"Hong Yi betrayed his promise, and now he is blocked at the mouth of the Datian River, and even Captain Fang's ship Daishan has been detained."

Sure enough, Tian Chao negotiated with the Dutch envoys on the condition of an armistice. After the two parties negotiated, the Dutch agreed not to invade Chaowubao and Mingzheng's Xiboni colony within two years, and Tian Chao returned the release of 57 captured prisoners. Dutch, German wounded soldiers.But before the ink on the agreement was dry, the Dutch blocked the mouth of the Daejeon River on the grounds that the truce was limited to the inland, which caused the West Boni Governor's Mansion to suffer a big dumb loss.

"Hongyi offered 550 taels as the price for releasing the crew." Zhuge Fengye continued, but he was actually wrong. The Dutch asked for 550 taels, and 1 taler will only be available in the Leipzig currency agreement next year. It was established as a silver coin weighing 259 grams, which is quite different from the 369 grams of one tael in Taiwan today. "Although the amount of money is not much, the goods on board the ship are not included in the return list." Hearing this, the people below talked a lot. Now Xibo Ni is barely self-sufficient in food, but the cotton cloth and dyes needed Groceries such as needles and threads still need to be purchased from outsiders. The Dutch blockade is equivalent to blocking the source of these goods, so why don't the people present worry about it. "But more importantly, there will be a fleet of gunpowder, cement and other supplies arriving in Dongning before the rainy season."

"Captain, you can't sit still and wait for death." Chang Yong, who was promoted to the first sentry officer of Chaowu Castle two months ago, immediately jumped up. "We must find a way to get rid of Hongyi's big ship, otherwise, the loss will be too great."

"Get rid of the Hongyi boat? What are you doing?" Jiang Tao, who was also promoted to the second sentry officer two months ago, shook his head like a rattle. "People's ships are cruising overseas day and night, and we don't even have to use the Daishan to fight recklessly."

"Master Jiang is right. Even if we can use arson boats to drive away Hongyi, we don't have so many boats, and we don't have so many sailors." Artillery team leader Jiang Binjun (recommended by friend manson in 2003) echoed Jiang Tao's words. "This is the third one. Once the attack is made, Hongyi will be given an excuse to tear up the agreement. When the time comes, Hongyi who makes a comeback may not be as easy to deal with as the first time."

"Bah!" Cao Yi, the knife and shield sentry officer, spat on the ground. "You are afraid that Hongyi will tear up the agreement, but Hongyi hasn't broken the agreement now? The other party can do the first grade of junior high school, why can't we do the fifteenth grade? It's easy to do without a boat, and the raft is ready. There are not enough sailors. Then As far as it goes, anyone who knows how to swim will go.”

Hearing Cao Yi's fierce tone, Tian Chao glared: "Xiboni only has this manpower, so we must not act on our will."

Tian Chao was still preparing to say something, when suddenly a deputy lieutenant from Bapin Baoyi ran in with a happy face and whispered something to him, Tian Chao's eyes lit up: "Good news, He Zhichao's ship is back. "

Everyone laughed and cursed at once, and Gong Changming, who was promoted to the supervisor of Bu Yi Sen, proposed to go out of the city to have a look, so the group of people all ran to the small pier near the river in the north of the city.When we arrived at the trestle bridge, we saw He Zhichao's [-]-material double-sail boat [Western Wind] leaning safely on the trestle bridge, and the cheerful soldiers frequently carried wooden barrels down one by one.

Cao Yi rushed onto the boat and dragged He Zhichao, who was gesticulating, to the shore. Tian Chao asked bluntly, "Old He, how did you slip in under Hong Yi's nose?"

"Who am I, why do I still need to slip?" He Zhichao murmured, but seeing seven or eight pairs of eyes looking at him unkindly, he quickly surrendered. "Don't, don't, what kind of eyes are there, it makes people panic, okay, okay, okay, I said, I said it's okay." He Zhichao led them to a secluded grove, stretched out his hand and broke the roots. The branch drew a sketch on the ground. "I saw the Dutchman's boat swaying not far from the seaport. Knowing that it was not good, I drove directly to the shallows on the shore. The Dutchman was afraid that they would not catch up. I found a river mouth in the south and opened it. Come in."

"You mean, the rivers here are actually all connected." Tian Chao's eyes widened. "Old He, everyone said you were lucky. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. The waterways in these seventeen or eight bays can be connected in one go. How can you tell me how you are? It's really shit. transport."

"Bullshit, what shit luck, I'll find out on my own." He Zhichao swears dissatisfied. "During the rainy season, you haven't seen that I often go out in the pouring rain. At that time, not to mention a single waterway, all the waterways with a radius of thousands of miles were accessible. It's just that the water is shallow in the dry season, and only a few can still pass."

"Okay, you are a meritorious official. I'll go up and ask for credit for you. I'll let the lord add an official to you." Tian Chao hurriedly comforted the angry He Zhichao, and at the same time stretched out his foot to give the sketch on the mud floor to him. Smoothed it out, and then asked seriously when He Zhichao's face slowed down. "By the way, since the waterway is open, can Hongyi's big ship come in?"

"Maybe it's okay in the rainy season, but right now, even Fang Boy's Daishan is a bit difficult."

Zhuge Fengye on the side heard this, and immediately explained to He Zhichao: "Old He, I know you just came back from the boat, and I'm afraid you are very tired now, but Hongyi is stuck at the mouth of the Datian River, we must have a plan to deal with it , so I had to feel wronged and go out again."

"Where are you going?" He Zhi asked super sensitively. "If you want me to go out and fight Hongyi head-on, it won't work."

"You don't need to fight hard with Hong Yi, Mr. He, I'm afraid you don't know that Captain Fang's Daishan was detained by Hong Yi." He Zhichao raised his brows and let out a hush immediately. "Now Dongning's transport fleet will arrive in a few days, we can't let them also fall into Hongyi's hands." He Zhichao nodded, watching his movements, Zhuge Fengyetu said poorly. "So I hope you can go to the north. It is best to block Gao Cheng's Red Crab first, and then lead Captain Murong and the others to take a safe route."

"Boy Gao is also a smart person. Like me, he has explored waters a lot. I guess he won't suffer even if he meets Hongyi. As for the old boy Murong Bin's boat group." He Zhichao shook his head. "The sea route is vast. Even if they come close to Singkouyang, they may miss it. How can you let me stop them?"

"Old He, this is why you are confused." Zhuge Fengye laughed. "Murong's convoy is going to send some ordnance, provisions and medicines to Wuqiyu this time. Why don't you just wait there with Gao Cheng?"

"If that's the case, then it's fine." He Zhichao nodded, but then said shamelessly. "I won't stay in Centipede Islet for a long time. I'll come back as soon as I find Gao Cheng and I'll come back. Seeing how loving Gao is with his new wife, my teeth are knocked out."

"Is it a broken tooth or a greedy one? I heard that your brother asked Zhang Mingcheng to find you a private room in Batavia. Why don't you bring it back and show it to the big guys." The officials finished their business, so Gong Changming winked and joked with He Zhichao. "However, I can remind you that if you lose the money from the Governor's Mansion for the private room, then don't blame the brothers for making things difficult."

"It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, who is your brother?" He Zhichao glared at Gong Changming. "It's enough for me to be your father. Is there anyone who talks to uncle like this?" He Zhichao reprimanded him with a smile on his face. "Even if I have an outhouse in Batavia, so what? I was a bit old-fashioned when I was traveling across the sea. Do I need money from the Governor's Mansion?"

"Old He, don't be angry, Gong Hujun's hair hasn't even grown yet, why are you as knowledgeable as him?" Tian Chao laughed, calming down possible internal disputes. "By the way, speaking of your concubine, have you talked to Zhang Mingcheng and asked him to find some women from the Han people in Java. There are still a lot of brothers and sisters in the governor's mansion who have no families."

He Zhichao's face quickly sank after hearing Tian Chao's words: "Commander, those new soldiers from Qiongzhou or released Dongning mine slaves, do you really want to use the capital of the Governor's Mansion to find wives for them? ?”

"Yeah, although they didn't follow the master at the beginning, they are all Han people anyway. In this foreign land thousands of miles away, the Han people will always help the Han people." Obviously, Tian Chao was not answering He Zhichao's question alone. "Besides, as long as they have a family and a business, they will follow us to cherish this overseas land. Only when they take root here, can they follow us to defend it."

Zhuge Fengye on the side also said with emotion: "I agree with the governor's words. When we go overseas, there will be no new affiliated troops and old Zheng troops, let alone miners. Only a group of Han Chinese can live here." Tigers and wolves look around to create a small world in a foreign country, and I think even if I spend a little money for it, the Lord will not disagree."

"That's the truth." He Zhichao grinned. "Forget it, next time I'm in Batavia, I'll have a chat with Zhang Mingcheng, but there are thousands of people, and it won't be resolved in a short while. There will be Chu Youyan first, and then don't blame me for being old. Why are you doing something unreasonable?"

"They dare," Tian Chao turned his face. "It looks so good that it can be eaten? Besides, when the lights go out at night, it's just two wives and one hole. Maybe it can help with housework if you're rough."

"Captain, what you say is against your will." Cao Yi smiled at Tian Chao with a sly look. "Why don't I go back and tell some Madam Ru that they are not as good as rough maids?" In fact, Tian Chao's concubines can do whatever they want except that they don't have to go to the ground like ordinary people. There isn't much special about it, but Tian Chao's reputation for lust is well-known in the army, so Cao Yi, who is a township party member, took it for granted. "Or tell Dongning to look for the ugly and stupid when I get engaged to you, but if this is the case, I'm afraid your reputation will be bad."

"You boy, it's itchy, easy to handle," Tian Chao said with a sinister smile. "Double the training of the sword and shield whistle this week"

"The big guys have seen it, and the governor is avenging his personal revenge."

In the midst of the noise, a junior military officer ran over to report: "Captain, the Daishan has been released."

"Old He," Tian Chao immediately put away his hippie smile. "Captain Fang hasn't finished his mission yet, I'm afraid he's not very happy, so I'll trouble you to appease him"

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