Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

18. Yang Long and Huang Fangdu

"I heard that you are bullying the new boys?" Zheng Kezang's voice was flat, and even He Gan who was on the side couldn't see his intentions clearly, let alone those teenagers whose minds were not mature yet. "Tell me, what is it for?"

"It's true that those newcomers are too stupid." Yang Long looked around. Among the group of dejected teenagers, except for him who was the squad leader from the beginning, the rest were either promoted as assault officers or had just been promoted to assault officers. As a last resort, he had no choice but to Biting the bullet, Ai Ai answered eagerly. "The big guys are so tired that they have to eat the teaching sticks every day. I really can't stand it, so I taught them a lesson in private. I thought, don't let them hurt everyone."

"Oh? Is that so?" Seeing Zheng Kezang's gentle attitude, all the assault officers echoed. "That's right! I just ate the army stick a few times, and then vented my anger on the new one." Zheng Kezang sneered a few times. "Okay, good man, it really gives Yu a face!" Zheng Kezang's tone became fierce. "It took you nearly a year to learn how to line up, turn around, and march in unison. How long has this new boy learned? Are you so impatient?" Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang Point with your finger. "Gao Yan, why did you get the award for loyalty and hard work?"

Gao Yan reported in a very low voice: "The return to the battalion officer is because the whole group is united and the training is effective."

"The whole group is united. At the beginning, the whole group was able to work together. Why can't it work now? Do you think that I have been in the boy camp for a year earlier, and compared with those newcomers, I can be regarded as the seniors in the camp." The group of teenagers couldn't help but lowered his head. "Qin Feng sang in the Book of Songs: How can you say no clothes? Same robe with your son. Is this how you treat your future fellow robes?"

Zheng Kezang’s purpose in building the Boys’ Battalion was not just to build a military force of his own lineage, but also to build it into a military academy. However, he managed to get funding and new members from Chen Yonghua. There was a situation where the old bullied the newcomers, which made him very emotional. Is this the nature of human beings?

"Okay, I don't want to mention such dirty things anymore, and you don't have to do it again, the squad leader and charge officer." Amidst the panicked reactions of all the teenagers, Zheng Kezang ordered He Gan. "Reselect a group of squad leaders and charge officers from the Jiayin students who have not committed crimes, and send them down to start over."

"No!" He Gan responded, and left Zheng Kezang's camp with the bewildered teenagers.

Just when Zheng Kezang thought the matter was over, he didn't expect that when he came back the next day, he got a report that Yang Long had run away: "Have you sent someone to look for it? I have looked for it, but I can't find it. There are two seas on both sides, and one road, where can he go alone in one night? Have you notified the people in Yang Mansion and Chengtian Mansion?"

"I have already sent someone to ride a horse to report to Chengtian Mansion and Yang Mansion." Sun Youlao also turned pale. It would be fine if Yang Long did not have an accident. Naturally, Zheng Kezang would not be responsible if something happened. He must be the one who topped the tank. For a while He really regretted how he was so obsessed with the boy camp. "Last night's tour camp has been detained, should they be punished in public?"

"Hold it first." Zheng Kezang said weakly. If something happened to Yang Long, it is estimated that the boy camp would be unsustainable. "We'll talk about it when we find someone. It's estimated that people in the camp are uneasy at the moment. If we want to add fuel to the fire, it's strange if we don't blow up the camp."

Zheng Kezang observed slowly, the training of the boy camp was still going on, but the news of Yang Long's escape had spread, and many Jiayin students showed anxiety on their faces, so Zheng Kezang immediately decided to stop the normal queue Instead of training, organize Cuju competitions.When the attention of all the teenagers was diverted by the game, Zheng Kezang felt a little relieved.

At this time, Chengtian Mansion and Wannian County, who had been notified, had already sent servants to search in Lijia, which is connected to Wannian County on the Kunsha Peninsula. Yang Mansion even sent many family servants to participate in the search. There is little news about the whereabouts of the dragon so far, which further aggravates Zheng Kezang's uneasiness.

It's almost time for Shen Shi. Normally, Zheng Kezang would get up and return to Anping Castle at this time, but today he had to stay and wait for the news. Fortunately, there was finally a result.However, this result was not from Chengtian Mansion, but from Luan Yiwei who guarded Anping Castle.

"Yuan Guan, Yu didn't want to run away, Yu just wanted to go to Anping to find the battalion officer to admit his mistake."

The unkempt Yang Long seems to have suffered a lot, which is also conceivable. A thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy went from the boy's camp in the third to the Anping Castle in the first. It's impossible to suffer, plus sneaking and sneaking into the forbidden area, even if you report your identity as a boy scout, you have to be locked up for half a day to verify it.

"It's fine." Zheng Kezang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. "Come on, go and inform the Yang Mansion and Cheng Tian Mansion that they have been found." Zheng Kezang asked for water to be fetched. "You can't wait for Yu to admit your mistakes, do you know how many people are worried about you?" Having said that, Zheng Kezang sighed again looking at the young man standing there stubbornly. "Okay, okay, the battalion officer accepts your confession, wash your face quickly, I will take you back to the team, it's agreed, don't do this again next time"

One day the clouds finally dispersed, but as a result of this incident, the walls of the Boy Camp were raised by one foot, and all the dog holes and culverts were blocked. Zheng Kezang and Sun Youlao, who had lingering fears, never wanted to do the same thing again. two encounters

"Kill!" The cry of killing sounded again, and Zhu Jintie was determined to pull out the poisonous thorn in Huang Fangdu's heart, so Liu Yan, Xu Hongbi, Liu Chenglong, Shen Rui and other troops had no choice but to bite the bullet and throw themselves into Zhangzhou City. This model of flesh and blood, no, another attack has begun. Under the cover of Zheng Jun's Hongyi cannon, more than a thousand newly attached troops rushed directly to the top of the city.

"Bricks!" Accompanied by a terrified cry, several huge bricks fell to the ground whistling with the wind, not only crushing a ladder of Zheng Jun, but also crushing several soldiers who had no time to escape into minced meat.

"Whew!" Taking advantage of the turmoil in the city, many archers of the Huang Army took the opportunity to stick their heads out behind the parapet, and after seeing clearly the ugly appearance of Zheng Jun under their feet, they bent their bows and set up arrows, and took the time to shoot the arrows accurately. Shoot into the opponent's body.

Of course, all affairs are relative to a certain extent. The Zheng Jun shooter who provided cover here also used the opponent's boldness to counterattack. In an instant, he slumped against the wall, and his peers rushed to snatch him back, only to find that he had been shot in the forehead by his opponent.

What is more lethal to the defenders is the Hongyi cannon, which takes half a quarter of an hour to fire.Amidst the sound of the rumbling gunpowder, the lead pellets propelled by the gunpowder crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and slammed on the city wall in a very short period of time. He became the biggest killer of the city defenders.

"Boom!" Zheng Jun's artillery team fired another shot, which was more accurate and hit the bottom of the enemy building at the top of the city in one fell swoop.The officers and soldiers of the Yellow Army in the enemy building were instantly killed by flying sawdust, and the lead pellets, which had accumulated a great deal of heat during the high-speed rotation, ignited the entire enemy building.But this is not over yet, the lead shot passing through the rear window of the enemy building has not consumed all the kinetic energy and potential energy, and during the bouncing and bouncing, another bloody storm was set off along the way.

There was a panic at the top of the city and in the city. Taking advantage of the weakening of the defenders' suppressing force, Zheng Jun had already pushed forward.Under the city, Zheng Jun, who rushed to the entrance of the city gate, hit the tightly blocked city gate with a siege cone.On the top of the city, Zheng Jun, who climbed up the ladder, also began to fight with Huang Jun, who was counterattacking.

As if knowing their fate after the city was broken, the commanders of the Huang Army took the lead in covering up and killing them.On the one hand, they broke the boat, but on the other hand, they were forced to attack. The mentality of the two sides was different. Therefore, when the joy of ascending the city was exhausted in the brutal fighting, the situation began to reverse to Huang Jun.

"Death!" It was another clash of weapons, and it was hard to block the opponent's heavy slash, but when he raised his head, he found that his side had completely fallen into death. He fled to the top of the city step by step, before he grabbed a ladder and fled down the city, the three red-tasseled spears bit him like a poisonous snake Although, compared to those companions whose bodies were soaked in boiling oil or golden juice, and who will suffer in endless pain and wait to die in the next few days, he is still lucky.

With the death of Zheng Jun, this failed attack once again came to an end.

"Your Majesty, I just sent someone to check it out. Today, only 800 people can come back intact, and some of them are injured." In the past three months, Zheng Jun has successfully lost nearly one-third of his body after attacking the city several times. But if the fight continues like this, don't say that the new attached army will be timid, I am afraid that the morale of Zheng Jun's own troops will also be greatly damaged. "I think it's time to change the regulations when we plan to attack the army."

"Oh?" Although Zhu Jin, who was stuck in the city of Zhangzhou, was not like a trapped animal, he was only 33 years old at the time, and he had not yet reached the point where he could not move as a mountain. Therefore, upon hearing that there might be a solution to this trouble, He looked over with great interest. "Please tell me, why change the constitution?"

"In this battle in Zhangzhou, the clan suffered heavy losses, but the Huang family may not be much better. Now it's just holding on." Feng Xifan smiled slyly and said in a low voice. "The Huang family is already at sunset, and there must be someone who is not willing to die with him. I think we can find some ways out of it."

"That's true, but now that Zhangzhou is isolated from inside and outside, how does Qing know who has any intentions?"

"I thought that I would first make a few more appeals to persuade the surrender and shoot them into the city. As long as I made it clear that I only wanted to punish the culprits, I thought it would attract the attention of interested people. I don't want my fan to contact him at that time, and he will naturally come to contact me. Of course, if nothing happens Harmony is not a big problem, as long as Huang is paranoid, it can be a big gain."

"What you said makes sense, let's try it out"

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