For the businessmen in Fuzhou, the sudden appearance of Zheng Jun is definitely an unprecedented disaster---in order to keep the city, Wang Zhi personally patrolled the city to boost morale, Bian Yongyu commanded the provincial city guards to seal down grain shops and wine shops in order to hoard food for a long time. Zhan and Lu Chongyao were in charge of Latinsov to enrich the city's defense force --- only a small number of gentry with financial resources and status managed to get out of the city safely before the arrival of the Zheng army's siege army through bribery and other methods.

On May 46th in the 3th year of the Yongli calendar, [-] people from the Zheng army began to bombard Fuzhou while constructing trenches to block the city. The cannon fired back, and for a while, gunpowder smoke enveloped the ancient banyan city of Fuzhou.

Due to the reinforcement of the city walls of Fuzhou in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the two-and-a-half-inch and three-inch field guns owned by Zheng Jun could not damage it at all, and the number of three-and-a-half-inch artillery belonging to Zheng Jun's division was quite limited. It did not put too much pressure on the Qing army defending the city, but strengthened the confidence of Wang Zhi and others to stick to it.

Of course, Zheng Jun's exploration was not completely ineffective. Zheng Jun found that the distribution of the Qing army had more troops on the east and west sides, while in the north and south of the city, there were fewer troops due to the barriers of Pingshan, West Lake, Yushan, and Wushan respectively.However, there are also differences between east and west. Because there is only one gate of Zuxianmen in the west city, the Qing army only has the banner of Fubiao and two battalions. In the east city, there are three gates: Chuanchangmen, Tangjingmen, and Yanshengmen. Therefore, the third battalion of the supervisory standard and the first battalion of the military standard are arranged in this direction.

"It seems that there is only a hard hit." Hong Gongzhu, the capital of Fujian, decided after listening to the reports of the generals of the divisions. "Our time is limited, we must fight quickly," Hong Gongzhu ordered at this point. "Order all the divisions, no matter what method is used, within three days, the cannon must be set up on Jinji Mountain for me."

The section of Jinji Mountain outside Yansheng Gate is actually not a mountain, but a large weedy mound. Due to the relatively high terrain, the artillery can get a better shooting vision, so it was selected by Hong Gongzhu as the main attacking force. However, Hong Gongzhu could imagine that the Qing army was not an idiot, so when Zheng Jun made a move, the once closed Yan Sheng Gate opened from the inside.

"Pay attention, the Qing captives are coming out." After the simple position built by Juma, Zheng Jun, who had two outposts, was waiting with his arms. A horizontal formation that is not very thick. "Riflemen check their weapons, and sword-shieldmen pay attention to anti-cannon."

Before the commander's words hit the ground, they were drowned out by the gunfire from Fuzhou City.The three provinces of Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong were the first fortress for the Qing court to face the Ming and Zheng regimes. They have always had the largest number of troops and the best armor and firearms. According to the habit of putting the best equipment by the commander's side, Fuzhou, the provincial capital, naturally It also has the strongest artillery in Fujian Province.However, no matter how well-equipped the artillery is, it is useless if the Qing army does not know how to use it. According to the habit inherited from the Ming Dynasty, the Qing army in Fuzhou on the front line of Yanshengmen no matter whether the artillery they have has enough range to get Jinji Mountain, they are swarming and blasting. It is amazing, but the effect is extremely poor. Only the ten-pound iron bullets fired by a very small number of general Wucheng Yonggu's cannons with a long range caused considerable casualties to Zheng Jun.

"Steady." Watching the flying iron bullets hit the comrades around him and then bouncing back all the way, the sentry officers at both ends of the team screamed as if they didn't hear the wailing of their comrades. "Keep the formation, all stabilized."

At this time, the black soldiers who had been prepared in the rear rushed forward one after another, dragging the wounded and the dead out of the position one by one, and when they got out of the way, the formation of the sentries became strict again, but it became thinner and thinner.

The Qing army fired again for a while, perhaps thinking that they should disperse the blocking Zheng Jun. Before the smoke on the city cleared, hundreds of Qing troops with whips in their mouths or wearing double cotton A or shirtless rushed out, combined with the ferocious expressions on their faces, it really looked like a group of evil spirits rushed out of hell.

The two outposts, which had been reduced by nearly [-]%, stood firmly in the direction of the Qing army. The damaged horses were no longer enough to help them, but fortunately, the Qing army stopped shelling for fear of accidental injury. This allowed them to concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of them: "The first team, we have them all, let's shoot!"

The sound of blunderbusses like roasted beans broke the short silence, and the advancing Qing army suddenly withered a group, but at a distance of more than eighty steps, Zheng Jun's rifles were not enough to stop the Qing army's charge, let alone , the Qing army also fired back with bird guns, and someone from Zheng Jun's side also fell to the ground when they were hit by each other.

Fortunately, Zheng Jun's shooting continued continuously, and the supporting two-inch guns were also firing shotguns at the moment. Because of insufficient capital, the Qing army, who did not dare to invest too much, could not exchange the advantage in numbers for victory, and had to pay for it. It took a great price to rush into Zheng Jun's formation. At this moment, a certain battalion of the Qing Army that once had 500 people has shrunk into a death squad of less than [-] people.

The death squads of the Qing army who rushed into the ranks of the Zheng army did not get much advantage. Zheng Jun's sword and shield hands quickly dragged them down. In the forest of guns, in front of the neat assassination, personal bravery will not play a big role at all, and no matter how good the protection is, it will not be able to stop the rolling gun array

"Fire the cannon and continue to bombard them!" Wang Zhi, who was in charge of the battle, ordered angrily, and the city of Fuzhou was once again shrouded in gunpowder smoke, but this time Zheng Jun did not continue to work there. Most of the army's shelling this time was just a waste of ammunition. "Which lord is willing to attack and destroy the cannon again?"

Wang Zhi's questioning was met with dead silence. Just as his face was displeased, a general manager bravely stepped forward and said: "The platform is made, and the humble staff thinks that Haini is deliberately luring the officers and soldiers out of the city to fight with them in the field." , intending to consume the guarding army, such treacherous schemes, the Governor must guard against them."

Wang Zhi frowned and glanced at Mr. Qian, then looked at the generals who showed agreement, and snorted coldly: "Don't I know Hai Ni's plot? But once Hai Ni puts the cannon Once they reach Jinji Mountain, they will hit the city wall of Fuzhou directly. If the city wall is lost by then, can Fuzhou city still be defended?"

"My lord, if there are no soldiers, how can we defend ourselves only by relying on the strength of the people." Hua Zizhen, the deputy general of the Supervising Biao Zhongying, bowed. "Besides, the city wall of Fuzhou has been repaired many times in the previous and current dynasties. It has a thick diameter and is covered with green bricks. It will take a lot of time for the sea to destroy it. Maybe it will wait for the reinforcements from the north and the south to arrive. , Hai Ni has not been blasted away yet, even if it is blasted away, as long as another wall is built inside, Hai Ni will be helpless."

In the northeast corner of Fuzhou, Zheng Jun can use Jinji Mountain as an artillery position, but in other directions, Zheng Jun can only use earthworks to dig trenches and gradually approach. It's slow, and Fuzhou is located in the southern water zone, with abundant groundwater. Although the water seeping out of the trenches is not as exaggerated as filling the ditches overnight, it also caused Zheng Jun a lot of trouble.

The Zuo Funing division adapted from Funing Town is naturally unwilling to cause this trouble, not to mention that they don't have the combat skills to realize the approaching tactics of the tunnel, so they adopted the most primitive and bloody ant-attachment tactics, first driving the people away Filling up the moat, and then uninterruptedly launching a fierce attack on the front line of Zuoxianmen, although most of the time it was just a bluff, but it put more pressure on the Qing army, which was unexpected before the war

"Big Niuzi, you said that the cannons in this city are hitting like thunder, is it still necessary for us to fight against Haini?" In the vacant barracks of the Superintendent Biao Zuoying, Xiang Erbao, who was a commoner not long ago, was beside him. Neighbors inquired.

"No matter how loud the cannon is, it's useless. Once the Zheng family attacks the city, we will be the first to fill it in." Before the neighbor Feng Niu could answer, Guan Wu on the side replied. "Are you afraid of death, kid?" Guan Wu is a gangster on the street. Although he is criticized for sneaking around, he is actually very righteous. "However, it's useless to be afraid. When you fill it in, you will either kill or be killed."

"Fifth Brother, I, I don't want to die. My mother only has one son, and I will give her her death in a hundred years."

"It's up to you and me." Guan Wu gave Fan Erbao a sympathetic look. "If in the past, it was a big deal to spend some money to clear it, but now even if the money is stuffed, those who should go to the top of the city have to go to the top of the city. This is called being loyal to the country and dying in the city together." Speaking, talking, Guan Wu suddenly Spit on the ground. "Actually, shit."

"Guan Wu, please keep your voice down. There are people patrolling the camp outside. If you listen to it and report it to the higher authorities, you will lose your head." Du San, who turned out to be the clerk of the restaurant, hastily stopped Guan Wu from speaking without restraint. "The so-called life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in the sky. This is a predetermined doom in our destiny, and no one can escape."

"Bullshit, you kid thought you were waiting in the hall, and you just don't talk about state affairs when you open your mouth, so let's forget it." Guan Wu* curled his lips in disdain. "The wine shop is closed, and you have also been pulled to be a hero. You are still at your own risk. In my opinion, our fate is not in our own hands. It should be changed to "Life and death."

"Early death and late death are both deaths." Du San seemed to believe in Buddhism, so he saw it very well. "Dead early and reincarnate early, and change to a better skin next time, so you don't have to suffer in this life."

Fan Erbao's teeth clenched: "Death, I'm afraid, I don't want it, I want to see my mother."

"Erbao, don't do stupid things." Guan Wu saw that Fan Erbao was in a bad mood, and grabbed the old neighbor. "If you escape, don't say that you may succeed, even if you succeed, if soldiers rush to your house to arrest people, wouldn't it implicate your mother." Fan Erbao sat there straight, tears streaming down his face Seeing this, Guan Wu gave a wry smile. "Oh my god, this thief, he really doesn't want people to live!"

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