On the 41th day of the twelfth lunar month in the [-]st year of the Yongli calendar, when the people of Guangnan were preparing to celebrate the New Year in accordance with Chinese customs, Tang Shenzhi, the new commander of the Annan Squadron, led six [-]-material iron-frame gunboats including the Taishan to carry more than a thousand yellow and emaciated The former miners arrived at the Jinlan Governor's Mansion.After unloading the captives of the Qing army who had been demoted to slavery after the Dongning Defense War, Tang Shenzhi immediately took Cai Tong and the [-] Jinlan defenders to Hoi An, a major trading town in southern Guangxi.

The strength of the Guangnan Navy is weak, and there are only a few patrol boats of five or six hundred materials in total. In addition, it is the end of the year, and the Guangnan Navy did not expect the enemy to appear at all, so when they saw Zheng Jun At one time, the gun boat was mistaken for a merchant ship that came to trade with Thailand and the West early. They thought they would have a good year and happily came to collect taxes, but they were bombarded into the bottom of the sea by Zheng Jun's cannons.

The rumble of cannons shocked Hoi An, who had never experienced war before, but then more than 700 Zheng troops, including the sailors of various ships, broke into the town with murderous intent, which made them understand that the war had suddenly descended on the city. .

The Guangnan Ruan Lord set up a "Gusi" in Hoi An as a foreign trade management agency. "Da Nan Shi Lu" said: "At the beginning of the country, the tax on merchant ships was extended from Hue to Guangnan. , the chief of the department is one member of the department and one of the Zhiguan; two members of the book department, the government department, the recording department, and the guard department, six people in the department, 30 Lingshi, fifty Tongrui soldiers, and another in the department (that is, the soldiers) [-] in the fourth team, and [-] in general.

Since Guangnan's garrison in Hoi An was only more than 120 troops, Zheng Jun's attack did not encounter effective resistance at all. It took half an hour to land and attack, and the whole city fell into Zheng Jun's control.Afterwards, Zheng Jun methodically opened the government offices and warehouses, drove the local people to transport goods for them, and dragged in artillery to blast open the gates of the Portuguese and Dutch trading houses, arresting [-] people left behind in the two trading houses and capturing quite a few people. amount of property.

Only the French business house that has a good relationship with Dongning was saved from the fire because of the ransom. They plundered wantonly and killed dozens of local people and Chinese businessmen before being dispersed by Zheng Jun.

After occupying Hoi An for a whole day, Zheng Jun brought gold and silver coins worth tens of thousands of guan, ebony, mahogany, musk, cinnamon, indigo, gemstones, tortoiseshell, rosewood, sugar, lead, ivory, rhino horn, paper, shochu A large number of materials such as , sea cucumber, bird's nest, gunpowder, firecrackers and Western utensils were withdrawn to Jinlan.

On the fifth day after the war, the French business house decided to withdraw after the Chinese New Year. In addition, some Chinese businessmen left Hoi An with the ship. The economy of Hoi An, which was originally affected by the undecided coastal war in China, is now even worse. Although it will not be a complete setback, it is not something that can be achieved in a year or two to return to the past.

The dilapidated tragedy of Hoi An soon spread to Hue. Nguyen Phuc Qin was shocked. Fearing that the Zheng army might attack the towns along the coast of Guangnan and that the northern Zheng family would take the opportunity to go south, he had to send Jin Lan to try to talk to Cai Tong, Tang Shenzhi reached a settlement

"It's simply disgusting." Due to being squeezed out by the Portuguese, the business exchanges between the Netherlands and Guangnan were not very frequent. When we arrived in Batavia, it was already mid-February in 1889 in the Western calendar. "This is another humiliation to the company, and we must take revenge!" Governor of Batavia Johannes Kempya (Phuys) swore to the commentators and some senior trade officers around him. "We must teach the arrogant Zheng family a lesson in blood."

"Your Excellency, Governor, we are not here to listen to Your Excellency's speech." A high-ranking councilor looked at the red-faced Governor coldly. "We want to know, what is the governor's so-called lesson of blood?"

"The Qing Dynasty of the Tatars has expressed its willingness to return Dayuan and Penghu to the company." The governor said so, and in his opinion this is part of his political achievements. "We can wage war and take back what we have lost."

The governor's words caused booing, and another commentator asked: "Your Excellency, how many warships and soldiers are you planning to organize to reconquer the officials? How much money will the company and us personally pay as military expenses?" ?”

Governor Johannes Kempua explained in a confident tone: "The company plans to use two ninety-gun battleships, four sixty-gun cruisers, six forty-gun armed merchant ships, four small notification ships, and indigenous soldiers. The 150-strong army, as for the military expenditure, I personally expect to need [-] million dong."

There was an uproar in the room. After whispering for a while, several judges suddenly objected loudly: "Your Excellency, I think you are crazy. Your Excellency is no better than Ma Dalan and Ma Chen. Just twelve warships want to conquer you." , This is simply a dream, don't you know that in the just-concluded war between the Tatars and the Daguan, the Dazhuan dispatched more than a hundred brigs and three-masted warships, and only then did they wipe out more than eight Hundreds of junk ships. As for the [-] army, they are not even one-tenth of their opponents, and you are preparing to shake the company's rule in the East India."

"The Tartars are not to be trusted," roared another judge. "What happened to the Portuguese has already explained the problem. The Tatars just want to use our warships to draw chestnuts for them. Afterwards, they must, absolutely, and will definitely tear up the agreement. No, they can't invest money for nothing in wars without returns. .”

"What do you mean, gentlemen?" The governor did not expect such a loud wave of opposition, and when he had no choice, he decided to kick the ball at the feet of these reviewers. "Don't we have any reaction to the Hoi An incident? In this way, what reputation does the company have in Asia? If the Zheng family takes similar actions against the company in the future, how can we protect the company and everyone?" property security?"

"For the Hoi An and Vostok incidents, we must take revenge." After a moment of silence, a commentator stood up. "But we don't want to have a full-scale conflict with the Zheng family. This premise must be clear." The judge continued. "Before we didn't understand the reality that the Zheng family had a colony in the Guangnan area, but now the Hoi An incident gave us the best chance." The commentator suggested. "Block Cam Ranh Bay and attack Cam Ranh Bay."

The sound of echoing suddenly rose, and the hall was filled with the sound of attacking Jinlan, but another commentator said sarcastically from the seat: "Attack Jinlan Bay? If the Zheng family refuses to give up and gather an army to take revenge again, Wouldn't it be counterproductive to have a full-scale conflict with the Zheng family?"

"Then what do you mean?" the commentator who proposed to attack Cam Ranh Bay asked back. "Is there nothing to do?"

"No, I mean to blockade Jinlan Bay and destroy several warships deployed by the Zheng family in Guangnan at sea." The commentator sneered. "Just give the Zheng family a warning and let them know that the company has no bottom line. I believe that the senior officials who are still facing the threat of the Tatars will look at our relationship rationally, and there is an advantage in blocking Cam Ranh Bay. It only takes two Three cruisers with 150 guns are enough, there is no need to dispatch [-] gun battleships, nor need to dispatch more armed merchant ships, let alone dispatch the army, and the military expenditure does not need to be as much as [-] million."

"It makes sense." The reviewers and senior trade officials cheered again for the reviewer's words. "Block Cam Ranh Bay, destroy the Guangnan Fleet, long live the company"

"My lord, apart from the [-] mine slaves who have already been sent to Jinlan and Chaowu, how do we deal with the [-] released mine slaves?"

After the destruction of the navy of the three provinces, a total of 110 and seven warships and transport ships were surrendered or captured, and a total of more than 4000 Qing army officers and soldiers became prisoners of Ming Zheng. With these new prisoners, Zheng Kezang was ordered to Yantiesi replaced the original batch of Qing army captives who were used as mining slaves and road construction teams. Some of them were promoted to mining slave heads, and some were transferred to plantations where the work was relatively easy. Only the best [-] people were pardoned. For the people.However, for these people, Zheng Kezang did not plan to settle in Dongning to increase the ratio of men to women, so he had to send them to the colony for colonization.

"Send three hundred to Chen Long." Compared with the two capital governors of Jinlan and Xiboni directly under it, the support of the Labuan Marquis, which is a bit more fettered, is relatively limited. "Transfer [-] to Seogwipo, and ask Anlong to find a way to marry them, so that they will serve as the households of the feudal clan in Jeju. As for the remaining [-], they will be handed over to Ma Yuan for the labor of the governor's office in Ezo. "

Listening to Zheng Kezang's order, Yan Gang, the chief of the police department, was a little puzzled: "Master, how are the miners sent to Yezo land counted as household registration? Are they counted as village households, military households, or slave households?" identity?"

"For the time being, it's a military station." Zheng Kezang made the final decision. "After the Ezo land expands in the future, it will be converted into a villager."

Yan Gang took the order to leave, and Zheng Kezang called Ying Tainong afterwards: "Did Lu Xuefang explain to you?"

"Return to the Lord, Lord Lu has already explained it." Although Ying Tainong was a little reluctant, it was Zheng Kezang's intention after all, and he couldn't refuse easily. "The lord arranged for the minister to preside over the operation of the Fangsi in North Korea, Japan and Liaodong. This is the trust of the minister. The minister must live up to the entrustment of the master."

"Don't you feel wronged?" Zheng Kezang stared at Ying Tanong's eyes, but Ying Tanong subconsciously avoided, so Zheng Kezang thumped his chest. "It's normal to feel wronged, but you have to understand that this clan must not shrink back on the island and compete with the Qing captives for national strength. Letting you out is just for the future war."

"I understand." Ying Tainong replied solemnly, his demeanor at this time was by no means comparable to that of a moment ago. "I still say the same thing, I must live up to the entrustment of the Lord, watch over the court and the sun, and spread my eyes and ears to Liaodong, Zhili, and Shandong."

"It's good that you have an idea." Zheng Kezang chuckled with satisfaction. "This trip can be said to be self-made. In this way, I will give you a promise. If you can take over [-] of the old tribes of the San Francisco, regardless of men, women, old and weak, you will be promoted to your two ranks alone. If you can take over [-] or you can establish a An anti-Qing military force will not spare the earl's reward." Ying Tanong paused heavily, Zheng Kezang's words had actually pointed out the future mission of the staff in the north, and he definitely understood what he should do. "In addition, Mayuan's Ezodi Shipyard is the top priority of this feudal domain. The only thing that would rather be destroyed than leave it to the Japanese or Qing captives"

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