"Congratulations, my lord, congratulations to my lord, this time I will definitely be able to become a marquis."

Hearing the congratulations from the soldiers around him, Hong Gongzhu's face showed a slight gleam of joy.That's right, apart from Zheng Cong, Zheng Ming, Zheng Kezang and other three Zheng family members who were granted the title of Marquis, Ming Zheng has no third-class marquis. May become this No.1.

But he was full of joy, Hong Gongzhu was still very clear-headed. He knew that all this was just the beginning: "Has the whole city been taken down? Have the troops who entered the city seized all the treasuries? The Qing Dynasty below Wang Zhi Have the court officials caught it? Have the remnants of the Qing army been wiped out? What changes have happened to the Qing army in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jianning, Xinghua and other places? If these things are not implemented, Fuzhou will not be able to defend if it is defeated."

Under Hong Gongzhu's scolding, all the soldiers jumped up and down. Seeing this scene, Hong Gongzhu couldn't help laughing, and then he seemed to realize something, turned around and ordered to Wu Bian next to him: : "Immediately report the victory to Dongning, and then invite the Master Superintendent and Lu Fuyuan to come to Fuzhou to preside over the overall situation immediately"

As the provincial capital of Fujian and the largest military depot that fought against Ming and Zheng, Fuzhou hoarded a large amount of supplies, among which there were more than 420 horses of all kinds. In terms of artillery captured, there was the most powerful general Wucheng Yonggu in the Qing army. There are 72 Shenwei Invincible General Cannons. As for the other calibers, there are 50 and 49 Hongyi Cannons, Folang Machine Cannons, and Tiger Crouching Cannons. In addition, there are 40 bird guns, [-] bows, gunpowder There are [-] catties, [-] collars of various armors, and more than [-] taels of silver in the treasury. As for the stored rice noodles, it is as high as [-] shi, which is enough for all Zheng Jun to eat at one go. It has been more than two years, and the remaining iron materials, wood materials, oil materials, etc. have piled up like mountains. This is only the inventory in the official treasury, and the private property of the people and the confiscated Qing government officials is not included.

"This time I made a fortune." Looking at the beaming generals, Hong Gongzhu also had a smile on his face. "However, those traitors who have forgotten their ancestors and the gentry who are willing to be slaves must be investigated promptly." This made everyone, Xi Daping, the commander of Zuo Huben who was stationed in Fuzhou City, smiled. "Before the war, the lord said that he would use the recruits from northern Fujian to build two more divisions. Now that Fuzhou has been restored, this matter must be paid close attention. Each division should spare part of its strength to reinforce the new division. Of course, the shortfall must be made up as soon as possible. The strength cannot be lower than before the war."

Everyone suddenly agreed, and at this time Hong Gongzhu came to the same teacher Zuo Funing who had a smile on his face but looked a little alienated, all in front of Zhou Zhenghe: "Master Zhou, I know that your Zuo Funing teacher is not well organized. It just so happened that more than 400 Green Banner soldiers were captured in the battle of Fuzhou, and you should screen them out, and fill in all the suitable ones for Zuo Funing's division."

Looking at Zhou Zhenghe who was surprised and delighted, Hong Gongzhu added. "However, I didn't give you much time for reorganization. Two days at most. After two days, you must lead your troops up the Minjiang River and occupy Minqing first, but you will also capture Gutian and Youxi in order to monitor Qing. The movements of Jianning Township."

Zhou Zhenghe responded, but his heart felt bitter for a while. He knew that he was a newly attached army, so naturally the hardest and most tiring work would be entrusted to him. However, if the Qing army from Jianning Town and Jiangxi came, I would be the first to bear the brunt.

But Zhou Zhenghe understood that if he changed his family at this moment, not to mention that he had to go through the military supervisory pass first. The lesson learned by the loyal monk Zhixin is still in sight, and I dare not touch this bad luck.

However, Hong Gongzhu didn't pay attention to Zhou Zhenghe's inner activities. He ordered on his own: "Now you can order Vice President Cai to deal with Zhenghe, Zhoudun (Note: Zhou Ning County, the county magistrate's office at that time), and Songxi. However, please ask him to make it the top priority to block the passage of the Qing army from Zhejiang to enter Fujian. As long as the Qing army from the north is blocked, the Spyker he wants is just around the corner."

The news that Cai Yuan rebelled and led Zheng Jun to land was not hidden from Wenzhou Qing army, but at the beginning no one believed it was true. When the fleeing people brought the news that Fuzhou was besieged, they were shocked. Only then did Wen Chudao and Wenzhou Town report the news to the Hangzhou side, but this was after the Hangzhou side learned the truth about Fujian through the Jiangxi messenger.For Zheng Jun's sudden attack on Fuzhou, Zhejiang Province actually welcomes it, because in this way, the pressure on Zhejiang Province on the front line of Ningshaotai will be weakened.However, the Zhejiang side was afraid that this was a repeat of Zheng Junsheng's old trick of attacking the north from the south, so he dared not send troops south.After much deliberation, a group of officials in the province finally decided to adopt the same strategy as Zhang Yunyi's, attacking Xiangshan and Taiping as an explanation to Beijing, so two strange battles that did not aim at defeating the opponent kicked off.

Zhejiang could not draw troops to the south, and Jiangsu did not dare to easily withdraw troops from the southern Jiangsu defense line, so the threat from the north was greatly reduced. At this time, Zheng Jun from Qiongzhou landed in Qinzhou Bay again, looting more than [-] people. Zhang Zizi attracted more than half of the attention of Guangdong Province, and Zhang Wang, the new admiral of the Fujian Navy who did not have enough troops to take care of both the defense of the Zhangquan line and the reinforcements to the north, had to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and transferred Nan'ao, which had no garrison. More than [-] people from Zhenzhen Biaozuoying, Tongshanshuishiying, Jinmenxie Zuoying and other departments went north as the first batch of reinforcements. Naturally, this force was of no avail.

Moreover, the embarrassment of the Qing army was quickly discovered by Zheng Jun. Zheng Kezang rushed to Fuzhou in person, and commanded the various ministries that were still reorganizing and reorganizing to quickly cross the Minjiang River and head straight to Fuqing.Facing the main force of the Zheng army of nearly 2 people, the Qing army who stayed on the front line of Fuqing was forced to flee into Fuqing city to defend it. Unexpectedly, the Zheng army surrounded Fuqing with only one part, and the main force pointed directly at the foreign gate. Being flanked by Zheng Jun on both sides, he was defeated and fled to Xinghua in embarrassment, and guarded behind closed doors with Zhang Wang who hurried over.

Since Zhang Yunyi was defeated, the defenders of Fuqing naturally had no hope, and had to take the initiative to open the city and surrender, so Zheng Kezang was compiled as the Fuqing division, and then he was forced all the way south.At this time, the strength of the Zheng army had expanded to 3000, but the more than 6000 remnants who were still in shock and the reinforcements who were affected by the remnants and gave up hope for the war were not Zheng Jun's opponents at all.Zheng Jun repeated the old trick, blasting the Xinghua city wall with a thousand catties of gunpowder, and then broke into Xinghua city.Although Zhang Yunyi and Zhang Wang tried their best to fight, their subordinates surrendered one after another. The two men with fewer and fewer troops fought hard and died in the end. Xinghua also fell into the hands of Zheng Jun.

On the day Zheng Kezang entered Xinghua, he immediately assigned the Fuqing Division, which had contributed a lot in the attack on Xinghua, to attack Yongtai and Xianyou counties, and used Xinghua's surrendered troops to form the Xinghua Division.After that, Zheng Jun, who had rested for a day, went all the way south along the coastline. The Hui'an defenders who bore the brunt surrendered in Kaesong, and Quanzhou was exposed to Zheng Jun's soldiers without any cover.

Quanzhou defenders also did not dare to resist. Before Zheng Jun arrived, the magistrate and the generals led the troops to abandon the city and fled. Zheng Jun used the Xinghua division to attack Nan'an, Anxi, Yongchun, and Dehua, and the main force followed the official road. Killed Zhangzhou, immediately captured the counties of Tong'an, Changtai, and Haicheng, and besieged the last strength of the Qing army in Fujian Province in Zhangzhou city.

Zheng Jun swept across Fujian in less than a month, and the news that he repeatedly conquered famous cities and captured governors, governors, generals, and admirals quickly spread throughout the country. Everyone was stunned by this fact.Kangxi repeatedly issued edicts to mobilize soldiers and horses from the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, and Guangxi to reinforce Fujian, but the Jiangsu and Zhejiang sides were very worried about going south. Act according to the order, but Ma Qi and Yu Chenglong are also worried that the "disorderly people" in the province will take the opportunity to make trouble.

Seeing that the provinces had their own plans, Kangxi was furious, and immediately announced the imperial conquest. For this reason, he mobilized troops from Zhili, Shandong, Henan and other places and prohibited them from traveling to the Eight Banners. Down.The two provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang were forced to mobilize the main forces defending southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang to the south.

On June 46th in the 41th year of the Yongli calendar, Zheng Jun mobilized heavy artillery to smash down the southern city wall of Zhangzhou.Hearing that Zhangzhou Kaicheng had already led reinforcements to Longyan City, Wang Xinhua, the commander-in-chief of Tingzhou Town, sent an envoy to visit Zheng Kezang after repeated weighing, and then, after receiving Zheng Kezang's promise, announced in Longyan on June [-] , served as the deputy general of the Fujian right.

After Wang Xinhua anyway, Zheng Kezang combined the newly established Fuqing, Xinghua and other newly-affiliated divisions with the Zheng army divisions from Dongning, and replaced the original Kunlun slaves with artillery, supplies, and military divisions. Zhongba and other departments, and established eighteen (Kunlun) slave troops with the remaining Kunlun slaves. Therefore, the Zheng Jun Lu Division already has 22 divisions and 12 regiments without Cai Yuan and Wang Xinhua. Thousands of people

"Although Lianke Dayi has obtained a lot of supplies this time, it does not benefit Dongning's inventory." Zheng Kezang, looking at the ministers in front of him, said openly. "What's more important is that Kangxi, the chieftain of the Tatars, has publicly announced that he will go south in person. Seeing that hundreds of thousands of enemies from the north are about to overwhelm him, I just want to know, should the feudal clan stay on the mainland or just go away after making money like before?"

"My minister thinks that my vassal has almost a province now. If I leave without a fight at this time, I am afraid that it will not only chill the morale of the army and the people, but also have a bad influence on the future return of my vassal to the mainland." From the perspective of appeal, Hong Gongzhu's words are not wrong. Once the outside world recognizes that Zheng Jun is just a rogue, it will be almost impossible for someone to join him. "That's why I thought I would fight no matter what."

"The minister also thought that we should fight." Sun Youlao, who had just been promoted to the same position in the Military Academy, also said the same. "Don't look at the huge momentum of the Qing Dynasty. How can the speed of these tens of thousands of people go south to the middle of Zhejiang be so fast? Besides, there is food. Although the Qing Dynasty can use the food from Jiangsu, Anhui and Jiangxi to supply food nearby, there are tens of thousands of people. How much does the horse chew cost, and this alone will wipe out Qinglu's income this year."

"You also think we're going to fight?" Zheng Kezang glanced over the faces of Lin Sheng and Lin Xian, seeing that they both nodded, he stopped asking. "Since we want to fight, then Qing will tell me later, which direction should I go to advance?"

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