Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

20. Dry Distillation Kiln Wadagawa

Many things are easy to understand but difficult to do. Because there is no most critical thermometer, and because refractory bricks are not like ordinary blue or red bricks, Ding Dagong and the others had to cross the river by feeling the stones.By the time Ding Dagong finally produced the finished product, more than a dozen kiln bricks had been burned and wasted. Rao, it is not known whether the products produced in this way are really qualified products.

Since there is no way to test it, Zheng Kezang is eager to catch the ducks on the shelves, but when he starts to make "artificial volcanic ash cement", he finds a problem that Ding Dagong once mentioned but he has ignored, that is, fuel.On the one hand, the Ministry of Industry abandoned this place because of unsuitable fuel. On the other hand, the combustion value of forage and wood is too low. It often takes about ten days of waste heat to fire a furnace, which is not in line with Zheng Kezang's mass production. Require.

However, Taiwan's coal and iron resources are scarce, and the larger coal mines are mostly in the north. At this time, the north is only the exile of the Ming and Zheng forces. Coal mine resources have been developed.Under such circumstances, the only solution that Zheng Kezang could propose was to build a dry distillation kiln and produce charcoal by himself.

"Eldest son, the younger one has only heard of burning kilns to get carbon, but has never heard of dry distillation. How can this be done?"

"We'll have to try to see if we can succeed." Zheng Kezang didn't have much confidence either. The key point was that he didn't know how to design the retort, so he just bit the bullet and talked to himself. "But if this can be done, not only can charcoal be produced, but wood tar can also be produced. Wood tar is a good thing, and it can be used for both military and civilian purposes."

"But if it doesn't work, there will be a lot of money lost, and it will also waste time." Ding Dagong saw Zheng Kezang wasting money so recklessly, he couldn't help feeling sorry for him. "My lord, how about I come up with an idea," Zheng Kezang nodded indifferently, and then Ding Dagong suggested. "The charcoal kiln over there returns to the charcoal kiln to burn first, and the flow kiln here returns to the flow kiln to try slowly."

"It makes sense." Zheng Kezang laughed. "Master Ding, this is such a good idea, don't hide it in the future, just say it straight." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang looked back at his chief servant. "Jin Nineteen, how much spare money do you have?"

Jin Shijiu took out the account book from his pocket and read it ten to five cents: "It cost 30 taels to renovate the brick kiln, 110 five taels to build four water mills and wind mills, and 130 seven taels to repair the gray kiln. Trial production before and after The soil used for the firebricks alone is 20 taels, and the cement kiln was built later, which cost another 170 taels. In addition to the regular silver and rewards of the craftsmen these days, there is still 820 four taels in the account. Two points."

Zheng Kezang is very satisfied with this number, which is definitely more than the tens of thousands of RMB scriptures spent in the era that Fang Ming lived in, so he waved his hand in a very cool way: "Then build two kilns according to Master Ding's intention." , one experimented with dry distillation, and the other directly fired charcoal, which would not miss the production of cement.”

When he returned to Anping City, before Zheng Kezang sat down, he came to report from the door: "Qinshe, there is a Japanese man asking to see you."

"Japanese people? What Japanese people? Can Japanese people enter Anping City casually?" Zheng Kezang looked around suspiciously. Jin Shijiu, who was next to him, had obviously understood the inside story of the matter, so he came up to explain a few words, Zheng Kezang That's when it dawned on me. "It turned out to be a handicraft of a Japanese merchant house in a chicken coop," since it was a Japanese arms supplier. "Then I'll see you soon!" Zheng Kezang suddenly changed his mind. "Let him take a seat in the living room and see you after Yu takes a bath."

When Zheng Kezang, who was freshly washed, walked into the living room, he saw a little man in the appearance of a Ming man plopped and knelt down in front of him, and then his forehead slammed on the floor: "On the left of Xiaxi Utagawa Goro Emmon pays homage to Kinden."

Because he was worried that the young Zheng Kezang would not know what his name represented, the Japanese named Zaemon added a sentence after signing up for the meeting: "I am a member of the Hirato Tagawa family."

The Hirato Tagawa family?Isn't that the home of Zheng Yiguan's Japanese wife?That is to say?

"It turned out to be a distant relative of my great-grandmother, which is rare on weekdays." Zheng Kezang was full of doubts about this sudden distant relative, not to mention that this relative was a Japanese whom he had always been wary of. "It is said that the Tokugawa shogunate is implementing a national lock-up. All Japanese living abroad are strictly prohibited from returning to the country, and all returned overseas Chinese will be executed. Is it possible that Tagawa came here to ask for a paper from the vassal, so that he can justify himself in front of the shogunate after returning home? ?”

"Qin Dian was joking." The Japanese were a bit dumbfounded by Zheng Kezang's deduction of the purpose of his visit, but the other party was a noble child, and such children usually have some eccentricities, so he had no choice but to explain. "Although returning to the country is something I dream of, but the shogunate is very kind, and I have long since given up planning."

"Then Tian Chuan Chaofeng is here?" Zheng Kezang asked pretending to be puzzled, and after he finished speaking and sat down, he seemed to remember that he had missed something. "Hey, why is Tagawa Chaofeng still kneeling, get up quickly, it's because Yu was negligent, come here, show the seat to Mr., and make another pot of good tea and bring it here."

"Thank you Kinden for the honor." Tagawa Zaemon saluted again and slowly got up, sitting on the chair with half of his buttocks, obviously completely Chinese. "Actually, I have two things to do here. First, I heard that His Highness intends to buy three Japanese long spears. After discussing with the Japanese in the chicken coop, I am willing to offer [-] spears for free."

"How can this be?" Zheng Kezang waved his hands again and again. As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to do, you must be rape or steal. Zheng Kezang didn't want to swallow the bait of the Japanese by mistake. "You are willing to take the risk of not being able to return to China to stay in Taiwan. It is nothing more than to survive and make a profit. How can I let you lose your capital? This matter is still unacceptable."

"Kinden is benevolent, and it's true." Tagawa Saemon complimented. "Qin Dian, it's not too late to refuse after listening to the second thing I have to say." Zheng Kezang knew that what was supposed to come would come anyway, so he nodded and listened to Tian Chuan's side. "Because of the tyrannical government of the shogunate, the lower-class Japanese have no home to return to. They have been stranded in Taiwan for many years. They have already regarded Taiwan as their second home country, and they are willing to do something for Taiwan. Now I heard that the Qin Temple recruits boy scouts, and the lower-class Japanese If you are willing to send your disciples into the camp, you don’t know whether the Palace of Qin is willing to accept you or not.”

"Hiss!" Zheng Kezang gasped. It turned out that the Japanese had this idea, and it was really a huge conspiracy. "I'm afraid I can't decide this matter," Zheng Kezang subconsciously evaded. "The source of the boy scouts was arranged by Mr. Chen Yonghua, and I just sit back and enjoy the benefits. Tian Chuan should find Mr. Chen as an envoy."

"I just visited Mr. Chen's side, and I admired Mr. Chen's hard-working heart, and I agreed to come down. I just think that since the boy camp is His Highness's mother's clothes, this matter is still a matter." It would be better to inform His Highness, so I came here to tell you, and I hope that the Palace of Qin will agree."

"Oh? Chief Envoy Chen has already agreed!"

Zheng Kezang was secretly startled. He knew that there were many officers and soldiers of Japanese descent in Zheng’s army, but he never thought that Chen Yonghua would agree to the Japanese’s request without discussing with himself. Young man?However, although Zheng Kezang was shocked, he didn't show it too clearly on his face.After all, on the one hand, a small number of Japanese are in a subordinate position in Taiwan's political, economic, and military aspects, and they cannot shake the foundation of the Zheng regime; The support of some Japanese people can give him an extra card to play in future battles with powerful officials.

"Since Chief Envoy Chen has already agreed, it's hard for Yu to say anything," Zheng Kezang narrowed his eyes, looking at Tian Chuan, who seemed to be suspected of sowing discord. "But the ugly words are up front. Although the boy camp is not as strict as the regular army, the military regulations are just as strict. If you can't stand it, don't blame Yu for not being human."

"That's natural." Hearing that Zheng Kezang agreed to his request, Tagawa Zaemon also narrowed his eyes with a smile, and turned a blind eye to Zheng Kezang's hidden murderous words. "Although the lower class is a businessman at the moment, but the previous ancestors were also warriors, and they have always restrained their children with the requirements of warriors. Naturally, they know the truth of strict military discipline."

"It's good to understand, just?" Zheng Kezang groaned for a moment when he saw a punch on the cotton that was not strong enough, and finally decided to detain the Japanese teenagers from entering the camp for another year. People are placed in a relatively unimportant position. "It's just that Yu's boy camp recruits recruits once a year. This year, the number of recruits is full, so the Japanese boys can only be queued to the next batch."

"My lord, can't you think of a way to change it?" Since he has been in China for a long time, Tian Chuan naturally understands the truth that changes come with time. "If you feel that the dedication of the lower class is not enough, I would like to try my best to persuade the Japanese businessman in the chicken coop to provide the eldest son with fifty more high-quality iron cannons from Tanegashima."

"Tian Chuanchao is careful! Do you still need to wait for fifty iron cannons?" Zheng Kezang straightened his face. Seeing Zheng Kezang's expression, Tian Chuan knew that he had said something wrong, so he hurriedly got down and gave it to him. Zheng Kezang apologized, and Zheng Kezang waved his hand. "Get up," Zheng Kezang explained half-truthfully when Tian Chuan carefully sat down again. "The drills in the boy camp are different from those of the regular army. The drills you learn need to be done step by step. The boys who entered the camp this year have been training for several months. At this time, let the boys of Japanese descent come in. On the one hand, the drills can't keep up. On the other hand, the team It’s going to disrupt the reorganization again”

Tian Chuan finally understood that Zheng Kezang was actually saying that if the Japanese jumped in line suddenly, it would disrupt the plan and make the Chinese boys who had been training for a long time feel dissatisfied.And among these boys, there are many children of high-ranking and powerful families, who have a high-level eye, so it is inevitable that a group of people will isolate the Japanese boys because of this.And isolation is a trivial matter, I'm afraid that it will form a long-term hostility, which will make the plot of Tian Chuan and others almost in vain.

Now that he figured it out, Tian Chuan was confused again. He deliberately took a peek at Zheng Kezang, thinking that this teenage boy would have such a meticulous mind, could it be that someone else taught him what he said in advance?It's not like, is there no one around?What do you want to say, the other party is not a god, how can you guess it?If he really said it himself, then the future of Taiwan

I want to think about it, but I still have to answer it, and Zheng Kezang seems to have good intentions in making such a decision, so Tian Chuan couldn't help but admit it: "Since it's so troublesome, let's do it according to Qin Dian's wishes!"

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