Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

204. The Invasion of the Natives

Li Shizhen, who was furious about the Portuguese trying to gain extra benefits in the negotiations, finally couldn't bear it anymore. He mobilized [-] Qing troops to march into Xiangshan to block Macau, and at the same time issued an ultimatum to the Portuguese envoys to completely cut off the Sino-Portuguese trade.In the face of Li Shizhen's toughness, the Portuguese finally backed down, and the Qing and Portuguese formally reached the "Guangzhou Charter".

The "Articles of Association" stipulated that when the Qing army returned to Qiongzhou, Macao would provide plywood ships for armed escort, and Guangdong Province would reduce or exempt the Portuguese ships that came to the province (city) for trade for five years as a reward.In this way, the Portuguese were satisfied with a certain amount of benefit compensation; however, the full text of the articles of association did not include words such as borrowing teachers, assisting and suppressing, and actually hired Portuguese warships, which not only preserved the face of the Qing court, but also ensured the safety of landing in the south It is also killing two birds with one stone.

After both parties were happy, they agreed to send troops to Qiongzhou in the second year of the year. Since then, the preparations for the Qing court have been basically ready, and a new battle has entered a new countdown.

When the soaring smoke was burning, Tian Chao, the mud governor of Xibo, was struggling in the mud with his trousers on his hands and holding the plow himself.However, the wolf smoke interrupted this idyllic life, and he did not dare to neglect, and immediately directed the people who were still at a loss to drive the precious buffaloes back to the castle eagerly.

It is said to be a fort, but it is actually a residential area with a cement longhouse as a barrier, and even the passages around have only simple gates with mixed trees and horses as gates. The defense can only be said to be non-existent.However, the natives who came in small boats from the river seemed not in a hurry to attack. They wandered around the outside of the castle in twos and threes, and some even searched the fields that had not been sown, and showed off loudly when they picked up a few lost hoes. stand up.

"It looks like there are more than 2000 numbers." Jiang Tao, the leader of the second team who followed Tian Chao to the lookout post, swallowed. "It looks like he wants to eat us all in one go, but he's quite courageous."

"Isn't it wishful thinking just because these natives who can't even line up want to eat us up?" Cao Yi, the leader of the third team, elicited a burst of echoing laughter. "Captain, I suggest that we take advantage of the fact that the natives are not on a firm footing, and let's go up from both sides and give them a hard blow. I don't believe they can survive our three axes."

Before Tian Chao could reply, Chang Yong, the leader of the first team next to him, shook his head first and said, "As the saying goes, if you kill an enemy three thousand and hurt yourself eight hundred, our people are more valuable than these natives. All three are at a loss, and it is only reasonable to wait for them to attack and use blunderbusses and cannons to deal with them."

"Chang Yong is right. If we trade our lives for our lives, we won't last long even if we win once or twice." Tian Chao affirmed Chang Yong's opinion and proposed a principle for future battles. "I will remember it from now on, we have few soldiers to make up for the inconvenience, so if anyone is reckless and causes too many casualties to his brothers, don't blame me for dismissing your duties!"

Jiang Tao nodded impressively, and several other team leaders also expressed their orders one by one, so Tian Chao arranged: "The artillery team only has three two-inch light guns, and there are four entrances into the fort, so the dissatisfaction is comprehensive. Arrange two teams at each entrance, the artillery team and the slave army army team are in the hands of the officer, and if there is no objection, they will deploy their own defenses.”

As soon as this side was set up, the natives over there came in a crowd, talking about siege from all sides, but they just rushed straight towards the nearest entrance to the fort, trying to convince people with their strength, and tore apart Zheng Jun's barrier in one fell swoop. The line of defense also rushed into the castle to plunder and kill.

"Fucking thieves, you came here without even saying hello, you really are a bunch of uncivilized barbarians." The leader of the fourth team, who commanded the defense near the entrance of the Kapuas River, spit and pointed at the ambush. Two squads of gunners on the long roof shouted orders. "If you get close, hit me hard!"

The sound of firecrackers sounded like roasted beans soon, and some of the rushing natives staggered and fell to the ground from time to time, but due to the limited number of firecrackers, more natives managed to get to the outside of the longhouse .However, the eaves of this longhouse are more than one foot long, and the short natives have no climbing tools, so they cannot climb on the roof at all.A few crazy natives used weapons in their hands to destroy the outer wall of the longhouse. However, it is not easy to destroy the outer wall by thickening the outer wall with cement. entrance.

At this time, the entrance was already bleeding like a river.I saw two squads of soldiers of the Zheng army lined up in the gun team stabbing in front of the horses, and the natives who were unable to resist fell to the ground one after another. In addition, the gunners on the roof had greatly increased their accuracy at very close range, and the casualties of the natives became more and more heavy. The screams one after another quickly turned the small entrance into a Shura hell. .

The natives with poor toughness couldn't bear such torture of death at all, and immediately fled back in a panic. The anticlimactic battle stopped temporarily, but there were still scattered gunshots, as if it was a farewell horn. The natives couldn't help speeding up their pace.

Nearly a hundred corpses could not shake the determination of the native commander at all. After a commotion in the distance, the bloody heads of several deserters appeared in Tian Chao's telescope: "It seems that this group of monkeys is still alive. Willing to give up."

While speaking, the natives rushed over again like a rising tide, but the surging waves were blocked by stubborn rocks, except for stirring up a trace of blood-colored waves, they did not break through the blockade of the rocks and capture the opponent's key points.Of course, this time the natives were obviously much tougher. On the one hand, regardless of the casualties, they violently attacked the barriers at the entrance.It is a pity that such a battle can still be described as a unilateral massacre by Zheng Jun.Therefore, after leaving several times the previous loss, the tide had to recede again.

"One drum is full, the second drum is weak, and the third drum is exhausted." Tian Chao ordered. "Notify the artillery team to go to the north gate. If the monkeys attack again, they will be hit hard." Speaking of this, Tian Chao ordered again. "Assemble the sword and shield squads of each team, go out from the south gate, use the cannon as a signal, and go directly to the natives' rear team, let him remember, the natives are lazy, I don't want to live!"

Due to the previous two disastrous defeats, the interval between the attacks of the natives was much longer than before, and there were obviously traces of praying before the attack, but the morale was still not as strong as it was at the beginning, so that the pace of progress was not as brisk as before. .

But on the way of this attack, they were not shot by Zheng Jun's musketeers, and even when they approached the northern entrance of the fort, no one fell down on the way of charging. Could it be that Hu Dablessed, the terrible opponent was cursed and lost his fighting power?The ecstatic native suddenly became excited like a chicken blood.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, the natives cheered and moved away the blocking horses, but just as the brigade tried to rush in, the leader found that there were three black muzzles in front of him. The flashing and burning primer on the body fire door shows that everything has come to the final moment.

Almost at the same time, three two-inch guns erupted with huge sound waves, and at the same time dozens of cannonballs were ejected from the muzzles. The huge kinetic energy pushed these guns to continue to unscrupulously cause terrifying terror in the crowd after they penetrated the body at the forefront. s damage.

The sound of the cannon was the sound of the starting gun, and the gunners who had just disappeared reappeared. With a single order, the gunners who fired in salvo produced results not inferior to those fired by shotguns—in an instant, rows of natives He was hoeed and fell to the ground.This shocking effect broke the backs of the natives at once. They threw down their weapons and fled backwards in despair. Dozens of sword and shield fighters rushed out from behind them chasing and beheading, making the retreating The formation became more and more chaotic.

But this is not the most deadly thing. The Zheng Jun sword and shield soldiers of the sixth class who had already made a detour came out from the unexpected place of the natives under the cover of the ditch dug before, and hit the natives' dead point all at once. superior.Seeing the commander who was cut down on the ground, all the natives completely lost the will to continue fighting. They all ran to the river beach, trying to get on the small boat they came from, and stay away from this horrible place.

Obeying Tian Chao's order not to take prisoners, a group of Zheng Jun killed them like cutting melons and vegetables, and the natives who were too late to board the boat jumped into the river and floated across the river in a panic to escape Zheng Jun's robbery.Zheng Jun didn't pursue them, but killed them all the way along the river bank. Even the natives who knelt down and begged for mercy were cut off by the murderous Zheng Jun.

"Captain, great victory." The supervising officer reported to Tian Chao and others with joy after counting the results of the battle. "There are more than [-] native corpses that can be inspected alone. As for those who drowned in the Kapuas River, there are no statistics, but there are at least a hundred." Nearly one-third of the dead in battle can almost be tried Annihilated. "In addition, more than a dozen natives were captured, nearly [-] knives and guns, and nearly [-] shi of food that the natives had no time to take away."

"Swords and guns? Thirty stones of grain?" Tian Chao shook his head disapprovingly. "What about us? How many casualties did we have?"

"Back to the governor, there were only a dozen minor injuries. The most serious one was hacked by the resisting natives. The army and Chinese doctors have already seen it. As long as you take medicine and recuperate for a period of time, you will be fine."

Tian Chao's complexion slowed down: "That's the best."

Speaking of this, Tian Chao gritted his teeth and ordered: "Let the following take a good look at these natives to see who dares to come and confront us after asking them, and get ready for the other party to come and not Even if it is indecent, we must let the natives know, we will take revenge!"

"My lord, this is not in line with the decision of the previous military meeting to gain a foothold first, should we wait a little longer?"

"Master Zhuge, you don't understand." Tian Chao's eyes showed a fierce look. "These natives just need to be dealt with. We only need to be tougher, so that other Sudans can weigh the consequences of their actions."

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