Speaking of which, Zhang Yunyi, the admiral of the Fujian army who was stationed in the direction of Zheng Jun in the direction of Fuqing's block defense Haitan, was the first to notice the problem in Fuzhou. However, since May [-]th, the news from Fuzhou has been cut off, and even the messenger sent by Fuqing to Fuzhou has not returned. Zhang Yunyi, who was born, naturally had a bad feeling --- he mobilized the Xinghua City Shouxie Zuoying, Changfuying, and Tibiahouying under his command to inquire northward, and suddenly found that the shuttle on the Wulong River was actually It is Zheng Jun's soft-sail gunboat.

The frightened Zhang Yunyi immediately sent an alarm to Guangzhou. At the same time, due to reasons such as Fuzhou being besieged and poor sea routes, he detoured to Shaowu to seek help from Jiangxi and Beijing. More than [-] people from eight battalions including Qianying, Houying, Changfuying and the affiliated Jianning Town Zhenbiao Zuoying, Yanping City Shouxie Zuoying, and Tingzhou Town Shaowucheng Shouying Zuoying are preparing to return to the north To rescue Fuzhou, only the left and right battalions of the Xinghua City Shouxie were left to guard the direction of Haitan.

But Zhang Yunyi's army had not been dispatched yet. Zheng Jun suddenly increased his troops on the front line of Haitan and bombarded Xinghua Bay, forcing Zhang Yunyi to consider the possibility of being flanked by Zheng Jun. On the one hand, they repeatedly urged Zhangquan and Guangdong and Jiangxi to send reinforcements.

But even Zhang Yunyi himself knew how slim the hope of rescuing Fuzhou would be. Even if all the soldiers and horses set off immediately after receiving the report, it would take about half a month to arrive from the nearest Zhangquan line. The fastest speed when Zheng Jun does not send troops to contain it, but will Zheng Jun not send troops?Even though Zheng Jun has tried his best to attack Fuzhou, will Fuzhou remain in the hands of the Qing Dynasty in half a month?

Zhang Yunyi, who was stained with the blood of the Ming Army, Dashun Army, Daxi Army, Zhou Army, and other anti-Qing militias together with his father, General Jingni and Zhang Yong, the admiral of Gansu, is already nailed to the shame of the traitor. His master was abandoned?Zhang Yunyi did not dare to imagine his own ending after the fall of Fuzhou City.

In order to prevent himself from ending up as a human being, Zhang Yunyi locked himself in his room and thought hard for a whole night. In the early morning of the next day, dispirited, he immediately summoned all the battalion leaders and proposed a campaign to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao. The plan is to storm the Longgao Peninsula with six battalions of nearly [-] troops. Even if Zheng Jun cannot be driven from the land, they must be forced to stop obstructing the rest of the Qing army from marching towards Fuzhou.

Regarding Zhang Yunyi's plan, all the generals looked at each other in blank dismay, but the military order fell like a mountain, and they could only break away from the sealed defense line that had been painstakingly managed for many years, change their original defensive posture, and turn around to kill Zheng Jun's control area.

However, the attack of the Qing army was indeed beyond the expectation of Zheng Jun who was preparing for the attack. Fortunately, Zheng Jun's main attack force had not yet launched, so the possibility of being flanked by the Qing army was naturally avoided. , so that although the Zheng army contained the main force of Zhang Yunyi's troops, it was unable to stop the Qing army's northern aid from Zhangquan and other places.

"Swoosh! Boom!" Zheng Jun's divisional artillery passed the traffic trench opened by the center base post with difficulty and approached the Qing army's city defense. The blunderbuss that poked out his head and shot down couldn't reach it, so he could only let Zheng Jun unilaterally abuse him.

After the huge roar, the bricks inlaid on the outer layer of the ancient city wall cracked and turned into a pile of abandoned rubble scattered at the foot of the city. However, the thick layer of rammed earth then absorbed the kinetic energy of the shells. It looks scary, but in fact it forms a shallow crater at most, which can't cause much damage.

Looking at the results of their own shooting, the helpless Zheng Jun gunners had no choice but to shout slogans to reset the artillery, then cleared the chamber, reloaded, and finally fired again. The monotonous and boring process consumed too much physical strength of the artillerymen. The results are indifferent.Speaking of which, although Zheng Jun adopted the tactics of concentrating fire to attack the same section of the city wall, since the shelling results at this time are still uncontrollable, it is also a piece of shit luck if two shells hit adjacent positions occasionally. However, it will take at least two to three days to really break down this section of the city wall, during which time it will be necessary to guard against night and strong attacks by the Qing army.Fortunately, the Qing army didn't know how to deal with the trenches at all, so every time they attacked, they left a field of corpses. After fighting a few times, the Qing army learned how to behave, and no longer came out to interfere with Zheng's long and seemingly "ineffective" battle. Shelling game.

However, in the Jinjishan section, Zheng Jun did not have the desire to forcefully relocate the city wall. Relying on the oblique artillery position built at a suitable height, Zheng Jun used a huge firing angle to hit solid bullets and shotguns on the city wall in succession, which not only ignited the The enemy building on Yan Sheng's gate even beat the Qing army up and down the city and ran away with their heads in their hands.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Qing army was blocked by the three-and-a-half-inch (12-pound) guns, Zheng Jun quickly built several pontoon bridges on the moat, and then several carts covered with wet quilts and rawhide were pushed away. Cross the river and stick to the city wall.Several Kunlun slaves, the middle base post in the hub, were digging under the city wall with pickaxes, steel shovels, and human drills.Although some soldiers of the Qing army who stayed behind risked their lives and threw down the base stones, and some of them were destroyed by gold juice, most of them still dug out several shallow pits.

At this time, a new batch of car hubs also crossed the river, and this batch of middle base posts across the river carried thousands of catties of gunpowder.Perhaps seeing Zheng Jun's plan, the Qing army took the risk of opening the city gate in an attempt to send troops to kill Zheng Jun's actions, but the three-inch artillery sent by the regiment blocked the Qing army's way out of the province with dense shells.

The fuse was ignited. Dozens of Kunlun slaves ran back quickly, regardless of showing their backs to the Qing army on the top of the city, and finally boarded the pontoon bridge, but the shock wave had already caught up. At that moment, it turned into gourds rolling all over the ground, and some of them fell into the water and died.

When the water splashed by the flying rammed earth blocks calmed down, Zheng Jun, who was about to attack, looked around, and saw that the shallow entrance of the cave had now become dark, as if the cave had already opened up the inside and outside of the city, but it was dark. The power of the gunpowder is really insufficient, the amount of a thousand catties only formed radial cracks outside the hole.

If you don't succeed the first time, come back for the second time. Zheng Jun, who can produce saltpeter and sulfur by himself, doesn't have much else, the most is all kinds of gunpowder.I saw the Shangguan give an order, and dozens of Kunlun slave soldiers rushed towards the big hole caused by the first blasting again, pushing the simple hub of the car against the possibility of accidental fire from their own artillery.

The Qing army seemed to understand that the last moment had come, and immediately hundreds of soldiers rushed out from the city. Some of these soldiers were torn apart by artillery fire as soon as they reached the horse's face, and some persisted for a little longer. The flying lead lifted his head, and what's more, the gunpowder he carried was ignited by the scorching bullet, turning him into a Pyroman.However, the Qing army was a little crazy and refused to hide or give way. The general fell, and the garrison commander rushed up to command, but the garrison commander was injured. The guerrillas and generals also went into battle with bows and guns

Under the cover of their own artillery fire, the Kunlun slaves who advanced against the bullets fired by the Qing army left half of their companions, and finally stuck to the black hole, one hundred catties, two hundred catties, five hundred catties, eight hundred catties, one catty One thousand catties, one thousand five hundred catties, the Kunlun slave who piled all the gunpowder into the black hole quickly ignited the wire, and then staged a life-threatening run again.

Amidst the loud roar of the Qing army on the city, the fuse gradually burned to the end, and then a dull explosion sounded. After a shake, the city wall on the northeast side of Fuzhou slowly but firmly collapsed, and finally it took a person standing on the city wall with it. All the officers and soldiers of the Qing army smashed hard on the relatively solid ground.

The artillery of the Zheng Army, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly fired a series of solid bullets and shotguns at the collapsed city wall. At the same time, thousands of officers and soldiers, including the front guard and the two whistles, jumped up silently, facing the collapsed city wall. The dispersed sand and dust rushed across the pontoon bridge like a whirlwind, all the way to the breakthrough.At this time, the Qing army woke up from the shock, and the reinforcements dispatched earlier rushed to the collapsed place, but before they confronted Zheng Jun, there was a storm of metal.

The officers and soldiers who released all the ammunition in the three-eyed blunderbuss in their hands threw away the useless weapons and drew out their long knives and sharp axes to meet the dizzy Qing army. Eye blunderbuss, just swing it up and use it as a bone (hammer).

The sound of killing immediately rang out inside and outside Fuzhou City. The Zheng army in wart armor and the Qing army in cotton armor were fighting each other. At first, the Qing army suppressed the Zheng army by virtue of their superiority in numbers, but as they lined up With the input of well-formed sentries, the Qing army, which was swept away by the platoon of guns, was forced to retreat steadily, so that Yan Shengmen on the side also fell into the hands of Zheng Jun.

Following Yan Shengmen's change of hands, more Zheng troops poured into Fuzhou City. Some of the Zheng troops fought on the ground with the reinforcements from the Qing army, while the other part of the Zheng troops quickly climbed to the top of the city and supported them with rifles. own attack.After clearing the Dubiao Youying and Chengshouxie Zhongying near Yanshengmen, Zheng Jun immediately went west along the city wall to capture the commanding height of Fuzhou, Wanghailou, and rushed further towards the north gate, Yiaimen.Due to the shielding of Pingshan Mountain and West Lake on the side, there is only a part of Fubiao Youying of the Qing Army on the front line of Yiai Gate. Facing the sweeping Zheng Army, it is impossible to stop it, so it can only flee to the city.

After the Yiai Gate was opened, another division of Zheng Jun was able to pour into the city, which happened to block a counterattack by the Eight Banners soldiers stationed there.

As more and more Zheng troops poured into the city, the Qing army guarding the city knew that the situation was over. Many newly recruited brave men such as Guan Wu and Fan Erbao took off their uniforms and sneaked back home as long as they did not die. , some of the green flag soldiers who lived in Fuzhou for a long time also followed suit, so the Qing army fought less and less, and the victory or defeat has been decided so far

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