Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

221. Surprise Attack on the Altar

After the persuasion of the envoy of the "Da* Lama", in the middle of May in the 27th year of Kangxi, Galdan led an army of 5000 troops into Khalkha Mongolia.Tuxietu Khan Chahundorji received the battle report of Zhungeer’s eastward invasion in early June, and immediately notified Jebtsundamba called by Erdeni. Jebtsundamba transferred [-] people from the Selenge River Galdan Dorji, the son of Chahun Dorji, and the [-] reinforcements led by the grandson of Lama Tenzin, head of the Sanyin Nuoyan Department, reinforced Tuxietu Khan.

However, the more than 1 reinforcements encountered the main forces of Temur and Zhungeer before they joined forces with Chahun Dorji. Under the absolute disadvantage of one to three, the Tuxietu army was defeated, and Galdan Dorji led the battle. More than 3000 troops fled to the Wengji River to escape.After the victorious Galdan interrogated the captives, he sent the master craftsman Danjin Obum to Erdenizhao to capture Jebtsundamba. He personally led the main force of more than [-] people to attack the headquarters of Chechen Khan.

Jebtsundamba Living Buddha learned that the Zungar army was attacking, and in a panic, he led the wife and children of Shetu Khan, a group of lamas and servants to flee to the Chechen Khan overnight.Danjin Obumu failed to find Jebtsundamba in Erdenizhao, so he ordered the burning of temples and scriptures as revenge.Since there has been no major war in Khalkha’s Mongolian headquarters for more than 200 years, the once brave Mongolian cavalry is now as cowardly as a hen. I heard that after the Jungars attacked the Chechen Khan tribe, Khalkha’s tribes were in an uproar. They abandoned felt tents, flocks, cattle, horses, and camels and fled to the south.

Jebtsundamba tried to stop the fleeing Mongols and reorganized them to reinforce Chahundorji, but it was ineffective. As a last resort, Jebtsundamba had to follow the refugees through the Gobi Desert and seek refuge in Monan Mongolia .The entire border of Inner and Outer Mongolia is full of panicked Khalkha refugees, and the Qing army defending Karen (note: outposts) everywhere on the border cannot be stopped at all. People from Outer Mongolia have poured into Sunit and Ujum In the territory of Qin and other banners.

On August [-], the main force of the Zungar Army led by Galdan encountered the main force of the Tuxietu Army of Chahundorji in the area of ​​the Tula River (note: the Tule River next to Ulaanbaatar today).The two sides fought fiercely for three days, regardless of the outcome.On the night of the third day, the Zhungeer army attacked the Khalkha barracks at night. The Tuxietu army was in a commotion, and the soldiers broke up one after another. It was not until dawn that Chahun Dorji managed to gather some of his subordinates and forced them in through the Gobi. Within the territory of Sunit Banner.

Afterwards, Galdan met the Suo'etu mission who went to Selengesk to participate in the Sino-Russian border negotiations, so he ordered it to bring a letter to Kangxi, saying, "If Jebtsundamba defected to the emperor, he would either refuse to accept it, or send it to Kangxi." He caught it and gave it to me."

The Qing court mission sent people to bring this letter back to Beijing, and Kangxi was very angry, thinking that Galdan was arrogant.According to Kangxi's attitude, at the subsequent court meeting, the ministers proposed that if the Qing government refused to accept the Khalkha fugitives, Jebtsundamba would have nowhere to go, and he was bound to surrender to Galdan. Falling into the hands of Zhungeer will pose a great threat to the core ruling area of ​​the Qing court, Monan Mongolia and the Zhili area. For this reason, Jebtsundamba must be preserved

On the already slightly dark ocean, a group of notification boats bearing the two-color flag of Zheng Jun was slowly approaching the shore. The island, which had been quiet for a long time after the Qing court sealed off the border and moved to the sea, suddenly became lively. While cooking smoke rose from the shore, a large number of fish were also salvaged from the shallow sea.

Looking at the soldiers who were enjoying the last dinner before the war, Hou Jinguan, who commanded the raid as the commander, ordered with a heavy face: "Give the flag to the two ships of Huayu and Maoyu, and let them keep vigilant. After all, this place is not Dongning, the Zhejiang Provincial Navy who moved to Haitan may send sentry ships to patrol here anytime and anywhere."

This is already the location of Nanri Island in the outer sea of ​​Xinghua Bay, and it is less than half a day's water journey from the Zhejiang Provincial Navy Station in Haitan. It can be said that it is already under the nose of the Qing army.But how much strength does Hou Jinguan have?There are only twelve notification ships of 44 to [-] materials, and the total number of side artillery is no more than [-] three-inch long guns.With such weak firepower to deal with the navy of a province, Hou Jinguan really had to be careful.

"Master Lin Xianlin of the Naval Academy has already introduced the geography and water regime in the Haitan area to everyone before the war, so I won't talk too much, I will say a word now." After dinner , Hou Jinguan summoned all the captains. "All of you here are the captains of the notification boats. You may not even be able to get soup when you start a battle. This time the battle is fought by Gong Junmen in front of the Lord. I ask you, is this battle covered or not?"

"Packing!" The voice was a little sparse at first, but after the "packing", and the second time, the voices of more than a dozen captains became very neat and sonorous. "Pack!"

"It's good to have this confidence, then let's deduce the progress of the war one last time"

The night was getting thicker and darker. Under the faint starlight, Zheng Jun and his crew announced that the boats lowered their brightly colored white sails, and with the help of the rising tide, they slowly crossed the south east mouth of the Haitan Strait. Under the eyes of the beacon towers on the islands, they quietly broke into the heartland of the Qing army navy in Zhejiang Province.

Haitan is the fifth largest island in China and the largest island in Fujian. At first, it belonged to the town of Dongwei, which was subordinate to the command department of the Fujian capital of the Ming Dynasty. Zheng Chenggong and Zheng Jing changed the name to Yuanyan Town. The administrative office has always been in Dongcheng, Haikou Town, Fuqing ( Note: Near Haikou Town).In the 19th year of Kangxi, after the Qing army occupied Haitan, it was renamed Fujian Navy Haitan Town, and it was established on the island as the general office of the army.However, whether it is the General Army’s Yamen or the temporary Admiral’s Yamen of the Zhejiang Provincial Navy, they are all symbols. In fact, not all of the Zhejiang Provincial Navy and a part of the land division have been stationed on the island, and a considerable part of its troops and ships are distributed In the area of ​​Fuqing Bay and Sejiang Port, and the rest are in the Nanhou'ao and Su'ao areas on the Haitan Strait side of Haitan Island.

Due to the small number of notification ships and small guns sent by Zheng Jun this time, it is impossible to expect one or two ships to complete the task of blocking the Qing army's water villages. For this reason, after discussions before the battle, Hou Jinguan divided the team into two groups according to the opinions of most captains, with six ships in each group, and took the relatively nearby Nanhouao and Sejiang ports as the first target. After the bombardment was successful, the whole team sailed towards the Southern Ocean via the direction of Suao

The thin morning mist had begun to dissipate under the sun, but before the sleepy sentry of the Qing army water village had time to wipe away the eye gum from the corners of their eyes, a group of strangely shaped gunboats jumped into his eyes.Stunned for a while, the sentry posts of the Qing army rushed to warn, but it was too late, and the rumble of cannons was like announcing the beginning of the war to the Qing army.

Zheng Jun reported that the three-inch long guns equipped on the ship were actually extremely limited in power. The solid bullets equipped with them could hardly penetrate the ship's plank made of thick wood at a slightly longer distance, but Zheng Jun had chain bullets and The two magic weapons of hot bullets, coupled with the relatively high hit rate of stationary shooting, so Zheng Jun quickly closed several entrances and exits of the two Qing army water villages, so that the Zhejiang Provincial Navy that Chi Yong took the lead in attacking After being hit head-on and face-to-face, the ship burned and sank at the gate of the water village, completely blocking the way for the family to attack

Considering that the Qing army on the front line of Suao may attack as a whole after hearing the news, after several rounds of salvos, the reporting ship crew in Sejiang Port took the lead in evacuating.Hearing the cessation of the shelling from the other side, the Zheng Jun notification ship in Nanhouao also sailed out of Hengyu, and the two groups of Zheng Jun immediately reorganized into two columns on the west side of Yuyu Tsai.

The warships of the Qing army in Suao indeed attacked---not only the Qing army in Suao attacked, but also the warships of the Qing army navy in Fuqing Bay, which was notified by the wolf smoke, but the latter obviously couldn't catch up-- -When the more than [-] warships of the Suao Qing Army had just sailed through Beixianglu Island and entered Shipaiyang, they collided head-on with the fleet of the Zheng Army that had just completed its formation.

Seeing the large number of Qing warships, Hou Jinguan was unwilling to fight with them, so he immediately ordered: "The whole team turns to the north entrance of the strait, and first welcomes the Qing captives with single-sided artillery fire. Have a good time with them."

Seeing Zheng Jun's navy sailing neatly towards the north entrance of the strait due north to west, the Qing army's navy chased like crazy, trying to use the speed of the ship to cut off the formation of Zheng's army, which happened to form a T-shaped formation.Although the Qing army was able to use its bow guns to fire at the Zheng army, it was nothing compared to the broadside firepower that the Zheng army was able to display smoothly.

The artillery fire from both sides made the situation change and the sea was agitated, but the actual hit rate was very low. During the entire shelling process, only one shell of the Zheng army hit the warship of the Qing army, and all the shells fired by the Qing army were lost. ---This exposed the lack of range and power of the three-inch long guns equipped by Zheng Jun. However, part of the purpose of Zheng Jun's attack was to show the enemy weak, so this level of exposure was just right.

After chasing for a while, the slow warships of the Qing army were unable to catch up with the fast boats of the Zheng army, so they had to stop slowly. The Zheng army informed the ship that it was able to get out of the north exit safely, and then turned around Liyu to turn to the southeast. Go straight to Taiwan.When we got back to Dongning to make statistics, the whole team reported that the ship had not eaten a single shell, and none of them died for the country. Only one injured person was accidentally scalded while making hot bombs.Once this news was spread by someone with a heart, it immediately further boosted the morale of Zheng Jun's navy. Zheng Jun agreed that although the Qing army's navy was numerous, it was vulnerable.

However, the strange thing is that the morale of the Qing army, which was blocked and beaten up and lost seven or eight ships and hundreds of people, was also greatly boosted. Repelled the surprise attack of Zheng Jun's splint boat.For this reason, Kangxi personally ordered a reward, and chose October [-] as the day for the general attack of the three provinces' navy.

Since both sides are fighting with high spirits, and since the date of the decisive battle has been selected, it is naturally impossible to avoid a big battle

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