Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

226. Years of hard work

In September of the 27th year of Kangxi (1688), the three Khans of Khalkha, Zasak, Jinong, Hongtaiji and Taiji held a meeting in Aruelesutai, Sunid Banner to discuss the future of Khalkha.At that time, Russia had been expanding in Siberia and the Far East for nearly half a century. The Khalkha Mongols had seen the power of Russian firearms and the ferocity of Russian Cossacks in combat. Therefore, some princes suggested to join the Russians for protection.However, there were still some princes and princesses who belonged to the Qing court, and the two sides could not resolve the dispute, so they asked Jebtsundamba to come forward to make a ruling.

Jebtsundamba, who escaped from Galdan because of the protection of the Qing court, was grateful to the Qing court, so he said at the meeting: "Russians don't believe in the teachings of Buddha, their customs are very different from ours, and their costumes are even more strange. The same race as the Mongols, the Qing Dynasty also believed in Buddhism, and the clothing of the Qing Dynasty was chic and beautiful like a fairy in the sky, and the clothes were beautiful, and there must be benevolence in the heart. Moreover, the Qing Dynasty was prosperous and prosperous, with inexhaustible treasures, more beautiful silks and satins, relying on them , life must be happy."

After the Aruel Sutai Conference, Taiji, the northernmost part of Khalkha Mongolia, chose to belong to Russia, and their Hubei territory was later Buryat Mongolia; Butsundamba's opinion surrendered to the Qing court, and he submitted a service form to Beijing that year.

Kangxi, who received Khalkha's Mongolian attachment, was too late to be happy, and the news of the fiasco in Fujian Haihai came like a scoop of cold water.

For this reason, Kangxi immediately held an imperial meeting. Prince An Yuele, Prince Yu Fuquan, Prince Gong Changning, Prince Jian Yabu, Prince Xinjun Eza and other nobles and nobles of the clan, as well as Mingzhu, Suo'etu, Tong Guowei, Zhang Ying, Zhang Ying, etc. Yu, Xiong Cilu and other Manchu and Han trustees all participated, and the crown prince Yinreng and the eldest son Yinti also attended.

At the beginning of the meeting, Kangxi asked straightforwardly: "Now that the southeast has suffered another defeat, the navy has been wiped out, and the northwest has been invaded by Galdan, what do you think the court should do?"

"Although Haini is strong at sea, after all, the population and force are not obvious, and there are thousands of roads from the southeast to Beijing, or a small trouble is not a big deal." Under the watchful eyes of Kangxi, the man who had just been carried from the Han army flag to the Manchuria Zhenghuang flag (Shunzhi) The youngest brother of Empress Xiaokangzhang, the father of the royal concubine Tong Jia who presided over the Kangxi harem, Tong Guowei, the minister who led the guards, and the minister of state affairs, first came out to speak. "Galdan haunts Mobei and threatens Monan and Kanto, and the interior of the Guan must be guarded against." Tong Guowei suggested. "The slave thought that he could continue to seal the border in the southeast, so he focused on dealing with the Zhungeers first."

"The servant thinks what Master Tong said is very true, Manchuria and Mongolia are related to the country." Suo'etu also echoed. "Zunger's desire is hard to fill. Once the whale swallows Khalkha, it will inevitably go south to Monan, or go out to copy Guanlong, but no matter which case is a serious problem in my confidant, it must be cut off as soon as possible." Suo'etu paused. "As for Haini, although 30 Qiongzhou people were plundered, the time was short and they were not organized into a neatly organized army. Therefore, although they were able to hold the sea to a standstill, they did not know that it was a serious disaster. Just be careful when they loot again. That's it."

"I think the words of Mr. Tong and Mr. Suo Ge are biased." Xiong Cilu, who has just returned to the Ministry of Rites, believes that Taiwan is a greater threat. "Kalka is just a place of vassals, but the disaster of Dongning is in Dingge." As soon as these words came out, Kangxi's face changed. "After Haini Zhu Qin succeeded to the throne, there were many actions that were clearly called out in the past. If he just sit back and watch Haini grow stronger, if there are traitors bewitching him, the chaos will affect the heart of the country. The emperor must investigate."

"The servant thinks that Haini and Zhungeer are both serious troubles for the imperial court, but the state's expenditure is limited, and the two prime ministers can only choose one of them to deal with." Mingzhu said slowly. "Looking at the southeast battle report, we can see that Haini takes the ocean as its frontier and runs across the sea. It is not something that our dynasty can easily control. The bow and horse held by Zhungeer are our dynasty's strengths. Its soldiers are not as good as ours, and its weapons are not as good as ours. It will definitely be able to fight. And if you win, you may be accepted as a vassal after the victory, or you may divide the land to repay Khalkha, and you will no longer be in trouble."

"Your Majesty, although the 20 troops from the three provinces have already gone to Sany, there are still more than [-] troops, and they can't attack, and there are more rules." Zhang Yu, then Han Shang of the Ministry of War, also echoed. "Moreover, many Green Banner soldiers have been transferred from Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Anhui, and Jiangsu for the more than [-] troops. If they are transferred again, these provinces will be empty. In contrast, in the north, Shaanxi, Jin There are many soldiers in Henan, Henan, Lu, and Zhili, so there is absolutely no problem with the northern transfer."

Hearing that most of the subordinates below proposed to go north first, Kangxi frowned slowly, and then looked at several clan princes.The old dragon Zhong Yuele bowed his head and said nothing, Fuquan and Changning looked around but didn't know what they were thinking, although Yabu and Eza and the others had the posture of Kangxi pointing and hitting, they had no desire to speak. He was silent like a cicada and did not dare to speak out easily.

So Kangxi asked by name: "Zhang Ying, what do you think?"

"I think Mr. Xiong's opinion is not bad," Zhang Ying, who entered the Nanfang as a scholar of the Wenhua Palace, also considered the factor of the dynasty's revolution. "Junger is a trouble for the outside world, but Haini is the trouble for the dynasty."

Hearing Zhang Ying's words, a smile appeared on the corner of Kangxi's mouth: "Hai Ni served the former Ming Zhengshuo, and he had the intention of retaking the country many times. I know this, but the navy has just been defeated, and the court is temporarily unable to deal with the southeast. It can be approved." You are the first, and then we will deal with Haini after the northern border is stabilized." For this reason, Kangxi instructed. "Suo'etu, you and the envoy of Eros must talk carefully, and don't let them support Galdan." Suo'etu received the order, and Kangxi said again. "The Ministry of War prepares soldiers and horses. In case Zhungeer invades again, it must be hit hard." Shangji Ertabu and Zhang Yu, the men of the Ministry of War, also responded. "As for Haini." Kangxi glanced in front of several clan relatives. "Jie vomits blood. It seems that I can't stay in Fuzhou anymore. Yabu, you go south to preside over the southeast war for me." Yabu also received the order, and Kangxi stood up and walked a few steps behind the case. "Hai adversity can build a large plywood ship, and I will also build a large plywood ship. I ordered the three provinces to rebuild the navy, so that the sea adversity must not be rampant."

Mingzhu's face suddenly collapsed. He didn't know how much it cost to build a large plywood ship, but the money to build a hundred ships was absolutely indispensable, and according to the Fuzhou side, there were twenty or thirty cannons on a plywood ship. One hundred ships equals two to three thousand cannons, and the amount of gunmetal is enough to bankrupt the Qing court.

Of course, Mingzheng knew that Kangxi was on the rise, so he couldn't dissuade him directly, so he said in a roundabout way: "Your Majesty, no one in the imperial court knows how to make a plywood ship."

"Let the three provinces figure out their own way." Before Kangxi could leave his mouth, he suddenly saw that Ming Zheng's eyes were wrong. He thought about it for a while and understood Ming Zhu's hint. That's right, there are dozens of cannons on this plywood boat. How can a sharp weapon be in the hands of the Han people (Han army flag). "Qin Tianjian dispatched a batch of Taixi priests to the Ministry of War to listen to them."

Kangxi thought that the missionaries of several Thai and Western missionaries were omnipotent, but Mingzhu meant more than that. Seeing that Kangxi ignored the hint, he had no choice but to jump out again: "I think that Taiwan is not the homeland of China. Forget it, it’s better to drive away wolves and tigers, use Dongning’s ownership as a bait, and encourage them to fight each other, and the court can reap their benefits without spending a single soldier or penny."

Kangxi raised his eyebrows. This was a disguised form of borrowing the help of his teacher to suppress the situation. According to his intentions, he would not agree to it, but considering that Mingzhu had already made it very clear that the court had no money, he would not comment on what to do against his will.But noncommittal is tacit consent, and his ministers who understand him share his worries for him.

However, Kangxi's mood was still not going well, so someone was unlucky: "Fu Kui lied about the results of the Qionghai battle, which led to the destruction of the navy in three provinces. His crime is unforgivable. Here, someone will be arrested and brought to Beijing for strict interrogation."

Fuquan blinked, Fu Kui was the admiral of the Guangdong Provincial Navy who only took his own way, so he would not be ashamed if he was released like this, so he hurriedly advised: "Your Majesty, Fu Kui Although Kui deserved his crimes, he was the only one who was able to lead his troops out of the hands of Hainigu in the First Battle of Minhai, which shows his ability. As the saying goes, the flaws do not conceal the advantages, and the court knew that there were not many naval battles, so it allowed him to serve in the army in order to atone for his crimes."

"Yes?" Kangxi sneered. "Using lowered sails to surrender to hide from Hai Ni, who is determined to pursue him, how dare I use such a capable general."

As soon as these words came out, the window paper that was originally concealed was completely pierced, and the officials all understood that the holy king who had canceled the former Ming Thirteen Division in name was actually still using the old trick of spy politics, but he understood that So what, now that the imperial power of the Qing Dynasty is supreme, no one can stop Kangxi's actions, and no one will risk their lives to persuade Kangxi to cancel the spy surveillance.

The imperial meeting was over, and several courtiers went out in twos and threes. Only Mingzhu, who fell at the end, turned around and asked to see Kangxi. Qie's voice reported: "Your Majesty, the deposits of the Household Department, Taipu Temple, and Taichang Temple are less than one million taels. If we go to war against Zhungeer before the summer tax next year, I'm afraid we won't even be able to prepare the horse supplies."

Kangxi's eyes widened immediately, and he heard Mingzhu explain: "The military expenditure of the three provinces has already accounted for a quarter of the annual budget, and the cost of repairing the river is also as high as several trillion each year (note: one hundred thousand is used here. more importantly, the silk, raw tea, and porcelain from Jiangsu and Zhejiang were all blocked on the shore by the sea, and there was no entry or exit.”

Kangxi squinted his eyes and looked at Mingzhu who was silent: "Do you have any rules for solving it?"

Mingzhu gritted her teeth and said: "The current plan is to expand the floating income of grain in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hubei, Hunan, Henan, and Shandong to Sichuan, Jiangxi, Shanxi, and Zhili, and then increase the amount of floating income to Five cents (5%) may give you an extra 200 million shi of rice and the equivalent of silver taels, but this is not urgent, and we must not start a war with Zhungeer before June next year."

"I see." Kangxi nodded displeased. "I will arrange the war. As for the hole in the household department." Kangxi reached out and pressed Mingzhu's shoulder. "Just suffer my people for a few years"

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