Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

239. Conflict between Zheng and He

I don't know how many mountains and rivers I have crossed, I only know that I am always heading towards the place where the sun rises in the east. Until one day I finally saw that touch of blue that is always worth remembering.

"We're at the beach." Looking down at the boats drifting in the harbor, everyone showed a hint of relief on their faces. Although most of the people present didn't know how long the boat would take to reach their final destination, the big guy They all understand that from then on, all nightmares will disappear from life. "Really saved."

"You, what are you doing?" When everyone was rejoicing that their life had taken a turn, they heard Zheng Jun, the leader of the team, shouting in shock. The woman who survived, Zhou, laughed wildly and smashed the child in her arms on the rocks. "Are you crazy?"

Looking at the dead body of the child whose head had been deformed, Mrs. Zhou restrained her horrific smile just now, bowed down as if thanking the two Zheng Jun who led the team, and then slammed into the big pine tree next to her. But he was stopped by the prepared Zheng Jun, and then he was knocked out with a knife in his hand.

"This child was recruited by the Zhou family," a woman who was rescued together with the Zhou family explained to everyone in a low voice. "In order to take over the Zhou family, I participated in the leadership of the man who tortured the Zhou family to death, and said that he wanted to take good care of the son in front of the Zhou family, but in a blink of an eye he was used as a bait for hunting wolves."

"That can't kill one's own child," commented those who didn't understand. "Tiger poison doesn't even eat babies."

Zheng Jun, who stopped the Zhou family, gave a very high evaluation after hearing this: "What a strong woman, she has endured a little revenge so far, a good woman, a strange woman, will not be without a good place in the future. "

Including Ma Mingpeng and Xu Wenlun, more than [-] former members of the San Francisco Department were still thinking about the intention of this Zheng Jun's words, but they were quickly urged to go on the road, so a group of people crossed the trail and gradually walked towards their new life.

Looking at the gradually enlarged land, Ma Mingpeng's face became more and more suspicious: "This is not Dongning!"

"Of course not Dongning, this is Ezodi." The sailor who heard him responded in Cantonese. "If there are no accidents, you will live here. If you want to take root, you must hurry up." The sailor winked at the inner cabin. "There is a severe shortage of women in this place, so don't just guard Baoshan and be preempted by others."

"Ezodi?" Ma Mingpeng nodded softly chewing on this strange name. "Understood, fortunately no matter where you are, as long as you live"

On the seventh day of August in the 42nd year of the Yongli calendar, a group of Dutch warships arrived at the mouth of the Datian River (Note: Kapuas River sungaikapuas), and immediately 250 authentic Dutch officers and soldiers, [-] German mercenaries, and [-] soldiers from Java and Sumatra The native soldiers landed on the fertile impact plain one after another.

After traveling along the river for several hours, the group of colonists found a channel made of cement. Following the drainage channel, they quickly found a large planting area, where rice fields and sweet potatoes were scattered. As well as peppers, carrots, cabbage, eggplants, cucumbers, lettuce, ginger and other vegetables that I don’t know.However, what excited the group of uninvited guests even more was that a gray castle appeared at the far end of the plantation area.

"This place is nice. It reminds me of my hometown on the Oder River." A Germanic sergeant ravaged immature tomatoes while marching, and at the same time talked about the difference between Chinese and natives regardless of a group of native soldiers beside him. . "Chinese gardening is indeed much better than those monkeys."

"That's right, if the company really seizes the right to rule this area, I hope to get 100 Morgan (Note: 1 Morgan is about 025~034 hectares) of manor as a reward." Another German mercenaries have such extravagant hopes. "Then I would hire Chinese to farm for me."

While discussing, the robbers struggled to drag the cannon across the wet and slippery ridge of the paddy field, and appeared in front of the outer wall of Chaowu Fort without any restraint.Looking at the gates of the walled city, the hungry and thirsty Dutch decided to give courtesy first and then soldiers.

"Surrender? Hand over the city? Hongyi is easy to calculate." Seeing the ultimatum handed over by an envoy, Tian Chao smiled coldly. "The last time the Porberians invaded, they were extremely arrogant. Where is the country now?"

"Your Excellency, please recognize the difference between the United East India Company and the native Sultan."

"Chunqiu Wuyi fights, since you are a bitch, why do you want to build an archway." Tian Chao sneered. "Go back, if it wasn't for the fact that the two countries are not beheaded at war, believe it or not, I will behead you first."

The embarrassing messenger ran back, and soon the Dutch six-pound guns rang out. However, just as Zheng Jun's two-and-a-half-inch guns and three-inch guns were unable to knock down the weak city defense of Changguo, the projectiles fired by the Dutch Hitting it on a stone wall made of cement concrete will only form a shallow pit at best.

"Damn Chinese," the Dutch major who led the team couldn't help cursing when he saw this scene. "No wonder he has the confidence to reject the company's ultimatum." He looked at the senior trade officer beside him who was also disappointed. "Your Excellency, the opponent's city wall is so strong, in order to avoid losses during the siege, I suggest a long-term siege"

The Dutch wanted to carry out a long-term siege, but how could Tian Chao allow the opponent's purpose to succeed? Among other things, the crops that were about to be harvested in the field were one of the best reasons.Therefore, Tian Chao, who allowed the other party to set up a camp at the gate of the village, sent troops to sneak out of the village after three days of siege.

It sounds like a myth, isn't the other party already besieging the city?How could Zheng Jun be allowed to sneak out again?In fact, it is not difficult for people who are on the scene to understand, because there were no moats for besieging cities in this era, and the combat habits in Europe at that time were to seldom attack cities. Zheng Jun didn't even need to hang from the top of the city, he could attack grandiosely by opening the gate of the village.

It was night, and the drunken Dutch and German mercenaries fell asleep after killing some meat bread. Without the scolding of these masters, the native soldiers who filled their stomachs with a little leftovers soon followed Falling into a dreamland, only the blood-sucking mosquitoes were still flying actively, and no one was aware of Zheng Jun's possible attack.

Because the natives I encountered during the previous campaign were unable to organize and carry out night raids, and because the so-called battlefield moral code of the knight era in European combat games at this time still remains, I didn't realize that my camp would be attacked at all. The Dutch quickly learned how undefended they were.

Speaking of which, the steel knife in Zheng Jun's hand is actually not conducive to cutting off the opponent's neck silently. However, Zheng Jun, who penetrated into the Dutch camp, only saw the opponent who had fallen asleep in a mess, so he occasionally used a little force, splashing, and shooting. There was a little more blood, but there was no hindrance for the time being.

But the strong bloody smell quickly aroused the vigilance of the gun dogs (Stubby howling dogs) brought by the commander of the Dutch army, and the barking dogs woke up the sleeping soldiers.But the drowsy-eyed Dutch, German mercenaries, and the native soldiers hadn't fully woken up before the smell of burning came over.

on fire?No, this is Zheng Jun setting the fire.In front of the blazing "bonfire", the Dutch army, who was not yet fully dressed, was quickly exposed to the bright environment, and was shot by Zheng Jun in an organized volley.The Dutch army caught off guard suddenly became confused. At this time, Zheng Jun took advantage of the situation to cover up and kill, forcing the native soldiers who were not strong enough to fight to collapse first.

The so-called defeat of the army, the collapse of the native soldiers affected the entire Dutch army, and the burnt Dutch soldiers and German mercenaries also fled in all directions.The unrelenting Zheng Jun took advantage of the victory and pursued, and the sound of killing resounded throughout the field.

After chasing until dawn, the disarmed Dutch army retreated to the landing point one after another, until they saw the warship escorting them ashore, these panicked defeated soldiers managed to keep their footsteps.At this time, after a little counting, everyone's face collapsed.No, the army of 1300 people when it first landed, now there are only more than 500 people left. If the native soldiers die, they will die, but there are more than 80 people, including senior merchants and majors of the Dutch army. The loss of Dutch soldiers and 150 German mercenaries is unacceptable in any case.

"Damn it, the Zheng family actually disregarded the norms of civilized people's war and appeared in the middle of the night like a devil. This shameful and despicable behavior must not be forgiven." The missing or sacrificed majors and senior merchants do not need to bear any responsibility. Therefore, Batavia's blame will inevitably fall on the successor's head, and someone who has suffered an innocent disaster is furious because of this. "Immediately apply for reinforcements from Batavia, and be sure to completely wipe out this colony of the Zheng family."

"Captain Louis, in my opinion, apart from applying for reinforcements from Batavia, the most important thing is to immediately search for the survivors and ask the Zheng family to redeem the captives." Another captain put forward his proposal in a mature and prudent manner. "Otherwise it's hard to imagine how our people will be tortured."

"Redempting the prisoners, yes, this is very important." Captain Louis nodded. "But if the other party proposes that the prerequisite for the release of prisoners of war is an armistice, dear Ender Weaver, how can we report to Batavia?"

"A long-term truce is obviously impossible, and Batavia will never agree." Captain Ander Weaver touched his beautiful mustache. "But it is worthwhile to use a short-term truce in exchange for our people. Besides, it will be the rainy season in November, and we can't do much except for the naval blockade."

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