Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

19. Japanese deposit bank

"(Yongli 29th year, Kangxi 14th year) in winter and October, Zheng Jing was trapped in Zhangzhou, and Yi Huangfang was at home.

After encircling Zhangzhou in June, Fangdu refused to defend it with all his strength.After several attacks, they were unable to attack, and the camps were trapped. (October) On the sixth day of the lunar month, Fang Dubiao surrendered Wu Shuxian to the city.Fangdu Fang went to the north gate to inspect, heard the change, staggered and threw himself into the well of Kaiyuan Temple to die.It was obtained that Huang Yi, Cai Long, Zhu Wu, Zhang Ji, Dai Lin, Chen Ji, Huang Guan, etc. were all killed.The Huangwu coffin was dissected, and his corpse was slaughtered. Xiaofang took his head and gave it to him.Wu's relatives, no matter how old or young they were, all went to various cities to avenge their graves.

For those who asked to destroy Wuzu's grave, the scriptures said: "If the crime is stopped, what should I do with my ancestors"!not allowed.At that time, Fangtai went to Guangzhou to ask for help. He met his brother Fangshi and led the troops from Tingzhou to enter. Because of this, Yongding County was broken in one day, and when Zhangcheng fell, he fled.

At the beginning, Wu Shu succeeded in casting from the sea, and returned to Huang Wubiao. Wu treated him very generously and was about to die.As Zhang Wei went on for a long time, Shu called his younger brother Qian and said: "Although Wu treats me generously, he cares deeply about the first vassal."In this world, the son of the world treats her well-behaved and seeks to rebel against his fate. How can I abolish justice by selfish favor?"So he decided to surrender, and was named General Pinglu, then Admiral, and submerged as Rongqi Town. "

------------ "Minutes of Minhai"

"Your Excellency Fengxingguan, His Royal Highness Omura Domain Lord, the last time this domain sent someone to ask for the silver deposited by Zheng Tai, you were not allowed to take it away on the grounds that you were not worthy, but today we came here on the basis that the person who deposited the silver in the past was worthy of cooperation, your side He also slyly said, is it true that we really want to disregard the common interests of the two countries in the past and insist on going our own way?"

In the Nagasaki Tang General Office, Cai Zhengzheng was sternly questioning the two Japanese with fake smiles in front of him. Due to the deliberate difficulties of the Japanese side, this is the fourth time he has come to Nagasaki. However, despite the During his trip, he brought along the proof that Zheng Tai's handlers in Ricunyin co-deposited the bank, but the greedy Japanese side didn't have the slightest intention to let go.

"Pong!" Zhang Hui hadn't finished speaking when Xie Zhida, the deputy envoy on this trip, slapped the tatami with a slap. "I want to swallow our silver. I have a big appetite. If I don't return it today, my grandfather will come to pick it up next time with a warship. Believe it or not, I have sealed Nagasaki, so that you don't even want to do any business."

"Master Cai, please don't be so angry, Mr. Xie."

Sitting behind the two Japanese, Tong Tong Chen Jiulin hurriedly opened his mouth to distinguish.The so-called Tang Tongshi is an intermediate link produced by the continuous expansion of trade between the shogunate and China, and most of them are served by Chinese immigrants in Japan.Among them, there are 24 general affairs, general affairs of Jigu, internal affairs, Tang Xingnian Prime Minister's Inspection, Touqu, Lihe, Fengshuo, Setting, Mufu, Yuyongtong, Tang Ship Invitation, Xiaotou, and trainees, etc. The mission is an important part of the Nagasaki government. Because it has always spared no effort to serve the Japanese side, it has always been trusted by the shogunate and the Nagasaki government.

"The two adults are also very helpless. It's just that the matter has been left on hold for a long time. Many people who have handled it have left their posts, and some of them are not even alive. Therefore, it is really difficult to clarify the clues. So I ask the two adults to forgive me, forgive me. ah."

"Excuse me? How can I forgive you?" Cai Zheng sneered. "So what if you don't forgive me? There are clearly evidences in Yu's hand, and you still refuse to admit it. How can you forgive me? Could it be that the time interval is too long, and you have forgotten how the feudal lord roamed the sea back then?" Cai The government also went all out, the battle between Fujian and Guangdong continued, money poured out like running water, and money was needed everywhere, if he didn't take this batch of money back, Zhu Jin probably thought of swallowing him alive. "Stop talking nonsense, whether to give this money or not, let's make it clear in person today."

The two Japanese muttered a few words, and Chen Jiulin, who received the master's instruction, sank his face and asked, "What if I don't give it?"

"If you don't give it, Mr. Xie has made it very clear just now." Cai Zheng looked coldly at this lackey who sold himself for glory. "After I go back, I will persuade the feudal lord to mobilize the army from the feudal clan to attack Nagasaki. At that time, the feudal clan doesn't want the money anymore, so I will leave it to a few to rebuild Nagasaki."

"Hehe," Chen Jiulin chuckled a few times. "The war between China and Earth is on the rise, and your feudal clan is deeply trapped in Fujian and Guangdong. Do you still have the strength to send troops to Nagasaki?"

"Hahahaha!" Xie Zhida laughed wildly in response to Chen Jiulin's contemptuous question. "Yu also said that the Xiongxin leopard from Little Japan dared to swallow the money of the feudal clan, so it is so, so it is." Speaking of this, he glared at Chen Jiulin. "To tell you the truth, the main force of the vassal is fighting in Fujian and Guangdong. However, it is only the land division. The naval brigade has not been mobilized. It is only a sentence or two to draw Nagasaki." Chen Jiulin directly translated Xie Zhida's words After giving it to two Japanese, the Japanese muttered again. "What are you talking about?"

"Master Xie, be safe and don't be impatient and don't lose the demeanor of an envoy from the Shang Kingdom." Chen Jiulin deliberately emphasized the word Shang Guo, and the irony was extremely strong. "Master Liu Mu said that when the Mongol Yuan army of more than [-] troops failed in the Eastern Expedition to Japan, what is there to fear from the naval forces of the Guifan area? Such threats cannot scare the samurai of Great Japan."

"Lord Liu Mu is really courageous." Cai Zheng grabbed the deputy who was about to jump violently, and praised his opponent for coming. "It's a pity, the war between the two countries will definitely cause damage. If the shogunate asks questions, how can the quarrel start? I don't know how Lord Liumu and Omura feudal lord should explain to the shogunate?"

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Jiulin, who had a smug face just now, suddenly darkened and didn't know how to tell his master.

Although Chen Jiulin's expression could not be seen, the abnormal silence of Chen Jiulin after the other party spoke made the two Japanese feel that something was wrong, so they took the initiative to ask.Facing the question from the Japanese, Chen Jiulin replied slavishly.Halfway through hearing this, Liu Muteng, who was furious, stood up with a bang, turned around and left in a very rude manner.Chen Jiulin immediately chased after him, while the feudal lord known as Omura shook his head and followed without saying a word.

"Just leave like this? Just leave us here like this?" Xie Zhida looked at Cai Zheng dumbfounded. "Master Cai, what do these two Japanese people mean? Are you angry when you are angry? You should leave a clear sentence when you are angry. What is this? They are not up and down, not clear, are you playing us like monkeys?"

"Thank you, sir. If Yu's guess is not wrong, this matter should be settled." Cai Zheng, who was anxious just now, now looks confident. "Going back to the post house, at least one or two days, at most three or four days, the Japanese will definitely invite us back to hand over our property, and finally live up to the great trust of the king."

"Ah! Is this the way it is?" Xie Zhida opened his mouth wide, still in disbelief. "That's not right, the Japanese people's face before, they are not afraid of the sky, they are not afraid of the earth, it is almost written on their faces that they will swallow our money alive, how can they be so skillful, this thing is done, Mr. Cai is not a comforting officer."

"Relieve you? If the matter can't be done, then who will speak up for me in front of the king?" Cai Zheng stood up and waved to Xie Zhida. Xie Zhida moved closer to him knowingly. At this time, Cai Zheng lowered his voice. "Although the Japanese are not afraid of anything, the only thing they are afraid of is the shogunate itself. Yu just asked Liu Mu why the quarrel started? Liu Mu did not dare to explain to the shogunate that it was because of his own selfishness that the war between the two countries was triggered, so his It was so embarrassing that he turned into anger and walked away. Since Liu Mu understands that it is impossible to covet Moben’s silver, he will naturally not delay any longer, so I thought it would be clear in a few days.”

Cai Zheng's judgment was correct. Within two days, Chen Jiulin, who was once arrogant, ran to tell Ming Zheng to accept Zheng Tai's inheritance with a good deal.However, when the relevant personnel from Mingzheng arrived at Tang Tong's office and checked the accounts sent by the Japanese side, Xie Zhida suddenly became furious.

"Obviously the deposit is 40 taels, why? Now there are only 24 taels, where is the remaining 16 taels!"

"It's only 24 taels, when did it exceed 40 taels." Chen Jiulin responded in a bad voice. "If you want it, sign it. It doesn't matter if you don't want it. Zheng Mingjun (Note: Zheng Tai's younger brother, who has been surrendered) has always wanted it."

"You bastard," Xie Zhida, who was already furious when he saw Chen Jiulin's behavior, quit. He swung his hand and slapped Chen Jiulin, making him spin around three times. "How dare you covet King Yanping's money, don't you want to live, well, let's eat a few punches from your grandfather first!"

"What do you want, guard!" Chen Jiulin yelled in horror, a team of Japanese ashigaru who had been prepared for a long time rushed in with guns and knives, and Ming Zheng was not to be outdone. The sound of pulling out a weapon.

"Put down your swords and guns," Cai Zheng signaled his subordinates to put away their weapons, but some stunned youths refused, so Cai Zheng had no choice but to clarify. "This is on someone else's territory, so be careful to suffer the immediate loss." After Ming Zheng put away his sword and sheathed it, Cai Zheng came in front of Chen Jiulin. "Don't let them retreat, do you really want blood to be splashed on the spot?" Chen Jiulin looked at Cai Zheng tremblingly, and was a little relieved when he saw that he was peaceful, so he shouted back the Japanese army. At this time Cai Zheng asked. "The amount of money is wrong, and I can't explain it when I go back. I also ask Chen Tongshi to explain to the Japanese side and give an explanation."

"Lord Cai, what do you say about this?" Chen Jiulin said with a sad face. "Nagasaki has changed several times over the years, and this money has always been here. It is necessary to borrow and embezzle. It is not easy to keep so much, and a considerable part of it is Mr. Liu Mu who just came from If you borrow money to fill up the two replacement houses, don’t think it’s too little, and the right is gone.”

Upon hearing Chen Jiulin's words, Xie Zhida jumped up again: "What, they swallowed our money, and we still need to be grateful to them, what kind of reason is this?"

Cai Zheng touched the short beard on his chin: "Is it drifting? This is a reason, but the king may not be able to accept it."

"That's because it's been a long time, the accounts are confused, and the expenses are not covered." In order to escape, Chen Jiulin can cooperate with anything. "But that's all there is to money."

"Fanzhong has a lot of support, and 24 is better than not having 24." Cai Zheng explained this to Xie Zhida and others, but also to convince himself. "Okay, bring the pen and paper." The pen and paper was brought over, and Cai Zheng made a move. "Master Gong (Chun), you are the person who sent the money back then, you come to sign and pledge!"

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