"My lord, Uncle Wuping's mansion has reported that Uncle Wuping is dying." Jin Shijiu was standing behind Zheng Kezang with a whisk in his hand and reported in a low voice. "The Imperial Hospital also reported that Uncle Wu Ping's medicine stone would not enter, and time is running out." Jin Shijiu said while stealing eyes at the calm Zheng Kezang. "The Liu residence asks the Lord to reward you with a grace."

"Grace?" Zheng Kezang closed the text in his hand, curled his lips in disdain. "It's easy to reward a kindness, but how can I explain to the dead soldiers in Penghu?" Zheng Kezang ordered in disgust. "Decree Hong Gongzhu to visit on behalf of Gu."

Logically speaking, as Liu Guoxuan's Tuogu minister, even if Zheng Kezang himself didn't go, he should have sent Hong Lei or Ke Pingping to the government. However, Zheng Kezang only arranged for a colleague from the Military Academy. If it does not meet the due specifications, it can be seen how much Zheng Kezang dislikes Liu Guoxuan, but he has to cover it up a little bit because he was a hero in the army.

Jin Shijiu responded, and then asked Zheng Kezang for instructions: "Last year, the year before last, and the year before last, there were eight prisoners in Anping City who were either raised in the temple or brought back for their families because of their old age. The slaves asked the master when to introduce new ones. The fire enters the city."

"Does Dongning still have private affairs now?" Zheng Kezang asked rhetorically. "Is there someone in the minister's house who used fire privately?"

"Minister Bohou and the former Ming clan still have some people who keep fire, but most of them were recruited in the early years, and now they are not so private." Jin Shijiu's answer is somewhat slippery, but seeing that Zheng Kezang did not pursue it He continued on. "It's just that the slaves think that it's wrong to use more Kunlun slaves in Anping City."

"Then ask Yinggui Liyi to buy a few young Kunlun slaves under the age of ten to castrate." Zheng Kezang responded disapprovingly, but his face became serious the next moment. "Gu will tell you again, if you want to enter the fire, Gu can let you go, but if someone castrates the children of the Han family again, don't blame Gu for not predicting."

"So it's Tao'an." Liu Guoxuan, who had been unconscious for several days, miraculously woke up when Hong Gongzhu visited. "Now the old lady hates dogs, Tao An can come to visit without avoiding suspicion, I am really grateful."

Seeing Liu Guoxuan's dark face suddenly turned strangely rosy, Hong Gongzhu understood that the other party had reached the last step of returning to the light, so he hurriedly comforted him: "Uncle Wu Ping is the elder of the clan, from the master to the common people. I am very concerned about Wu Pingbo's condition, and now I see that he is recovering, please let Wu Pingbo rest in peace."

"Excellent? Tao An doesn't need to comfort the old man." Liu Guoxuan shook his head slightly. "I'm afraid I won't be able to survive tonight." Speaking of this, Liu Guoxuan looked at his sons who were weeping inwardly. "Your minister has to die. The lord has refused to forgive the old minister so far. The minister has nothing to hope for, but there are still a few heirs who can rest assured of his subordinates. Therefore, at the end of the day, I beg Master Hong to pass it on to the lord. There is no need to arrange for the succession of the title. Let them do farming at home and live in peace."

"This?" Hong Gongzhu was quite troubled. He was Chen Xianqiao's cousin, so he naturally knew Zheng Kezang's attitude towards Liu Guoxuan, but Liu Guoxuan, who was about to die, spoke so earnestly, and he couldn't get rid of his feelings for his colleagues in the Japanese army. In the face, I had no choice but to avoid the important and take the light. "Wu Pingbo don't worry, these words will be relayed to the Lord."

"In this way, the old man will feel relieved when he goes." After finishing speaking, Liu Guoxuan just turned his head to explain a few words to his sons, when he suddenly let out a heart-piercing coughing sound, and his sons hurriedly pushed aside and stood in front of the bed Hong Gongzhu, who was touching his chest, who was touching his chest, who was knocking his back, who was delivering medicine, who was holding a handkerchief, but everything was useless. Liu Guoxuan spit out a few mouthfuls of rancid blood, and then his neck tilted The whole person withered

On the second day of December in the 41st year of Yongli, Ming Wu Pingbo Liu Guoxuan vomited blood and died. Zheng Kezang bestowed the posthumous title "Zhuang (Wu Bu Sui said Zhuang)", but the officials tried their best to persuade him, so he later changed his posthumous title to "Wu Jing", and according to Liu Guoxuan’s last wish was to abolish the Earl of Wuping, so Liu Guoxuan’s clan, who was once powerful in the Zheng army, faded out of Dongning’s military and political business.

In the 26th year of Kangxi, there was a long drought in Fenyi and other places in Jiangxi Province, and the Qing government ordered the reduction of taxes in the disaster-stricken areas.However, due to the huge cost of conquering Taiwan, Wang Zhi, the governor of Jiangxi at the time, issued an edict to reduce taxes, so the following states and counties followed suit. In addition to the regular tax and floating income, additional miscellaneous taxes such as rice and flour consumption, insects, rats and sparrows were charged, which forced the people in western Jiangxi to break up and die.

In the 27th year of Kangxi, there were heavy rains in the west and south of Jiangxi, but the Qing government still did not provide compensation, so a civil uprising was brewing.At the end of the year, after the news that the Qing government failed in its conquest of Dongning and tens of thousands of green battalions in central Jiangxi were killed at the bottom of the sea, a large-scale uprising first broke out in Shanggao, and soon spread throughout western Jiangxi.Nanchang Li Meiyu, Yuan Da and other tycoons also echoed each other, and the tenants in Ningdu also took advantage of this to resist the rent, and they were called "tenant soldiers".

On December [-]th, the rebel army in western Ganxi captured Linjiang Mansion and approached the outskirts of Nanchang. Song, a general of the rebel army, pretended to be "the third prince of Zhu" and established himself as the supervisor of the Ming Dynasty. "The banner completely alarmed the entire Jiangxi officialdom.Governor Qian Jue of Jiangxi mobilized green camps from across the province to suppress them. However, most of the green camps in Jiangxi Province had been transferred to Fujian, and the remaining troops were scattered throughout the province. It was difficult to assemble. Qian Jue had to ask Beijing and Jiangning for help.

Dong Na, the governor of Liangjiang, dispatched Anhui and Jiangsu Lvying to rush to Jiangxi. Kangxi also urgently ordered Bahunde, the governor of Zhenghuang Banner, to preside over the suppression of Jiangxi and dispatched troops from neighboring provinces such as Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, and Fujian to Jiangxi.And just when the Qing court dispatched troops and generals, the Ganxi rebels successively captured Shanggao County, Ruizhou Prefecture, Fengcheng County and other places, which shocked the provincial capital Nanchang three times a day.

However, the Ganxi Rebel Army made a fatal mistake at this time. Due to the limited attack capability of the rebel army shortly after training, several times they stormed prefectures and counties with heavy losses. The Qing army was able to firmly grasp the bridgehead of Nanchang, and then continuously introduced reinforcements, so that the rebel army finally failed.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and although all the young and old have been resettled on Taiwan Island, only a few men are left in the Zhoushan team camp on Sijiao Island, which is also very lively with lights and festoons.More than a dozen captains who were usually scattered around cruising and cruising all returned to the island at this moment. The leading captains sat in the main hall of the inner hall, and a group of sailors worked in the side room, punching and eating wine. The atmosphere was equally enthusiastic.

After drinking for three rounds, some people chatted about the performance of the Fubo Fleet across the Zhejiang Sea not long ago. When it came to excitement, the captain who had been on board and led the way exclaimed: "You son of a bitch, the guns at that meeting were like It doesn’t cost money, and dozens of cannons are fired, no wonder the Zhejiang Provincial Navy can’t stop it, if we also have such ships and such cannons, we can’t go anywhere in the world.”

"Didn't the big guy say the same when I got the Fuchuan and Guangzhou Ship from Dongning just now?" Liu Ling sneered with her mouth curled up. "But what about this soft-sail gunboat? There are only forty or so gunboats like this in Dongning. The cost of one is at least 9000 taels of silver, and the cannons on board are not worth 5000 taels. , tell me, why should they give you one."

"Yeah, even though we belong to Dongning now, we are from a foreign family after all." Liu Ling's distant uncle Liu Junpeng (recommended by friend manson2003) grinned his big yellow teeth and said. "It's not easy to have the current ship cannon, so don't wishful thinking."

"It's not right for me to hear these words." Lin Lubin, who was a military supervisor, was entertaining Zhou Yunlong, who came with Zheng Kezang's order to express his condolences, with Fang Xipeng. In the name of receiving a toast, they gave the two a chance to be alone, but they never expected to hear the complaints of several captains. "It's easy to get a soft-sail plywood boat. If I submit a report, there are not many boats with a price of three thousand, but there are plenty of boats with a price of less than a thousand. But if the boat is given to you, you must be able to handle it."

"Isn't a soft sail boat also a boat?" Fang Yunchun muttered beside him, but the voice was not soft, and almost everyone in the room could hear it. "As long as Dongning is willing to give it, I really don't believe I can't use this boat."

Regarding Fang Yunchun's words, Lin Lubin did not answer directly, but turned around and asked Liu Ling: "Liu Zhongwu, isn't your brother Liu Xiang studying in the Naval Academy now? He didn't write to you about the boat operation? "

Liu Ling blushed: "My younger brother has a few letters from home, but he can't read a few big characters, and the words in the letters are upside down and vague. I still don't understand what this kid learned in the Naval Academy. "

As soon as Liu Ling finished speaking, someone beside him revealed playfully, "Liu Shi, it could be that you are illiterate."

The whole room roared with laughter, and after laughing, Lin Lubin explained again sincerely: "According to the rules set by the Lord, children who graduated from Xiaowu School have to serve as handymen on the ship for two years before they can enter the Naval Academy. The Keelung team is learning how to operate a ship while studying the art of war. It will take a full three years before they can be assigned to the soft sail boat as a ninth-rank Jinyi lieutenant. Think, if you are promoted according to the order of seniority, how many years will it take to get such a soft sailing boat." Everyone in the Zhoushan team calculated slightly, and suddenly took a breath of air. "Why is this so, among other things, there is one thing first, that is, soft sailboats are completely different from our hard sailboats in handling, as for sea formation, shelling, tackling and other skills, they are still behind , which is why I can’t get the boat until now, because it’s not qualified.”

"Brother, you understand." Zhou Yunlong smiled at Fang Xipeng after listening to Lin Lubin's explanation through the screen. "The soft sailing boat is also a treasure in Dongning, and it will not be dispatched to Zhoushan, a dangerous place, for a while."

"I'm also afraid that Dongning will kill the donkey." Fang Xipeng sighed. "If there is a day, second child, you should find a way to help the old brother."

"That's natural." Zhou Yunlong refilled the wine for himself and Fang Xipeng. "But brother, Zhang Guogong has already made it very clear that as long as we make troubles along the coast of Zhejiang, he will remember the credit, and I think so, if the Zhoushan team can expand to three thousand or five thousand, there will be This weight is there, even if Dongning kills the donkey in the end, he still has to pay a good price."

"You mean, take advantage of the air raids on the coast and go ashore to recruit troops?"


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