On June 230, the cross-sea battle of the Qing army to reinforce Qiongzhou, which had been delayed repeatedly because of the lack of cooperation of the Marquis, finally began in the morning light.In the early morning of this day, He Fu set off at Leizhou Bay to sacrifice the flag. The [-] Qing troops who received the order took more than [-] large and small ships that were forcibly confiscated from merchants and civilians. They sailed southward separately, and performed a grand scene of a thousand-boat race on the Qionghai Sea.

In fact, Zheng Jun’s navy that was cruising the Qiongzhou Strait that morning consisted of only five Fuchuan from the Lukang and Penghu teams and a double-sail boat from the Taijiang team. Wu was tired and couldn't resist the mighty fleet of the Qing army, so the Qing army did achieve its tactical goal.

However, due to the lack of time to deal with the Marquis Xijue's requisition of ships, all kinds of better ship types were transferred to the Guangdong Navy. Therefore, the ships used by the [-] Qing troops were large and small, and the speeds of the ships were fast and slow. It was not neat, and the occasional artillery fire from Zheng Jun made some fishermen and sailors who were transferred to work frightened, so the already scattered team became more and more fragmented.

Taking advantage of the scattered situation of the Qing army, the Zheng army's warships actually achieved a lot of gains. Not only did they sink more than ten Qing army troops and grain ships, but also forced more than ten other ships to return to the mainland.However, the Qing army was powerful after all. Taking advantage of Zheng Jun's warships being attracted by some of their peers, the rest of the Qing army seized the opportunity to rush southward one after another. Landing on Qiongzhou Island

"The main force of the Qing army landed on the island, and all the land divisions have already headed to Huitong and Huile to prepare for a decisive battle." After landing, the Qing army was busy gathering troops, and Zheng Jun, who had received the news, was also dispatching troops. "Then we are the only ones left on the western front." Since the main force of the Zheng Army and Land Division of the three divisions has been transferred to the north, the heavy burden will be completely placed on the newly established Navy and Marine Corps. , there will be no major battles between the two sides, but small-scale battles will inevitably be indispensable. "The higher-ups ordered us to hold on to Yazhou City, so that the Qing army on the western front could not let the Qing army advance triumphantly, causing the Lu division to suffer from the enemy."

"Pan Jianjun has already explained the meaning of the above, but I think that, first, the defense of Yazhou City is not strong enough to hold on. It's another Danmin recruit, and it's inappropriate to go head-to-head with the invading Qing army." Tian Chao said to a group of military officers from rank nine and above. "I mean, let's not defend Yacheng, let's counterattack!" Everyone gasped, but Tian Chao seemed to have made up his mind. "That's right, attacking and turning the front line of gratitude upside down, let's see if the Qing army on the western front dares to attack easily."

"But my lord, the grateful Qing army originally had a battalion of three hundred, plus the defeated troops in Lingshui and Yazhou, at least nearly a thousand, what if?" A deputy lieutenant of Baoyi raised an objection. "Even if the Qing army doesn't come out with all its divisions, as long as half of it is over, we will have difficulty parrying it, not to mention whether the Qing army in Changhua will reinforce it is still a question."

"Then we have to fight even more, otherwise how can we defend this ruined city when the Qing army comes to attack." Official Zhang Qizhong said lightly, but he was more courageous than Tian Chao. "Let's make Thanksgiving uncomfortable first. When the reinforcements from Changhua arrive, let's make an ambush. It will definitely make the Qing army ignorant of the reality, or stop the Qing army in Thanksgiving County."

"Deep into the enemy's rear?" Sure enough, someone suspected it immediately. "Then if there are traitors tipping off the news or encountering resistance from the local regiment training, wouldn't we be in deep siege? At that time, if we want to escape, we will not be able to defend. Confessed."

Zhang Qizhong sneered at this, but these people were all his superiors, so he didn't dare to put his expression on his face, but said mysteriously: "Don't forget, although we are called Sailors are also sailors, among other things, it is always possible to transfer a few ships from above to support us."

Zhang Qizhong looked confident: "In this case, if the situation is not right, we can run to the seaside in one go. As long as we get on the boat, these tartars and traitors can only stare at us."

Zhang Qizhong's words seemed to enlighten some people, and someone immediately shouted: "Yes, we have a boat, and we can use the coastline to send us directly to Thanksgiving or even Changhua. In this way, setting up an ambush is not impossible. matter."

"It's still a bit risky." Overseer Panda frowned. "What if the Qing army goes straight to Yazhou regardless of the loss? What the above said is to defend Yazhou City instead of going to Thanksgiving and Changhua." Panda paused. "Besides, it's not that the Qing army has no ships. If we send more than a dozen ships to the south with the army, wouldn't we be in trouble?"

"Is it possible to fight without taking risks?" Tian Chao, who had been silent for a while, suddenly asked. "I see that even if the Qing army has a ship, it won't be able to transfer to the south for a while. I guess it still wants to continue to break through the obstruction of our navy and transport more food and supplies to Qiongzhou." Tian Chao stood up with his hands behind his back. "As long as the Qing army has no boats, we can come and go like the wind." Speaking of which, Liu Guoxuan was like this in the past, but now Liu Guoxuan is a taboo, so no one dares to mention his name. "If we keep avoiding the truth and pretending to be false, I am afraid that no matter how many Qing troops there are, we will turn our heads around."

"Brother Boji, it's better to count as more soldiers and wars." Pan Da panicked, and even called out Tian Chao's words, which should be regarded as rude in a military meeting. "If you really fall into it, how can you explain to Commander Ma!"

"I've made up my mind, Master Pan doesn't need to say any more." Tian Chao glared at Panda. "Remember your identity, Mr. Pan, you are an officer in charge of the army, not an officer in the army." These words were so emphatic that Panda lost his voice on the spot. "Nan Weiwen, you take your squad to stay in Yazhou City, remember to organize the guards in the state, let them patrol the city on time, and pretend that nothing happened." Panda stopped talking, and Tian Chao began to dispatch stand up. "Jinzishan, take your squad to control the port, and remember to control the boat in your hand. If something goes wrong, this is the only way out for you and Nanweiwen's squad." The two came out to respond, Tian Chao He gave them an encouraging look, and then ordered loudly. "Kong Gao, ride a fast horse to adjust the ship immediately, and prepare the rest of the departments. Once the ship arrives, we will attack immediately!"

A group of young military officers promised loudly: "This subordinate obeys the command of the commander!"

Tian Chao waved his hand: "Go down!"

Everyone retreated one after another, and at this moment Tian Chao called: "Zhang Qizhong and Panda stay."

Zhang Qizhong didn't understand, so he looked at Tian Chao, only to see Tian Chao walked in front of Zhang Qizhong: "You came up with the idea, do you dare to be the first to explore the way?"

"My lord, this is clearly your idea, the humble position is just..." Zhang Qizhong was tongue-tied and wanted to argue, but Tian Chao stared at him stubbornly, so after only half a sentence, Zhang Qizhong had to stop, pondered for a while, and repeatedly nodded. "Okay, I am willing to be a pioneer, but the ugly words are up front, my lord, I have my charter, but it may not be the same as what I just said."

"It's up to you, up to you!" Tian Chao laughed indifferently. "I'll give you two shifts. If you're good at doing it, if you really want to do it well, I will at least protect you as a deputy lieutenant." Zhang Qizhong stepped back, and Tian Chao's eyes fell on Panda's face. "Youngest, look at you, you pouted like a auntie"

"The content of this letter is not bad, but the second child asked someone to bring it back. In this way, the second wife and the others have arrived in Guangnan safely." In a farmhouse outside Nanning, the capital of Zuojiang Road in Guangxi, two men were The room was talking in a low voice. "Did the people from the Qiankun Society say, when will the next batch leave?"

"Brother, Qiankun will take advantage of the southern transfer of the Qing army and the emptiness of the border between Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan, but it's hard to do it alone. We want to make a fuss and distract the Tartars. If we don't agree, there will be no next time. .” The voice of the speaker was full of hatred. "Actually, if it wasn't for the sudden seal order, we would have sent people away early in the morning, so we wouldn't have been blackmailed by them. But if we don't agree now, the little master and Miss Biao won't be able to get out."

"Fourth brother, don't say that. If we didn't dare to take risks, the little master and Miss Biao would be safe."

"Brother, isn't this the first time dealing with people from the Qiankun Society?"

"Fourth, don't talk about it, brother is not blaming you." The voice paused. "They really have the confidence to send people out again?"

"Brother, the people from the Qiankun Society have bought off a garrison in the Guangdong Green Camp. This garrison is now in charge of more than a dozen grain ships going to Qiongzhou. They use the words intercepted by Zheng Jun at sea to move their hands and feet a little. No one can find out. .”

"Then can we go directly to the door? We can increase the money! Eight hundred, one thousand, depending on the defense."

"I'm afraid it's not just about money." The fourth child shook his head hesitantly. "It is said that someone from the garrison's family has joined the Qiankun Club, otherwise he would dare to accept money even if he gave it," and the fourth child was still worried. "Besides, if the other party refuses to let the people of the Qiankun Society know, then it will be a big mistake."

"That's true." The voice was silent for a while, and then became firm. "But it's okay, I've had enough of the days of this little mouse. In order to repay the kindness of the old prince and the father-in-law, I will give up this hundred and eighty catties." Speaking of this, the voice said caringly. "Old brother here, I'll launch it, fourth child, you take the little master and Miss Cousin first, and when you hear the news of the launch, you immediately go to Qiankun to send them away, remember, you also follow, can you Come back, never come back!"

"Brother, what do you do then?"

"Me? I'm already at this age, and I've enjoyed all the blessings I should have enjoyed. With a few tartars on my back, I won't be alone on the road to hell!"

"Big brother!"

"What are you doing, mother-in-law?"

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