Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

205. Women's camp?

&i Father, he gave himself a Chinese name called He Lide (recommended by friends crying pupa). "In the St. Augustine Church, a Chinese priest who was already familiar with He Zhizhou recommended an enthusiastic missionary to him. "Father He hopes to go to Dongning to preach, and hope that He Zhizhou can help with this. "

"To Dongning to preach?" He Zhizhou was taken aback and then laughed. "Welcome, but the priest may have to wait for a while, and I have to report to my master first." The other party nodded clearly, and then He Zhizhou's face became serious. "Father He has a few words to remind you in advance." He Lide made a gesture of please, so He Zhizhou said seriously. "Although there are some followers of the Lord in this domain, Buddhism and Taoism are even more prosperous, so I hope that the priest will not conflict with other religions after he arrives in Dongning."

"For these lost lambs, I will definitely try my best to lead them to abandon the temptation of the devil." He Lide spoke fluent Hokkien, and it was obvious that he had made great efforts to go to Dongning to preach. "As for the conflict with paganism, don't worry about the museum owner, I will definitely use the spirit of a martyr to influence them."

"A martyr? That's not necessary." Regarding He Lide's words, He Zhizhou, who knew that he had encountered a fanatic, shook his head and gave a wry smile, and then raised another warning. "The East is not the West and the West, and this domain also has its own monarch, so the religious power must be subordinated to the governing power. Do not ask for any degree of autonomy and do not raise eleven taxes, otherwise it will be regarded as rebellion."

"I also understand this. After all, Dongning is still at war with the Tatars. Please rest assured that I will abide by all the systems of your country. As for the collection of eleven taxes, with the support of the Ecclesiastical Province of Manila, it may be possible to use Instead, the voluntary fundraising of believers."

He Zhizhou nodded, but the next question was even more tricky: "Also, after the priest goes to Dongning, does the Dongning Diocese belong to the Vicariate of Fujian or to the Ecclesiastical Province of Manila?"

He Lide smiled: "Naturally, it belongs to the Ecclesiastical Province of Manila for the time being. As for whether it will be upgraded to an independent vicariate in the future, it depends on the development of the believers, but in any case, we will not have direct contact with the Fujian side. Please also invite the embassy The Lord must make this known to your government."

He Zhizhou breathed out, the other party was obviously determined to go, since he was powerless to stop, he had no choice but to push the boat along: "In that case, the priest waits for my good news."

Under the cover of the sound of gunfire, more than 100 sword and shield fighters broke into the territory of the Porpal Sultan, who was severely injured because of the conquest of Zheng Jun's stronghold.Facing Zheng Jun who was like a wolf like a tiger, the Malays who were already frightened fled in all directions, and the only resistance was dispelled by the sound of gunshots in rows. So far, the undefended Sultan Palace has spread its legs to welcome the opponent 's arrival

"My mother!" Zheng Jun who rushed into the palace looked at the magnificent palace room which was the opposite of the low thatched hut outside, each one dumbfounded. "This is gold, this is precious stones, and this sultan is so fucking rich." But compared to gold and silver vessels and large pieces of pearls and jade, the screaming court ladies aroused these male desires more. "There are girls, come on!"

Dazed by desire, Zheng Jun cheered and rushed towards these irresistible objects. Just as a feast was about to begin, Tian Chao, who followed the follow-up troops, held a short fire blunderbuss to the sky and pulled the trigger.

When the huge sound of gunfire echoed in the palace, Zheng Jun, who was almost at the top of his sword, woke up.

"I'm fucking in a daze." Tian Chao cursed. "What if the natives come back with a carbine at this time? Quickly, take the things and women back to the boat, and when you go back, you will naturally have time to enjoy them slowly. Don't take it out."

Amidst the laughter, several soldiers hurriedly dressed neatly, and then quickly cleaned the battlefield with an unprofessional level, escorting out gold, silver, pearls, jade, silk, ivory, and more importantly, women.Tian Chao didn't look at these people busy, he stepped inward and walked deeper into the Sultan's palace.

After all, it is a small country, and the palace is actually not big. Outside the hall where you go out and go to the court and entertain guests, the prayer room, dining room, and warehouse for storing food and goods have not taken away a lot of space, and the so-called harem is next.There is an open-air bathroom in the harem, and the bathroom connected to it is the residence of several Sudanese concubines.

Tian Chao stepped forward and kicked open one of the doors, but he didn't see anyone except the messy bed.Tian Chao turned around and went to the second room, but there was no one there either. He was a bit foolish about this. Could it be that Sudan, who fled in a panic, brought his beloved woman with him?He didn't want to enter Baoshan and returned empty-handed, then he opened the third door.

But there was still no one there, Tian Chao was about to turn back in disappointment, but suddenly saw that the curtain on one side was windless and automatic, he grinned, walked over, opened the curtain with a saber, and a young face appeared in front of him .Tian Chao grinned in horror, and tried to grab the girl who was so frightened that she closed her eyes and waved her hands indiscriminately to resist, but ended up being slapped by the other party.Tian Chao became angry, and slapped him on the face, and the girl passed out with a whimper.

Tian Chao was about to carry it on his shoulders and take it out, when suddenly a gust of fragrant wind rushed over.Tian Chao took a good look and saw that it was a woman who was much older but had a similar appearance to the girl. Looking at her exquisite body and luxurious clothes, Tian Chao suddenly felt a surge of heat.With a chuckle, he threw away the girl and hugged the crying woman by the waist, and threw it directly on the big bed, and then she pressed down on her

"Captain, the number has been counted." On the way back to the settlement, the harvest of this battle has already come out. "There are hundreds of pieces of gold artifacts copied from the Sultan's palace alone, plus those seized from the homes of princes and ministers. This time, at least a thousand taels of gold, plus unvalued jewels, this is what we You can get rich."

"Get rich?" A mocking smile appeared on Tian Chao's face. "Can gold be eaten or worn?" Speaking of which, these goldware and jewelry must be sent back to Dongning. Perhaps according to the three rules, everyone can get a lot, but for those destined to For the newly rooted troops, gold, silver, pearls and jade are actually not as practical as clothing, cattle and horses, but not everyone can see clearly about this. "Let's talk about other gains."

"Yes." The supervisor continued to report. "We harvested 340 shi of rice, but we only transported one-third of it due to the limited space on board." Tian Chao felt distressed for a while, but he had no choice but to watch the grain return to the natives who had returned from their escape. "One hundred pieces of silk and linen of various colors, six hundred pieces of iron wares of various colors, and [-] or six female relatives from the royal palace and various prefectures."

When Tian Chao heard this, he couldn't help but look at those women who were staggering and marching under the threat of Zheng Jun: "Let the fleet go ahead, and then turn back to bring people when it is empty."

The supervising officer took the order to go, and at this time Chang Yong asked with a sly eyebrow: "Commander, how will these women be distributed when they go back?"

"For this attack, regardless of the navy or the land division, every brother can choose a woman to go back to warm the bed." Because of his stealing, Tian Chao was embarrassed to maintain a sullen expression. "Brothers who did not come from the fourth and seventh teams can also choose one." These two teams were the troops that stood firm at the north entrance when the natives invaded, so no one can blame them for being given priority to wives. "For the remaining women, each team leader, supervisor, and squad leader can choose one, and Master Zhuge will also give one. If there are any extra women, they will be rewarded to the brothers in turn as camp prostitutes."

Chang Yong happily asked: "Captain, can the lower officials choose one first."

Seeing Tian Chao's puzzled gaze, Chang Yong explained: "I fell in love with it at a glance. There are not many women in these fan clubs who can catch their eyes. If someone picks them away, there is nowhere for the lower officials to buy regret medicine." go."

"That's what it's worth." Tian Chao scolded with a smile, but he was very much in favor of Chang Yong's words, as the saying goes, there are quick hands and slow hands. "You are both the leader and the leader of the team. It's not that you can't be allowed to pick first, but tell the brothers that this section of the road is dangerous, and what you want to do must go back safely before you go."

"Brother Zhuge, what are you thinking?" Tian Chao asked Zhuge Fengye jokingly, hearing all kinds of groans coming from outside. "If you're thinking about that little beauty, you can talk about it later." Tian Chao winked viciously. "A moment in spring night is worth a thousand gold."

"After serving in the army for three years, the old sow has also become Diaochan." Zhuge Fengye shook his head. "At least I have a wife and children in Dongning, but there is no need to be so anxious." After joking for a while, Zhuge Fengye turned to the topic. "Now that so many female relatives have been taken away, the demand for food is even greater, and we can't wait any longer to settle the land."

"Brother Zhuge is right." Tian Chao regretted thinking about the rice he gave up, but the matter was irreversible, so he could only make up for it. "Tomorrow, I will urge these bastards to work with Mintun to reclaim and plant."

"Also, with so many female relatives going down, it's not the same thing for the sergeants to live in the same house."

"This is indeed a problem." Tian Chao understands that everyone is happy to play with other people's women, but if his own woman is finished by others, this may be the source of disaster. "It's just that there is no wood now, and secondly, all the cement has already been used up. This matter is not easy to solve."

"Then how about setting up a women's camp?" Zhuge Fengye saw Tian Chao's face changed, and knew that the other party had misunderstood. "It's not a women's camp like camp prostitutes, but a place for them to live in, and the camps and dunks take turns, or the soldiers can not be too obsessed with love."

"Is that so?" Tian Chao hesitated. "In this way, you and I should obey as one, otherwise the morale of the army will be unstable."

"That's natural."

"Forget it," Tian Chao thought for a while. "You guys will have to suffer for a while longer." After finishing speaking, Tian Chao stood up. "Since starting from tomorrow, today you and I will be presumptuous each other again, my lord, please go ahead, I will go on my own."

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