qing."

"No!" The two replied in unison.

When the two of them returned to their own ranks, the official Hong Lei went out to report: "Generals Liu Yan, Xu Hongbi, Liu Chenglong and others of the Geng tribe have come to Siming Dynasty to meet the king. I don't know what instructions the king has for them."

Due to the insufficient strength of the Zheng army, Ming and Zheng have always given generous treatment to various generals who surrendered. For example, Zhao Desheng, the general of Haicheng who surrendered first, was promoted to the left admiral and granted the title of Xingminghou, and Zhang Xueyao, the surrendered general of Tongan, was entrusted with For example, the left vanguard, the generals, etc., and for example, Huang Fangdu, the son of Huang Wu, who betrayed Zhu Chenggong and offered Haicheng, and was awarded the title of Duke Haicheng by the Qing court, was conferred the title of Duke of Dehua for his contribution to Chaozhou. If there is no accident, Liu Yan , Xu Hongbi, Liu Chenglong and others will experience the same.

"Let's wait for a while to discuss this matter." But the accident still happened, and Zhu Jin did not come forward to appease the three generals for the first time. "Now this Fan and Geng Fan are negotiating peace. If there is a big fanfare at this time, Geng Fan may be frightened. We should wait a few days to talk about it. However, Hong Qing, the Ministry of Officials must not treat these three people slowly and make them feel resentful."

Hong Lei retreated in response. At this time, when Liu Guoxuan was not around, He You, the highest ranking soldier of the Zuohu Guard, came out and asked, "Your Majesty, if we can reach peace with Geng Fan this time, what will happen to this Fan in the future?" How should we proceed?"

"He Qing saw Liu Qing fighting several big battles in Quanbei, and felt itchy for a while, and was afraid that the two feudal vassals would be harmonious, and the northern line would be appeasement, so there would be no battles in the future?" Of course Zhu Jin knew what his ministers were thinking, a warrior, How can you get promoted and get rich if you don't fight, but he didn't answer directly, but instead set his sights on Chen Shengwu. "Chen Zanhua, Qing is here to answer."

Chen Shengwu, who was in charge of military strategy, took a step forward and stood in the atrium. He first gave a deep salute to Zhu Jin, who was seated above, and then straightened up and looked around the ministers so that he could speak: "The king ordered the ministers to answer, and the ministers will be ashamed."

Chen Shengwu's first-hand guide made a posture like a pre-Qin debater: "Although Geng Fan is harmonious, Shang Fan is still suspicious. The previous defeat of Sun Yanling in Guangxi can be said to have mistrusted Shang Kexi and his son, but this is a good thing for this fan. , this feudal clan can take advantage of the trend and go south, and take all of Guangdong province."

Guangdong is far more affluent than Fujian. When they heard that they were going to march into Guangdong, the admirals, commanders, and town generals who were wearing armor on the side suddenly brightened their eyes, and each of them was gearing up to show that they were eager to try.

However, the criminal officer Ke Ping, who was not optimistic about the prospects of the war during the military meeting before the Western Expedition, stood up and sang a different tune at this moment: "Master Zhou can promote the peace talks between this fan and Geng fan, what if he intervenes again at that time? Note, The three feudal clans are connected with each other, and they are far more closely related than this feudal clan, if this feudal clan follows its will and the three feudal clans join hands, how can this feudal clan deal with itself."

"Master Ke's words are very true," Chen Shengwu didn't get angry, but nodded in approval of the other party's statement, obviously already considered it. "However, Shang Fan is capricious, and Wu Fan is also very troublesome to think about it. If this fan can suppress Shang Fan, I am afraid that Wu Fan will also be happy to see it succeed. Taking a step back, if Shang Fan surrenders to Wu Fan in exchange for Zhou Jun Intervene in mediation, but Wu Fan wants to face the captive army directly, how much spare power does he have to drive troops into Guangdong Province?"

Seeing Chen Shengwu's triumphant look, Feng Xifan, who was in charge of the military strategy at the same time, didn't want him to focus on beauty, so he jumped out and added in a confident tone: "Even if the two sides are in harmony in the end, it is just like today's spring and Zhangzhou prefectures. , can you spit out what you eat in your stomach?"

The strategy was decided, and the officials quietly dispersed. Zhu Jin rubbed his forehead tiredly. At this time, Feng Xifan reversed his complacency just now, and pretended to bow his head and listen to his ears, and said to Zhu Jin: "Your Majesty, the soldiers are fighting fiercely outside. , I’m afraid I won’t be able to go back to the Eastern Capital to celebrate Zhengdan this year, do you want to send someone to greet the old lady?”

"Yeah, I can't celebrate the New Year in Dongdu. The war has been going on for years, and I don't know when it will end. It's strange to think of Qin She and Qin She." Zhu Jin was aroused by Feng Xifan, and because of The other party is a caring person, so Zhu Jin didn't mean to avoid the other party. After sighing a few times, he made a decision. "Wait a minute, you send someone back to say hello to Mother on behalf of the orphan." Although Dong Guotai was the only one in the words, Feng Xifan understood Zhu Jin's real intentions, nodded, seeing that the cronies had already understood, Zhu Jin said smoothly Asked: "Is there any news about Dongning recently?"

"New news?" Feng Xifan rolled his eyes. "Recently, Dongning has released a new kind of snow candy, which is far better than the best candies today. There is also a new kind of rock candy, which looks like ice cubes from a distance. These two candies are now in the market. Siming is selling well, and the income should be considerable."

"Oh? The Ministry of Industry has made a great contribution this time," Zhu Jin didn't know the whole story, and subconsciously thought it was a masterpiece of the Ministry of Industry. "Come here, pass on Gu's will, let Chen Aiqing praise the Ministry of Industry, and also declare Yang Xian as a (fourth grade) Zhongyi doctor."

"Hold on, Your Majesty." Feng Xifan immediately stopped him. "This matter has nothing to do with the Ministry of Industry, but the sugar house opened by the Marquis of Funing."

Zhu Jin's face froze, he had never had a good face towards these younger brothers, but Confucianism values ​​filial piety and brotherhood, even if he was holding back his anger, he couldn't easily scold his brothers, but the sugar industry has always been a major source of profit for Mingzheng, He couldn't help but handle it carelessly.

"What's the matter with Fufu? Why do you just watch the Marquis of Funing as the king of the country? No, you should send someone back immediately to investigate and deal with it strictly."

"Your Majesty, this matter also involves the eldest son." Feng Xifan was only jealous of Chen Yonghua's power at this time, and since he had no direct conflict with Zheng Kezang, he did not dare to easily target Zhu Jin's preferred heir. "It is normal for President Chen not to dare to deal with it lightly."

"Qinshe? What's going on." Zhu Jin's face darkened. "Let's explain it to Gu."

"Your Majesty, it is said that the eldest son found the skills of refining snow sugar and making rock sugar in several farms. He once wanted to ask Mr. Chen to make a trial production, but Mr. Chen flatly refused on the grounds that Yuanzi was playing with things and lost his mind. As a last resort, the eldest son had to find Fu Marquis Ning," Feng Xifan chose his words carefully, not daring to point too much at Zheng Kezang. "Marquis Funing, Your Majesty also knows that he has always been greedy for money. Hearing of this wonderful method, he naturally refused to let it go, so he got Tangliao from the Ministry of Industry."

Zhu Jin's expression changed several times as he listened: "This Qinshe really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. He has already promised him the medals and medals that Reply just said in the letter before, and the results are endless. Now there is another trouble. Snow candy and rock candy are coming, with amazing skills and ingenuity, it seems that he has forgotten the way of saints."

Hearing Zhu Jin's tone, Feng Xifan knew that he was mostly happy, so Ah Fu said, "Your Majesty, the eldest son's intentions are good, but Mr. Chen's lack of insight made the source of profit overflow. In the hands of Marquis Ning, he is not considered an outsider."

"It's Gu's own brother!" Zhu Jin smiled wryly, got up and walked towards the back of the hall. "Let my brothers who can't worry about it alone, well, as long as the income from the officialdom does not decrease, this matter will never be brought up again."

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