Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

225.3 Provincial Attack on Taiwan

Since the end of the application, when the news came that Maying and Gong Tian had annihilated the Fujian Provincial Navy, the atmosphere in the entire military academy became more relaxed. As for the military and joining the army, Chengzhi and Lin Sheng, Wu Shu and other bigwigs who joined the army are still waiting for the final report with the calm-faced Zheng Kezang.

"My lord, I just received the report from Admiral Ma." A beaming military officer reported outside the door of the signing room, and was immediately ushered in by the guards in the flying fish robe. "At the beginning of the unitary period, the Ma Junmen Division fought with the Guangdong Navy of the Qing army. The Qing captives were defeated in one blow. Our army sank, destroyed, and captured more than 120 ships of the Qing army. Now the main fleet is chasing the remnants of the Qing captives to Nan'ao , Copper Mountain, and the follow-up battle reports will be presented one after another.”

As soon as the voice of joining the army fell, Wu Shu took the lead in congratulating Zheng Kezang: "Congratulations, my lord, the Guangdong Navy has also been destroyed."

A blush flashed across Zheng Kezang's face. Although he had predicted that the battle would be won before the battle, the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly. The officers and soldiers had doubts about whether a certain number of soft-sail plywood ships could resist a large number of old-style warships, and now everything has been settled.

Of course, Zheng Kezang couldn't show the expression of being a villain, so he nodded indifferently: "Wait for the battle report from the north."

But sitting and waiting is really boring, so Zheng Kezang ordered: "Wu Qing, Lin Qing, Qing, etc., let's talk about the game and watch the battle alone."

Wu Shu and Lin Sheng looked at each other, and agreed generously, so the guards set up the chessboard, and the two began to fight against each other.Taking advantage of the two people's layout stage, Zheng Kezang narrowed his eyes and thought about it, but after thinking about it, he fell into a dreamland when he was drowsy.Seeing Zheng Kezang falling asleep, Wu Shu and Lin Sheng gave up immediately, sitting opposite each other as if facing a distinguished guest, sipping tea lightly, relatively speechless.

I don't know how long it took, Zheng Kezang, who was half asleep and half awake, was suddenly awakened by the cheers outside the house. He opened his eyes and asked, "But is there a battle report about the Zhejiang Provincial Navy?"

Before Lin Sheng and Wu Shu could answer, a report sounded outside the door: "My lord, great victory, the Zhejiang Navy is all over."

The Qing government spent millions of taels of silver, and it took five years to rebuild the navy of the three provinces. It collapsed in one day. This kind of victory that determines the fate of a country by the result of naval battles can only be defeated by the British 100 years ago. The one with the Armada can be compared, and the result is bound to set off a turbulent wave in East Asia.

"Very good," Zheng Kezang stood up. "Since the result of the separation has been reached, let's kneel down." Zheng Kezang walked out of the Military Academy calmly, and when he was about to walk out, he took care of him. "Victory is a great event after all, and it can be revealed to the whole Taiwan to let the people know. In this way, the lights will be lit for another three days to enjoy with the people."

Sitting on the chariot, Zheng Kezang picked up the thoughts he had just before falling asleep, the naval battle was won, what should he do next?Is it taking advantage of the Qing court's coastal defense to knock on the three provinces?Or wait for Zhungeer to enter the army and then give a thunderous blow?After thinking about it, Zheng Kezang couldn't help sighing bitterly. Now that Dongning has more than enough protection but can't make progress, is it possible that he wants to watch the opportunity slip through his fingers?Or to accumulate strength and wait for Galdan's comeback in a few years

Fuzhou received the battle report much later than Zheng Kezang. On the one hand, the speed of Zheng Jun’s notification ship was much faster than that of the Qing army’s Junke ship. The remnants of the division had to constantly change their routes, so when the sound of horseshoes shattering the tranquility of the night, most of the people in Fuzhou had already fallen asleep.

"My lord!" Due to the delay in passing through the city gate of Fuzhou, it was already four o'clock when the text was delivered to Jie's hands. Jie, who woke up from a good dream, read the content of the text. A mouthful of blood spewed out, scaring all the guards into a panic. "Passing down the Royal Physician"

"This king can't die yet!" Jie pushed away Bao Yi's support and stood on his feet. "Go, call all the governors and generals"

By the time Fujian Governor Wang Zhi, Fujian Governor Jin Hong, and Fuzhou General and Fujian Army Admiral Hu Qiyuan rushed to Xingyuan, the general who was ordered to do so, the battle report of the Guangdong Navy's defeat had also been delivered.

Looking at these two documents with almost the same measures, the general governor’s face turned ashen, and Jin Hong’s lips trembled: “How is it possible, how could it be defeated, doesn’t it mean that most of the navy of Haini has ceased to exist? This this"

On the contrary, Wang Zhi was calmer: "The three-way army failed two ways, but as long as the Zhejiang navy can reach Dongning, there is a chance to turn defeat into victory in this battle. Don't worry too much, my lord and your two lords."

"Taiwan is right." Hu Qiyuan of the Zhenglan Banner of the Han Army hurriedly echoed. "Let's wait a while before reporting to the court."

Seeing that the two local officials held the same opinion, Jie, who was also lucky, agreed. The four officials with the highest status in Fujian sat together, waiting for the straw to save their lives.

During the period, Hu Qiyuan thought about the battle report that was said to be dictated by the first batch of survivors, but there was some discussion: "Are the plywood ships so powerful? Didn't it mean that Hongyi's plywood ships were defeated in the battle of Liuluowan? Didn’t the pseudo-rebellious surnames also defeat the Hongyi plywood boats with the Fuchuan and Guangchuan when they regained Dongning? Why did they transfer to the official army when they were transferred?”

Regarding such a question, all the people present knew all the seven orifices and knew nothing about it. It took a long time before Wang Zhi questioned critically: "Hundreds of sea reverse plywood ships? Is this number reliable? Did the defeated soldiers exaggerate on purpose? Now, Haini has such great power, why not use it in the Qionghai Sea?"

Someone may be able to answer this answer, but it must be clearly stated that this is a trap set by Zheng Kezang, so that all those present who were still in Beijing fell into the trap. Such an answer is tantamount to directly slapping Kangxi on the face. It was these officials who were of sufficient status to understand Kangxi's preferences that dared not respond, so the tormenting tranquility reappeared in the living room.

One hour passed, two hours passed, and the sky was completely bright.But the news of the Zhejiang Navy has not yet come, Jie and the others absent-mindedly ate breakfast and continued to wait.But the wait here was so long-sighted, and the news that the governor and general had disappeared over there also spread like wildfire, and the officialdom in Fujian suddenly fell into chaos.All kinds of rumors spread everywhere. Some people said that the army that conquered Taiwan had lost, some said that the army that conquered Taiwan had won, and some people knew that something went wrong in Beijing.

But these unreliable speculations and rumors became clear with the arrival of a courier near noon.

That's right, lost, completely lost, unprecedented fiasco.The three-way army attacked Taiwan, and more than [-] ships of various sizes and more than half of the [-] army were lost in the Taiwan Strait. Most of the remaining survivors were captured by Zheng Jun, less than one-eighth. The people and boats fled back to the coast of the mainland in panic.

"Only Fu Kui escaped and came back, Wan Zhengse and Liang Nai never saw anyone dead or dead." Jie, who got the final trial result, couldn't hold on any longer. "The tens of thousands of troops are destroyed in one day, how will this king explain to the emperor?"

After saying this, Jie leaned back limply, and was immediately snatched back to the back hall by the guards who were crying for their father and mother.

"To build a platform, the current strategy must first stabilize people's hearts." But Jie Ke escaped from illness, and Hu Qiyuan, Wang Zhi, and Jin Hong, who were far below him in status and trust in Kangxi's eyes, had no way to escape. I see you, after a lot of difficulty, Jin Hong, who could only control the bid, choked out a few words. "In addition, no one can predict whether Haini will counterattack Fujian after the victory. Cleaning up the coastal defense is a top priority."

"What Fuyuan said is very true." Wang Zhi hastily cupped his hands at Hu Qiyuan. "My lord general, when it comes to military affairs, I and the Fuyuan are laymen. Please don't shirk, my lord, and focus on the overall situation in the southeast!"

Before Wang Zhi could finish his sentence, another messenger rushed in: "Report, Haini bombarded Nan'ao, Tongshan, and Jinsha."

The situation was urgent, and Hu Qiyuan didn't care about being modest, and immediately ordered: "In the name of Lord Kang, send someone to remove Fu Kui's top Dai Hualing, let him wear the crime and make meritorious deeds, and bring as many green flag soldiers and horses as possible from Nan'ao and Tongshan Islands to Chaozhou. Zhang sticks to it."

"As for Xiamen and Jinmen." The muscles on Hu Qiyuan's face twitched. "I personally went to Quanzhou to rescue, but the defense of Xinghua and the provincial capital will bother Zhijun and Fuyuan."

Jin Hong immediately responded: "No, I still go to Quanzhou as an official, and the general will either stay in Fuzhou or go to Haitan."

Jin Hong's consideration is correct. After all, Jinxia's defenders are still the green battalions of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, and they more or less follow the command of Fuzhou. It is not ordinary governors of neighboring provinces who can suppress them. It takes Hu Qiyuan, who was once the deputy governor of Hangzhou, to subdue them.

Hu Qiyuan is also a veteran soldier, so he understood the key point as soon as he said these words, and he responded with all his heart: "Then Fuzhou and report to the imperial court is up to the governor."

No matter how powerful the Zheng army is, it is not easy to attack Fuzhou, so guarding Fuzhou is the easiest way to stabilize Fuzhou's coastal defense, but reporting a funeral to the imperial court is a bad job?But the more troublesome one has been snatched away by Jin Hong and Hu Qiyuan. Wang Zhi couldn't pick and choose again, so he hesitated for a while and nodded in response: "Forget it, since Lord Kang fell ill, the defeated Wen will naturally be taken care of by Ben." official to write"

Just after noon, the two teams of knights rushed out from Xingyuan, who had been ordered by the general. Hu Qiyuan, who could no longer care about going back to the Yamen, just wrote a letter to let the three thousand Eight Banners stationed in Fuzhou follow the governor's order and then hurried south, while Jin Honggen, who could not ride a horse, It was someone who tied him to the horse and rushed to Quanzhou against the clock.

Less than half an hour after the two teams of knights set off, another team of knights left Xingyuan and went straight north, and then the whole of Fuzhou began to be under martial law.

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