When the imperial decree from Beijing was sent to Fuzhou, Prince Kang and Wang Jie hurriedly called Liang Nai, the admiral of the Zhejiang Navy, to come to discuss the matter. Since the main premise of the three-way attack could not be changed, the admirals of the three provinces could only discuss when to use troops.During this period, Wan Zhengse and Liang Nai advocated using the north wind, while Fu Kui, who was on the southernmost line, advocated using the south wind.

After the Fuzhou Military Conference, the Qing army began a large-scale mobilization. More than [-] Guangdong, Zhejiang and Qing troops entered Fujian by water and land. For a time, there was a lot of talk that the war was close at hand, and their undisguised and undisguised actions soon disappeared. Passed to Dongning.

"The fast fleet has been fully refitted. Currently, there are 24 fast-sail gunboats with 240 materials and eight small notification ships; the main fleet currently also has four 300-material (360 tons) iron-framed gunboats and 420 materials. Three (480-ton) iron-frame gunships, one six-thousand-material ([-]-ton) and seven-thousand-material ([-]-ton) iron-frame warships, and four small notification ships;" Lin Sheng reported like a few treasures. "In addition, it is expected that the main fleet will add another [-]-material ([-]) iron-framed warship before June this year, and the shipyards in Dongning can also provide the main fleet with nine more [-]-material fast-sail gunships, There are three thousand material-class notification ships, and by the way, the main fleet also has a repaired eight thousand material Hongyi warship."

"That is to say, excluding the notification ships, the two major fleets of the feudal clan have a total of 43 plywood gunboats of various levels, and there are more than ten new ships whose combat strength is still questionable." Zheng Kezang looked at Lin Sheng. All the sailors. "With this weak army to deal with the navy of the three provinces of the Qing Dynasty, can you be confident that you will win?"

"I have confidence." Lin Sheng hadn't replied yet, but the young military officers of the two major navy divisions under Maying and Gong Tian bowed their heads to respond with ambition. "The ministers will definitely live up to the entrustment of the Lord, and the enemies who will commit crimes in the future will gather and wipe out on the Fujian Sea."

Zheng Kezang asked unmoved: "Having confidence is a good thing, but is there any specific rules?"

"I think that the Qing army will attack in three directions, and their orders must be different, and the speed of the march must also be fast or slow. The feudal clan can use the speed of soft-sail plywood ships to meet them one by one." Ma Yinglang responded loudly, following the main force After the formation of the fleet, he handed over the post of admiral of the fast fleet that he had just held for a short time and regained control of the strongest water force of the Zheng army. "Although the warships of the Qing Dynasty were equipped with bow cannons, their old-fashioned tactics were still based on jumping gangs. The cannons they carried were only used to break up the enemy's formation, and their power was not comparable to that of the side cannons of our warships. On the same level, our domain uses fast boats to control slow boats, and with more guns, it wins with fewer guns, and every blow is sure to win."

"If it is said that the Zhejiang Navy and the Fujian-Guangdong Navy are separated by hundreds of miles of water, or there is a disconnection, they can attack successively, but I agree. However, Tongshan is adjacent to the enemy of Nan'ao, and there may be no difference if the two sides attack at the same time. " Zheng Kezang was still criticizing. "Expecting that the Qing armies in the two provinces will not assist each other is the reason for military strategists to argue for victory."

"My lord, the Military Academy has already considered the possibility that the Qing armies of the two provinces may reinforce each other or form a regiment." Lin Sheng seized the opportunity and said. "But as long as the fleet doesn't give the Qing army the opportunity to join forces, the victory in this battle must belong to the clan."

"Gu agrees with the fast fleet's so-called wolf pack tactics, but what if the delay on the southern line is too long and the Zhejiang Provincial Navy goes straight to Dongning?" Zheng Kezang actually had a good idea of ​​the outcome of the naval battle. Why not expose the true strength of Zheng Jun's navy prematurely, in order to kill with one blow, but Kangxi's plan to divide troops to resolve subordinate disputes caught him by surprise, and even exposed the fundamental problem of Zheng Jun's navy's insufficient strength. "Is there any way to solve it, sir?"

"The Military Academy has proposed two strategies." Lin Sheng reported. "One is to suspend the relocation of the Lukang team." Half of the Lukang team originally planned to go north to Seogwipo, but now life and death are at stake. The construction of the Seogwipo Governor's Mansion and the Ezodi Governor's Mansion can only be put on hold for a while. "Secondly, I believe that by June, there will be as many as [-] notification ships for the two fleets of the feudal domain. There is no need for such a number to monitor Tongshan, Nan'ao and other places. Nine to ten ships can be deployed to delay them."

Zheng Kezang narrowed his eyes, but changed the topic after a long time: "Ten new gunboats will be added before June, how can their combat power be guaranteed?"

"According to the Lord's will that people wait for ship guns rather than ship guns and others, the ministers have already carried out rotation training for the officers and soldiers of the fast and main fleets. The officers and soldiers of each department have been proficient in handling ships and firing guns regardless of whether they have assigned ships or not. Therefore, as long as After taking a new ship and familiarizing yourself with it for more than ten days, you can face the sea."

Hearing Gong Tian's words, Zheng Kezang nodded: "Very good, but we need to intensify training in the last days before the battle, so that we don't panic during the battle, and you don't sweat a lot during the war. Less bloodshed."

All the courtiers nodded, at this time Zheng Kezang asked again: "In the first battle in Qionghai, the Qing captives brought in the big ship of Frangji, what if the old wisdom is regained? Are the military academy and the fleet fully prepared to deal with it? "

"The Military Academy thought that the only ones who could help the Qing Dynasty were the Flang Jiyi and the Dutch Hongyi, but last time the Flangjiyi suffered a big loss, this time it might be impossible for the Qing court to win chestnuts. As for the Hongyi," Lin Sheng said. paused. "After the [-] and [-] gunboats of this domain entered service, they already have the ability to directly confront Hongyi's single ship. In addition, the [-] gunboats that are about to launch are not sure of winning, but they are enough to curb Hongyi's blind moves. .”

Zheng Kezang shook his head. This was pinning his hopes on the premise that the Dutch would not attack the general situation. It was a bit of a fluke, but Ming Zheng's strength did have some difficulties against the Dutch, and Lin Sheng and the others had no choice but to do so. so judged.

"Looks like it's better to build more big ships." Zheng Kezang sighed softly, causing the faces of the sailors below Lin Sheng to flush, so Zheng Kezang didn't go any further, just put forward a suggestion of his own. "Wouldn't it be too passive to wait for the Qing army to attack? Can this domain also preemptively strike?"

The Portuguese Clark ship captured by Zheng Jun off the coast of Hoi An was seriously damaged, so it was dragged into Cam Ranh Bay and ran aground on the beach. Priority was given to repairing the damaged Flying Star and Da Pai Gang, so it was too late to repair them and let them be exposed to wind and rain on the beach.It was hard to wait until the two gunboats were repaired after a year, and the Cam Ranh Bay Shipyard began to tow Clark back to Inner Australia for repairs, but the news of his loss in Cam Ranh has already spread.

In the 42nd year of Yongli in the Ming Dynasty and the 27th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, in March 1688, Portugal put pressure on Lord Ruan of Guangnan to take back the ship and release the survivors on board.Quang Nam, which was able to confront Lord Bac Ha only with the support of the Portuguese, did not dare to neglect. The newly succeeded sixth generation Quang Nam monarch, Duke Hong Nguyen Phuc Qin ordered Bin Tong Long Wang to hand over the above-mentioned ships and personnel.The edict was transferred from Bintong Longren to Cai Tong, who immediately and flatly rejected it.

"You have to think about it, what will be the consequences of angering the court." The Guangnan envoy threatened. "Once the imperial army arrives, everything will be burnt. Don't blame me for being unpredictable."

"This feudal clan was able to win this ship from the hands of Frang Jiren, how can such a small state compare to its magnificent martial arts." Cai Tong responded. "If you are not afraid of death, you can come here. There are only [-] defenders here. Let's see how many soldiers and horses you can fill."

Seeing that Cai Tong could not be intimidated, the envoys of Guangnan, who were both internal and external, turned to intimidate Bintong Dragon King to take back the concession and drive away Cai Tong and others. Dare to turn against Guangnan immediately, so he had to send someone to talk to Cai Tong.In view of the fact that his own fleet has all withdrawn to Dongning, and the Jinlan side, which has become a lone army, will not be sure of winning if it continues to fight, Cai Tong proposes to return the Clark ship with [-] Guangnan women of the right age.

When the proposal was spread to Hue, the Portuguese business house was naturally very willing, but Nguyen Phuc Qin, who was later posthumously posthumous as the Yizhu and Yingzong, felt that he had lost the face of the suzerain and categorically rejected it.Ruan Fuqin then dispatched 3000 people led by general Ruan Yan to attack Jinlan, intending to teach Ming Zheng's rebellion and recapture the Clark ship.

When the news came out, Cai Tong ordered Chen Shangchuan, Yang Yandi, and Yan Jiu to enter the guard, but only Chen Shangchuan sent a [-]-man team into Jinlan, while Yang Yandi and Yan Jiu did not send troops under the pretext of unrest.As for Bintong Dragon King, he sent troops to block the passage between Jinlan and Bintonglong, and cut off the supply of grain and fodder to Zheng Jun.So far, Cai Tong has fallen into a situation of fighting alone.

On the third day of April, the Guangnan Army marched into the Camlan area. Ruan Yan, who was equipped with war elephants, artillery, and matchlock guns, boasted that he would surely win against the Zheng army, which was less than one-third of his own, so he allowed his subordinates to plunder the people of Jinlan.However, Cai Tong had already implemented the tactics of fortifying the wall and clearing the wilderness, transporting all the households to the island of Cambink outside the harbor to live temporarily.

On the fifth day of April, Ruan Yan commanded the rested Ruan army to attack Jinlan Fort. As a result, they attacked three times in a row and suffered heavy casualties.

The next day Ruan's army attacked Jinlan Fort again, and they were beaten to death again. Seeing that the army's morale was in turmoil and their fighting spirit weakened, Ruan Yan had no choice but to withdraw his troops again.Just as the Ruan army retreated back to the camp, Zheng's ambush came out and defeated the Ruan army in one fell swoop.The Ruan army was defeated and fled back in the direction of Guangnan all the way. The Zheng army was relentless and killed all the way. The corpses of the Ruan army were scattered all over the field. fall from the sky.

On the first day of May, Chen Shangchuan, Yang Yandi, and Yan Jiu came to Jinlanbao to submit their certificates of registration to Cai Tong, the representative of the Ming Zheng regime, officially declaring their allegiance to the Ming Zheng regime, and accepting the post of general soldier granted by Cai Tong on behalf of Zheng Kezang At this point, the originally loose Han alliance began to be gradually subordinated to one banner.

Ruan Fuqin, who failed, naturally refused to let it go, but the Portuguese advised him to take revenge after the results of the main eastern expedition of the three provinces of the Qing court came out. came to an abrupt end

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